The Hero Is Overpowered but Overly Cautious, Vol. 2

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The Hero Is Overpowered but Overly Cautious, Vol. 2 Page 14

by Light Tuchihi

  He endlessly continues listing things off as if he’s delirious.

  “What…? What is he going on about?”

  The Warmaster stares at Seiya in utter confusion. But Seiya’s misguided possibilities gradually move toward the truth.

  “…It’s common knowledge that goddesses can’t die, but perhaps even then, the Demon Lord of this so-called S-ranked world used his irregular powers to create a weapon that could even kill a god. In addition, when the emperor went to the northern continent of Alphoreiz, perhaps he actually encountered the Demon Lord and received said weapon after the Demon Lord won him over…which means he could be after Rista. In other words…”

  Seiya sets his unbelievably piercing eyes on the Warmaster.

  “Maybe the Warmaster, Wohlks Roseguard, is my enemy.”

  A jolt of electricity runs through my body.

  “Maybe, maybe, perhaps”?! What’s with this guy?! He’s seriously sick in the head! Real sick! But it’s amazing! It’s truly wonderful! I don’t know why, but I can’t stop crying!

  Seiya throws me a sharp glance for some reason while I explode with emotions.

  “And perhaps…this goddess is a fake.”

  “…! I’m the real thing! Can you stop with the speculating already?!”

  After I yell at him, the emperor suddenly begins cackling.

  “I am truly amazed. It’s not that you’re sharp and have good intuition. It’s astounding and incomprehensible caution that exceeds logic, common sense, and even trickery.”

  Then he steels his face and glares at Seiya.

  “But all that has changed is the order in which you die! I will just take care of the goddess after I bury you!”

  “F-Father! Don’t do this! This… This is…!”

  The father points the tip of the black sword at his daughter as she tries to approach.

  “Stay back, Rosalie! If you get any closer, I won’t even show you mercy!”

  “B-but why…?!”

  Rosalie is stunned, not by the emperor’s tremendous power but by the fact that she was betrayed by someone she loved and respected. She withers and falls to her knees. The emperor turns to Seiya in an amused manner as if his daughter doesn’t even exist.

  “I was a dreamer in my younger years, but I was never able to become the world-saving Hero I so longed to be. That’s why nothing could bring me more joy than fighting you.”

  He poises himself, pointing the God Eater at Seiya.

  “Seiya! Watch out! That sword can kill not only me but you, too! It can break your soul!”

  “The goddess speaks the truth. If I destroy your heart or brain with this sword, then your soul will cease to exist, leaving you unable to return to your world. So? How does it feel to fight an enemy on even footing for the first time?”

  The Warmaster tries to intimidate Seiya, but the Hero simply grunts.

  “Hmph. If I win, none of that matters.”

  In his free right hand, Seiya unsheathes the platinum sword-plus as well.

  “Mode: Double Eternal Sword…!”

  He holds the blade aloft in his left hand while taking a medium stance with the sword in his right. As the Hero gets ready to attack, the emperor smirks. However…

  “Mn… Gwah?! Ahhh!”

  The emperor suddenly begins moaning in agony, slamming the God Eater on the ground to hold himself up like a cane.

  I-is he having one of those blackouts?! We’ve got him! Once that happens, it will literally be like stealing candy from a baby!

  However, even while in excruciating pain, the Warmaster maintains his self-deprecating smile.

  “Heh-heh… This pathetic, old body is on the verge of rotting away. However, all of that ends today. If I can relive my glory days, then I would be more than happy to offer this soul to the Demon Lord…”

  The emperor pulls something out of his pocket and pops it in his mouth. Immediately, a black aura begins oozing out of his body.

  “The Demon Lord bestowed this Demon Spirit Orb unto me along with the God Eater. In return for changing humans into demons, it can reverse the body’s aging and restore its youth…”

  The emperor’s body transforms as he speaks. His white hair changes into a pale azure, similar to Rosalie’s, and the wrinkles on his face gradually fade. Muscle begins growing on his feeble, skinny arms and legs…and the once eighty-something-year-old emperor transforms into a young man of around twenty.

