Mr. Trouble: A London Billionaire Standalone (London Billionaires Book 2)

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Mr. Trouble: A London Billionaire Standalone (London Billionaires Book 2) Page 10

by Nana Malone

  Jarred withdrew from her touch, his mind in a whirlwind of thoughts and feelings that he still had to sort out. Kinsley was someone very special to him, there wasn’t a doubt in his mind about that. But did he want to take their relationship to the next level? What would he have felt if they had slept together last night? Would he be questioning his feelings for her now?

  Without saying a word to his mother, Jarred threw some bills on the table and walked away, reaching into his pocket for his cell phone. He knew what he needed to do. Why hadn’t he thought of this before?

  “So, where are we going?” Kinsley asked as Jarred threw the car into drive and started down the road. The sun was setting on the horizon, the disastrous day almost over with. After meeting with his mother, Jarred had fired off two text messages: one to Kinsley inviting her out tonight and one to Turner, telling him to find a damn date so they could double date tonight. He needed Turner to meet Kinsley and see if she was the real deal. Turner wouldn’t hold back and Jarred trusted that his friend would voice his opinion or make Jarred crazy— which he didn’t know. The woman beside him was making him bloody crazy enough.

  “We are going out. I already told you,” he finally answered. “With a friend of mine.”

  Kinsley didn’t say anything immediately as Jarred turned down a street, his jaw clenched tightly. He was on edge, concerned about his growing feelings for Kinsley and the fact that this farce of an engagement was no longer just a farce. At least not for him. “You’ll like Turner,” he added. “He’s not a bad fellow.”

  “Jarred,” she said softly, looking over at him with concern on her face. “Why are you doing this? Is this about this morning? We should probably talk about—”

  Christ, he could still taste her, sweet and spicy. Jarred cleared his throat, wishing he had an answer to just fire back at her. Hell, he wasn’t sure why he was going to these lengths. So, he went with what he considered as the truth. “I want to spend time with you. Is that a crime?”

  She didn’t say anything as he pulled into the parking lot and shut off the engine, climbing out before he lost his nerve and took her home. He rounded the back of the car as Kinsley was climbing out, pinning her against the car with his body before she could take a step forward. She looked up at him, her eyes wide with surprise as he reached out, cupping her cheek with his hand. “I’m sorry,” he said roughly. “I shouldn’t be an ass.” The day’s events, the meetings with his parents, still had him on edge and he was taking it out on the one person that had stood up for him today.

  She wet her lips, giving him a small smile. “Well your day didn’t start out very well.”

  “Actually, it started freaking fantastic.” He dropped his forehead to hers. “I could taste you all day, spicy on my tongue,” he said softly, his thumb stroking her soft cheek. “Thank you for what you said to my father this morning.” God, he wanted to kiss her again so badly. She had done something that no one else had ever done for him, not even Susan.

  “It’s the truth,” she answered. “Why can’t you see that?”

  Surprised, Jarred looked at her. “What?” he asked, a sudden pain in his chest appearing out of nowhere.

  Kinsley shrugged. “I mean, you can be that person Jarred. I believe you already are, to tell you the truth, but you just have to show it.”

  Shaken, Jarred stepped back, releasing her so that she wouldn’t see the way her words had affected him. She had so much faith in him and it was frightening. “How did you know about the cars and the sketches?”

  “Jarred.” Her voice shook. “I saw them in your flat that first night we met. They were really good.”

  Jarred turned to see Turner approaching, a petite redhead with glasses on his arm. “Bugger off. I didn’t think you were ever going to get here,” Turner said as he reached them. “Ms. Wells. It’s a pleasure.”

  “Kinsley, please,” Kinsley replied, sticking out her hand. “You must be Turner.”

  “This is Mary,” Turner said, a grin on his face as he introduced his date, who was looking at them both curiously. “We, ah, work together.”

  “I’m the broad that keeps him in check,” Mary supplied, laughing as she shook both of their hands. “Mary Blisser. Nice to meet you both.”c Jarred liked her immediately. Turner looked so fucking happy that Jarred felt that his friend was going to burst open at any moment. Did he look that way around Kinsley? Bloody hell.

