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Fractal Page 19

by Rachel J Mannino

  Brendan stood behind Anna now, as Tael caught Hannah by the waist. Anna turned to the doorway, as Dadon nodded to her that it was clear. Anna and Brendan stepped into a small room. Another airlock door barred their way to the retractable passageway toward their Dahrelian ship. Hannah, the councilman, and the two guards joined them in the small room.

  Anna placed her hand on the keypad. “Let’s hope that our captors aren’t rummaging around in our ship.”

  She pressed in the key code again. The door slid open with a soft hiss. The guards led the way, and they crossed over. The door to their ship hung open. They scanned the ramp to the main bank of elevators. Emergency lights faintly illuminated the dark hallway.

  “They must have cut off power to everything except the life support system.” Tael tapped the comm panel, but it didn’t respond.

  Anna turned to the guards. “Once some of the crew members begin to arrive, send them to get everything up and running. We don’t want to give the Star Alliance crew any hint of our intention to escape.”

  The guards charged up the ramp to make sure none of the Mara were lurking about. She faced Brendan, Hannah and Councilman Meroca.

  “Do the three of you want to return to your rooms?” She gestured to the ramp

  “I don’t wish to return to my rooms, but I do think it would be helpful for me to go on ahead to the first deck. The crew will need warm blankets, and water from the supply room. They’ll need some comforting after all we’ve been through.” The councilman bowed his head.

  Anna nodded her consent. Siair went ahead of Councilman Meroca as they ascended the ramp and headed out of sight. The other two returned to report that the ship appeared to be empty.

  She focused on the corridor connecting her ship to the Star Alliance. After a while, she paced to chase away the freezing chill that emanated from space. Time passed slowly until they heard movement at the other end of the walkway. She peered past the shoulders of the guards, standing on her tiptoes. Crewmembers were running toward them.

  The guards stepped aside, as the crew ran into the tiny vestibule, half of them toting rifles. Their faces were jubilant as they spilled into the small space. Many of them thanked her. Some hugged her in their elation. Anna laughed. Then she directed them to return to their posts to get the ship ready to leave. The crewmembers bowed and raced up the ramp.

  It wasn’t long before another group raced to the ship. Then another. Anna twisted her fingers into helpless knots, hoping to see red capes coming toward them. Finally, Captain Fayn arrived. He told her his cell was the last to be set free, and the rest of the guards were not far behind. Anna thanked him and gave him explicit instructions to ready the ship for departure. Captain Fayn nodded and strode up the ramp toward the first deck.

  After what seemed to her like hours, the red capes of the guards appeared. As they reached her, her heart sank when Varick wasn’t among them. Disappointment transformed into fear.

  “Where is Varick?” She grabbed the arm of the nearest guard

  “The Protector is coming. He bade us go on ahead,” the guard answered.

  A frightened chill ran through her body. “Who will close the gateway then?”

  “The Protector will. That’s why he wanted to send us on ahead.”

  “No. I told him to choose his fastest soldier.”

  The guard flinched. “Yes, Your Majesty. Varick is the fastest. He is also the strongest of the guards, and the best at fighting. That’s why he is your Protector.”

  Anna clutched at her heart and fell against the wall. How could she have been so stupid. Of course he would risk no one’s life but his own. She had all but condemned him to die with her own words. “Dear God, no.” Her chest constricted and she gasped for air.

  She tried to dive into the passage, but Hannah grabbed her and wrapped her arms around her as she struggled to get free. “He’ll be fine Anna. Just stay out of his way, or you’ll slow him down.”

  The walkway gave a loud creak. Metal scraped against metal. The base of their ship shuddered as the clamp holding it into place retracted. Over the creaking, rapid footfalls slammed against the metal floor.

  Varick ran toward them, full speed. He wasn’t alone. Several Star Alliance guards were chasing him down. They drew their weapons and fired on him.

  “Help him!” Anna screamed

  “We can’t get a clear shot in. If we fire, we could hit him, and he’ll die when the corridor retracts,” the guard on her right replied.