  “Heh… Ha-ha-ha! I can feel the power running through my veins! I have returned to my prime—no, I have become stronger than ever!”

  As he roars with booming, bloodcurdling laughter, I notice he now has fangs, and his eyes are glowing red.

  I use Scan on the demon Warmaster and check his status.


  LV: 90

  HP: 359,985

  MP: 0

  ATK: 302,225

  DEF: 293,664

  SPD: 257,511

  MAG: 0

  GRW: 789

  Resistance: Fire, Water, Lightning, Ice, Earth, Holy, Dark, Poison, Paralysis, Instant Death, Sleep, Status Ailments

  Special Abilities: Darkness’s Blessing (LV: MAX), Evolve Attack (LV: MAX)

  Skills: Style: Evil Light, Crush Evil Light, Massive Evil Light

  Personality: Valiant

  …His attack is over three hundred thousand?! That’s even higher than the last general, Eraser—by a lot! The sable aura radiating from the emperor’s body swallows the God Eater, transforming it into darkness itself.

  From having swallowed the Demon Spirit Orb, the emperor obtained the powers of darkness. He raises his sword high into the air.

  “S-Seiya… Huh?!”

  Unlike me, Seiya isn’t cowering but instead charging right at him!

  “Now’s my chance.”

  He immediately uses Double Eternal Sword, but the Warmaster manages to defend with the God Eater. However…

  “Mn…! What strange movement. What manner of swordsmanship is this?”

  Eternal Sword defies what’s possible for the human arm—and Seiya is dual wielding. Although the emperor may have astonishing stats, he seems to be desperately struggling to defend against such high-speed attacks of afterimages, which create yet more afterimages.

  “Don’t push your luck, boy!”

  Arcing his sword in a wide swing with all his might, the emperor knocks the Eternal Sword strikes away. However, the unbelievable power of his own strike causes the emperor to clumsily stumble.

  Seeing how overpowered the emperor is makes me realize what Seiya meant when he said, “Now’s my chance.”

  O-ohhh! The emperor still isn’t used to his body after suddenly restoring his youth!

  After the Warmaster loses his balance, Seiya begins attacking with Double Eternal Sword once more. The emperor is gradually pushed back by Adenela’s special move. Even as a bystander, Seiya’s advantage is evident. Just one more push, and the emperor’s guard will be broken—or so I think. He suddenly breaks his silence.

  “Double Eternal Sword—an awe-inspiring technique that rivals or may even surpass Eraser’s six-weapon strikes. However…”

  The emperor’s eyes continue to darken until they’re a cardinal red.

  “I have seen all you have to offer.”

  Immediately, a trail of black light comes into view, knocking the platinum sword-plus out of Seiya’s hand and onto the floor.

  “Take this! Style: Evil Light!”

  Black geometrical figures are drawn in the air. Seiya, with only one sword, faces the emperor’s incredible attack that not even Eraser could withstand using six arms.


  The moment I scream, I hear Seiya’s bones violently creak.

  “…Eternal Sword EX.”

  The Adamantitor in Seiya’s left hand moves as if it is tracing the black light of the emperor’s blade. All I can hear is the continuous sound of the Adamantitor deflecting the God Eater’s attacks grating in my ears.

  I-is that the Ultimate Eternal Sword?! That’s the move Adenela used against Thanatos! Since when does Seiya know that?!

  The emperor marvels at the sight, as do I.

  “I’m impressed you were able to block my attacks with a single arm. I see. It all makes sense. Small wonder that you have gone undefeated up to this point. I’m sure you’ve never even been in trouble in any of your fights until now.”

  Yep! Seiya is the most talented Hero in the world, after all! And he’s about to slice you to ribbons, too! Right, Seiya?

  Thinking that to myself, I glance at Seiya’s profile and gasp. On his cheek is a fresh wound leaking onto the floor.

  I-is that blood?! Was he not able to entirely fend off the Evil Strikes?!

  I notice sweat mixed in the blood, dripping down Seiya’s face.

