Love's Forge

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Love's Forge Page 6

by Marie Medina

  She pushed the thought away when something brushed her skin. He held a long, fluffy feather in his hand. He brushed it over her skin, tracing it down her spine, over her ass. Then he brushed it across her pussy, letting it linger teasingly over her clit. He continued to circle it there. Its light touch teased her enough to make her want more, but not enough to give her any pleasure. She felt his breath on her neck, but he didn’t kiss her skin or tease her with his tongue.

  Her breasts heaved with every breath. “This isn’t fair.”

  “Your nipples are perfect. I’ve always thought that. Pink and lovely. Very dainty and tantalizing.”

  She imagined his tongue on them. She loved it when he bit them because he always used the right amount of pressure. He’d never once bitten too hard. He’d roll them between his teeth and use his tongue to tease the very tip. She felt a gush of moisture between her legs as she bit back a moan.

  She heard him sigh behind her. His lips hovered by her ear. She turned her head slightly, even though it brought his lips close to her cheek. “You did that on purpose. You wanted me to remember you kissing my breasts.” She moaned again as her clit began to pulse. Her sensitivity increased the longer he teased her, the more aroused she became. The feather felt so good stroking her now. She didn’t care if giving in aroused him. She knew he’d keep his word and not fuck her, so if he was going to torment her like this she was going to do it right back to him.

  He let the feather fall to the ground. He ran a finger over her pussy lips. His cock touched her ass, and she knew her wetness had gained his attention.

  “It’s what you wanted,” she said. “You said you wanted me to want you. That’s all you’re getting.” She gripped the iron ring tightly. She wanted to touch herself, but she held on to the ring instead. She wasn’t going to give in that much.

  “It is what I wanted,” he said. He moved away for a moment, and she whimpered, feeling cold without him near. He came back with something in his hand. His hand came around and placed something against her clit. She felt the small piece of plastic rub her gently. A strap went around her ass, and then another between her legs. She finally looked down.

  “It’s a strap-on vibrator,” he said.

  “I know what it is,” she snapped.

  Then he activated it. She gasped. “Oh gods!”

  “I knew you’d like it.” He kissed her shoulder and then pulled her away from the wall. She held to the ring. “Let go.”

  She did, but he had to support her. He made her recline on the bed and held her hands on either side of her head. She gasped as she settled on the bed. She arched up in delight. She liked sex toys as much as any woman, but this toy was far from ordinary.

  “Mmmmm. What did you do to it?” she asked.

  “I removed the core and refilled the plastic casing. It’s just metal, but there’s a spell.”

  Pleasure coiled deep within her. He loomed over her, obviously enjoying watching her writhe beneath him. She couldn’t resist though as each wave rolled over her. She looked into his eyes. “What is it doing?”

  “It responds to you the way a human partner would. Each sigh and movement, everything makes it adjust position, pressure, speed.” He held her wrists tighter and gazed into her eyes. “I picture you like this at night. I see you beneath me in my dreams.”

  Her clit felt hot. The pressure was too much. She came, and it felt as if her body was floating. Her pussy clenched over and over again. She closed her eyes as the pleasure spread up her body. Her breasts grew heavy as she convulsed uncontrollably. She cried out in ecstasy, thrusting shakily beneath him. He kissed her, his lips hot and needy. She let him claim her mouth and kissed him back. She felt drugged, intoxicated. Her pussy quaked deliciously. As he released her from the kiss, she looked into his blazing eyes. She could feel how wet her pussy was, knew how easily his thick cock would slide deep inside her.

  “Ask me, and I will,” he said. His husky voice made her shudder with desire.


  “I’ll let Ares go right now. I swear. Let me make love to you.” He held her face, leaning in to kiss her again.

  She pulled away. “No. I won’t do that.” Her voice trembled. “Do you want me to give in to you to save him? That would satisfy you?”

  His eyes flashed at her, but she felt as if he was putting a wall between them. She couldn’t tell what he was thinking.

  He finally said, “I’m sorry.” And he was gone.

