Love's Forge

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Love's Forge Page 2

by Marie Medina

  Aphrodite and Hephaestus had eventually started talking again when he came to her and asked her to forgive him. She had, and she’d even said she missed him, but she’d also asked for her freedom again. He refused to release her though. The ring gave him the power to summon her whenever he wanted, and once they’d made up in their own way he began exercising that power. She had no choice but to go to him, and soon they found themselves in a rather cozy friendship. Lachesis could not understand it. Aphrodite wanted him and cared for him. Why not be his wife?

  Lachesis felt she knew the answer. He was too passive. Aphrodite needed passion, and she also needed a firm and strong hand. Ares had given her that, but love had not been their destiny. Their relationship had caused much pain over the years. They seemed to have made their peace in the past month though, something most had not expected. Ares’ heart had definitely been softened when he found his own true love, his lifelong companion Alala. Lachesis sighed. That had been another fated relationship she’d had trouble bringing about. Ares could be so blind and stubborn, and Alala had, like Hephaestus, been reluctant to fight for what she wanted.

  Lachesis watched Ares. She felt he owed her something for being such a thorn in her side. After a moment, she smiled. She’d have to consider her timing, but she thought she knew what would work best. It had been a long time since she’d really had any fun, and now she knew exactly what she needed to do to see her will finally done.

  * * * *

  Ares walked into the garden and followed the humming he heard. He found Aphrodite pulling weeds out of a small flowerbed by her back door. Her ass looked perfect, even in a dirty pair of jeans, as she knelt on the ground. He shook his head. He’d been such a fool to ever let her go. She was his. She’d been made for him. No other man was ever going to touch her, not again. He’d spent the past week trying to convince her to make more of an effort with Hephaestus, but he wasn’t going to do that anymore. If Hephaestus couldn’t keep her, that was his loss.

  “Aphrodite?” he said.

  “Yeah?” As soon as she turned and looked up at him, he knew she felt it too. They were meant to be together. She smiled seductively. “Hey there. I was just thinking about you.”

  “What were you thinking?” He grabbed her hand and pulled her up into his arms.

  “Mmmm. All the fun we used to have.” She raised her eyebrows in a playful way. “Before you decided you wanted to marry Alala.”

  He moved his hands down her ass. She felt so good. “She never has to know. Unless you think she’d join us.” He unzipped her jeans and slid his hand inside. “It’d be pretty hot to see you two going at each other.”

  “Naughty boy,” she whispered before kissing him soundly.

  He found he couldn’t get their clothes off fast enough. Her touch electrified his whole body. When she wrapped her hand around his cock, he growled deep in his throat. He finished getting their clothes off by ripping them as fast as he could. He pushed her roughly to the ground and climbed onto her, pinning her hands on each side of her head and kissing and sucking her breasts. She squirmed with delight and giggled under him. He swirled his tongue around her nipple, and she spread her legs wide for him. He plunged into her, enjoying her little gasp of shock. Her pussy was so hot, and he was very hard. He moved quickly, wanting nothing but the sweet feel of her hot sex.

  She cried out beneath him, and he felt her pussy contracting around him as she came. He pushed deeper and made her cry out again. She’d never come that quickly before. She’d obviously missed him and his cock. He thrust into her hard and fast, and he smiled at the lustful sounds she made. It had never felt this good before.

  He groaned as he came, pumping her as hard as he could. “I knew I was the only man you needed.”

  Their lips locked in a heated kiss as they both trembled. His cock hardened again, and he was ready for more. She groaned beneath him as he tentatively moved his cock inside her, but then a hand grabbed his shoulder and threw him across the garden.

  He opened his eyes, but he had trouble focusing. He saw a man looming over Aphrodite, and he heard her whimper in fear. He tried to stand, but his head swam. Then everything went black.

  * * * *

  When Aphrodite woke up, she didn’t know where she was. She was naked, and she felt bars beneath her. She sat up and saw she was in a cage. She looked down. Hephaestus’ bedroom was below her. She didn’t see any sign of him.

  Her mind raced, and she remembered what had happened. She’d been having sex with Ares, and it had been amazing. Then Hephaestus had shown up. She wondered where Ares was and if he was all right. If he was still alive. She didn’t understand what had happened. Why had they done that? Why had she reacted that way? Everything had been normal, and then she’d heard him say her name. It had done something to her. Had he planned it? She shook her head, which ached as she did so. She rubbed her temples and looked around. Someone else was to blame. A seduction like that would have disgusted Ares. He loved Alala. She knew that. There was another explanation. Someone was meddling, though she couldn’t imagine who it might be. Who would want to do that to them? Who would desire to hurt so many people and cause so much trouble?

  She heard a door open, and she looked down again. Hephaestus walked in and looked up at her.

  “Is this your idea of us ‘trying,’ Aphrodite? Fucking Ares in your backyard?”

  His voice sent a chill down her spine. It had been a long time since she’d seen him angry. He’d been so gentle and warm the past few months.

