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Fractal Page 9

by Rachel J Mannino

She swam toward him. “Varick, please. Just come in for a swim. It won’t hurt anything, and Councilman Meroca will never know. I don’t need to tell him.”

  He fidgeted, glancing between her and the clear water that surrounded her. “I shouldn’t. I really shouldn’t.”

  “Do you want me to get out so you can get in?”

  “No, no, you swim. You were close to a heat stroke. I’m fine.” He folded his arms over his chest.


  “I’m fine.”

  Anna studied him, sizing him up. A tall, strong man. Sinfully handsome. A warrior and protector in the extreme. His pride prevented him from appearing weak in front of her. “I think you’re just making excuses. Are you afraid of the water? Do you even know how to swim?”

  He puffed out his chest, sitting up straighter at the rim of the pond. A look of annoyance flashed across his face. Ha. She was on the right path.

  “I can swim quite well, thank you.”

  “I think you’re afraid.” She swam in a little circle.

  “I am not afraid of water.”

  He glared at her, his eyes glinting like a glass bottle. He supported himself on his fists, dangling over the edge of the water. The corded muscles of his arms flexed and bunched beneath the long shirt he wore

  She smiled, batting her eyelashes. Arching up, she floated at the top of the pond as if she didn’t have a care in the world. “Yup, that’s it—you’re afraid.”

  Varick laughed. He opened his mouth to reply, but Anna scooped up water with her hands. The resulting splash covered his face and neck, and he sputtered

  He wiped away the droplets with his hand. “What was that for?”

  “I wanted to see how scared you were.”

  Varick hung his head laughing. He met her eyes, a chuckle still lurking at the corner of his mouth. “Will it make you happy if I swim with you? Will you give up this fear of water idea if I do that?”

  Splashing him again, with greater force, the water soaked Varick’s legs. She would cool him off one way or another. “I won’t believe it until I see it.” She swam to the center of the pond.

  He unlatched his body armor. Then he kicked off his shoes and pulled off his shirt. Anna sucked in a breath. God, this was a bad idea. His shirtless body glistened with sweat. She had always known his frame was lean, but his customary armor and shirt covered the sleek muscles underneath. His body twisted and flexed like steel wrapped in warm silk. She trembled when he glanced over and smiled at her.

  He slid his legs into the cool water and closed his eyes in pleasure. A moan almost escaped her lips, watching those powerful muscles cut through the water

  Varick submerged, and when he came up, he opened his eyes as she swam up beside him. “Are you happy now?”

  She flashed him a self-satisfied smirk. “Yes.” She floated along the top of the water beside him

  He chuckled at her. “You’re good at getting people to do what you want.” His gaze clung to her as she floated

  “Comes with raising a teenage boy.”

  Varick didn’t respond. Anna followed his line of sight. The lavender of her dress faded to a watery, pale lilac. The bodice clung to her curves, revealing far more than it hid. Heat spread across her cheeks, down her neck and into her chest. The water did little to cool her off now.

  They’d just met, but something about him called to her. He was a golden-haired Adonis, to be sure, but something deeper stirred inside her every time they locked gazes. He had the ability to calm her, to strengthen her resolve when she was doubtful. He took care of her. She had lived at the edge for so long, trying to make her life work. She’d forgotten how good it felt to have someone else look out for her

  “I’m glad you found this pool. Thank you.” She smiled her gratitude

  He took a step away from her, stumbling against the edge of the pool. “Ah...You’re welcome.” He eased himself down to sit on his knees

  She propped herself against the wall beside him. “Tell me about Dahrel.”

  “There’s a lot to tell. What do you want to know?”

  “Just tell me what it was like to live there.”

  “I didn’t live there, not really. I spent most of my life on a training ship. The Academy. It’s a huge spaceship, where all of your troops are trained.”

  “Did you ever go back to the planet’s surface?”