  The vibrator stopped. She removed it and pushed it aside. Her body quaked with need. Even after her orgasm, her pussy throbbed with longing. She hated him in that moment as much as she wanted him to come back and impale her on his long, hard cock.

  She held back tears. He would have kept his word. He would have let Ares go. She should have given in.

  She cursed herself and threw the vibrator off the bed.

  “I’m sorry.” She wasn’t sure if she only meant Ares, or if deep down she meant both of them.

  * * * *

  Hera smiled at Lex. The girl was one of many who wanted to be a storyteller. Most were men, of course, but in smaller towns and rural areas, a good tale from anyone was readily welcomed. Her smile faded as she thought of Zeus saying he liked the old stories. If only he knew how many she’d made him look bad in as well as how many her own efforts had made him look good in.

  “So their fight went on and on?” Lex asked.

  “Yes. In a way. Ares and Hephaestus always fought because of Aphrodite.” She’d told Zeus she wouldn’t meddle or interfere, but Lex had loved the story of Hades and Persephone so much Hera had been unable to resist. It soothed her in a way. She added her own details of course, waxing more poetic than normal about Ares’ strength and bravery but also playing up how conflicted Hephaestus was over his wife’s betrayal.

  “How could Aphrodite do it?” Lex asked.

  “It’s hard to say,” Hera said. She sipped more wine, reveling in how strong it was, so different from modern wines. She’d resisted the temptation to make Aphrodite seem like a cruel bitch. What would be the point? It wouldn’t help her son. “Have you ever been in love, child?”

  Lex shook her head. “No. It sounds oppressive. Like being a prisoner.”

  “A bad marriage can be like that. But love? If a man is worthy of your love, he will treat you well. If he doesn’t, he is not worthy, and then you are better off serving Artemis or Athena. Or being a sacred virgin.”

  “I prefer to serve Hera. She’s the most powerful woman ever.”

  “You think so? Hera is married.”

  “She and Zeus are equals. That never happens here.”

  Hera watched the people moving through the city. “You are right, but the world changes so often. Seeing inequality or injustice is a good start. You are young still.” She would’ve loved telling the young Greek girl what the future held for women, but she needed to keep her identity a secret lest the entire city come and crowd around her and start begging for favors.

  Lex peered at her curiously. “Where did you come from today?”

  Hera cursed. She didn’t remember exactly what the date was or which temple she was at. “Apollonia,” she said after a moment. At one time or another, a dozen cities had borne that name. One had to at least exist now, and it was probably not too far away.

  “No wonder you’re tired. You look weary.”

  She nodded. “I am. I’m refreshed a little now. I must go see someone else. I’ll see you again though.”

  “Did Hephaestus release them?”

  “Yes, he did. Ares went his own way and found happiness, and Aphrodite learned her place. Soon she loved staying with her husband.” It was a nice ending, whether Hera really wanted it or not.

  “So they don’t always come to bad ends. So many of the great tales are sad.”

  “No, they don’t. Often they save themselves, just as they aid mortals. Sad events often have more meaning and teach more, so they are good ones to hand down, but happy tales are good too

  Lex nodded thoughtfully.

  Hera left her with that thought. She resolved not to come back again. Lex was a little too clever. She would never be a great storyteller because she would marry a powerful man, and she would have to run his household. She would be happy though, and that was what mattered. Her son would listen to her tales and tell them to many people. He would even write some of them down.

  Zeus never had to know how often Hera had played a part in many of them. It often surprised her how few of them wondered how some stories told by men were so accurate. She smiled. She had made up some thoroughly ridiculous ones too though. Some lasted through the ages because of how ludicrous they were. She knew many of the other gods didn’t like mortals as much as she did, but she always had fun talking to them. Telling them stories gave her joy, and they always believed she had brought the tale from another city or temple. She loved novels and comic books as well. Movies and television could be fun, but she liked the written word more. She loved oral storytelling the most, and she’d worked to develop her skills over the years. Zeus probably wouldn’t care if he knew, since it made her happy to share such things with mortals, to go back to the times they had been a part of the mortal world. She wondered what Zeus was doing. Was she giving him too little credit? She knew he was concerned for Ares too, but she couldn’t help making him the target of her frustration.