  “No. I’m sorry. I’m not sure why I gave in. I haven’t thought about him that way for a while.”

  “I don’t believe you. You lied to me. You said you didn’t love him.”

  “I don’t!”

  “Then why hurt Alala? Why hurt me? Why take such a risk?”

  “I don’t know. Once I saw him approaching me, I was overcome by desire. I can’t explain it.”

  “It’s easy to explain. You two never actually ended it. You’ve been together all this time. You probably plotted that spell together to trick Alala into believing he loved her to give the two of you more cover. You planned to use her and deceive me.” He glared up at her. “You’re going to pay for what you’ve done.”

  “No! I wouldn’t do that. Neither would he. He loves Alala! We just…” She shook her head. She had no idea what had happened. No one was angry with her anymore. No one had any reason to wish her harm. Ares hadn’t been having problems with anyone either. Most people would think twice before trying to harm Ares, out of fear of him as well as of his mother Hera and sister Eris.

  Hephaestus shook his head. The bottom of the cage opened, and Aphrodite found herself falling. She landed safely on the bed, but she did bounce twice. He was by her side in an instant, his hands braced on either side of her so she couldn’t get away.

  “Do you really expect me to believe it just happened?” He ran his hand up her stomach, and then over her breasts. His touch was gentle, but his eyes blazed with anger. “Why didn’t you tell me that’s how you like it? Rolling in the dirt, fucking so hard you’re left with bruises?”

  Aphrodite moved slightly, and indeed her bottom felt very sore. She turned slightly to look, and she saw two large bruises below the small of her back. She also had a bruise on her right wrist.

  “Please stop, Hephaestus. You don’t want to do this. We can find out what really happened.”

  “Why don’t I want to do this? Is there some special reason?”

  She stayed silent. She knew her answer would anger him.

  He smiled darkly. “Because I love you? By the gods, I do love you, Aphrodite. That’s why I’m going to put an end to your lustful wandering.”

  “Please. This isn’t right. Why would Ares cheat on Alala? He loves her.”

  “Perhaps he can’t manage to give you up.” He moved his hand down between her legs. “You are sweet enough to have that effect on a man.” He rubbed her clit, and then his fingers delved into her pussy.

nbsp; She bit the inside of her lip. She refused to show him how his touch affected her. Her sex was still damp from her encounter with Ares, and his fingers slid in easily. He knew exactly how to touch her. He eyed her carefully. She knew she wasn’t fooling him.

  “I came to your house to invite you to dinner tonight. I had a night of romance planned.” He dipped his head to toy with her nipple. His rough tongue made it hard, made her back arch before she could stop it.

  “Please stop.”

  His teeth grazed her nipple. “Then I found you rutting with him. I could hear you before I saw you.” He brought his face to hers. “Why did you turn to him when I would willingly and gladly spend hours bringing you pleasure?”

  “I didn’t. It just happened. Please let me go. We’ll find out what was really going on.”

  He shook his head as he sat back and moved away from her. “I was a fool to ever let you go. You ran to him before when I gave you your freedom.”

  “I was hurt and angry. It wasn’t real freedom. You have no right. Our marriage isn’t recognized by anyone but you. You forced me to marry you!” She raised her chin defiantly. “What are you going to force me to do tonight?”

  He waited to answer her, smoothing her hair back and caressing her cheek. “I doubt I can accomplish my goal tonight.”


  “It hasn’t changed, Aphrodite.” He ran one finger over her lips. “I’m going to make you love me.”

  He seemed calmer and much less violent. She weighed her options. Did she dare to ask about Ares? Would she like the answer?

  “What is it, my love?” he asked quietly. His tone had become slightly less menacing.

  “Where is Ares?”

  “He’s here. He’s not coming out of his cage though.”

  “Hephaestus, no matter what has happened, he’s your brother.”

  “Half-brother, and so what?”

  “Imagine how your mother would feel.”

  Hephaestus stiffened. “She’s always favored him. She loves him more.” The pain on his face was blatant. “No matter what he does, she still loves him more. I didn’t have a father. I only had her. Logically, I should be the favored one, the one she loves more.”

  “I’m sorry she doesn’t.”

  “Are you?”

  “Yes. I always thought you were the better man.” She lowered her eyes, and then mustered her courage to look back up at him. “Until today. I’d expect this behavior from him before I’d expect it from you. Kidnapping people because they made you angry?”

  “Punishing my cheating wife? Am I wrong to do that?”

  She shook her head. “I am not your wife! I said no, but then you wouldn’t release me. I was forced to say those vows and wear this ring. We never had sex after that day, so it truly is unconsummated, even if I had meant those vows. And you know I didn’t.”

  “I wanted you to come to me willingly.”

  “And you thought I would do that after being forced to marry you? I’m going to do that after being treated like this?” It had been a while since they’d had this argument, but she would keep making it until he understood.

