Her Cravings Mastered [Dark Desires 2] (Siren Publishing Sensations)

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Her Cravings Mastered [Dark Desires 2] (Siren Publishing Sensations) Page 19

by Suzy Shearer

  “Go ahead, and I’ll show them what you used to do.” She tried to sound in control, but her voice quivered. “I still wear the scars.”

  He looked furtive when she spoke. He was weighing up her threats against his own.

  “I’ll be back Friday. Around one o’clock for your answer.”

  “You can have it now. The answer is no.”

  He leaned close to her and whispered, “Think carefully, Jessica. I’ll do everything I can to ruin you if you don’t pay up.”


  “I’ll be back. I think once you’ve thought it over, you’ll change your mind. I’ll give you time to consider my…offer carefully.” He turned and walked to the door. “One o’clock Friday. I’ll be back.”

  He walked out. Jessica struggled to stay upright, but almost fell into the nearest chair. Bess came rushing over, grabbing her.

  “Are you okay, Jess? What did that man want?”

  “It’s okay, I’m okay. At least I will be.”

  Bess looked critically at her as she pushed her into the chair, then walked out of the room. She came back with a glass of water, holding it out to Jessica.

  “You look like you’re about to pass out. Here.”


  Jessica took the glass but her hands were shaking so much she spilt half the water on her jeans. She gave Bess back the glass and stood, then rushed through the office to the bathroom. Once there, she couldn’t stop vomiting. Kneeling, her arms around the toilet, she was sobbing and retching. She heard someone enter.

  “Jess! Jessie, are you okay?”

  It was Jeannie. She touched Jessica on the shoulder.

  “What’s happened?”

  Jessica couldn’t speak. She was distraught. She kept sobbing and vomiting. Jeannie handed her some tissues and stood waiting. Bess came in, looking worried, but quickly left. A few minutes later, she was back, sounding even more worried.

  “Fire me, do what you like, but I rang Aiden earlier.”

  She left the bathroom. Jessica was too distraught to reply. Jeannie knelt down beside her, trying to calm her down. But every single abuse she’d suffered at Dennis’s hands came flooding back. She was beyond thinking straight. She could feel Jeannie beside her, but it was as if she was all alone at that moment.

  Time passed. She still sobbed.

  Suddenly, strong arms picked her up. They carried her into her office. Cradling her, rocking her. She remembered this happened before. These arms were there to hold her then, to comfort her. Slowly, she stopped sobbing. Slowly, she became aware again.

  She lifted her head.

  Aiden’s green eyes looked down at her. They were filled with worry but also love. She gasped. She struggled to sit upright. Aiden helped her but wouldn’t let her off his knees.


  “No.” She shook her head.

  “It will be. Tell me what happened, what he said?”

  Haltingly, Jess repeated the conversation. Aiden’s lips were tight as anger filled his face.

  “I thought as much. I called a friend of mine, he should be here soon.”

  “A friend?”

  “A police detective.”


  “Of course. You’ve been threatened with blackmail. Not that I knew that. Bess rang me and told me a man named Dennis had been in the office and she was sure he’d threatened you. I just rang Frosty, Grahame Frost, told him Dennis was in the office and something had happened. I explained who he was. He promised to call in.”

  “What can I do, Aiden? I won’t give him a cent.”

  “You won’t have to do anything, the police will take care of it.”

  Jessica was still frightened. She was still shaking. Bess came into the office with Jeanne. Jeannie had mugs of coffee for them, and looked at Jessica.

  “Tell Bess you won’t fire her, she thinks you will.”

  Aiden laughed.

  “She won’t. Anyway, if she does, I’ll hire you, Bess.”

  Bess looked worried but gave a half-hearted smile at Aiden.

  “I won’t, Bess. I promise. Thank you.”

  Bess sighed and relaxed. She gave them all a big smile.

  “Thank goodness. I was wondering how I’d tell Mona I was out of work and we had to go back to living in the bus shelter.”

  Bess loved Mona like crazy. Everyone laughed. It broke through all the tension and Jess felt herself begin to calm down. Bess turned to leave, and Aiden called her back.

