Viper (Sons of Sangue)

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Viper (Sons of Sangue) Page 14

by Patricia A. Rasey

  “Depending on the case, agreed.”

  “And about this bastard killing women?”

  “We agree on taking this piece of shit out, but not on me bringing him to you.”

  “I’ll need cold-hard evidence that he’s been dealt with, Viper. No one is just going to take your word for it. I need something to give to the feds that this case has been closed and the murderer has been found.”

  “I’ll give your detective the heads-up once he’s been dealt with. But you’ll get nothing more than ashed remains of the prick. That, I promise. I’ll make sure you have physical evidence to show you got the right man.”

  “And how do you intend to keep my detectives in the loop?”

  “I’ll keep a personal eye out on Cara.”

  “She’s chasing her damn tail in this case. Her and her partner don’t have a clue what’s going on. Following their lead will gain you nothing. I was hoping for better.”

  Kane chuckled this time. “I’m not following anyone’s lead, Ducat. I’ll find this shitbag without your detectives’ help. I’m keeping Cara under my care for other reasons.”

  “How’s that?”

  “I have reason to believe she’s in danger, and that’s all you need to know.”

  “My detective is in danger and you don’t think that’s something you should share?”

  “I said I’d catch this guy, and you’ll get your evidence. Cara, however, is my business.”

  “How so?” Cara asked as she strode into the office, her gaze boring into Kane. “I’m a big girl, Kane. I don’t think I need your help or protection.”

  Kane growled beneath his breath, knowing her bravado was a facade. “I’ll see you at the clubhouse by nightfall, Cara. If you aren’t there, I’ll come looking for you and carry you there myself. That’s non-negotiable,” he said, then left the office, slamming the door behind him.

  Damn, stubborn woman was going to get herself, and likely him, killed before this damned nightmare was over.

  Chapter 13

  “So what the hell was that all about?” Cara asked Sheriff Ducat, pointing her thumb in the direction of Kane’s exit. “You want to tell me why you two were discussing me and how I became Kane’s business?”

  The sheriff’s gaze spoke of his annoyance. He hated being caught with his pants around his ankles. Cara knew that Sheriff Ducat and the Sons had an unspoken agreement and were in bed together. But that didn’t make Ducat happy for anyone to be privy to the fact.

  “Don’t get all worked up over nothing, Brahnam. Kane wants to see you’re protected is all.”

  “Since when did he drop off the suspect list?” Cara’s tone rose, angry that the sheriff was now in on the fact she needed the biker’s protection. “I’m now being protected by a murder suspect? Doesn’t that cross you as a bit odd? Come on, Sheriff, you can’t seriously think I would be better off under the OMC’s care.”

  She was tired of being thought of as helpless, even though in this instance she might very well be. So then why was she fighting Kane’s offer of protection so whole-heartedly? Because she feared being alone with him, and not because he was high on the suspect list. She just hoped Kane was correct and his brothers would do a damn good job of keeping them apart. The last thing she needed was to be caught in a moment of weakness again.

  “We aren’t even sure he’s innocent of murdering these three women in cold blood. And yet you hand me over, someone who matches the look of the dead victims, to the man who very well may have drained them of their blood. Hell, Sheriff, why not just take out your gun and shoot me yourself?”

  The sheriff leaned back in his chair, his face tired and deflated. These cases seemed to have aged him, the worry lines in his forehead were much more pronounced, as were the frown lines between the bridge of his nose. She knew the pressure to solve these cases was much harder on him, not to mention the promise of the State Police and Forensic Services Division coming to Lane County. Cara and her partner could look like boobs in the investigation with little fallout, but these unsolved cases could cost Sheriff Ducat his next election.

  Maybe her outburst had been unwarranted.

  Cara braced her hands on the top of Ducat’s desk, not a paper covering the fine oak surface. Ducat was OCD when it came to his office. On hers, however, you couldn’t find the desk surface.

  “Look, I’m sorry and you didn’t deserve my tirade. But where Kane is concerned these days, you can’t blame me if I’m a bit defensive.”

