Conall's Mate: A Macconwood Pack Novel (The Macconwood Pack Novel Series Book 6)

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Conall's Mate: A Macconwood Pack Novel (The Macconwood Pack Novel Series Book 6) Page 11

by C. D. Gorri

  “Conall, look at me,” she commanded and though trembling with emotions he obeyed, he was helpless to do anything else.

  “Elia,” he grunted as he sat her down on the bathroom vanity.

  “I am a Werewolf, not some fragile little flower. I am fine now. You came for me,” she said.

  He nodded, but he still felt like shit. How could he have let her get hurt and within a day of being in his care.

  “I want you to stop it right now,” she said again and this time, she snapped her fingers.


  Shit. He cut off the sound and scolded his Wolf for behaving that way. It was his fault she’d been taken. If he hadn’t been thinking with his dick, he would have known-

  “Hey! I said enough,” she slapped his nose like he was an errant pup, “Are you my mate?”

  “Yesss,” mouth full of fangs, he hissed the word.

  “Then run the water, help me bathe off the scent of those two thugs.”

  He nodded and turned to start the shower. One thing about the bathrooms, they were large enough to fit four full grown Werewolves and Conall relished the thought of being with her inside the luxurious shower stall. Six-shower heads ran with perfectly heated water and he turned to stand her up, taking the dirty sheet off her body and throwing it in the trash.

  He was going to burn the fucking thing later. Definitely. Hell, he might do the same to the hotel. Of course, he’d have Dib make sure to buy it under his name first.

  “You coming,” she beckoned him with her hands and he stepped inside the shower.

  Elia hissed as the water sprayed over the assortment of small cuts that peppered her face, arms, and hands. Defensive wounds that angered him once more. If he could kill that prick cousin of hers again, he would. And that other one.


  “Stay with me,” she said to him and turned around to press her front against him.

  “Here, let me,” he picked up a bottle of shampoo and poured some into his hands, massaging it into her scalp.

  The lightly scented soap was nice. He liked that it didn’t overpower her own fragrance. That was his real weakness. The fresh morning rain scent of Elia Spark. They should bottle it and sell it. Hell, no. That was for him to enjoy alone.

  “I got you,” he said when she moaned and leaned into his touch almost losing her balance.

  “I like your hands on me, Conall,” she said.

  “Mate,” he growled, almost embarrassed that he was incapable of more than one-word sentences. Almost being the key word.

  After they were both clean and dry, he carried her to the bedroom and lay her on the king-sized mattress. The fire was already roaring and he didn’t worry about her catching cold. She was a Werewolf, after all.

  “Need you here with me,” Elia said and opened her arms allowing the towel to fall.

  Now that he knew she was whole and safe, Conall’s eyes dropped. Her body was enough to bring him to his knees. Miles of pale ivory skin for him to explore. He couldn’t wait. Her berry-tipped breasts were large and bountiful. He licked his lips in anticipation.

  “Do I please you?” she asked.

  “Let me show you how much you please me,” he grunted and took her face in his large hands, tilting it up to his.

  Never before had a kiss meant so much. With this meeting of lips he was conveying all he felt for this wonderful she-Wolf whom the Fates had blessed him with. He didn’t pretend to deserve her, but he was damn well going to make certain she never regretted it.

  He continued kissing her as he pushed her back on the bedspread. His hands molded to her plentiful curves, testing the weight of her breasts and teasing her nipples until they were hardened pebbles against his palms.

  He moaned in appreciation and sucked on her tongue as his fingers traveled over her waist and belly, to the flare of her hips. He was so much taller than she was, he hardly had to move at all as he smoothed his hands over her thighs and calves, touching her ankles and slipping his hips between her smooth legs.

  He ran his thumbs along the sensitive skin of her inner thighs loving the feel of her warm womanhood as it pressed against his lower abdomen. His cock throbbed, and he longed to sink inside, but he had so much to show her first.

  “Conall,” she moaned as his lips left hers kissing her neck and licking a trail from one plump mound to the other.

