Viper (Sons of Sangue)

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Viper (Sons of Sangue) Page 18

by Patricia A. Rasey

  Kane raised the wooden gavel, tired of reminiscing, and slammed it against the sound block. Conversation ceased as one by one all eyes trained on him.

  “I called this meeting to inform everyone that the Knights intend to run guns tonight through Lane County. I’m sure you’ve heard by now of our deal with the MC from Washington.”

  The room remained quiet, no one pointing out that aligning themselves with the rival group had never been taken to a vote. Kane was sure there were those who opposed. Grigore cleared his throat, toying with the black rubber bands circling his left wrist.

  After all the members looked in the muscular man’s direction, he raised his chin a notch and leveled his gaze on Kane’s. “I don’t believe we ever voted on this alliance, Viper. Can I ask who took the liberty to make the deal without the full club’s approval? There are those of us who don’t feel an alliance is in our best interest.”

  Kane’s face heated in his rising ire. As president, no one should ever question his decision once made, even if the issue at hand had never been voted on. And Grigore knew damn well who made that decision. By asking the question, he forced Kane to bring it to the table.

  “I made that decision and I didn’t ask, Wolf, because it was a good one. We stand to make a good deal of money off these runs.”

  “Allowing another club to run guns through our state makes us look weak,” he pointed out. Several members nodded their heads in agreement.

  “We can use the Knights as a puppet club. They will answer to us. Sometimes it’s best to take the road of least resistance. We give them a lending hand from time to time, and when we need help, they’ll be there for us. We already know that going up against an opposing club can cause us more trouble than we’re willing to take on at the moment.”

  No one had to voice Ion’s name, but everyone in the room knew Kane spoke of him. Not to mention the drainages in their county now causing them unwanted attention from the law.

  “So what do we get out of this deal with the Knights—other than them being our puppet club?” Grigore asked.

  “We get forty percent of their cut, Wolf. Pretty lucrative deal for doing nothing more than allowing them to skirt Pleasant on their way to Florence and back. Not to mention we have their backs should they get any grief from the law in Oregon. They’ll run under the cover of night. If the state catches on or tries to stop them for any reason, we’ll create a diversion.”

  “Are we just watching out for them as they pass through Lane County? Or are we following them through the entire state?”

  “Two of us will follow them to the Washington border. Make sure they don’t run into trouble, as well as keep a close eye on their activities while in our state. The rest of us will just make sure they get clearance through the county. Any questions?”

  Nicolas rubbed a hand down his banded beard that nearly reached his chest. “What kind of diversion are you talking about?”

  “Anything that will cause us the least amount of trouble, Wheezer. I’m not willing for you guys to do jail time over something that isn’t our gig. The Knights know that. So you do whatever you have to, within reason, to draw the heat from the Knights.” Kane shrugged. “Cut off the cop car. Get them to chase you. Worst we get is a traffic violation. Am I clear?”

  All heads nodded in unison and thankfully no one argued. Kane wasn’t in the mood for opposition.

  “Good. I want Kaleb and Grayson to follow the Knights back to their home state on this run. Everyone else, just be on guard and make sure this goes smoothly as they pass through our county. I’ve already cleared it with the Sheriff. He’ll see to it we have no trouble from him or his deputies on duty. Any objections?” When no one spoke, Kane slammed the gavel back on the sound block again. “Then we’re done here. I’ll see everyone back at the clubhouse at dusk. No exceptions.”

  Everyone began filing out of the meeting room one by one. Kane grabbed Kaleb’s wrist and indicated that he shut the door behind the last of their brothers. Kaleb did as instructed and returned to his seat. The club meeting room had been soundproofed for confidential meetings. Kaleb’s expression told Kane he still wasn’t too happy with his twin’s late night activities.

  “Thanks for keeping this morning quiet. I appreciate you and Gypsy not saying a word.”