  “You really think he might be involved in these murders?” The sheriff cleared his throat. “You should know I would never willingly put you in danger, Cara.”

  She took a seat opposite the sheriff and sighed heavily. “I know you wouldn’t. And I don’t know what to think where the president of the Sons is concerned. We have the State wanting to come here and look over our shoulders, thanks to Tab’s murder and her father thinking we aren’t doing our jobs.”

  “Are you doing everything you can to solve this thing?”

  “Of course, Hernandez and I are, sir. I want this son of a bitch caught more than anyone.”

  “So what Kane is saying is true then.”

  The last thing she wanted was Ducat privy to her believing in vampires. Surely, he didn’t know. Or did he?

  “What’s true?”

  “That you’re in danger.”

  She shrugged, not being able to form the lie. Besides, had the sheriff bothered to read the reports on her recent break in, he’d know about the threat on her bathroom mirror. Had he been so preoccupied he hadn’t heard about it? Or had he brushed it off as a nothing more than a pissed-off convict wanting to put a little scare into her? Either way—he should have known.

  “My house was broken into Thursday.”

  He nodded slowly. “I’m sorry, Cara, I’ve been so busy, but I should have asked you about that. I haven’t read the report yet. Any clues?”

  “Not yet. I don’t think anything was taken. There was a threat aimed at me written on my mirror. I believe that was in the report as well.”

  The sheriff’s complexion reddened. “I didn’t read the full report and Hernandez hadn’t elaborated. The threat was aimed at you specifically?”

  “The message said, ‘Open your eyes … and believe. Your turn to die.’”

  Sheriff Ducat pursed his lips as he rubbed his chin, clearly perplexed. “Believe what?”

  Maybe he didn’t know Kane and his brothers were blood-sucking vampires after all.

  “I don’t know.” Cara thought it best not to expound her knowledge to the sheriff. She could see a straight jacket in her future. “But the ‘shall die’ part, is pretty clear. And not only that—”

  “There’s more? Why wasn’t there a second report?”

  “I didn’t report it. It just happened. I woke up this morning and discovered someone had been in my room while I was asleep.”

  The sheriff’s complexion deepened in color. “What the hell? Who?”

  “I don’t know. At first I thought it was Kane when he showed up at my house early this morning. But he swears it wasn’t.”

  “What do you think?”

  Cara took in a deep breath. “Call me crazy, but I don’t think it was Kane either. I believe him.”

  “Which is the entire reason Kane wants you moved out of your house and under someone’s protection.”

  She smiled sadly. “Not someone’s … his. And he’s not taking no for an answer. For some reason, he thinks he’s the only one who can protect me.”

  “You want to stay at my house for a while? I can talk to Alice about it. We have an extra room now that the kids are all off to college. It wouldn’t be a burden and you wouldn’t have a biker hovering over you.”

  “Thanks, but no.” Cara couldn’t involve two more innocent people in this twisted nightmare she found herself a part of. Like it or not, Kane was her only sole choice. If this primordial vampire was real, then Kane and the Sons were her only hope at staying alive. “I’
m going to take Kane up on his offer. If this threat on my life is real, I don’t want Alice, or you for that matter, to get hurt.”

  Cara knew the sheriff would agree. He adored his wife and wouldn’t want to put her in jeopardy.

  He cleared his throat. “If that’s your decision.”

  “It is.”

  “I hate like hell to put you in an uncomfortable position, Cara, but I’m confident the Sons will keep you safe … that is, if this threat is real and not a prank by some young punk or thug you might have brought in.” Ducat tapped his desk. “I’ll have some of the deputies go through your past cases. See if anyone you arrested was recently released, someone who might have a beef with you. We’ll catch this guy. You won’t have to stay under the protection of the Sons for long.”

  “Check with Higgins. Hernandez had him looking into my past cases last I knew. I do hope something turns up and soon. Staying at the Sons’ clubhouse and under Kane’s protection isn’t going to set well with all the Sons.”