  His fingers teased her outer lips as he lavished attention on both tiny pink buds, tugging them with his teeth and suckling her. Her small hands pulled on his hair, bringing him closer to where she wanted him. It seemed they both had the same idea, and he thanked the Fates for sending her to him once more.

  “Please,” she begged.

  “I will, baby, hold on,” he growled and dipped his tongue into her belly button before sliding down the bed until his face was inches from her glistening sex.

  “Oh,” she moaned as he neared the treasure between her legs.

  Conall growled, his cock was so fucking hard. All he wanted to do was to sink into her, but he needed to have some of that sweetness first. He snaked out his long tongue, aching to lick his mate to pleasure. Satisfaction welled up inside of him as her unique flavors burst across his tongue.

  “You’re mine, Elia,” need and want warred with each other for dominance as he loved his sweet mate with his mouth.

  The fact that he was the first man to ever taste her on his lips had his Wolf snarling approvingly. He wanted more, needed to go deeper. He lifted her hips and plunged his tongue inside her already wet pussy. Her juices so plentiful, they dribbled down his chin as he strummed her clit with his thumb and worked his long muscled appendage in and out of her slick heat.

  “Oh, feck,” she yelled, her Irish accent so much of a turn on, he couldn’t help but stroke himself with his free hand, “please Conall, right there.”

  He was a man on a mission, and that mission was to please Elia Spark. Never before had he ever been so single-mindedly set on pleasuring a female. But she mattered like no one else ever had. With his mouth and hands he showed her how he felt, cherished her innocence and her complete trust in him. He knew she was brand new to this, understood the gift she gave him and promised to be worthy of it in his actions and thoughts forevermore.

  A few more minutes and Elia was screaming his name, the taste of her first orgasm fresh on his lips. Conall didn’t hesitate then, he knelt at the apex of her thighs, cock in hand and pressed it between her swollen slick folds.

  “Mine,” he said as he pushed home, claiming her innocence in that one hard thrust.

  “And you’re mine,” she growled back, slapping her hands onto his ass and pressing him deeper inside.

  “You’re so tight,” he said, angling her hips for an even deeper penetration, “you fit me like a glove. Fuckin’ perfect.”

  “Aye, and you are so big, so mine. I am telling you now, Conall Truman, I am never letting you go,” she nipped his lip and he saw the promise in her eyes.

  “Good, cause you’d have one hell of a time shaking me loose, baby. You are mine,” he growled as he began to make love to her in earnest.

  Flexing his hips as he claimed her body, her heart, and her soul, Conall brought them both to the pinnacle. Only when he felt her channel tighten and her sex ripple around him did he let go and allow his own pleasure to spiral out of control with hers.

  Driven by his need to claim her, he howled into the night as his Wolf surged forward to join in the mating. His fangs broke through his gums, and he bit down, slicing the smooth skin between her neck and her shoulder. It was a clean bite, no more pain than was necessary for her to bear his mark. Hell, he wouldn’t hurt her for all the world.

  Swallowing down her sweet, salty essence, Conall felt his chest rumble as his pleasure exploded, coating her womb in his seed. He took another pull of her blood, then released his teeth and licked the wound closed. Pleasure continued to pulse through him, spiking as his sweet feisty mate bit down and gifted him with her claiming mark on his chest.
r />   He threw his head back and howled as a second, more powerful orgasm raced through him. It felt like eons but in reality was only minutes until they could both breathe without gasping. Conall tucked his mate into the crook of his body as their matebond pulsed and glowed, surrounding them in its strength and, could it be, their love?

  “Of course, I love you, you eejit,” she murmured breathlessly, “would I be carrying your mark otherwise?”

  He grunted as she slapped a hand down on his abdomen, absorbing the playful hit and kissing the top of her head. Fuck, it felt good. Belonging to someone, to one someone as it were.

  “Well?” she barked and he opened one eye to find her golden stare focused on him.

  “I love you too,” he grinned and flipped them so that he was hovering over her.

  “So soon?” she asked wide eyed and he nodded, “haven’t you had your fill of me yet?”

  “We’re Werewolves, baby, I will never have my fill of you,” he groaned into her mouth as he began to show her again, just how much he loved her.

