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Murmur Page 4

by Olivia R. Burton

  “I can’t promise I’m much of a lady,” she purred, backing out into the sitting area again, and grabbing something off the chair, tucking it behind her. “You’re a very enticing man, and my willpower will only stretch so far. Just looking at you, it’s hard to control myself from doing all sorts of naughty things. Like making sure you stay just where I want you, for instance.”

  As she stepped up next to him, she slid a pile of purple, satin ribbon out from where she’d hidden it, dangling it in front of his face.

  “I’ll stay—or go—anywhere you want, but a little insurance certainly can’t hurt.”

  “That’s what I like to hear from my captives,” Veruca said, leaning close to tie the ribbon around his wrist, and secure him to the bedpost. Excitement was electric, running through Finn’s entire body and making him feel lit up, a little high, and most definitely dumber than usual. Such was the state he was often in when it came to Veruca, but even being brainless was okay, at least around her. She’d never take advantage of his stupidity, only of his body and only in ways he knew from experience he’d enjoy.

  Instead of circling the bed to bind his other wrist, Veruca climbed onto the mattress, straddling his belly and leaning toward his wrist. This put her spectacular and ample bosom right in his face, and he found himself biting his lips to keep from leaning in and nuzzling the pillowy softness offered. She wouldn’t have minded, he reasoned, but he was rather liking the fact that she was in charge. Holding back from indulging himself, letting her have the chance to order him first to do so, only heightened the titillation.

  So fixated on the movement of her breasts in his face, he barely even noticed when she finished tying him up. Suddenly she was sliding back, pressing herself against his erection and making him moan, before she got to her feet at the end of the bed.

  “Now that you’re sure to be a good boy and stay put, I’m gonna get ready for you, clean myself up a bit. I’m very dirty, you see.”

  “I see,” he murmured, still fuzzy from the softness of her sliding against his hardened manhood.

  She disrobed as she moved toward the bathroom, leaving him alone and wanting, watching her hips as she moved. Leaving the door to the bathroom open, she twisted the shower on, finished shedding her clothing, and then turned back to give him a small smile before reaching up to pull the pins out of her hair. Just watching her was a treat, admiring the way her form looked across the space between them, feeling the bit of her soul melting his heart.

  When she stepped under the spray and sighed, Finn moaned again, helpless against the feelings she stirred in him. It wasn’t all arousal with Veruca, though, at the moment, that was paramount above all others. Love heated him, made him burn for her in a way he’d never felt before. Prior to stumbling on her perfection, he’d been with a great many partners, had enjoyed a lot of sex with a lot of different personalities and body types. But Veruca, beauty aside, made him yearn.

  She turned to face him, catching his eye as she tilted her head back to let the water douse her head, and he let her hold his gaze, even as her hands lifted from her sides to caress her belly, move delicately up between her pert breasts, and rub the steamy water across her shoulders and down her front. His attention wanted to shift, but she kept her eyes on his, making sure his focus stuck where she wanted it. There was a little torture in that, but it only made Finn want her more, only seemed to make the throbbing at his core more intense.

  When she finally did come to him and let him inside her, he was sure he’d be undone in moments.

  She went for the shampoo first, lathering up her hair sensually, closing her eyes against the feeling, keeping herself facing him so he could admire the contours of her body, the soft tan of her skin, and fantasize about what he wanted to do to her should she allow him free of his bonds. More than anyone else he’d been with, she knew how to drive him crazy, and he loved that about her. Everything with Veruca was an adventure, a wild romp through lust that kept him eager and frenzied for her.

  Suds dripped down her front, over the mounds of her breasts, under the curves of them and down her belly. To his delight, she let her hands glide downward through the lather, one pausing to pinch her nipple, the other dipping between her legs. Her dark eyes opened again, demanding his gaze as she teased herself, rubbing the delicate folds he longed to taste. He obeyed her silent order, vibrating at the willpower it took not to peek lower. When she let out a long, wavering sound of passion, her head tipping back as her eyes fluttered closed, Finn gave in and dropped his gaze to watch her pleasure herself.

  He feared he might go over before she even stepped out of the shower, his hunger for her so overwhelming he could barely stand it. Wiggling his hips, biting his lip as hard as he dared, he fought the waves rolling through him, knowing she was just getting started. Soon, he promised himself, soon she’ll come to you and soothe away the pangs of untamed lust.

  Raking his gaze across her form, he enjoyed the way her body responded to her own touch, knowing he’d inspired the same feelings in her many times and hoping she’d let him do so again. Her nipples were hard, her breath quick, her thighs tense. His eyes lingered there, and he wanted nothing but to sink between her legs. Any part of him would do, he thought, knowing he’d enjoy it equally if she asked him to dive deep with his tongue or with his cock. Anything that would make her moan was enough for him.

  “My love,” he whimpered as she slid her hand out from the warmth he so greatly craved, and up her wet skin to sink into the soapy lather atop her head. Eyes still closed, she massaged her scalp, washing out the shampoo, swaying ever so slightly in the spray, her lips quirked as if she were enjoying a soft song playing in the background. Her slow movements drove him wild, making him fight against the ties she’d left at his wrists. She’d done a thorough job, however, and short of forcing his wrists free with more struggling than he was willing to manage, he knew he was stuck.

