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The Hero Is Overpowered but Overly Cautious, Vol. 2

Page 10

by Light Tuchihi

  Seiya suddenly sticks his hand out before me, revealing something in the palm of his open hand.

  “It’s a fragment of the legendary armor. I picked it up when we were at Izale village.”

  “Is that the piece of armor that fell out of that giant Adamantoise’s mouth? What are you going to do with that?”

  “I won’t be able to make armor with something as small as this. However…”

  Seiya unsheathes the platinum sword-plus, then places the Adamantoise fragment on the blade. From there, he takes some familiar strands of hair from his pocket and places them on the blade as well. The sword immediately begins to shine even brighter.

  “Synthesizing it with the sword could be promising.”

  The radiating light calms, revealing an awe-inspiring, divine sword in his hand that almost appears to be glowing itself.

  “I’ll call it the Adamantitor. It probably won’t work on the Demon Lord, but it’s the strongest weapon there is at the moment.”

  “S-Seiya… I—I can’t believe you just…!”

  My heart begins racing as I gaze at the sword, which is glowing even brighter than gold. I almost feel as if Seiya could turn any disadvantage around and gain the upper hand.

  I impulsively wrap my arm around his.

  “When life gives Seiya lemons, he makes lemonade! I knew you were the one, Seiya! I’m counting on you!”

  “…Rista, let go.”

  Seiya acts annoyed, but I refuse to let go.

  “Hee-hee! There’s nothing to feel embarrassed about! We’re a team!”

  “…I told you to let go.”

  “Not happening! Look at you, hiding locks of my hair in your pocket! Oh, Seiya! I’m only fine with it because it’s you!”

  I raise my fist into the air, pretending like I’m mad at him as if we were in a romantic comedy. I am definitely not angry, though! If anything, I want to hug him!


  “Hmm? Yes, my dear?

  Somewhere deep within my heart, I always hoped we would end up together like this. However, Seiya looks at me with a dead-serious expression and states:

  “You smell. Get away from me.”

  “…! You’re joking, right?! Do I really stink that badly?! How do I smell?!”


  “That’s some serious BO! I-I’m gonna go take a bath!”

  “Knock yourself out. I’m going to go train with Valkyrie.”

  My dreams of being in a lovey-dovey romcom scenario are crushed the moment he tells me I smell sour. After Seiya and I go our separate ways, I rush over to the giant bathhouse in the sanctuary until I run into Cerceus in the hallway. Steam rises from his body as if he has just had a bath.

  “Oh. Hey, Cerceus. You just take a bath, too?”

  I figure he ought to be refreshed after a nice bath, but he unexpectedly appears to be in a bad mood.

  “Heh-heh-heh… I was just washing the cake off my face. I never expected to have my greatest work…heh…smashed into my face. Funny, right? I mean—hilarious.”

  Cerceus chuckles with a self-deprecating air, so I decide to join him.

  “Ha-ha! So, um… Did it taste good?”

  “…?! No! The cake I worked so hard on was shoved right into my face! I was heartbroken! And just between you and me, I cried!”

  “R-really? Sorry about that.”

  After a short sigh, Cerceus speaks up as if he suddenly remembered something.

  “By the way, I heard that Great Goddess Ishtar is looking for you.”

  “What?! She was? I—I wonder why…”

  “Maybe she’s mad at you for luring that monster into the spirit world?”

  “Ack…! D-do you really think so?”

  “You should hurry up and find her.”

  I was so looking forward to taking a bath, though… Even so, I change directions and head to Ishtar’s room.

  After knocking, I tell her I’m coming in and open the large door. The highest-ranking deity of the unified spirit world—Great Goddess Ishtar—is sitting in her chair, knitting as usual.

  “Thank you for coming, Ristarte.”

  Her calm expression slightly eases my nerves.

  “I—I heard you were looking for me? Is it about that monster?”

  “Oh, that? That wasn’t your fault. It came after you on its own, right? Besides, Valkyrie took care of it. It isn’t a problem.”