  Kaleb leaned back in his chair and crossed his arms behind his head. His booted feet stretched out in front of him. “Telling our brothers about your indiscretions wouldn’t do any of us any good at the moment. We have bigger issues to deal with.”


  His brother leaned forward, the legs of the chair scraped the wooden floor. “Make no mistake, Viper. I’m not agreeing with what you’re up to. I think you ought to throw that bitch out and make her fend for herself. We shouldn’t care one way or the other whether she gets her throat sliced and drained from this primordial.”

  Kane’s jaw ached from tension. He wanted to rip his brother’s heart from his chest for speaking so callously. But putting the boot on the other foot—he might have felt much the same. He’d known getting involved with the detective would not sit well with any of his brothers. Besides, after this morning, she wasn’t about to return to the clubhouse willingly any time soon, no matter what he had to say about the matter. Kane didn’t plan on giving her a choice once his job here tonight was finished.

  “Look,” Kaleb continued, “I know she’s your type, but so are a lot other women out there. Can’t you—”

  Kane interrupted, “I know getting involved with the detective isn’t good for the club. No one, especially you, has to point that out to me. But I can’t change what happened. I fucked her last night.”

  “We heard,” Kaleb grumbled.

  “And all I want to do is fuck her again. Damn, Hawk, she’s got me by the balls.” He ran a hand down his face and sighed heavily. “Maybe, you’re right. I should stay the hell away from her. But I can’t honestly sit here and tell you that’s going to happen.”

  Kaleb stared at his brother for long moments before he whistled low, leaning back in his seat.

  “Jesus, Viper! You didn’t just fuck her, did you? You drank from her.”

  It wasn’t a question, but an accusation. Kane couldn’t hide the truth if he wanted. His brother would spot the lie. “I hadn’t meant to.”

  “No one feeds from an outsider. That rule is in place for a damn good reason, Viper. If she tells anyone—”

  “She won’t.”

  Kaleb leaned forward, anger evident in his darkening black as coal eyes. “How do you know?”

  Kane massaged his forehead between his fingers. Damn, if he hadn’t gotten himself into deep shit this time. “Look, Hawk, give me your word this is between us.”

  Kaleb shook his head and slammed both palms on the wooden table. “You have my word, brother … for now. But you hear me, you best make sure she keeps her big mouth shut. For if I even think she’ll tell anyone about this—I’ll take her life myself. You won’t have to worry about the damned primordial.”

  * * *

  The door cracked open and Cara offered a feeble smile. No doubt Suzi wondered what she wanted this time. The suspicion on her face said as much. Cara had left the clubhouse and headed for the S.O., but after spending a few hours pouring over the files in the nearly empty station, she decided to call it a day. Being Sunday, the deputies on duty were out in the field, leaving her alone with the dispatch. She hadn’t been able to keep her mind on business, not after last night’s festivities and Kane’s telling admission this morning.

  Cara sighed. She had been nothing more to him than a piece of ass. But what did she expect? By Kane’s own admission, he didn’t have girlfriends. Although some sort of compassion would have been preferable to threatening her life should she get chatty. She needed someone to talk to, a friend. Something she suddenly found missing in her life. That’s where Suzi came into the equation. She was likely the only person who would understand what Cara had gotten herself involved in. Besides, not
only would she be thought of as a quack, she wasn’t willing to put Kane and his club in jeopardy. Kane and his brothers had a right to be paranoid. If word got out about the vampires, the public wouldn’t understand and they would be hunted to extinction.

  Cara wasn’t callous enough to allow that to happen.

  Regardless of what his twin, Kaleb, or Grayson thought of her, she wasn’t heartless. She might not understand what they were or how vampires existed, but they were still … what? Human?

  “What do you want, Cara?” Suzi asked, jerking her from her reverie.

  “Can I come in?” Cara shifted her stance uneasily. It never occurred to her Suzi might not want to be her confidant. “I really need someone to talk to, and you’re the only one who might understand.”

  Suzi shook her head, her mouth twisted in indecision, then stepped back. “Come in. I’ll make us a couple of ice coffees.”