  One of the Star Alliance guards hit their mark, and Varick stumbled forward as the shot bounced off his shield. She shrieked and clawed at Hannah’s arms trying to get free. Varick recovered and ran toward them even faster. Anna yelled at him to run. He picked up speed.

  Varick barreled through the doorway, with the guards not far behind him. The Mara’s guns fired on them all, but they hit the metal walls, scorching them black. Once he ran past them, the other guards slammed the door shut and locked it. A pop and the hiss of air evaporating sounded on the other side of the door. The two Mara bellowed in agony.

  Varick crouched in the middle of the small space, his hands on his knees as he gasped for breath. Hannah let her go, and she threw herself at him. She wrapped her arms around his shoulders. “You stupid, stupid man. Why would you ever do that? Why?”

  Varick gasped and sputtered trying to catch his breath. “To keep…you safe.” He grabbed her hand.

  Anna squeezed his shoulders so hard that he groaned in protest. She gentled her embrace, but she refused to let him go. Tears ran down her face, dripping from her jaw, but Anna didn’t notice. There were a few long moments before he straightened and rubbed the sweat from his brow.

  He offered her a quick hug. She relished the feel of being held against him. Then he pushed her away and took hold of her elbow. His guards were staring at them

  He let Anna support him with her arm as they lumbered up the ramp. The hallway filled with a soft, glowing light now, as they powered on their systems. They emerged onto the first deck and applause exploded all around them. People were everywhere, some of them wrapped in blankets, others hugging each other. Yet all of them were applauding and cheering.

  Anna waved and laughed with them all, elated their plan had worked. She gazed at Varick; her heart filled with joy. A slow smile spread across his face, and the love she carried for him flared into a full flame. He straightened, laughing.

  “Go on, wave to everyone.” She prodded him with her elbow

  Varick’s smile widened and they stared at each other for a minute, lost in their mutual joy. He gave a brief wave and a smile. The applause and cheering intensified, and he blushed crimson.

  “We should get to the control room.” She brushed his shoulder. “Captain Fayn should be ready to fire on them and make a run for it.”

  Once they were inside the Vadana’s elevator, he punched in the code for the control room, and the elevator shot up toward the center of the ship. Varick pressed his forehead against the cool, clear glass of the elevator wall until the door opened. When they arrived at the control room, they received more applause.

  Captain Fayn stood in the center of the room. He spared them a sour expression as he barked out orders. There were three times more bridge crew on deck than normal.

  The Captain growled out the order to charge the cannons. He laid in the targeting coordinates Anna had given him. They fired on the Star Alliance ship. A burst of light flared to life as they hit their mark, and then another as the fuel tanks ignited.

  “Direct hit, Captain. Their main fuel tanks are destroyed,” the weapons specialist reported

  “Good. Now fire torpedoes at their thrusters,” the Captain ordered

  The specialist complied, letting loose two torpedoes. The oblong tubes sped through space toward their intended targets on either end of the belly of the Star Alliance ship. Two laser blasts returned fire. The ship shuddered as they made contact with the shields.

  “There’s no damage yet, but those l
aser blasts are draining our shields,” the weapons specialist called

  “Steady,” Captain Fayn said.

  Another round of laser blasts hit them. The force of the concussive blasts knocked Anna off balance, and Varick reached out to steady her. She clasped him with both of her cold and clammy hands.

  “We’ve lost the forward shields, Captain,” the specialist announced

  Anna sucked in a breath and clutched Varick’s arm. He covered her hand with his.

  Two explosions erupted from beneath the Star Alliance ship. Their ship lurched, listing a bit to the right.

  “Both torpedoes were a direct hit. Their thrusters are offline. They’re adrift.” the specialist called out.

  “Get us the hell out of here.” Captain Fayn bellowed.

  The crewman at the helm was ready. With a swipe of his hand, their thrusters launched them into light-speed just as two Star Alliance laser blasts went wide.

  She sagged onto Varick’s arm, spent. The crew not assigned to night duties filed past them, each of them bowing to her and then to Varick.