  “The Demon Lord once told me the Hero is summoned from a world without wars or struggle.”

  The emperor then stares fixedly at Seiya with his crimson eyes.

  “You are a boy from a peaceful world. While you have talent, you do not know pain. So allow me to show you a real fight where your flesh shall be torn and your blood spilled.”


  The Risks and Rewards of Caution

  With the God Eater resting on his shoulder, the emperor waits for Seiya’s next attack, his face full of confidence. Fortunately, since there are no follow-up attacks, Seiya is able to take the Special Medicine out of his breast pocket, rub it on his cheek where he was cut, and heal his HP.

  The emperor had the upper hand in that last exchange. I am struck with the feeling that this will be a fight against the odds, unlike anything we have faced so far—and I am sure that Seiya feels the same way.

  “Seiya! Use the techniques of destruction! I’m sure you’ll be able to win if you use the moves Valkyrie taught you!”

  “No, those moves wouldn’t work well against another high-speed swordsman.”


  “At any rate, the emperor’s attributes rise the more he fights. I need to end this quickly.”

  Seiya heaves a deep sigh.

  “I was saving this for the Demon Lord, but…”

  After placing the Adamantitor down where he can easily grab it, Seiya removes his platinum mail’s brassards.

  “Huh…? Seiya…? What are you doing?”

  Under his armor are a few bracelets around his forearms. Seiya takes one off and drops it to the ground. Clang! The cathedral’s floor cracks open.

  J-just how heavy are those bracelets?! He has been fighting with those on the entire time?!

  Seiya continues removing the bracelets one by one.

  Wait. I think I’ve read a story about something like this before! The character shackled their body and held back their true attack power and speed!

  After removing over ten bracelets on his right arm, Seiya begins taking off the ones on his left arm as well. After unburdening himself of over ten shackles on that arm as well, he sheds the ones around his right ankle. Then he moves on to the left ankle. I feel a sense of relief after he finally takes off all forty-plus weights…until he reveals there are several around his upper arms, too. Watching the endless loop of him removing the bracelets, I finally snap.

  “Just how many of those do you have on?! Does the phrase Okay, that’s enough even exist in your vocabulary?!”

  By the time he removes every last one, a mountain of bracelets and anklets stands on the marble floor.

  “This is insane! There is no way equipping this many is even possible! What is this, some kind of magic trick?!”

  But Seiya just continues to ignore me. Then he holds his hand out to Mash.

  “Hand me my spare platinum sword-plus in the bag.”

  “C-coming right up!”

  Mash hands him the sword. Holding the spare in his right hand and the Adamantitor in his left, Seiya touches the tips together in a mid-stance.

  “It will put a huge burden on my arms, but…it appears I don’t have a choice.”

  An aura of light begins rising from Seiya’s body and swords.

  “Mode: Double Eternal Sword EX…!”

  He’s going to use Ultimate Eternal Sword with two swords! Plus, he should be stronger and quicker now that he’s taken all those weights off! He’ll definitely be able to defeat the emperor’s Evil Strikes now!

  With clear amusement, the emperor asks:

  “Are you ready?”

  But Seiya shakes his head.

  “Hold on. I have a little something extra for you since you waited so long.”

  In a flash, roaring flames engulf the two swords in Seiya’s hands!

  “It’s a combination between Ultimate Eternal Sword and Phoenix Drive. In other words…”

  After swinging the flaming swords around as if he were putting on a demonstration, Seiya points them right at the emperor.

  N-no way! He combined Ultimate Eternal Sword with another one of his best moves?! Th-this is undoubtedly going to be the Hero’s strongest move!

  While I watch with bated breath, Seiya says:

  “Mode: Double Eternal Sword EX Phoeni— Let’s do this!”

  What the…?! Not only is the name too long but he didn’t even finish saying it! B-but fine! Whatever! At any rate, go get him, Seiya! Show him who’s boss!!

  Thereupon, Seiya closes in on the emperor at lightning speed, thanks to taking off the weights. Even then, the Warmaster reflexively blocks one of Seiya’s swords with the God Eater! However…the other flaming blade is heading right for the emperor’s throat!