  Chapter 12

  “Come in, please,” Rafe Maccon raised one black eyebrow and looked at Conall then back at her before beckoning Elia into his office.

  Her eyes cut to her mate’s before she did as he bid. Could the Alpha know of their mating already? The shit-eating grin her blonde-haired boyo wore was not exactly encouraging.

  Feck. Of course he knew. And from the looks of the mixture of folks, mostly Werewolves, in the office, most everyone there knew.

  Perfect. She had to go and mate the class clown, did she? That earned her Conall an elbow right to his gut, which in turn, gained her a small round of applause.

  “Uh, so I understand, it is your wish to not seek the position of Alpha as would be your right of the Spark Claw Pack?” Rafe spoke.

  “I have no wish to return to Ireland or to lead whoever is left. I would have no objection to Rolf, absorbing whoever wishes to become a Greyback into his own Pack.”

  “I see, and as for the position of High Alpha?” Rolf Kelly strolled into the office and Rafe rose to meet the man with a brisk, but friendly nod of the head.

  Elia eyed both men warily. It was unusual for two Alphas to be able to meet in a closed room without a fight breaking out.

  “Hello, niece,” he turned and greeted Elia.

  “Uncle Rolf,” she nodded.

  “I am glad to see you well,” he did not move to touch her which was just as well given her newly mated status.

  Conall had a hand on the small of her back and seemed anxious already. She stepped further into his embrace and felt the rumble of approval that flowed through him. The truth was, she liked touching him as much as she did being touched by him. It was a Werewolf thing, the need for physical contact and affirmation.

  She didn’t mind. Not one bit. Of course, the snickers and stares of the rest of the Macconwood Pack, she could do without. As if sensing her turn of thought, Conall bared his teeth and snarled at his Packmates.

  “What? After years of busting our bal-, er, chops, we can’t tease back?” one of the men in the room asked, and she noted his change of tune at the sight of three toddlers playing on the floor with building blocks.

  “Oi, stuff it,” Elia replied before Conall could, enjoying the surprise in the man’s eyes and the approving laughter coming from her mate.

  “Better watch yourselves, lads, this one is a real spitfire,” Rolf offered.

  “To answer your questions, I have no desire to be Alpha of any kind, High or not.”

  “I see,” Rafe said and looked at Rolf.

  “And do you wish to remain here or return to Ireland with me, then?” Rolf asked.

  Elia eyed the older Werewolf with his silver hair and powerful build. He was a good man and a great leader. But she belonged here now.

  “I am right where I should be, uncle,” she turned to Rafe, “as I am sure you have noticed, I have mated your man here and am seeking a transfer to your Pack, Alpha Maccon,” she replied formally.

  “I see,” he nodded, “just promise me one thing.”

  “What’s that?”

  “That you will keep Conall here in line for me? My wife is still angry at him for teaching our pups how to curse,” he narrowed his eyes at her mate and Elia laughed delightedly.

  She had been worried for a second that the Alpha was not going to allow her to remain there. It has happened where Wolf Packs did not accept one of their mates into the fold, but lucky for her, the Macconwood Pack was more progressive than most.

  “I’ll keep him on a tight leash, alright,” she said enjoying the hoots and hollers of the people in the room. Everyone seemed to enjoy the statement, well, everyone except for her mate.

  “Do you have some objection to that?”

  “None at all, baby,” he nipped her ear and she sighed happily.


  “What is it, baby?” Charley knelt in front of her three young who had all called her name at the same time.

  “She’s not really going to put Uncle Conall on a leash, right?” asked one very pretty little pup who was giving Elia the stink-eye as it were.

  “Leash! Leash!” yelled the two little boys who couldn’t seem to stop giggling until their sister growled at them both.

  Uh oh. Elia bit her lip then knelt in front of the Alpha’s trio of pups.

  “You love your Uncle Conall, right?”

  They nodded.

  “Well, so do I. And I promise not to put him on a real leash if you three will promise to help me make him toe the line. Can you do that? This way your Mum and Da are happy with him?”