  “Well, shall we get our bowl on then?” Turner was saying, referring to the bowling alley behind them. Jarred’s plan wasn’t his normal nightly fare but something fun, that he hadn’t done in quite a while.

  “I love bowling,” Kinsley answered, looking up at Jarred. He took in her smiling expression and wanted to kiss the hell out of her right then and there. Screw Turner. Susan had never looked at him like that. She would have wrinkled her nose, complained about everything in bloody London if he’d dragged her to something like this. Jarred forced a tight smile, reaching down to grab her hand instead. He needed to touch her, to assure himself that this was very real and not just some weird dream. “Well, let’s not wait any longer then.”


  She was having fun. The realization hit her as she threw the ball down the lane, watching as it knocked down a few pins before turning around to give Jarred a high five. Jarred had loosened up as well, her earlier concerns that something was really wrong now in the back of her mind. He grabbed her around the waist and spun her around, making her laugh aloud. She liked this Jarred.

  “Stop,” she said, lightly hitting his shoulder so that he would put her down. He grinned and kissed her forehead before doing so, grabbing his ball to set up for his turn. Kinsley had noted that tonight he’d been more touchy feely than ever, like he was really wanting to do it. After all, she was sure that Turner knew the truth about their arrangement. She sat down next to Turner, finding Jarred’s friend very likeable. He was the complete opposite of Jarred and Kinsley was really surprised that they were friends.

  “So you think he will get another gutter ball?” Turner said as they watched Jarred wait for the lane to be cleared of pins. “Jarred is horrid at bowling.”

  “It shows,” she giggled, looking up at Jarred’s score. It was truly dreadful.

  “You know, I think he loves you,” Turner said softly as Jarred started his approach to the lane. “You make him happy.”

  Kinsley’s throat seemed to close up then, unable to find the words to refute that claim. She wanted to be the one to make him happy. Jarred deserved happiness. “I—I,” she started. Turner chuckled, laying a hand on her arm briefly.

  “Don’t worry, he doesn’t know it yet, but he will. Just … He’s my best mate, the only person I trust in this miserable world. Please don’t hurt him.”

  “I won’t,” Kinsley said softly, watching as Jarred rolled the ball down the lane before walking back toward them, a frown on his handsome face. She didn’t want to hurt him. Jarred had been hurt enough in his life. She wanted to be that person that made it all better for him.

  “Hey you got two pins,” Turner announced as Mary came up to stand beside his chair. “That’s got to be a record.”

  “Bugger off,” Jarred muttered, running a hand through his hair. “I never liked this damn game anyway.”

  “You only don’t like it because you are horrid at it,” Turner laughed, looking at Kinsley. “Maybe you should teach him a thing or two. You’re pretty good at this bowling thing.”

  Kinsley blushed as she looked up at the scores, seeing that she was in the lead. She and Rachel had bowled as kids, spending Friday nights wasting their time in a place just like this.

  “As long as they’re private lessons,” Jarred announced, giving her a wink. “Then I don’t mind.”

  Private. Kinsley wanted to be with him privately, again. Feeling his tongue on her heated folds. She wanted to explore his body, make him grin and laugh more and lose those shadows in his eyes. Never in her life had she wanted anyone as much as she wanted Jarred righ
t now. The thought was terrifying.

  They finished the game and turned in their equipment, walking out into the crisp night air. Kinsley walked close to Jarred, her arm brushing against his as they made their way to the car. “Let’s go to the club,” Mary announced, her arm around Turner’s waist. “I want to dance.”

  “I want to sleep,” Turner muttered, looking at them. “Well? What do you think? Shall we hit the club?”

  “I’m actually quite tired,” Kinsley answered. “It’s been a long day.”

  “I’m beat as well,” Jarred said. Turner looked at them both and slowly nodded, though his expression wasn’t very believing of either of their excuses. “Well then, we shall say good night then,” he said.

  They said their goodbyes and Kinsley climbed in the car, her heart pounding in her chest. She wasn’t the least bit tired, but there was something else she wanted, something that was just now climbing in the car himself. She just had to figure out a way to ask for it.