  “Please,” he cried, not sure he’d managed to raise his voice above the sound of the spray. She opened her eyes at his call, smiling at him and giving a quick wink to let him know she’d heard. Rubbing herself down one last time, she twisted off the shower, stepped out into the bathroom, and grabbed a towel off the rack. Like she had in the misty warmth, she took her time, turning her backside to him as she shimmied the towel over her hair and body.

  Anticipation nearly blinded him, speeding up his breath, forcing small, insatiable whimpers through his lips as she stepped briefly out of view. He heard the towel hit the ground, dreaded the few seconds of silence that followed, and then moaned when she stepped through the doorway once again. She’d piled her dark hair above her hear head in a complicated knot that left her exquisite jawline and delicate throat bare.

  “Now, darling,” she said, her voice low and throaty. “It’s your turn.”


  Veruca paused at the edge of the bed, admiring Finn’s taut and aroused body. Her own body wanted him, as it always did. Even the slow orgasm she’d given herself in the shower had been mostly for his benefit. There was nothing like his touch, nothing like the way he made her feel, both inside and out. Her thoughts were swirling with ideas for how she would take him, scattered images of mounting him, scratching his belly as she rode him until they both cried out and lost themselves to pleasure.

  He’d been through a lot that day, however, and she figured he deserved a treat, more than just a quick shimmy of her hips and the smooth glide of his cock between her thighs. The need in his eyes was familiar, a frenzy of wanting she enjoyed knowing she’d caused.

  “What shall we do first?” she wondered aloud, trailing her finger down his thigh, over his knee, and to the tip of his big toe as she circled to the foot of the bed. Refusing to meet his gaze, she looked him over again from this angle, enjoying the paleness of his skin, the flushed heat at his middle. She climbed onto the bed, tucking her knees between his before bowing to lay a kiss at his thigh. His body jolted at the touch, his head tilting back to expose his throat as
he growled a cuss word out into the air. She chuckled against his skin, kissing softly and delicately inward until she reached the tip of his erection. Lightly, she licked a line from the base of him to the tip and then, greedily, she sucked him into her mouth.

  He cried out again, wordlessly this time, lifting his pelvis to press himself as deeply inside as he could manage. She sucked hard as his hips gave out, dropping back to the bed, tugging him roughly through her lips. Without giving him a chance to decide what he wanted, or what his body couldn’t help but do, she pushed forth again, keeping the seal of her lips tight, working her tongue over him in her best efforts to drive him crazy.

  She knew the risks as she danced on the edge of his passion, aware that her little show in the shower and the intimate ways in which she knew his desires could cause him to spill immediately, but she didn’t care. There were other ways to pleasure each other, even if she used her wits and skills and energetic tongue to thoroughly exhaust his cock.

  He didn’t go over, however, even as she reached up, scraping her nails across his delicate flesh, even as she moaned, letting her lips vibrate around him. There was a moment, she thought, when she’d slid her hands below her chin to tease his sensitive sac that she was sure he’d been about to let go, but he managed to control himself.

  Bracing herself on the bed, she slid back, licking her lips as she got fully to her knees, smiling down at him. A few seconds passed where he was quiet, lost, overwhelmed, before he opened his heavy eyes and met her gaze.

  “My love,” he whispered gruffly, “you unravel me. Every time, no matter what. You’re the light of my whole life, and any second I can’t have you feels like chaos. I need you fiercely.”

  “Then you shall have me,” Veruca said, bowing to crawl up the bed to take his mouth. Fiercely, yes, she thought as he kissed her. There was such passion between them it bordered on dangerous, an all-consuming, mindless craving that would never be fully sated. This close, their souls seemed to meld into one, glowing at the core of her consciousness, making her feel as though she couldn’t get close enough to match the intensity of that connection.

  “I want you, Finn,” she mumbled against his lips, moving to glide him inside, gasping when he thrust upward to meet her. “Every moment, every breath, every thought, all about you. Always and forever.”

  “My love,” he breathed, barely making a sound as he fought against the bonds above his head, finally settling on gripping the headboard and using it as an anchor. “My true one and only, my Veruca.”

  He was so fast at first, hammering into her with all the intensity she’d built up inside him up until that point. She kissed him savagely, gripping his shoulders hard enough to bruise, biting his lips, matching his rough sounds with overwhelmed cries of her own. When he sheathed himself inside her and paused, however, she found her own hips reacting without her permission, swaying in an attempt to keep up the delicious feeling of fucking.

  “My love,” Finn croaked, barely above a whisper. “My delight, my perfect partner, my savior, let me taste you. Let me pleasure you, please.”

  “Your existence is my pleasure,” Veruca whispered back, caressing his face, kissing along his jaw to nibble his ear, even as she continued the slow roll of her hips, grinding against him in an attempt to coax an orgasm out of both of them. It wasn’t entirely a conscious act, which was part of what she loved about joining with Finn. Her entire life had been full of thought, calculation, deliberate action, never letting herself be entirely exposed or entirely carefree.