  “Bess, someone will be here soon—Grahame Frost. Can you send him in when he comes, please?”

  She nodded and left the room. Jeannie looked at them both.

  “You okay, Jess? You had me worried.”

  “I had myself worried. Thank you, Jeannie.”

  “Any time.”

  She put the coffee down in front of them on the coffee table, touched Jessica on the shoulder, and left the room.

  “You have loyal staff and friends.”

  “I know, I’m really lucky. They’re all amazing.”

  Jessica slipped off Aiden’s knees and picked up a mug. She passed it to Aiden then picked the other for herself. She sat back down close to him, her hands still shaking a little.

  Ten minutes later Bess ushered a tall man into the room. He looked around 6’2, maybe in his late forties, lean and attractive. Aiden stood and shook his hand, then introduced him to Jess.

  “Ms. Williams, I checked your records when Aiden told me this guy had turned up and he’d previously abused you. There was a restraining order in place years ago on him, plus there are photographs of some of the abuse in the file.”

  Jessie blushed. She recalled the day they’d been taken. It was embarrassing then and just as embarrassing now. He pulled out a notebook.

  “Tell me what was said.”

  Jessie went over the conversation once more.

  “So he’s coming back Friday at one?”

  “Yes. He thinks I’ll pay him rather than have him go to the press.”

  “Right. Now the original order was in place for five years. It’s on file that you then went before the courts prior to it running out and had it renewed permanently.”

  “Yes. I was still frightened he would find me. When I went to court and told them I was living under a different name and had moved to keep him from finding me, they accepted my need and fears. I…there were more photos taken then. Anyway, they made the order permanent.”

  “Perfect. That means by approaching you he’s broken it, plus he’s threatened blackmail. Now, tomorrow we’ll have a couple of men here. When he turns up, let him speak to you again, let him threaten, and then we’ll arrest him. Okay?”

  She could only nod.

  “Don’t worry, Ms. Williams, he’ll be going to gaol. We could arrest him now, but it will be even better if he threatens you. We’ll be here to protect you.”

  “Thank goodness!”

  Grahame closed his notebook and stood. He shook hands with Aiden and promised to catch up with him soon. Then shook hands with Jessica, assuring her things would be okay then he left.

  Aiden took Jess home and made her go to bed. He had to go back to his office but promised to return after work. Jessica was sure she wouldn’t sleep but woke later in the evening to the smell of something cooking. Going downstairs, she found Aiden making dinner for them both. It was only an omelette, but she loved him for it.

  Friday, her nerves increased as every hour passed. Two plain-clothes police officers had arrived around 12:15 and settled themselves in the staffroom with coffee and biscuits. Aiden had cancelled his appointments for the day and was there with her. The staff had been told to act as naturally as possible. They were all intrigued, but no one had bothered Jess with more questions. Bess had filled in everyone with what she knew and guessed.

  Grahame came in with the other officers. He wanted Jess to wear a wire. He explained that they had him for breaking the orders against him, but wanted to get him for the blackmail as
well. Nervously, Jess agreed and Grahame had taped it onto her. He and Aiden would be behind foyer in the main office and would listen in. The conversation would also be recorded.

  All was set. They now waited for Dennis to make his appearance.

  Just after one, Bess buzzed her.

  “That man’s back to see you. Ms. Williams.”

  Jess covered her mouth with her hands. She looked at Aiden and he smiled at her.

  “You can do it, sweetheart. I love you.”

  He leant forward and gave her a kiss. She looked at him stunned as he pushed her toward the door.

  He loves me?

  Jessica felt weird. On one hand, she was overjoyed to know that Aiden loved her, but she was now terrified at having to face Dennis once more. She walked into the reception area. Dennis grinned at her.

  “Hello, Jessica.”

  “Go away, Dennis. I refused to pay you anything.”

  “So you refuse to share a few million with me?”

  “I’m not giving you a cent.” Her voice sounded strained to her ears.