  “Then why did you wish to see me…?”

  Her knitting hands pause.

  “It would seem that the last general of the Demon Lord’s army has already started to make a move. The Demon Lord’s army is getting ready to attack the capital.”


  I almost immediately ask her if she’s sure, but I catch myself. The Great Goddess Ishtar can see into the near future, so being sure about it is a given.

  “Rista, now is the moment of truth.”

  “I will do my best!”

  “By the way…is Seiya Ryuuguuin currently training under Valkyrie?”

  “Y-yes, he is… I-is that bad?”

  “Valkyrie’s techniques of destruction… I assume this is your last resort since you were unable to obtain Igzasion and the adamantite armor?”

  It appears nothing really does get past Ishtar.

  “I do not think it is possible for a mere human to learn Valkyrie’s techniques. However, that Hero is a different story.”

  Wow! The Great Goddess acknowledges Seiya’s talent! I’m so proud of my Hero!

  “Nevertheless, there isn’t much time before the last general invades the capital. When the time comes, I request that you please head back to Gaeabrande immediately. I will allow you to open a gate near the capital, Roseguard, due to the urgent nature of the matter.”

  “Th-thank you very much!”

  Just as I express my gratitude and turn to leave the room…

  “Rista. Is that man, Seiya Ryuuguuin, strong?”

  I return her sudden query with a smile.

  “Yes! He’s by far the strongest Hero I have ever met! I can’t even express how relieved I get whenever I hear him tell me that he’s perfectly prepared after training! Gaeabrande is a rough world, but I just know I will be able to save it with Seiya by my side!”

  There is no hesitation in my words. However, she turns her gaze at me with a slightly stern look in her eye.

  “Ristarte, you will soon come to know Seiya Ryuuguuin’s true strength.”

  “Huh? His ‘true strength’…?”

  What does that mean? Seiya’s already more than strong enough if you ask me…

  After puzzling over her words for a few moments, I look Ishtar in the eyes, only to discover that her gentle expression has returned.

  “I apologize for keeping you from your bath. Now, please hurry along and get cleaned up. You are starting to smell of vinegar, perhaps due to your long journey.”


  Things Left Unsaid

  The next morning, I wake up in my bed, only to discover my entire body is sore. I briefly wonder why, but…oh yeah. I scrubbed the life out of my body yesterday when I took a bath. After lavishing myself with perfume, I put on my white dress that I just washed.

  All right! Perfect! Nobody’s going to tell me I smell sour now!

  I open the door and start walking down the sanctuary’s corridor until I run into Valkyrie with her canvas and paintbrush. When I ask her about it, she says she’s in the middle of her break and is going to paint—paint complete and utter garbage, I might add.

  “So, Valkyrie, how is Seiya doing?”

  “…What are you smiling about?”

  Huh?! I’m smiling? B-but, I mean, why wouldn’t I be? Usually, people tell Seiya that something is impossible for a human to do, yet he always masters it by the next day! Valkyrie replies with a quick “hmph.”

  “It’s just like you thought. He’s one of a kind. He’s already learned a few of my techniques.”

  “I knew it! Heh!”
r />   I grin from ear to ear until…

  “What are you grinning about?!”

  Bang! Valkyrie hits me on the head!

  “O-ouch! But come on…! Admit it! He’s a prodigy! Am I right?!”

  “Not even getting hit discourages you, huh?”

  She gives a snort of disgust, then quietly says:

  “He does have a natural gift, but it will take more than that to learn my destruction techniques. Listen, Ristarte…”

  Valkyrie makes a stern face before uttering:

  “It’s a problem of determination.”


  I wasn’t expecting her to say that. “Determination”? Seiya’s determination? What does that mean?

  “You could learn from him.”


  A jolt of pain suddenly shoots through my glutes. After kicking me in the butt, Valkyrie heads toward the rooftop.

  Can everyone please stop literally kicking my ass?! A-anyway, it looks like everything’s going okay with Seiya as usual.

  I head over to Aria’s room after that. As I quietly open the door, I see Mash and Elulu sitting side by side while meditating.

