Playtime is Over (Red Velvet Rope)

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Playtime is Over (Red Velvet Rope) Page 6

by Nadia Aidan

  “I am not your slave, Sonya. I am your lover and the man who loves you, and while I have agreed to accept certain punishments from you, there are others that I will not. If calling me your slave and detaching yourself from me pleases you, that is fine. But if you think to fuck me with that thing, it is you who will not be pleased.”

  Sonya stared at him in shocked silence. He’d told her he loved her. She frowned. But then he’d threatened her.

  What game are you playing, Joshua Diaz?

  He was trying to disarm her by charming her with what he thought she wanted to hear. In all their time together he’d never once told her he loved her. Why now? Why tonight? Her frown deepened. Joshua didn’t love her, she was certain, but the look in his eyes…she’d never glimpsed a more intense expression.

  She bit back a gasp, fighting for control. So he loves me, she spat in her head. Now he loved her, now he realized what she’d known all along.

  Fuck him, she thought heatedly. His supposedly newfound feelings didn’t matter, she told herself as she moved toward the head of the bed where his arms were bound. But she knew they did when she released him.

  “Turn over,” she commanded softly. He did as she demanded, his brows lifting in question despite his silence.

  “Grasp the head rails with your hands.” His gaze followed her every move as she removed the dildo from the harness. She kept one hand firmly around the dildo, while she tossed the leather harness aside.

  “You are free to do as you wish,” she whispered, crawling onto the bed between the vee of his spread legs. “Your hands are no longer bound, and your ankles are free.” She crept closer, noting the heat wafting from his body, and his cock, which had been semi-erect only moments ago, now stood hard and rigid, the skin there stretching taut along his impressive shaft.

  “You can leave if you wish.” Her voice was low and she let the warmth of her breath caress his inner thighs, while she trailed the tip of the dildo along one of his legs. He reacted. His eyes narrowed, trying to bar her from his thoughts, his physical responses, but she noticed everything—the flexing of his abdomen, his shallow breaths, the pearl of fluid leaking from his cock.

  He was turned-on. His mind, even his lips, might rebel against what she wanted to do to him, but his body did not.

  Before she’d entered the room, she’d coated the length of the dildo with lubricant. With deft movements, she removed the small bottle from between her breasts and smeared even more of the liquid haphazardly across the object in her hand before tossing the container to the bed.

  Sonya inched closer, her every breath as ragged as the ones clawing out of Joshua’s chest. When she moved, she made sure she did so in a single, fluid motion. Her lips hovered above his engorged length at the same time she pressed the tip of the dildo against his puckered hole. Their gazes locked, their breaths searching and finding the same rhythm.

  “Or you can stop me,” she continued in a throaty voice. “You are free to do that as well.”

  He remained silent for so long that she’d figured he didn’t plan to speak, until finally he asked, “Is this what you have deemed my punishment?”

  Immediately, she shook her head. “I think you already know we’re past the point of punishment—” Her voice broke and she swallowed down the tightness constricting her throat. “I simply want this. I want to know what it feels like to give you pleasure, and at the same time I want you to experience what is unknown, what is unfamiliar, uncomfortable even. I want you know the true heights of pleasure when you surrender to pain—something one can only fully comprehend when submitting to another.”

  His lips did not say it, but his eyes spoke for him. There were many ways to experience the dual sensations of pleasure and pain—why this one, and why this way?

  This time she didn’t speak either, but when he nodded, she knew he understood.

  For once, he was vulnerable to her, completely vulnerable and in every way. It was his choice if he wished to stop her. His hands were free. She hesitated for a single breath. His hands tightened around the rails—he wasn’t going to stop her.

  She pushed inside his body at the same time she lowered her head, taking the head of his cock between her lips.

  Katherine shifted uncomfortably in Seth’s lap, her eyes glued to the couple before her, a gasp threatening to slip past her lips. “M-maybe we should leave, give them privacy—”

  “No.” Seth’s hand against her cheek stilled her movements when she would have turned away. “They know we are here, watching, but more importantly, they both know what they are doing.”

  Katherine wasn’t so certain of Seth’s last point. There was a determination in Sonya’s eyes, almost a ruthlessness that scared her. She’d never seen that look upon her friend’s face. And what she clearly planned to do with that object in her hand…Katherine, again, wasn’t so sure Joshua knew what he was getting into.

  The gasp that hovered on the tip of her tongue finally tumbled from her lips when Sonya slowly began to enter Joshua with the dildo, her lips wrapping around the head of his cock at the same time.

  Joshua was a Dom, a Master, and his hands were free—why didn’t he stop her, pull away? To suffer such a humiliation when he knew she and Seth watched him—it made no sense.

  “They are both past the point of embarrassment, punishment even. Joshua will allow Sonya anything because he loves her. He doesn’t care what he must suffer at her hands if it will make her realize that he is willing to do anything for her.”

  “So you would allow me to do the same to you?” Katherine smiled at the amused look on Seth’s face.

  “If I wronged you as Joshua has Sonya, then perhaps—” Seth’s hand raked through her hair, pulling her closer until their lips were mere centimeters apart. “But I have no intention of ever wronging you, so you sticking objects into my ass is not a topic up for discussion.”