  He would let her. As surely as she knew he loved her, she knew he would let her blame him if she felt like it. She thought of him with a sad smile, fading into the mists to go home to him.

  * * * *

  Hephaestus had tried to sleep, but he couldn’t. Now he roamed the halls of his underground home, thinking of Aphrodite. Had not giving in to him really meant more to Aphrodite than setting Ares free? Did that prove giving in to him would mean as much to her as he thought it would? Did it also show he was wrong about her feelings for Ares? She didn’t love Ares, but Hephaestus had been sure she still wanted him. Now he felt he’d been mistaken. Even if Aphrodite had been willing to sneak around behind Hephaestus’ back after saying she wanted them to try again, would she have done so with Alala in the picture? The more he considered it, the more certain he was it couldn’t be true. Aphrodite had had a rather interesting sort of one-night stand, as mortals called it, with Apollo while he and Alala were together. Even having been ignorant when it happened, Aphrodite had felt very guilty once the truth was out. She wouldn’t have tried anything with Ares now, no matter how much she wanted to, if only for Alala’s sake. And only a few days before Alala’s wedding to Ares, a wedding Aphrodite would be blessing? He shook his head.

  Someone had made a fool of him, and whoever it was had done a fantastic job. He recalled the look in Aphrodite’s eyes when she’d said no. Even trembling with desire and presented with an opportunity to set Ares free, she’d told him no. She’d been the one with enough control and sense to remind him what he actually wanted. She had, in a way, protected him. Did that mean her feelings had gone beyond caring? Would she completely give her heart to him sooner than he’d expected?

  He glanced down the passage that led to the room Ares was in. If he let Ares go, his mother and Zeus would leave them alone. Ares might demand something be done, but Hera could order him to do nothing. If they would all leave Hephaestus alone with Aphrodite, couldn’t he convince her to forgive him? She’d already said she wasn’t afraid. She’d even said she wasn’t angry. That might have changed after their last encounter, but if she knew he’d freed Ares, that might fade away. She might let him have the chance to persuade her he was exactly what she needed.

  He walked with purpose toward Ares’ prison. It had worked for Hades, hadn’t it? Getting Persephone away from all outside influences had given him the chance to woo her as he pleased. Hephaestus had once thought Persephone a whiny, spoiled child, but if that had ever been true Hades had definitely changed that. She was sweet and kind, and most importantly she seemed blissfully happy as queen of the Underworld. A fertility goddess finding her heart’s desire in the land of the dead? That was love. As much debate as there had been about what Hades had done, no one at that wedding could have denied how happy the couple was. Some people had been made for one another, and he knew Aphrodite had been made for him. The Fates had told him so. Whether their marriage was a true one or not, whether anyone else recognized it, he would never love another. He had placed that ring on her finger so she would never forget, even after she’d run away, how he felt about her.

  The ring gave him the power to summon her when he wanted to. Some nights she was pleasant, but others she was hostile. She’d gone back to Ares quickly when he refused to release her, and soon after that her son Eros had been born. Hephaestus knew the night it had happened. They’d fought, and she’d told him she was going to Hermes. Her infatuation with Hermes had been at its peak then.

  Eros tended to be more like his mother than like Ares. That had been some comfort. Hephaestus stopped outside the door. Even having a son together had not inspired true love for Aphrodite and Ares. They fucked. They fought. Occasionally, they could be good to each other. They were not in love. They both had the same story. They didn’t understand what had come over them. If Ares believed that, perhaps he would be willing to go out and find proof while Hephaestus continued pursuing Aphrodite here.

  Hephaestus opened the door. “Ares?”

  Torches lit up, and he looked down at Ares, who met his gaze calmly. “What?”

  “I’m letting you go. I want you to do something for me.”

  Ares stood. “I want you to let Aphrodite go.”