  “You’ll be sorry if you don’t pay up, Jessica. I’ll go to every newspaper I can. I’ll tell them how you loved it when I fucked your arse with a beer can. Remember that Jessica? Remember how you screamed? I’ll tell them you wanted it, tell ’em you pleaded for me to do it. How much you bled all over the floor when I ripped it in and out, just like a stuck piggy.

  “Then, I’ll tell ’em how you would beg me to strangle you, hold your nose until you passed out. Remember how I loved to kick you? Or how I’d use you as an ashtray. Let my friends play with you. So you want to think again? Or do you want all your friends to read about you? Want your daddy to know, or that fucking prick you’re with now?”

  “There’s nothing to think about. The answer is no!”

  “Bitch!” He lifted his hand and, before she could react, hit her hard across the face.

  Everything happened at once. She reeled back and saw stars. Bess screamed, and the three policemen rushed in, along with Aiden and most of the staff.

  Before Dennis could do anything else, they had him in handcuffs. Grahame read him his rights and told him he was being arrested for trying to blackmail Jessica and for breaking the restraining order. He looked wildly about, then settled his eyes on Jessica.

  “You’re a fucking bitch. Know that? All I wanted was a few lousy million. Bitch. I should have sold you when I had the chance!”

  He spat toward her. Aiden went to move toward him but Jessica caught his hand.

  “Don’t bother, he’s not worth it.”

  Aiden looked down at Jessica, and she realised he didn’t know that she’d been hit. His eyes widened and a look of sheer rage flashed across his face. He lifted her chin and gently touched her face.

  “He hit you?” he shouted in anger.

  Jessica’s tiny hand on his arm was all that prevented him from tearing the guy limb from limb. Grahame turned and looked at her.

  “Add assault as well!” he said in a very satisfied voice. “Get him out of here.”

  The other two officers bundled him quickly away.

  Grahame stepped over to Jessica. “You okay?”

  “I will be.”

  He looked at her face and pulled out his phone. He took a picture and showed it to her. The imprint of Dennis’s hand was obvious on her cheek. It felt very sore and she was thankful none of her teeth had been knocked out.

  “I need the mic.”

  Jess put her hand under her shirt and pulled it off, handing it all back to Grahame. He nodded his thanks and told her he’d be in touch, then he left.

  Her staff were crowded around her and Aiden.

  “I’m okay, everyone.”

  And she was. She finally was. The fear that he may return was gone. She’d faced him in absolute terror, but she’d won. She’d said “no” to him!

  It excited her, it gave her new strength. It was finally over. She smiled to herself. Nothing could stop her happiness now, nothing. She looked over at Bess. She was in tears, so Jessica shook off Aiden’s hand and went to her, hugging her tight.

  “It’s okay, Bess.”

  “I was so scared when he hit you. Oh, Jess, it was awful.”

  “I know.”

  “Silly me, of course you do.”

  “Listen, everyone. Have an early mark.” She thought. Most people would go to the pub and get drunk, but these were geeks. They needed pizza and doughnuts. “Get pizza and doughnuts, they’re on me.”

  At the magic words “pizza” and “doughnuts,” they all started cheering and laughing. It broke the tension. Jess called Carl over.

  “Can you look after them?”

  Aiden shook his head.

  “We’ll go too.”

  She looked at him.

  “Are you sure?”

  “Yep. I think we all need something to cheer us up after that.”

  A confused fifteen minutes followed while they closed up the office and decided which pizza place to go to. In the end, the one alongside their local Krispy Kremes won, thanks to Wilson doing something that surprised everyone—he shouted!

  Another ten minutes and they were crammed into a few booths after ordering pizza. Wilson and Bess had gone next door and returned with boxes of doughnuts. Jessica was sure it had been a long time since she’d laughed so much. Aiden sat alongside her, his arm across her shoulders joining in the laughter. Aiden squeezed out of the booth and returned with some ice cubes wrapped in a cloth. He gave it to Jessie to hold on her face.

  “Where did you get this from?”

  “Asked one of the staff.”

  “Thank you,” she whispered in relief. Her face was throbbing but she didn’t care how much it hurt. She was just glad that it was all over.