  Varick tugged on her to bring her away from the bridge. She hated to leave. It meant that he would part from her at her door, and she couldn’t stand the thought just now.

  When they left the lift, Anna dragged her feet. She was tired, but she would rather stay awake with the crew all night if it meant Varick would be beside her. She tapped on her door, her arm heavier than lead.

  The door disappeared and Anna jumped. Hannah stood across the threshold.

  “Hail the mighty heroes.” She presented them with a mocking salute. “You know, not one person has thanked me for helping plan this whole escape. Not one.”

  Anna smiled. “I’ll make sure you get all the credit you deserve.” She swayed on her feet

  Hannah snorted in disgust and moved away from the door so they could step into the room

  Varick opened his hand and let her arm slip away. She caught the wince that streaked across his features.

  “Thank you for everything you did tonight. You saved my life.” Her gaze connected with the dark green depths of his eyes

  He swallowed. “You saved yourself, and everyone else.” His voice a strained whisper

  She dipped her chin and studied her hands. It was too painful to see him standing in her room again.

  “Good night,” he said.

  Varick said it so low and so softly, she barely caught it. He turned to leave, but Hannah’s voice cut into his retreat

  “Oh, please tell me you two aren’t going to keep this up.” Hannah ran to the door and blocked off his exit. She crossed her arms over her chest and shot him a look of adamant impatience

  “Hannah, let him go.” She closed her eyes in anguish

  “Oh for God’s sake. The two of you are ridiculous. You just escaped from jail and death and forced labor, and you’re going to still pretend like you’re not crazy about each other?” Hannah leaned against the door

  “Hannah, please. He broke it off with me, remember? Just leave it alone. He doesn’t want anything to do with me.” Pain grabbed at her. Tears welled in her eyes, and she wiped them away.

  Varick scrutinized her every move.

  “Yeah, sure, that’s what he may have told you for whatever stupid-ass reason he might have. But, I saw the look on his face when he pulled you down from the ceiling. There was no mistaking that look. He still has feelings for you, and you might be too hurt to fight for him, but I’m not too hurt to fight for your happiness.” Hannah’s eyes flashed in a rare show of anger

  She buried her face in her hands.

  “Tell her the truth, Varick. Tell her.” Hannah braced herself in the doorway

  A long pause tightened Anna’s chest until she couldn’t stand the tension. She slid her hands down.

  He took a step toward her. “I love you, Anna.”

  Her jaw dropped. Relief flooded her heart then joy. “You love me?”

  He closed the distance between them. He took her hands in his. “Yes. I am hopelessly, desperately in love with you.” He drew her closer, staring into her eyes.

  “But you…you said—”

  He rested his fingers on her lips. “Councilman Meroca found out about us. He told me that either I broke off our relationship, or he would have me executed. It nearly killed me to say those words to you.”

  Understanding dawned. Her shoulders relaxed. She bit her lip, and studied the strong line of his shoulder. “What I said to you that night was a lie. I was hurt by you breaking it off with me. Terribly hurt. Can you forgive me?”

  Varick kissed her hungrily in response, cupping either side of her face in his hands. She was starved of him these past few days. He swept an arm around her waist and slammed her body against his. She clung to him as his tongue danced dizzying circles around her own. When he let her come up for air, he kissed and licked his way down her neck.

  “You’re welcome,” Hannah said with a cheeky hint of satisfaction.

  Hannah’s footsteps clicked on the floor as she quit the room, and Anna smiled. Laughter bubbled up from inside of her, spilling out of her lips as Varick started nibbling her earlobe

  He paused and pulled back to gaze at her, his eyebrows knit together. “What?”

  She sighed. “Hannah’s such an insufferable know-it-all. I don’t think she’ll ever let me forget this, even for a second.”

  Varick produced a brilliant smile as he touched his forehead to hers. Then he kissed her again, more slowly this time. He ran his fingers up to the base of her neck and into her hair as he deepened the kiss. Then he drew a line of kisses down the side of her neck.