  Noticing me, Aria gently claps to get their attention and smiles.

  “How about we take a short break?”

  While Aria is preparing tea, I ask Elulu and Mash how their training is going.

  “Hmm… It’s hard to describe, but I feel like I am on the verge of unlocking all the power in my body…”

  “Me, too! I’m feeling good about this!”

  They’re exuberant. It looks like the training’s paying off.

  “I can’t wait to back up Seiya in battle!”

  Elulu suddenly puts on an innocent smile. Mash nods in agreement as well.

  “Same here! Even if it only happens once, I want to do something to help Master Seiya out!”

  After chatting for a while over the tea Aria made, I start feeling slightly uncomfortable and leave.

  …Mash and Elulu are really training hard.

  …And Seiya is searching for a way to defeat the Demon Lord without relying on the holy sword or legendary armor.

  A feeling similar to frustration begins to arise within my heart.

  After returning to my room, I think to myself for a while…then finally make up my mind.

  All right, that’s it! I’ve made my decision! I can’t sit around and do nothing while they’re all working so hard! I’m going to do it!

  Three days have gone by since we came to the spirit world. Today, Mash and Elulu are smiling, no, beaming with joy in Aria’s room.

  “Hmm? Did something good happen?”

  Aria says with a note of joy in her voice, “Rista, their training is complete.”

  “What?! Do you mean…?!”

  “Yes. Mash can completely turn into a dragon now, while Elulu has mastered Quick, a new support spell.”

  “Good job, guys!”

  I shower them with praise as they blush. However, Aria directs her gaze to them with a somewhat serious look on her face.

  “Elulu, Haste’s advanced version, Quick, is a high-level move that still exceeds your level, so you will only be able to use it once a day. You must use it wisely!”

  “I will! Thanks, Aria!”

  “Mash, the same goes for you, too. You were able to unlock a seal that normally takes years to break. Every time you transform into a dragon, you will be unable to use the move again for a few hours.”

  “All right, got it!”

  At any rate, Mash and Elulu have improved so much quicker than I thought! All that’s left is Seiya, but I’m sure he’s ready!

  Before I even realize it, Aria is staring at me with a worried look in her eyes.

  “Hey, Rista? According to what Adenela told me…Seiya and Valkyrie have been confined in her room together for days.”

  “Hmm? But isn’t that normal?”

  “It could be, but…I have no idea what Valkyrie could be thinking. You should probably go check up on him. I know it’s unlikely, but we wouldn’t want a repeat of what happened with Mitis.”

  “Ahhh! Are you saying that Valkyrie might try to have her way with Seiya?! Th-that’s impos—”

  That’s totally possible!

  Suddenly stricken with worry, I fly out of Aria’s room.

  “R-Rista, wait!”


  Elulu and Mash chase after me.

  I make a mad dash to Valkyrie’s room.

  “Sorry! I’m coming in!”

  I vigorously force the door open without even knocking…


  …and witness something truly unbelievable.

  In the center of the spacious, modest room is a double bed containing Seiya and Valkyrie, nude in each other’s arms.

  “Wh-wh-wh-what do you two think you’re doiiiiiing?!”

  I scream. However, they simply continue staring into one another’s eyes, only a hairbreadth apart, as if I don’t even exist. With burning crimson cheeks, she affectionately whispers:

  “I’ve never felt this way before.”

  Seiya passionately gazes back at her.

  “Me neither.”

  I rush over, interrupting their pillow talk before forcefully peeling Seiya off Valkyrie.

  “Rista, what are you doing?”

  “That’s what I should be asking you! And here I thought you were training hard this whole time! J-just hurry up and put on your underpants!”

  “What are you talking about? This is training.”

  “What part of this is training?! At what point did I tell you to train up your skills in bed?!”

  I lean in even closer to Seiya so that Valkyrie can’t hear.

  “D-did she force you to do this like Mitis tried to? She did, didn’t she?! Oh, Seiya!”

  “No, it’s not like that. It’s consensual.”