  “She hasn’t been harmed.”

  Ares shook his head and slapped his chest with his palm several times. “You don’t know how easy it is to harm her in here.”

  “I’m not doing anything to hurt her, but you don’t believe that, so I’m not going to argue with you. I know her as well as you do. I won’t say I know her better. Let’s say we’re even, all right?”

  Ares eyed him with suspicion, but he slowly nodded. “All right. What do you want me to do?”

  “You say this is someone else’s fault? Prove it. Bring me proof and Aphrodite will be free to go. Until then, she stays here. She is my wife, and I have that right.”

  “What does Hera say about this?”

  “Our mother is worried about you. I’m an afterthought, but that’s normal.”

  Ares wavered. “What did she say? How is she?”

  Hephaestus pushed his jealousy away. Ares and Hera talked almost every day. They shared their lives in so many ways. Hera had never tried to have that with Hephaestus. She loved him. He knew that. She was proud of him and his work. Now, he’d disappointed her. That was his fault, not Ares’. If he hadn’t avoided all the other Olympians, maybe his life would have been different. Or maybe not.

  He cleared his throat. “You’ll see her soon enough. Go.” He stepped back and pointed to a door in the hallway. “Keep walking and you’ll be outside. You’ll recognize the place. I won’t talk to anyone until you come back with something to report.”

  Ares nodded. His cage door opened and he stepped out. He looked past Hephaestus and walked on, opening the door and passing through it swiftly.

  Hephaestus closed and locked the door behind him. He wanted to go climb into bed with Aphrodite and tell her, but he didn’t dare. He walked back to his room and quietly opened the door. He stepped toward the bed and gazed down at her. She’d tangled herself in the sheets, though she looked peaceful enough for the moment. She hadn’t put any clothes on after their encounter, and he longed to touch her soft white skin.

  He turned away and went back out the door. He hesitated, but then he locked it back gently. He listened, and she didn’t seem to have stirred. He started to walk back to the kitchen, but he saw Hermes appear in the hall. Hephaestus had granted Hermes permission to enter whenever he wanted after receiving that first message from Hera, but now he wondered if he shouldn’t have.

  “Yes, Hermes?

  “I have a message. I was told to give it to you if you set Ares free first.” Hermes held out a note.

  Hephaestus accepted and read it. “That was fast. Of course.” He eyed Hermes, yet another man Aphrodite had been infatuated with. “Hera was concerned for Ares. Who’s going to care if I’m still holding Aphrodite?”

  “I’m supposed to wait for an answer.”

  He nodded. “Fine.” Harmonia? It made sense she might be worried about her mother, but they’d never been close as far as he could tell. He’d expected the message to be from Eros. Hephaestus hadn’t even known she existed or that Aphrodite had other children until Harmonia had shown up at Mount Olympus to see Eros after he was born. “She wants to talk? Only her? She won’t try to bring Apollo?”

  “She said she would be alone if you’ll tell her where to go and let her in. I’ve been watching the last few hours.”

  “Very well then,” he said, amazed Eris hadn’t been beating his door down since she had to know where Hermes was and what he’d been doing. “Tell her to go to the place you met Hera and Zeus. If she touches the wall, it will be like ringing a doorbell. I’ll be waiting whenever she decides to come.”

  Hermes nodded and vanished.

  Hephaestus took a deep breath and headed for the kitchen again. He’d already cleaned up, but there had to be something in there that needed to be done. He wasn’t going to get any sleep tonight.

  * * * *

  Clotho and Atropos sat regarding Lachesis as she looked down into the pool at Hephaestus.

  “Do you see what you have reduced him to?” Clotho said. “He can’t sleep. He’s rattling around the house like a nervous mortal.”

  “Wait until Harmonia comes. She will change everything.”

  Atropos came and stood beside her. “How do you know?”

  Lachesis looked up at her sister. Atropos saw the end of a destiny, the end of a life, but only a short time before it occurred. Clotho knew each beginning and set each soul on a certain course. Lachesis exercised the real power, and that knowledge made her smile.


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