  “You want me. You’d like for me to have my way with you right now. I can feel it.”

  She was aroused. She wouldn’t deny that. It had been a long time since she’d feared him, since she’d truly felt his power. His hand had wandered to rest on her stomach. She wanted him to keep touching her. At the same time, she was angry because of what he had done. Yet, as usual, her anger and her arousal fueled each other. She and Ares had always had amazing sex when they’d had a fight, especially if she were still angry.

  “I do want you. I wanted you to seduce me before. We almost had sex not long ago, but then your mother interrupted.”

  “So you admit it?”

  “I do. I want to make love to him. I want to be taken by the man who was willing to wait until I was ready. I don’t see him when I look at you now. He’s not the one keeping me prisoner.”

  “But you weren’t truly aroused until now.”

  “I was the one who climbed on top of you that day. Remember?”

  He groaned and leaned over her. “I do remember. You were ready then. You wanted it to happen.”

  She pushed her hands against him to keep him at a distance, but then she ran her hands gently over his chest. “Let Ares go and I’ll stay.”

  He shook his head. “No. He’ll try to rescue you. I couldn’t bear to see how readily you’d go with him.”

  He grabbed a chain from under the pillows. She guessed it was the same chain he’d used the day he’d asked her to marry him. She knew it was unbreakable. She didn’t fight him, but she did give him one last pleading look.

  “Please. Don’t do this.”

  He brought his face close to hers. “You will be mine.” He kissed her roughly, his tongue exploring her mouth.

  She didn’t resist. She felt he was claiming her. His power rippled over her, and she shuddered. She was angry at herself for desiring him at this moment, but her desire had never been the issue. She couldn’t love anyone, and she didn’t want to try. Love had never caused anything but pain for her. She’d told him before that they could try, but now she regretted giving him that hope. If he’d had no reason to hope, maybe he’d have simply washed his hands of her when he found her with Ares. As much as she valued their rekindled friendship, it might have been best for all of them if they’d gone their separate ways.

  Her mind was spinning when he pulled away. He gazed down at her, desire mixed with confusion on his face. “I wish I knew what you were thinking.”

  “I don’t want you to hurt Ares. This wasn’t our fault. Someone is scheming. I’ve no idea why, but you have to believe me. How crazy would he have to be to do this?”

  He turned to stand and walked away from her quickly. He stopped near the door, but he didn’t face her again. “You should have considered the consequences before you hurt others.”

  “You aren’t listening to me.” She wanted to scream at him, but she knew it wouldn’t help.

  “I am. I simply don’t believe you. You cheated on me more than once, and since you don’t recognize our marriage I have no reason to trust you now.” He opened the door. “I’ll be back later.”

  She shifted against the pillows, wondering how long she would be here before someone realized what had happened. Did Alala know? Did Hera? Would anyone come to help them?

  Where was Ares? What would Hephaestus do to him?

  * * * *

  Lachesis stood in the temple of the Fates and gazed into the pool of water. She smiled. Aphrodite’s desire had been confirmed. It wouldn’t be long until she begged Hephaestus to take her and make her his own.

  She felt a hand on her shoulder. Clotho stood there looking worried.

  “What is it? You think this is unfair?”

  Clotho, the giver of life, had always been tenderhearted. “What if Ares is harmed? What if Hera discovers you have manipulated both of her sons to get what you want?”

  “Hephaestus loves her more than any god has ever loved another. Aphrodite will become more miserable with each passing day if she does not open her heart to him. If I told them these things, they would not believe me. Aphrodite would deny its truth, and Hephaestus would back down and say it was her decision.”

  “Perhaps Aphrodite would listen. She’s been confused. She might listen to reason. Don’t you think she’s tired of being unhappy? She’s changed so much this past year.”

  “She’s stubborn and spoiled. She does not like being told what is best for her.”

  Clotho still looked uncertain.

  “I will take the blame,” Lachesis said. “I promise.”

  “I’m more worried about the end result and what you may ultimately be blamed for. Hera and Eris favor Ares so much. Can you truly face the full wrath of the queen of the gods and the goddess of discord?”

  Lachesis smiled. “He won’t be harmed. Hephaestus is better than that. He’s hurt
and angry. He will not hurt Ares or Aphrodite.”

  “I hope you are right.”

  “I am the assigner of Fate. I am always right,” Lachesis said before turning from the pool and walking away. She knew what was best for all of them. Soon they would all see it was best not to defy her.

  * * * *

  Zeus stood behind Hera as she sat at her dresser and brushed her hair. He began massaging her shoulders. “Are you going somewhere?”

  “I was going to head to the mortal world. There are a few people I wanted to check on.”

  “Like who?”

  Hera eyed him for a minute, and then smiled. “Women, not men. Women I’ve made friends with or tried to help. Just to see how they’re doing.” She put her hands over his. “I can stay in and see them another night, if you’d like.”

  He bent and kissed the top of her head. “I’d like that.”


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