  “I-i-it’s what?! Does that mean you and Valkyrie are…?!”

  My mouth is moving, but no words come out. I look back at Valkyrie. She appears to be in a daze with her gently sloping breasts still out.

  “Oh… Look what…I’ve done…”

  “So you admit it! You did do it!”

  I—I can’t believe they did it! They’ve crossed the line! Nothing is more prohibited than sexual acts between goddesses and humans! If Ishtar finds out…!

  “Don’t worry. I’ll tell Ishtar myself. She won’t complain if I apologize.”

  Well, we would at least be able to avoid the worst-case scenario—Seiya being sent back—if she did that. But that’s not the issue here.

  With a roar of anger, I tell off the second-highest-ranking goddess in all the spirit world.

  “What were you thinking?!”

  “Don’t blame me. He’s a good man. I didn’t have any other choice.”

  I almost faint when I hear how straightforward she is with her feelings.

  “B-but goddesses and humans mustn’t engage in sexual relationships! It’s prohibited!”

  “Huh? The hell are you talkin’ about? …Tch. This is why you’ll always be a third-rate goddess.”

  “D-did you just call me…a third-rate goddess…?”

  I finally snap.

  “A filthy slut of a goddess such as yourself has no right to speak to me like that!”

  “Ristarte! You little…!”

  She grabs my lapels, but I don’t back down.

  “I-I’m doing my best, too, you know! I mean, look! I put a lot of work into preparing this for Seiya today!”

  I show her a small bundle wrapped in cloth that I was planning on giving Seiya. Valkyrie takes it out of my hands with a quizzical stare before opening it over the palm of her hand.

  “…What the hell is this? A straw figure…? Nah, it looks like you wove it with some sort of golden thread…”

  Valkyrie’s expression slowly changes as she stares hard at the doll.

  “W-wait! Ristarte…! Don’t tell me this is made out of…!”
r />   “Yep! I plucked a lot of hair off my head and made it! I call it the Ristarte Hair Doll!”

  “…?! I don’t care what you call it! Have you lost your mind?! How can you just give someone something like this with a straight face?!”

  Valkyrie throws the Ristarte Hair Doll at me.

  “I’m not playing around! Pulling out all these hairs really hurt, but I did it for Seiya!”

  “Wh-what kind of deranged goddess are you?!”

  “This isn’t like that! This is really going to come in handy!”

  The way Valkyrie looks at me changes.

  “I never knew Ristarte was this sick in the head… I—I should probably stop squeezing her tits…”

  They were the eyes one has when regarding a degenerate with disgust. Then from behind me:

  “R-Rista, are you being serious…?”

  “Ristie… I mean… This is just… You know?”

  Mash and Elulu sound as if they are slowly drawing away from me.

  Wh-why is everyone acting like this?! I was just trying to make synthesis more convenient for him…!

  I gaze once more at the present in my hand.

  Seiya is trying to master techniques of destruction to defeat the Demon Lord… Elulu and Mash both desperately wish to help with whatever they can as well… That’s why I thought I should try to do something…

  That’s when my brain, which is stuck in a state of distress, suddenly returns to normal.

  Ah?! What is this?! A doll made out of my hair?! Am I an idiot?! What was I thinking?! I must have gone mad!

  As I regain my senses, I am instantly overwhelmed by embarrassment, grief, and despair.


  I’m so embarrassed, sad, and in pain that I begin to bawl my eyes out.


  Tears and snot dribble about as I try to hug the Hero for emotional support, but Seiya places a hand around my forehead and stops me.

  “Quit it. That’s disgusting. Get away from me. Disgusting.”

  He calls me disgusting twice, causing me to wail and cry even more.

  “Noooooo! Seiyaaaaaa, don’t hate meeeeeeeee!”

  “Then stop crying. You’re being worse than Rosalie right now.”

  Not wanting to be worse than the barking dog princess, I try to force myself to stop crying, but the tears just won’t stop running down my cheeks. I am unable to hold back the feelings that pour out with the tears.


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