  Jarred slid behind the steering wheel and it wasn’t long before they were on the road, heading toward her side of town. “So,” he said, his hands gripping the wheel. “Is there anything else you want to do tonight? It’s still early.”

  Kinsley swallowed. Should she tell him what she really wanted to do? What would he say? Would he want to have sex with her? “I, um,” she started, her tongue tripping over her words. “I want to go home.”

  He nodded. “I’m sure you haven’t recovered from your, uh, wine last night either.”

  “I want us to go home,” Kinsley blurted out, her voice sounding small in the vehicle. Jarred pulled up to a red traffic light and looked over at her, his eyes heated.

  “What did you say?” he asked.

  “I want us to go home,” she said again, her voice louder this time. “Together.”

  He worked his jaw for a moment. “Are you sure?” he finally asked, his voice low.

  She nodded and he took off, covering the last few blocks in what seemed like seconds. Now nervous, Kinsley didn’t look at him, instead focusing on the scenery out of the window. She was taking a giant leap by sleeping with Jarred. She had already lost her heart to him and rapidly losing the rest of herself to her fake fiancé as well. Now all that remained was to find out what Jarred was feeling or not feeling about her. If Turner’s words were true, Kinsley wasn’t making a mistake in this decision.

  Jarred parked the car on the street and they both climbed out, Kinsley taking Jarred’s hand in a bold move as they approached her building. He wrapped his hand around hers tightly, giving her a smile. “No wine tonight?”

  She laughed, some of the tension easing. “No, no wine tonight. Or beer. Or liquor.”

  “Okay, I got the point,” he said as they walked into the lift, Kinsley pressing the button for her floor. As soon as the doors closed, Jarred turned her in his arms, trapping her against the wall and his body. Kinsley’s breath left her lungs as she looked up at Jarred, her pulse drumming just under her skin. He leaned down and brushed a hair from her shoulder, the smell of his cologne filling her senses. “Are you sure about this?” he asked softly, his breath on her cheek.

  “I—I am,” she breathed as he dropped a kiss on her cheek. She was more than ready.

  The lift doors opened and Jarred stepped back. Kinsley took the moment to catch her breath as they walked down the hall together, close enough to touch. Her fingers fumbled with her keys but she managed to get the door unlocked, stepping into the dark interior of her flat. Jarred shut the door and grabbed her from behind, pulling her roughly against him. She could feel his erection on her ass, the way his hands gripped her waist tightly as if she was going to bolt at any second. Her weak knees wouldn’t allow it.

  He sighed, his lips nibbling at her neck as they stood there in the hall, the darkness all around them. “No lights,” Jarred whispered. “No clothes. Just you and me.”

  “Yes,” Kinsley said softly. This wasn’t wrong. Jesus, she wanted this. They had tiptoed around this intense heat between the two of them and it was time to abate this fire. She turned around in his arms and grasped the edge of his shirt, helping pull it over his head before her hands landed on his warm skin, feeling his strength under her fingers. Lazily, she ran her hands over his chest, touching the planes of his muscles down to his rock hard abs, the ridges both soft and hard under her fingers.

  When she brushed his belt, Jarred groaned. “You’re killing me Kinsley.”

  “We can’t have that,” she whispered, undoing his belt with trembling fingers until his jeans were around his ankles and he was stepping out of them. Her hand brushed against his cock and she gasped. Jarred reached down with a firm hand and guided her hand to him again. “Please touch me,” he said, his voice coming out in a hoarse whisper.

  She wrapped her fingers around the length of him, gripping tightly. A low moan escaped from his lips as she explored him in the dark, unable to see but she could feel the hard length of him, her own body burning up, melting.

  “You have too many clothes on,” Jarred murmured, his voice strained as he reached for her shirt, pulling it over her head. She released him with reluctance to get her shirt off, and he was already working on her jeans as she slid off her bra. When she was naked before him, he pulled her to him, crushing her body against his hard planes, engaging her in a hot kiss, ravaging her mouth with his.