  “Okay,” the little princess nodded and the boys followed her lead. As it should be, thought Elia. As it should be.

  “Thank you, princess,” Conall said from beside her and the little Wolf pup ran into her Uncle Conall’s arms.

  “No more, cursin’ Uncle Conall. I’m gonna help Auntie Elia keep your toes in a line!” she said and everyone laughed.

  “I appreciate that, princess,” he winked at Rafaella and watched her ice blue eyes blink slowly at him before she turned away from him.

  “M’kay, gotta go play with Daddy now,” she said and squirmed till he let her go.

  After she and Conall had thanked Rolf and Rafe both for their help in bringing them together, she and her mate went back to their new home on the Manor grounds. Inside, she never felt so good. It was like everything that had been wrong in her world, had now been set right.

  And why not? She had him in her heart, and her life was finally her own to do with as she chose. Was it a surprise that she chose the cocky blonde Wolf? Feck no.

  The guest cottage was definitely nice to have to themselves, and Elia was thrilled when he offered to help her build her own studio for her jewelry and metalworking. He didn’t seem to mind her affection for jeans and t-shirts or desire to work with a blowtorch and metal.

  Decidedly unfeminine pursuits, and yet, her mate seemed perfectly at ease and encouraging even. Not that she was asking his permission, she hadn’t completely lost her mind when she’d given him her heart and her bite. Smiling up at the gorgeous beast, she sighed happily ignoring the off sensation in the pit of her stomach.

  “This chain you made from your father’s good luck coin is just beautiful, my love. Did I tell you Tate was asking me about ordering something similar for Cat?” he said.

  “Really?” she asked.

  “Yep,” he smiled proudly and kissed her hand.

  Just after they’d claimed one another, Elia had reworked the cherished piece into something she could give the man she loved. She’d been nervous at first, Werewolves didn’t really do jewelry, but the chain was long enough so that if he Changed with it on it would fit around his Wolf’s neck. Sherry, the resident White Witch, had further blessed it with a non-breaking spell. And when he said he would wear it always, joy had filled her heart.

  She’d always wanted to make things with her hands, but her old Pack hadn’t offe
red her the opportunity. Things were different now, she thought, and getting better every day.

  “There you are, lover,” an unfamiliar voice hissed at them from near their front door and Conall immediately pushed Elia behind him.

  “Ygrette? How many times do I have to tell you I am not interested?” he growled angrily, still blocking her with his bulk.

  That was certainly not going to fly with her. Elia stepped out and eyed the female Vampire curiously.

  “Stay back,” he whispered, but she shook her head.

  “No,” she growled at him.

  “Um, excuse me, vicious Vampire here,” the woman snapped her fingers and that was the proverbial last straw.

  “Oi, listen up, the man’s got a mate, alright? He don’t want you. Don’t you have any self-respect?”

  “I, uh, what? How dare you?” stomped the female Vamp and for a moment Elia felt bad for her.

  “Look, love,” she said and walked over to her, “I understand my Conall here was a bit of a cad before he met me, and I feel for ya, I do, but it is time for ya to move on.”

  “But I love him,” the female Vampire said and red tears welled in her big eyes.

  Poor thing. Elia put an arm around her skinny shoulders and patted the woman in the ridiculously tight clothes. Who wore vinyl these days anyway? She was clearly misguided.

  “No, you really don’t. Can’t you see that? Otherwise you wouldn’t have left him dead rats and things on his window, now would ya? That’s not a normal way to express love, is it? I know that you know that, Ygrette,” she said and gave her cheek a little pinch, “now, I want you to go home, take off those clothes and burn them, then take a nice hot bath and bring your smart phone in with ya. Then I want you to go and order yourself a whole new wardrobe online. Clothes that are made out of something organic, okay? Silks and cottons. No more vinyl and rubber.”

  “Okay,” sniffed the Vampire, “I like your shirt,” she added and Elia nodded her thanks.

  Kurt had given her the name of the website where he ordered most of his tees, and she couldn’t resist getting herself half a dozen. This one read “Quit Hounding Me” with a picture of a Blood Hound beneath it.


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