  “You have no intention…” Katherine teased, letting the sentence linger as if to suggest that could change in the future.

  A deep growl rumbled out of him, but the flicker in his eyes was one of laughter.

  “I imagine you would derive great pleasure from such a turn of events, but I can assure you we will never face that dilemma.”

  Katherine could not argue either way, and Seth never gave her a chance when he closed the slight distance between them to claim her lips in a toe-curling kiss that fired her blood, until Katherine soon forgot all about the couple in the other room…

  Joshua trembled against Sonya, his hands curling tighter around the bedrails. Sonya’s lips around his cock drew a harsh groan from him, until she entered him with the object in her hand, and he tensed. The cool wetness of the lubricant caused the dildo to slide easily inside his rectum, and he slowly began to relax, his gut coiling with heat when she swallowed his dick in a single movement, at the same time she pressed farther inside his anus.

  He did not deny there was a measure of pain as his body gradually grew accustomed to the invasion, but neither could he ignore the flames of pleasure licking at his flesh, warming him all over.

  Sonya mastered him with her lips, the dildo now plowing in and out of his anus. He watched her with his hooded gaze, her head bobbing up and down his shaft, her hand moving with the same rhythm. A new, unfamiliar sensation started to course through him, working its way from the tip of his cock, along his spine, until he was shuddering with both pleasure and pain, his entire body warm and aching to find release.

  He could no longer stave off his response. He called her name, one hand leaving the rail to desperately grasp the back of her head. She lifted her gaze to him, her eyes twinkling with pleasure. Not once did she break her rhythm, the steady movement of her lips, her hand. Instead she continued to fuck him with the dildo, while she sucked his cock, her eyes never leaving his face.

  The eroticism of the moment was not lost to him, nor was the intimacy of what they now exchanged. He’d surrendered to her, completely, absolutely. He wasn’t certain if it was tha
t knowledge, or the searing, blazing intensity of pleasure shimmering in her gaze that was his final undoing, but every measure of Joshua’s control abandoned him in that moment.

  With a hoarse shout, he stiffened against her, his eyes clenching shut as he came, his semen jetting out of him to slip down her throat. Lightning shocks of pleasure stormed through him, until he was spent, until he felt as if he’d been wrung dry of every drop of semen.

  Joshua was barely conscious of anything around him but her lips around his cock, and the dildo still lodged deep inside his ass. His eyes opened slowly, and he followed her with his gaze as she climbed to her feet. With gentle movements, she casually removed the dildo and set it aside.

  In the next instant, their eyes met, and he noticed the softness in hers, the softness of her features. Joshua longed to say something to her, anything, but his throat was constricted with the ball of emotion lodged there, and before he could speak she turned from him, and without a single word or a look back, she left him there. Alone.

  Chapter Eight

  Sonya stormed out of the room where she’d left Joshua. She did not see the other guests milling about the halls as she slipped past them, practically stumbling through the corridor.

  Curious stares were cast her way, but she ignored them. Instead she focused on returning to her dressing room, where she began to hastily pack her things. Normally she would have changed out of the leather attire she wore, but she did not want to spend another second in that place.

  She had to leave, and now.

  What she’d done to Joshua, she’d only thought about doing, she’d never imagined he’d actually let her go as far as she had. She bit back a wry chuckle. She’d tried to go further, but he’d rightfully known that fucking him with a strap-on had not been what she’d truly desired. She’d been testing the waters, seeing just how far she could push him. He’d justifiably stood his ground, but what he’d allowed her to do had still been far more than she’d expected of him.

  She dragged in a deep breath, stopping only to glance at herself in the mirror. Her eyes were wild, lost. She felt just as she looked, desperate and in disarray. She’d purposely removed his restraints, thinking he would stop her—he hadn’t.

  The trust in his eyes, his expression of surrender—her heart skipped a beat. She’d glimpsed his emotions across his face right after he’d climaxed, and they’d shocked her—no, terrified her. He’d professed his love for her, but she hadn’t believed him. The look in his eyes had suggested she’d been mistaken.

  Sonya wasn’t prepared to accept his love, not now. She wasn’t sure if she ever would be. He’d hurt her so deeply, she wasn’t ready to experience tender emotions toward him, she wasn’t ready to give him her love, not again.

  The sound of her name drew her attention to the door, which she stared at from the vanity mirror. She stiffened at the sound, her blood slowing to a steady crawl through her veins. There came a knock, followed by a pause, before it opened slowly. He called her name again, the deep baritone of his voice a gentle caress to her ears.

  She didn’t turn around when he entered the room, instead she followed him with her steady gaze. He’d pulled on a pair of black pants, his torso still bare, and she let her gaze drift over the rippling muscles of his body before returning it to his face.

  He closed the door with a soft thud, instantly drawing her focus back to the present moment.

  “You shouldn’t be here. You need to leave before I call the guards.”

  One dark brow lifted. “Who do you think let me in here?”

  Sonya spun around, finally facing him. Her heart thundered wild and hard in her breast as he stalked her, drawing closer and closer until he stopped before her. She forced herself to breathe, every single breath ripping painfully through her chest.