  Kinsley clung to him, her thoughts scattering. This was what she wanted, to be close to Jarred like this. She wanted him to make her feel. She wanted to be desired.

  He backed her up against the wall, rattling the table in the foyer in the process. “Bed,” Jarred mumbled against her neck, his teeth nipping at the sensitive skin there. “Now.”

  She nodded as he bodily moved them to her bedroom, falling on the bed before he covered her body with his. She could feel the stiff length of him at her center, her body arching against him, urging him on.

  She was beyond ready for him. Jarred pulled away, one of his hands smoothing her hair off of her head. In the dim light of the room, Kinsley could see the heated expression on his face, the need that she felt in her body. “Slow,” he said, his hand sliding down her chest to cup her breast. “We are taking it slow.”

  “No,” she said, grabbing at his shoulders.

  He chuckled, tweaking her nipple between his fingers. “Persistent, are we?”

  “Desperate,” she gasped as his hand slipped lower, caressing her stomach before dipping lower, his finger finding her wet slit. Kinsley closed her eyes and gave herself up to his touch.

  Feeling the pressure build with each swipe of his finger. This was far beyond their first encounter. He continued to kiss her, his tongue seeking hers. With a low curse, he rolled away, reaching for his jeans.

  In the darkness she could hear something ripping and then he was pack, his weight pressing her thighs open again. They were going to be on another level after this. Stroke by stroke, his fingers took her higher. Took her to the edge of bliss and back again. But then he swiped over her clit with his thumb.

  When the orgasm hit her, he growled and pushed into her, filling her deep. She arched against the weight of him, her body quivering around him as he stayed there, allowing her to adjust to the feel of him. “You’re so fucking wet,” Jarred whispered, leaning down to brush his lips over hers. She returned his kiss, her legs wrapping around him and pulling him deeper. “I need you,” she panted.

  “You’ve got me,” he answered, moving over her. Kinsley kept her eyes opened, marveling in the concentration on his face, the way his jaw was clenched tightly as he moved in and out slowly. She reached up and cupped his cheek, forcing him to look at her. The emotions in his eyes, they were emotions she hadn’t anticipated on seeing.

  Another orgasm hit her body and her hand started to slip before he grasped it lightly, bringing it back up to his face. Her heart lurched in her chest as he pumped in and out of her, his movements becoming frenzied. “Yes,” she urged him on, raising her body to meet his th
rusts. “Yes.”

  He let out a groan before stiffening, and holding himself over her before his body collapsed on hers. Kinsley could feel the rapid beating of his heart against her own chest, mimicking her own pulse. It was hard to even believe what had just happened, though she knew this changed things, a lot of things.


  Jarred collapsed on his back, feeling weightless. What had just passed between them, it was hard to describe but he wanted to fucking do it again. And again. Rolling over, he found Kinsley lying there, her even breathing nothing compared to the jumbled up thoughts in his mind about where this took them. He had no idea where this took them, only that he wanted to do it again. “Hey,” he finally said, pushing himself up on one elbow.

  She turned and gave him a sleepy smile. “Hey.”

  “So, I was thinking,” he continued, his finger reaching out to touch her shoulder lightly. She shivered under his touch and Jarred was instantly hard, wondering what she would say if he decided to go again. “That I could sleep for a damn week.”

  She blushed. “Me too.” He reached over and pulled her against him until his body was curled around her warm one, his arms encircling her body gently. She sighed and Jarred grinned, trying to think of the last time he’d wanted to do this cuddling shit with a woman.

  Even though he could bury himself between her thighs once more, Jarred was currently happy just doing this as well, hearing her little sighs and feeling her wiggle against him as she fought to get comfortable. She was killing him in more ways than one. He felt her body relax against his and sighed inwardly himself, wondering at what point in his life he’d turned into the guy who was content to cuddle with a woman. No, not just any woman but Kinsley. Only Kinsley.

  He shifted slightly and she rolled toward him, murmuring something intelligible before curling up against him once more, a smile on her face. Yeah, this was a good thing. Jarred knew that now. What if this was real? What if he could have every night with Kinsley like this one? Did he want to do this?


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