  Varick’s eyes wandered to the waterfall, but his gaze settled on something a million miles away. Anna studied his profile, the long ridge of his nose, the stern lines hovering around the corner of his mouth, and his full sensuous lips

  “Oh, sure. We went home during the holidays a few times every year. But, I’m not much older than you are. I was only six when the darkness took over. The Academy was moved to the next solar system, where our parents were supposed to rendezvous with us.”

  “But your parents never…”


  His gaze lowered until he stared into the depths of the pond. She placed a hand on his shoulder, and he glanced at her. Fear and grief welled in the depths of his eyes. Her heart wrenched.

  “You’ll find them.” She squeezed his shoulder. “I’ll help you.”

  Varick smiled and grasped her hand. “Thank you.” He held her hand for a little while, tracing his thumb over her knuckles.

  “What happened to you then? You and all of the children who didn’t get picked up?”

  “We became soldiers. Some of the kids returned to training after their parents found other starships or planets to live on. A lot of them didn’t. Most of the army you have now, most of those men who run our ship, they’re all like me. They lost their parents, their families.”

  He paused as he flipped her hand over to run his fingers over her palm.

  “I’m sorry.” Her skin tingled wherever he touched her. Her mouth went dry. “I know how that feels. Not quite in the same way, really, but after my parents… I thought they would take Brendan from me. I never believed they would let me raise him. I was terrified for months that they were going to take him away. Now, I’ve dragged him out to the center of the universe, and I don’t even know where he is. Perhaps they should have taken him from me.”

  Varick wrapped an arm around her shoulders. He lifted her chin until her eyes met the emerald depths of his. “We’ll see them soon, I promise. The men protecting Brendan and Hannah will not leave their side, and I won’t leave yours. We will all get off this planet. It’s just going to take a bit of time. Okay?”

  She rested her forehead on his shoulder. He rubbed her back, squeezing her to his side

  She sniffled a few times and then pulled away from him. Leaning into his embrace offered a comfort that was frightfully addictive. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to get so emotional all of a sudden.”

  “Are you okay?”

  “Yeah, yeah. I’m fine.” She splashed water onto her face, and took a deep breath. “Do you have any happy memories of Dahrel?”

  “Ah, well.” Varick stared off into the distance. “Yes, I do have one memory. You were there.”


  “Yes. Right after you were born, the prophets gathered to prophesize your future. They do that for all of the children of the Royal Houses. Afterward, they read their joint prediction at a closed ceremony in the palace. My father was a Guardsman, and he was allowed to bring a couple of family members. I remember my mother getting me all dressed up and taking me into the palace to hear your future told.”

  Anna fought the laughter that rose in her throat. His serious expression told her that he took these prophets very seriously. She was skeptical about it, particularly the part she played in his memory.

  “The palace, of course, was enormous. It’s filled with all kinds of people. There’s an incredible garden, and even a small zoo. I was awestruck. After my father finished showing us around, he had to go escort the Council into the chamber. My mother took me into the room with her. I just remember being so proud when my father strode in alongside
the councilmembers. He was my hero—he really was. I left the palace that day, and all I could talk about was how I was going to become a soldier like my dad.”

  Anna could picture it. A determined, five-year-old Varick deciding what he wanted to do with his life. “What did the prophets say? What’s my future?”

  “Oh, I don’t know. You’d have to ask Councilman Meroca, or look up the historical records. I didn’t pay attention to a word of it. I remember seeing you there, wrapped in your mother’s arms. You were asleep the whole time, I think. Or at least you never cried or made a noise. I remember that. I remember everyone cheered when they announced you would be the next Vadana. I talked about that for months too. As for the prophecy, that I can’t remember at all.”

  Anna studied her hands through the hazy lines of the water, as she contemplated his story. It was so strange hearing about herself from him. It sounded like a wonderful story, but she couldn’t place herself in that room. Varick’s world seemed cloudy and existed only in her mind. An idyllic haven shrouded in mist.