  Shutting the door, Cara followed Suzi to the kitchen. Suzi grabbed the half-filled carafe of cooled coffee from the coffee maker. After pulling two tall glasses from the cupboard and adding ice, she poured about a half cup of strong black coffee into each. Cream and a shot of caramel syrup followed the coffee. Sticking a straw into each, Suzi handed a tumbler to Cara.

  She held up her glass, clicked it with Cara’s and said, “Cheers.”

  Taking a sip, Cara savored the creamy goodness.

  “This is delicious. I should stop by more often,” she said, earning her a chuckle.

  Cara had hoped to break the ice as she wasn’t sure how Suzi would feel about her rendezvous with Kane last night since Suzi had all but dodged her questions about her relationship with Kane last time Cara had asked.

  “So why did you stop by? Miss me?”

  Cara suddenly felt the loss of the last ten years. “I do miss having you in my corner, having someone to talk to. I miss our friendship.”

  Suzi propped her forearms on the countertop and leaned forward. “Yeah, I kind of miss that, too. So what’s eating you? I know that look too well not to know something is bothering you.”

  “Am I that transparent?”

  “Like rice paper. Spill it.”

  “It’s Kane.”

  Suzi scratched behind her ear, clearly uncomfortable talking about the man. “What about him?”

  Cara hoped her intuition was correct and Kane hadn’t slept with Suzi. Nor did she think Suzi appeared head-over-heals with the man … scratch that … vampire. What the hell was he, anyway?

  “Are they still human?”

  Suzi laughed again. “Yeah, they’re still human. Don’t believe Hollywood’s version of vampires, Cara. They breath, eat, and sleep just like we do. Their hearts beat, which means they can be killed. Granted they’re harder to kill than we are.”

  “How so?”

  “Their blood regenerates at a very high rate of speed. Any injury they receive will heal … except one straight through the heart or a head wound that stops their heart from beating. Any other injury they’ll survive.”

  Cara thought about the wound on her hand. “Can they heal others?”

  She shrugged. “To a point. If you get cut, they can lick the wound and their saliva will speed up the healing process. Anything more life threatening is a bit more complicated. That, you’ll have to ask Kane about as I’ve probably already said too much.”

  “I won’t tell anyone, Suzi. Surely, you know that.”

  Suzi harrumphed. “Don’t push the shaky bridge we’re building here, Cara. I’m not real sure about anything where you’re concerned these days.”

  “I’ve already apologized. What more can I do to make up for my running away?”

  “Coming here again is a start.”

  Cara smiled, tears welling in her eyes. “I was hoping you would say that.”

  Suzi reached across the counter and gripped Cara’s fingers and squeezed. “You want to tell me about it?”

  Her simple question opened the dam as tears made watery treks down Cara’s cheeks. Suzi let go of her hand, walked around the counter and pulled Cara into her embrace. Sobs shook her. Kane’s admission this morning had cut her straight to the heart. She had no doubt, that if need be, he’d make sure she kept his secret, even if it meant shutting her mouth permanently. The idea she meant so little to him, even though he had made her no promises, still stung.

  Cara stepped back, wiping her cheeks. “I’m sorry, Suzi. I have no right involving you in the mess I’ve made of my life.”

  Suzi pulled out a bar stool and sat, indicating Cara should do the same. “I don’t have anywhere to be. You want to tell me about it?”

  “Maybe I should go.”

  “Nonsense. We’re friends, right?”

  A hiccough escaped her lips. “I’d like to think so.”

  “Then tell me what’s plaguing you.”

  “Are you and Kane … I mean, are the two of you…?”

  “No.” Suzi sighed, then grabbed her drink and took a sip. “I may have wished otherwise, but Kane turned me down flat. He wants nothing more from me than the nourishment I offer. Are you two…?”

  Cara tucked one side of her hair behind her ear. “It wasn’t supposed to happen. I hadn’t meant to allow Kane within ten feet of me. Are you mad?”