  She ran her hands over the front of his body armor. It wasn’t enough for her. She craved the heat of his skin beneath her hand. She depressed the button on the side of his armor and helped him out of it. She barely paused she tugged at the shirt as well. Anna bit her lip as she touched his warm skin, and the taught muscles of his chest.

  Varick kissed her before he bent and swept her up into his arms. He carried her to the bed, and placed her in the center of it. Then he covered her body with his own. Anna grabbed his wrist and he met her eyes.

  “Varick,” she said, her voice thick with desire

  “Yes, love?” He trembled above her

  “I love you,” she whispered. Her heart skipped a few beats as she stared into the liquid emerald of his eyes. Then her heart filled to bursting with her love for him.

  “And I…” He brushed a kiss over her lips, and her hand “I love you, Anna Cora.”

  Chapter Twelve

  The next morning, Varick found it difficult to wipe the smug smile off his face. He was in love, and Anna returned his love. It took superhuman strength to go through the officers meeting he called. He needed to regroup after the last few days, but he had a difficult time thinking about anything except his beloved’s smile, the way she laughed, her brilliant escape plan, and a million other reasons why he loved her

  So, he kept the meeting short and to the point. They were held captive by the Star Alliance, their fearless Vadana came up with the escape plan to free them, and now they had to watch their backs as they headed into their own solar system to fulfill their mission. All things considered, he should be anxious and concerned.

  Yet, he couldn’t drum up a single apprehensive thought. He marveled at that as he concluded their brief meeting and made haste to return to Anna before breakfast.

  Varick entered her room unannounced. He stopped short. Councilman Meroca sat at the dining room table. The councilman scowled at him for a moment, his face flushing with anger. He suddenly remembered why he should be worried.

  “Varick, you forgot to advise the Vadana that you wished to enter.” Meroca glared.

  “Now why should he do that when I invited him to breakfast? He doesn’t need to announce himself when I’m expecting him.” Anna sipped her coffee.

  The councilman sobered, lifting his cup of juice to her in acknowledgement. “Ah, my mistake. I should
have inquired.” He lowered his gaze to the table

  He waved the apology away. Then Hannah burst into the room from behind him.

  “Good morning,” she said, striding past him. “I hope everyone slept well.”

  Hannah sounded smug, and the mischievous twinkle that always glittered in her eyes fanned into a full flame as she took a seat across from Anna. Varick slid into the seat next to Anna, sitting on the edge in case the councilman objected. They ordered their breakfast, and the cybernetic complied.

  “Councilman Meroca, I asked you here to discuss a matter of great importance.” Anna appraised him with a glance.

  The councilman’s eyebrow arched

  “It was my understanding that on matters that impact the entire realm, the Council must always consult with the Vadana before making a ruling. Furthermore, the Council must meet a quorum and vote to accept a ruling for it to become law, especially without the Vadana’s approval. Is that correct?” She buttered her toast

  “Yes, of course.” Meroca set down his juice.

  “The penalty for not bringing matters to the Vadana’s attention is at least incarceration, if not execution.” She slid her gaze over to him

  Varick tensed. What was she doing?

  “Yes…have I done something wrong, Your Majesty?” His brow furrowed.

  She bit off a small piece of toast, chewing it thoughtfully. “Yes. You threatened to execute Varick if he didn’t break off his relationship with me.”

  Varick choked on his juice and coughed in spurts while the councilman gagged on his vala eggs, spewing most of them out of his mouth and onto the table. Anna sat unperturbed by the chaos on either side of her. She drank her coffee, dipped her knife into the jam and spread it on her toast. Hannah grinned and sat forward in her chair, her chin propped up in her hand. When the coughing and sputtering died down, she continued

  “It seems to me, that now is the perfect time to cast off this ridiculous arranged marriage business and install a more sensible approach which gives everyone the right to choose their mate as they see fit, including the Vadana. That is my will, and I have told you this intention several times. As Vadana, it is my right to change laws without hindrance from the Council.”


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