  “We should go, Your Majesty. The first sun will set soon, and I’d like to take a look at the escape pod communicator before then.”

  He helped her from the pool, and Anna tried hard not be disappointed when he put his shirt and armor on. They ambled down to the banks of the river to the escape pod. Varick worked on the escape pod for over an hour. Yanking on and tangling up the wires. Sounds of frustration and anger emanated from the belly of the pod as the afternoon wore on. When the first sun touched the horizon behind them, he left the escape pod with a grimace.

  “I failed. The wires won’t connect and the power cell is leaking.”

  He hung his head. His shoulders slumped downward, his arms limp at his sides. He refused to meet her eyes, staring at her feet instead

  Anna rose with a patient smile on her lips. “At least you tried. We can try again tomorrow if you want. Perhaps you just need to think the problem over before you come up with a solution.”

  Varick shrugged. She fought the urge to chuckle at him.

  “Yes. I’ll try again tomorrow. Maybe there is something in the survival kits that can help me fuse the wires together.”


  They headed to the cave. She was famished by the time they arrived, having barely eaten in the heat of the sun. They ordered plates full of food and ate beside the fire.

  Afterward, Anna got up and stretched, going to the mouth of the cave. She looked up at the night and the stars on this planet.

  “Careful, Your Majesty.”

  “I know. I’m just curious.”

  She hovered a foot away from the force field, rubbing her arms from the chill. A fat crescent of a moon hung in the sky, causing the river to sparkle before her. The rest of the desert laid out flat in tones of gray. The stars, however, were dazzling. Searching the sky for some movement, a star above them that might be the ship, ready to take them home. Varick came up beside her.

  “Do you think when the ship comes we’ll be able to see it in the sky?”

  He frowned a little. “It depends on where it orbits and how close, but they’ll be able to find us faster than we can find them.”

  This was how her parents must have felt. Stranded on a strange planet, trying to make the best of a terrible ordeal. Waiting every day for their ship to come. Looking to the stars and wondering. Always wondering when they would finally be rescued. All they had was each other and their small family. Her anger toward her parents and their grand deception melted

  He placed his hand on her shoulder. “We should lay down. It’ll be cold soon.”

  They moved away from the mouth of the cave, and Varick placed part of the blanket on the floor. They laid down together and he threw the other half over them. Anna rested on her back and stared at the pockmarked ceiling. She studied it, as Varick made himself comfortable beside her.

  “Do you honestly think I can help your people?” She offered him a sidelong glance

  He stopped shuffling and rolled onto his side to face her. Propping himself up on his elbow, his gaze warmed her more than the blanket

  “What do you mean? Of course I believe it. I have always believed it, or I wouldn’t be here.”

  Anna knotted her fingers together, twisting them. She peeked up at him, hating the small, doubting voice inside her that made her ask the question. Before she could think it through, her inner voice spoke again. “Even now that you’ve met me? Even though I know nothing about your planet or your people? You don’t have any doubts about me?”

  Varick shook his head. “No. None.”

  Her gaze returned to the ceiling, still knotting her hands. She bit the side of her lip. If only she could have as much conviction in herself as he did. He leaned over her, capturing her chin between his thumb and forefinger

  When he had her complete attention again, he stroked the line of her jaw. “In fact, now that I have met you, I have no doubt you will be a fair and kind ruler. I have no doubt we will succeed on this mission and bring our people home. I have no doubt you are everything we have hoped for, because I know you are so much more than I have ever dreamed of.”

  The tension in Anna’s chest broke apart, and her breath hitched. Tears welled in her eyes. Varick stroked the skin of her cheek as he held her gaze. With each brush of his finger against her skin, the world fell away. The stars dissolved, the desert vanished, and the cave receded. Only the fire remained, but now it was inside her, roaring through her blood until she burned everywhere.

  “Thank you.” She put her hand on his chest.