  Lord, how the hell did she get herself into such a mess? Stay with the Sons of Sangue? She had to be battier than the nut who wrote on her mirror to even consider such a proposal from Kane Tepes.

  Living under the same roof with the sexiest man alive was downright dangerous in itself, not to mention a whole coven of vampires. Maybe instead of heading for the clubhouse at night fall, she should just head for the state mental hospital and check herself in.

  * * *

  “It’s a Saturday, Brahnam. Don’t you want to take some time off?” Hernandez asked, glancing up as Cara entered their small office.

  It looked like Joe had already been hard at work with papers and manila files littering the desk surface, quite the contrast to Sheriff Ducat’s. Pictures of the dead women were push-pinned to the corkboard adjacent to their work surface, with not a single suspect tacked up. Cara approached the folders on Joe’s desk and withdrew a photo of Kane.

  She had meant to get an earlier start, but due to Kane’s unexpected visit and her chat with the sheriff, she had gotten to the office much later than intended. As for giving up her day off, it wasn’t like Cara had anything more pressing than the cases they worked. After all, who did she have at home waiting? She glanced down at the picture in her hand, but quickly shook off the notion that he might actually be waiting for her. Arriving at the clubhouse at dark would be soon enough to deal with her conflicting emotions. She needed to keep her mind on her job and not her rising libido. Spending too much time in Kane’s company had a very dangerous effect on her. Cara felt as if she were on a slippery slope with nothing much to grab onto to stop her decent.

  Nightfall would come soon enough, but first Cara planned to stop by the nursing home and take her grandfather a piece of peanut butter pie, following her day at the office. It had been a week since she last seen him and she could use the added distraction. He’d undoubtedly give her hell the minute she walked into the room. Cara smiled. She loved her grandfather’s spunk. That’s what kept him alive and kicking at ninety-two.

  “I could ask you the same thing, Hernandez. You got a wife and kids at home waiting for you. Why the hell are you here?”

  “Let’s see, spend the day with the kids fighting and my wife pulling her hair out or working the case. Yeah, tough decision.”

  Cara chuckled. “You know I don’t believe that for a New York minute. You adore your wife and kids.”

  Glancing back at the photo of Kane, Cara walked over to the corkboard, pulled out a silver pushpin and pinned his photo, front and center.

  “Wow.” Joe sat back in his seat and stared at the board, a smile of satisfaction rose on his lips. “Are you really ready to call him a suspect, Brahnam?”

  Cara stepped back and viewed her handiwork. “We have anyone else?”


  “Then at this point, Kane is our only suspect,” she said, not voicing the fact she was handing herself over to him later this evening. For now, she’d keep that between her, Kane and the sheriff. Besides, what better way to keep an eye on him? “I’m still not sold on the fact he did it. But at this point we have little else. I just want to keep a close eye on him and his band of outlaws.”

  “I can’t argue. I’ve been saying that all along.”

  “I know, Joe.” Though, she wasn’t ready to fully commit to the idea either. “You find anything else that might stand out in these files?”

  He shook his head. “Nothing really. But I think we should visit Tom’s Deli about suppertime.”

  Cara narrowed her gaze, a frown creasing the bridge of her nose. “You needing a supper companion?”

  Joe laughed heartily. “Appealing, Brahnam. At least it would be a quiet meal for once. But, no, I was thinking of interviewing some of the customers. See if maybe anyone saw someone making a call from their cell near the restaurant. Our uniforms didn’t turn up anyone, but by the time they arrived, the supper crowd had departed.

  “The cell phone they retrieved was reported stolen several days ago and wiped free of prints. The only call made after the call had been reported stolen was to the S.O.”

  “Visiting at suppertime, we might catch the same crowd,” Cara said, likely voicing what Joe had been thinking. “You sure you don’t want to head home and catch up with me later?”

  “Nope. I’m yours for the day. Char and the kids are going shopping. I really didn’t want to spend the day at the mall.” His gaze turned serious. “You have any other problems at your house since the break in?” he asked, changing the subject.