  With Finn, she could shut down her canny mind and just feel.

  “I exist to satisfy you, my love. It is my greatest accomplishment every time. Would you like me to beg?” Finn’s pause made Veruca open her eyes, sliding her gaze to match his. He watched her intently, the fire in his expression making her bite her lip, overwhelmed. “Just say the word, untie me, and I’ll drop to my knees, begging you to let me taste you, to delight in burying myself between your thighs, gripping your excellent ass, and serving only you.”

  “Oh, Finn,” Veruca moaned, quivering at his words. Licking her lips, deciding she wanted nothing more in that moment than to let him have his wish, she pulled away, letting him slip out of her teasingly slow. His eyes shut, his lips parting as he cursed under his breath, and she watched his stunning face for as long as she could as she moved up his body.

  The second the heat of her was near, he pressed close, finding her clit with his tongue, enveloping her with his full lips, and she swore harshly. She came in an instant, gripping the headboard above his hands and holding on for dear life. Even as her middle roiled with pleasure, Finn didn’t let up, his agile mouth working her toward another crest of satisfaction.

  Her nipples were hard, begging to be touched, but she couldn’t release her hold on the metal. Every muscle in her body wanted to clench, to tighten in preparation for another release, and it was a few moments before she was able to even breathe, let alone tease herself.

  “Finn,” she breathed, her voice ragged. “Finn, Finn.” Repeating his name over and over, she bowed back, squeezing her breast for a hot second before shifting to pinch her nipple and tug, imagining it was Finn’s fingers. Without realizing, it, she started rocking over him, her entire mind focused on feeling, nothing running through her head except the sensations of sex.

  The twin thrills of his actions and hers built in her a massive monument to their partnership, an overwhelming obelisk that speared through her middle, rooted firmly at his mouth and ending in lightning at the tip of her breast. She felt as if she were full and everything in her needed to release or she might lose herself altogether and become, as he’d described it, unraveled.

  Her orgasm was silent this time, folding her forward, forcing the breath out of her chest as she leaned her flushed forehead against the chilly metal of the bedframe. Squeezing his cheeks with her thighs, she panted, desperate to catch her breath. A few moments passed in silence, in stillness as Finn took the cue from her to let up, and then Veruca reached over, tugging on the satin she’d so expertly tied, freeing Finn from his bonds. As she slid back, his grin was revealed, eager and aroused. His cheeks were flushed, his eyes a little mad, and he let her groin meet his before he let go of the headboard.

  “You’re beautiful,” Finn said, pushing up to cup her cheeks and pull her close into a quick kiss. “Clever, caring, fun, and amazing.” Following through, he nudged her back onto the bed, adjusting them both so he was leaning over her, kissing down her jaw, dappling affection across her chest, and finally closing his lips around her nipple. He kept himself separate from her, holding his slim body above her on the bed, teasing her nipple gently, before gliding his hand over her thigh and cupping her wetness.

  A moment passed where Veruca simply sighed, pleased, as he teased her breasts. Without warning, Finn changed the sexual pace again.

  “Now,” he growled against her chest, before pulling back and up, gripping her hips roughly and yanking her close. Waiting until she opened her eyes to meet his, he held her gaze, took his perfect cock in his hand, and guided himself until he could push inside her to the base. As she’d done to him earlier, he made it known with his expression he expected her to keep the eye contact, to watch the intensity in his expression as he slid back and thrust forward again.

  It was tough, not letting her eyes shut, not tipping her head back against the pleasure. Her body wanted to bow back, her muscles wanted to clench, but she resisted, giving him the control. He watched her as he held on to her hips, driving himself into her again and again. Lips parted, he moaned lightly, his eyes widening a touch, breath quickening.

  “Veruca,” he whispered, before repeating her name louder, and leaning forward over her. Quick, determined, he hooked her legs over her shoulders, leaned in close, and braced himself on the bed, still holding her gaze. She could tell from the slack expression on his incredible face that he was closing in on having his own orgasm.

  “Yes,” she purred, wanting to come w
ith him. Feeling his cock pulse inside was a treat, especially with him so close. He was perfection for every one of her senses, from the smell of his freshly cleaned skin gone slightly salty with sweat, to the heat of him along her flesh. He whimpered quietly, and she watched his eyes squeeze shut as his rhythm stuttered, his hands squeezing the sheets by her shoulders.

  When he exploded inside her, she cried out, reaching up to grip his wrists and squeeze, the climax ripping through her, making her buck as if she could force him deeper inside. They moaned together, trailing off into fitful breaths. Finn swore after a moment, a laugh rounding out the end of it as if he just couldn’t believe his luck, and Veruca grinned at the sound. Her head fell to the side, her cheek pressed against the soft sheets, though the rest of her body stayed tense, basking in the still crashing waves of pleasure scalding her body.

  They lay quiet and calm for a bit, the only sounds in the room the hum of the air conditioner and their contented breathing. Finally, after an eternity of happiness had settled around them, Finn leaned in close and whispered, “I love you.”

  “Forever,” she murmured back, full to the brim with love for him.

  The End

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