  “Style: Evil Light!”

  A black light shoots out of the Warmaster’s sword, deflecting Seiya’s first sword before the emperor immediately uses the God Eater like a shield to protect his neck from the incoming strike. Thereupon, the Warmaster takes the offensive once more, creating a geometric pattern in the air. However, Seiya’s dual flaming swords are already drawing the same pattern! The scarlet from the fire magic and the black from the dark magic mix and clash multiple times in the air. With each strike, the speed of their swords increases until my vision can no longer keep up. Their attacks go beyond the scope of human intellect…until Seiya’s scarlet flames eventually begin spreading out as if to swallow the darkness of the emperor. The Warmaster slowly retreats.

  Y-yes! Seiya’s pushing him back! Seiya’s Mode: Double Eternal Sword (omitted) is slightly outdoing the emperor’s Evil Light! But when I glance at Seiya’s face, sweat is streaming down like a waterfall.

  He’s sweating so much! Seiya must be more serious than ever!

  For the first time, it is evident that this battle will not be easy. What’s more, Seiya said a little earlier that he had no choice but to use this move. In other words, if, by chance, this special attack doesn’t work, then…

  In spite of my fears, the emperor’s shoulder guard is knocked off! Then the flames of Phoenix Drive scorch the emperor’s now-bare left arm!

  He…he can do it! Seiya can win!

  A ray of hope shines in my heart when…

  “Marvelous. You are stronger than any warrior or monster I have ever faced. However…”

  The sable light instantly carves an even more complicated geometrical pattern in the air, which slowly begins eroding Seiya’s flames.

  “I have seen all you have to offer.”

  Next, Seiya is the one being pushed back by the emperor’s awe-inspiring swordsmanship!

  “Oh? What is this? It appears your movement is getting slower. All out of tricks?”

  The Warmaster’s lips curl upward like hooks.

  “An incredibly talented man like you only appears once in a hundred, no, two hundred years. However, you are no match for me now that I am a demon; hence, you are no match for the Demon Lord, either.”

  But Seiya is breathing too heavily to respond. This is the first time I have seen Seiya in so much pain.

  I am no longer able to stand back and watch. I approach Elulu, then shake her tiny shoulder.

��Elulu! Use Quick! Use your support magic and help Seiya!”

  But Elulu shakes her head as if she’s in pain.

  “I can’t…!”

  “Wh-why?! Now’s the time to make use of your support magic!”

  “I already used Quick! Seiya’s really cautious, so he made me cast it on him before we came inside!”

  “Wait! So all this is even with Quick already cast?!”

  Elulu gazes up at me, tears welling up in her eyes.

  “Ristie! Everything’s going to be okay, right?! Seiya’s going to be okay, right?!”

  “O-of course! I mean, Seiya—”

  Seiya said he was perfectly prepared!

  I catch myself midsentence and gasp.

  W-wait! He didn’t say he was perfectly prepared this time!

  The instant I realize that, I feel like I’ve been stabbed in the back with an icicle.

  S-so wait. Seiya, does that mean you don’t know whether or not you can win?!

  The bad feeling lingering in my heart worsens every time I see Seiya driven back by the emperor.

  “R-Rista, I’m going to help him! We have to save Master Seiya!”

  When Mash suddenly yells out, I look over at him to find steam rising from his body. Before long, scales begin covering his arms and legs, transforming him into a dragonewt…but his transformation doesn’t end there. Mash’s body continues expanding, slowly reaching the cathedral’s ceiling. While smaller than the Great Mother, Queen of the Dragons, he is still five meters in total length. After he awakens as a dragon, I use Scan.


  LV: 21

  HP: 139,544

  MP: 0

  ATK: 91,578

  DEF: 83,333

  SPD: 61,496

  MAG: 0

  GRW: 67

  Resistance: Fire, Water, Lightning, Ice, Poison, Paralysis, Instant Death

  Special Abilities: ATK Boost (LV: 8), Dragonewt Metamorphosis (LV: 9), Dragon God Metamorphosis (LV: 1)


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