  Cara shook her head, not ready to reveal last night’s intruder. Besides, that brought up her conversation with Kane, and she wasn’t about to let Joe in on the fact he had shown up at her house at the break of dawn. Or the fact that she could have easily fallen into bed with him. What the hell was wrong with her? She needed to get a handle on her libido and come to the realization that Kane might very well have killed these three innocent women. She would do well to keep her guard up and her enemy close.

  As though knowing where her thoughts were, Joe said, “How about we pay Kane another visit today?”

  Her gaze snapped to his. “For what purpose?”

  He shrugged. “I don’t know. Maybe lean on him some more. I think the bastard knows more than he’s telling us. There’s no way he and his brother, Kaleb, were out for a joyride two nights ago. You and I both know that. And yet we take their word for it?”

  “We took their statement, Joe,” Cara said, annoyed he would think she’d take their word verbatim. “That doesn’t mean we believe them. There’s a big difference.”

  “Then I say we visit the clubhouse and question Kane again.” A smile grew on Joe’s face. “Besides, I kind of like annoying the hell out of him.”

  Twenty minutes later, they pulled into the clubhouse parking lot. Three motorcycles sat to the left of the building. Kane, Kaleb, and Grayson looked to be inside. Cara bet at least two of the three were still asleep. She already knew Kane was up … unless he had gone to bed following his visit to the S.O. If Joe enjoyed harassing him, waking him up ought to accomplish that in spades. Cara wasn’t sure whether to bask in Kane’s misery or her own, should he take it out on her when she returned for the evening.

  Joe opened the passenger side door to her Dodge and climbed out before she had a chance to turn the key off and cut the engine. He headed for the scarred front door with one purpose in mind: pissing off the biker. Cara unfastened her seat belt, climbed out of the car and jogged up the beaten path behind him, dread sitting in her stomach like a rock. Kane swung the door inward after Joe’s incessant pounding, the look on his face none too friendly, even when he turned it on Cara.

  “Let me guess, social call?” Kane grumbled, his glare centered on Cara and ignoring her partner altogether.

  By the look of his sexy bed-ridden hair, she’d bet Kane had been sleeping upon their arrival. No wonder he seemed to have a continuous stream of women. One look at him and she was mighty tempted to join him in t
hat bed herself.

  Whoa, Brahnam … Mind on case.

  As though knowing the path of her thoughts, Kane ran a hand through his mussed hair. His scowl turned to a smirk as he winked at her. Damn him for the insight. Arrogant bastard. Her face heated, no doubt reddening her cheeks.

  “Look, Mister Tepes—”

  “Don’t you two have something better to do … like catch a murderer?”

  “That’s exactly what we’re trying to do,” Joe said with a cocksure smile. “And you need to let us do our job.”

  “Are you here to arrest me?”

  “No, not yet anyway.” Joe pulled out his small tablet and pen from his jacket pocket. “We’re here to ask you a few more questions. Like why you were really out on North Fork Road the night we got the tip about the dumped body in Bender Landing County Park.”

  “Joyriding. Last time I checked, it wasn’t a crime.”

  “Cut the bullshit,” Cara said, stepping past Joe and jamming her forefinger into his sternum. “You and I both know that’s not the reason you and Kaleb were out there. Visibility that night wouldn’t have been great for sightseeing.”

  “I assure you, Detective, I had no problems with my vision that night.”

  “Did you stop near Bender Landing County Park?”


  Cara narrowed her gaze. “I think you’re lying.”

  Kane stepped closer, leaning forward so their noses nearly touched. “Prove it.”

  “You see, Mister Tepes—”

  Kane chuckled when she placed her palm on his chest and shoved. Though her effort wouldn’t have made him budge, he backed up anyway and gave her some much needed breathing room.

  “So formal, Cara? You can call me Kane, or Viper if you choose … but we’re way past the formalities.”

  Hell, she’d much prefer picking up her tail and running as far away from him as possible. Being this close to the man, or vampire, or whatever the hell he was, played havoc on her senses. Mind on case, Brahnam. Could she help it if the man was a walking, wet dream?


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