  The shift in gravity that always drew her toward him resurfaced. It was stronger now, insistent, and its strength caught her off-guard. His gaze drifted down to her lips, and all of her thoughts disappeared except the one that wondered what he would taste like.

  Varick bent down and brushed his lips across hers. A tiny shiver of electricity coursed down her spine. She closed her eyes, and he kissed her again, this time catching one of her lips with his. Anna kissed him back, pressing her lips against him. He slid his free hand behind her head.

  She placed both hands on his chest, anchoring him to her, as he threaded his fingers through her hair. She parted her lips for him as an invitation, but Varick turned his attention to her lower lip. She didn’t give up. Her tongue darted out and licked his lips until he met her tongue with his. He groaned into her mouth, while tugging her body flush against his.

  Her body vibrated with excitement. She sucked gently on his tongue, and Varick’s groan transformed into a primal growl. When she stopped and licked his lips again, he broke off the kiss and trailed his mouth down to the base of her neck.

  He gathered her close to him and caressed her everywhere as the fire burned late into the night.

  Chapter Six

  Varick woke up slowly. The temperature climbed. He groped for the blanket and meant to toss it off, but his hand found Anna’s arm instead. He opened his eyes just enough to see Anna’s head resting on his chest. The previous night returned to him.

  He was lying, naked, with the Vadana. For that alone he could be executed. He’d committed the one crime forbidden above all.

  She stirred, and he contemplated her naked body pressed against his. She nuzzled her cheek into the sparse golden hairs on his chest. He didn’t regret what happened. It was inevitable he would succumb to the desire he felt for her. She had returned his advances, hungrily. A prickling heat flushed through his body. She had sighed and moaned last night. She wanted him, every inch of him. He would never refuse her anything.

  Varick brushed the hair from her face. He longed to kiss her again, to feel the rush of heat and pleasure she had given him last night. He wondered if she would welcome his touch or his kiss again. Last night may have been an aberration—a mistake for her. Yet, even if she did want him again, how would he keep this from the councilman, or his own men? The moment they found out, he would be...dead.

  Anna’s eyes opened. She blinked several times bef
ore her gaze focused on him. “Good morning.” She offered him a sultry pout

  Varick smiled. “Good morning.”

  She sat up, her movements heavy with sleep, and leaned over his chest. “Did you sleep well?”

  “Yes.” He brushed the back of his fingers along her arm. “You?”

  “Yes.” She kissed his chest. “After last night, I was pretty tired.”

  He chuckled.

  She purred. “Last night was...unexpected. But wonderful.”

  He murmured his agreement as he brought his free hand up to her face. He caught her chin, and brought her down to him for an easy, gentle kiss.

  Varick wanted nothing more than to roll her over and remind himself why last night was so wonderful, but the day was already growing hot. He could feel perspiration forming on his chest and at his temples. “I would love to lie like this all day, but the day is already warming. We’re not going to want to eat after too long. We really should have breakfast.”

  Disappointment flashed in her eyes, but she pushed herself into a seated position. He admired her as she fumbled around the floor of the cave for her dress. When she found it and rose to dress, Varick got up as well.

  He took the dress from her hands and dragged it over her head. He tugged it down over her slender frame. Anna picked up his shirt and helped him into it. He stepped into his pants and she tugged them up over his hips and fastened them. He provided her with a quick kiss on the forehead, before he moved to the cybernetic to make them food and water.

  “So, what will happen once we get to the ship? Will they still let you protect me if they know we’re...intimate?”

  He choked on his breakfast and cleared his throat. “No one can ever know that. You can’t tell anyone.”


  “Protectors cannot be with the Vadana. No one can until the Council appoints her a mate. Violating that law is…” Varick struggled with his words.

  “They’ll put you in jail for sleeping with me?”

  His jaw tightened. His eyes focused on the cave floor. “No…they’ll kill me.”

  Her plate clattered to the ground. “They’ll what? They’ll kill you?”


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