  In the end, she and Aiden left after three quarters of an hour. She slipped Carl a hundred dollars and told him to look after the crew.

  Aiden had called his driver and when they stepped outside, he was waiting for them. He ordered him to take them back to his house. Jessica was silent on the drive there, now that everything was over she was coming back to earth with a bang.

  Aiden took her inside and they rode the lift to his room. He made her undress, filled the tub and made her get into it.

  “I’ll be back. Relax.”

  A few minutes later, he returned with a glass of water and gave her a couple of paracetamol. She was relieved to take them. Not only was her face sore but she had the mother of all headaches. Aiden left again, then ten minutes later he was back. He’d taken off his suit coat and shirt, and sat on the edge of the tub, barefoot.

  “I rang Gray.”

  “Dad? You told him?”


  She was about to protest.

  “Jess, he knows. I told him everything long ago. He knows about us too.”

  Jessica was mortified to think her father knew the truth.

  “He’d already guessed most of it about you and Dennis. Anyway, he always knew about my…my dark desires.”

  “And he wanted us together still?” Jessica was amazed to think that her father would.

  “Yes. He knew you needed a strong Dom to care for you long before you did.”

  Jessica shook her head. She didn’t know whether to be angry or thankful at Aiden.

  “I keep telling you the truth is always better out. Your father is a man who loves you, Jess, he just wants you to be happy. Anyway, I promised him if anything ever happened to you I would tell him. He knows you, knows you won’t tell him everything. Knows you gloss over stuff.”

  She rolled her eyes. Men, she thought.

  “Did you just roll your eyes at me?”


  “Oops?” Aiden shook his head at her. “Oh no, ‘oops’ won’t cut it!”

  He reached over and pulled the plug on the tub.

  “Hey, I was enjoying this.”

  “Out, missy.”

  Jessie gave a shiver, but it had nothing at all to do with
fear and everything to do with the sudden tension she felt in her groin. She stood. Aiden stood and held out a hand. She took it and stepped from the bath. The day was quite hot. Jessica went to grab a towel but Aiden shook his head.

  “Follow me.”

  He walked from the bathroom and went to the vast centre window, Jessica padding after him. Pressing the control button, the window slid open and a warm breeze entered the bedroom.

  “Stand on the deck.”

  Jessica move out onto the deck. The breeze whipped at her hair, caressed her body. She was dry in a matter of moments. She felt powerful, standing naked amid the treetops, like some ancient goddess.

  She felt Aiden’s breath on her neck. She closed her eyes with pleasure.

  “Put your hands on your head, legs apart.”

  Opening her eyes, she obeyed instantly, knowing her breasts would be more proud. She knew how much Aiden enjoyed looking at them. He walked around her.

  “Tell me the rules.”

  “I mustn’t come until you give me permission. I mustn’t lower my arms. I mustn’t move.”

  “Do you trust me?”

  His voice was seductive in her ear.

  “Yes… Yes, Sir,” she stammered.

  “Close your eyes and do not open them. What’s your safe word? Answer.”

  “Red, Sir.”

  He’d never asked her to close her eyes before. She’d been thankful he was true to his word and never suggested a blindfold since that first day he’d made love to her and thrown it across the room. She felt a quiver of fear, but she shut her eyes. It was like she had a blindfold on, except she was in control and could open her eyes at any time.

  His voice sounded concerned in her ear. “This is important Jessica. If you feel fear, you can open your eyes at any time. There is no punishment involved if you do. Understand?”

  She nodded. But she didn’t want to open them. She trusted him. Trusted him not to do anything she couldn’t handle.

  At last, she thought, I really do trust him!

  She realised it was because that hidden fear of Dennis was finally conquered. She understood that there was nothing preventing her from giving over all her trust, all her control. Aiden had proven over and over that she had nothing to fear from him. Even the day he was so angry and had collared her, he had proven that she could trust him. That she held the balance of power. She almost shouted in exultation at the revelation. Then there was the knowledge that he loved her. She realised she needed to tell him how much she loved him.


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