  He tried to close the distance between them, but she shook her head, her hands instantly going out to flatten against his chest. That was her mistake. Her palms were greeted by hot, taut flesh that was as familiar to her as her own smooth skin.

  “Josh.” His name came out on a pleading rasp as she continued to push against his torso, but he wouldn’t budge.

  The only movement he made was a steady advancement upon her until the only thing separating them was her palms, which remained between them. Gently clasping her wrists, he brought her hands down to her sides until his chest was flush to hers.

  The heat of his body tugged a gasp out of her, and she peered up at him, her next breath stilling in her lungs at the look in his eyes.

  Hunger and need burned in his gaze, along with the one emotion she refused to acknowledge.

  She turned away so she would no longer be forced to drown in his warm, brown eyes, but he refused to allow her to withdraw from him when he buried his face within the crook of her neck, his hot breath caressing her skin, his lips kissing her throat.

  “You didn’t think I’d surrender to you, did you? You didn’t think I loved you that much. What will you do now, Sonya? Now that you realize I will do anything to win you back. Anything. And I will not stop until I do.”

  A helpless sound whispered out of her, only to be swallowed up by the firm press of his lips to hers. This was not a gentle kiss. His mouth was bruising, predatory. He claimed her with his lips, his tongue as it swept inside her mouth, demanding a response.

  Her hands remained imprisoned at her sides, his fingers coiled around her wrists like cuffs, while he continued his assault upon her mouth. Sonya tried to pull away from him, but Joshua was relentless. He backed her into the dresser until she had nowhere else to go, his tongue still plundering inside her mouth.

  The glide of his tongue against hers ignited embers of heat within her core. Her nipples drew taut, so sensitive that every time his chest brushed against hers she had to fight back a gasp of need. He overwhelmed her until she was powerless to deny him any longer.

  Joshua must have felt her relax against him because he eased the pressure of his fingers around her wrists and gently lifted her arms to clasp her hands behind his neck. With their bodies pressed firmly together, the heat of him swamped her, until she was certain her skin would burn from his touch.

  He abruptly ended their kiss and pulled back just long enough to spin her around. Their eyes met as they both stared at their reflections in the mirror. She barely recognized herself. Her hair fanned out like a black cape across her shoulders, her eyes wide and flashing above cheeks that were flushed red with desire. Arousal shone in her gaze, along with fear.

  She feared not what Joshua would do to her body, but what he would do to her heart. The walls she’d carefully erected, he was determined to bulldoze through. No matter what she did she could not seem to resist him, and it shamed her, the power he still had over her.

  Closing her eyes, she tried to shut him out, but he knew her body too well, he knew her too well. In a single motion he lifted her long skirt, bunching it up at her waist. Her eyes flew open, clashing with his, when he pressed her chest down toward the dresser and bent her over.

  Her breath stuttered at the first brush of his cock against her wet slit. She tried to look away, but he buried his hand in the tangle of her hair and held her in place.

  “Look at me,” Joshua rasped, the hoarse, needy sound tearing out of him at the same time he began to push inside her body.

  She couldn’t look away from him even if she tried, and she didn’t dare. There was a wildness to him, almost as if he were on the edge of sanity.

  With one hand still firmly gripping her hair, he held her so tight that she had no choice but to watch him. She shivered under the touch of his other palm that gently caressed the bare skin of her ass, causing tiny goose bumps to dot her flesh.

  Still poised at her entrance, his hand stilled on her hip, holding her in place for his penetration. Sonya gasped as his prodding length stretched her flesh, burrowing deeper and deeper. Her sticky, wet juices poured out of her pussy, coating his slick length until he was buried to the hilt. It had been awhile since
they’d been together and Joshua was no small man. Her body fought to adjust to him, but before it could, he withdrew from her snug tunnel and surged back into her.

  Her hands balled into fists against the surface of the dresser, her eyes closing as pleasure mingled with pain. He backed completely out of her again, this time slamming his cock deep into her, deeper than he’d gone before.

  She called his name, one part pleasure, the other a plea for him to slow down, but Sonya doubted he heard her over the loud groan that rumbled out of him. There was a desperate urgency to his strokes. He plowed inside her body, his flesh slapping against hers, the sounds of sex echoing against the walls.

  With every thrust, the dresser ricocheted against the wall, and for a second, she wondered if the security guards would try to come into her room, thinking there was an altercation. When he surged into her body again, that thought, and all others, quickly fled.

  He stroked into her harder and faster, his cock forging deeper into her pussy. Sonya met his hooded gaze in the mirror, and she glimpsed that he was on the edge of control, if he hadn’t totally lost himself already. His muscles bunched and flexed with every thrust, the tendons straining in his neck and arms.

  “Fuck, Sonya. I’m about to come.”

  She could already feel him straining to hold back, knowing he was waiting for her. She parted her lips to tell him it was all right. She was close but she wasn’t certain he would last long enough for her to orgasm. What she’d started to say quickly died in her throat when his hands reached inside her corset to grope her breasts. He wrenched them from the confines of the garment, his palms massaging the heavy globes as he plucked at her tight nipples.


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