  “For screwing Kane? Why would I be? Although I’m curious how he relates to his brother,” she said with a chuckle.

  “You slept with Kaleb?”

  “Once. A long time ago. Before you left town.”

  “Wow, I certainly was blind to what was going on.”

  Suzi shrugged. “I wasn’t exactly forthcoming.”

  “If you slept with Kaleb, then why go after his twin?”

  “Because I hate Kaleb. I’d do anything to get under his skin and piss him off.”

  “What did he do to you?”

  Suzi grimaced. “Long story. But the short of it: I was young and dumb. Kaleb started using me frequently as a donor about six months before you left town. I fancied myself in love with him. I wanted to give him everything, including my heart. In fact, I did. But once we slept together, he walked away without a backward glance. He didn’t speak to me, never fed from me, acted as though we were complete strangers. I was crushed. So I started hanging with another of the Sons, Ion. We were friends, but Kaleb thought there was more to it. Anyway, when everything went south, I no longer had Ion either. Shortly thereafter, you were gone. I had no one to talk to. I was devastated. I would have left the donor society then and there if I could have.”

  This time Cara gripped Suzi’s fingers. “I’m sorry. I was so selfish.”

  “It’s okay.” Suzi offered a weak smile. “That was ten years ago. I don’t even know why I tried to sleep with Kane, other than to make Kaleb jealous. He lost his latest donor, so I knew he’d be in the market. I thought maybe if I could get Kane to pay attention to me, I’d be able to get back at Kaleb. There was a problem with my theory, though.”

  “What’s that?”

  “Kane didn’t want me either. But enough about me, tell me about you. What happened between you and Kane?”

  “You’ve heard about these murders in Pleasant?”

  Suzi nodded.

  “The three dead girls, all pale blonde hair and blue eyes.”

  “And because you have the same look, Kane feels the need to protect you?”

  “Not exactly. We have no suspects, well, other than Kane.”

  “Kane didn’t kill those women.”

  “He’s our only suspect because we don’t have any others. I really don’t think he’s responsible either. I feel like we’re chasing our tails. Now that Tab’s been murdered, her big-shot father is coming down on us to find a suspect. It won’t be long before the State Police come in and take over our case. We aren’t any closer to finding this perp than when the first victim was found. Then there’s the break-in.”

  “What break-in?”

  “Someone ransacked my house, didn’t take anything, just messed up the place and threatened my life.
The night before last, someone stood over my bed while I slept. My carpet had dirt on it and the window sill had smudges.”

  “You think Kane?”

  “No.” Cara quickly cut her off with a shake of her head. “The night of the break-in, he was with you. You were his alibi and I had witnessed as much.”

  “What does Kane say about all of this?”

  “He thinks it’s an ancient vampire. Said he could smell him on my property, in my room. That’s why I stayed at the clubhouse last night. For some reason, Kane feels the need to protect me.”

  “Ancient vampire?”

  “Kane called him a primordial.”

  Suzi nodded. “I’ve heard the term, know they’re from Italy. But I wasn’t aware any of them ever came to the US.”

  “Apparently one has and he wants me dead.”

  Her breath hitched. “You can’t be serious. What are you going to do?”

  Cara shrugged. “I don’t know. Since Kane’s appointed himself guardian, he’s demanded I stay at the clubhouse at night where he can keep an eye on me. That’s why I spent last night there.”

  “In his bed.”

  “I spent the night alone in his bed.”

  “I thought you and Kane—”

  “We did. But it was in the connecting bathroom. I was getting around for bed. I had just showered and was finishing up shaving when he walked in. I thought the door was locked. Besides, they’d all gone to bed. I didn’t even think about the second door until Kane walked through it.

  “There I sat, without a stitch of clothes. He startled me and I nicked myself shaving. The next thing I know, Kane was drinking from the small wound. I can’t tell you what a turn-on that was.”


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