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by D Kershaw


  by V. Mylynne Smith

  The constant arguing is enough to drive any sober person sane. I’ve only been sober for six months, as she frequently reminds me. She’s a hypocrite that guzzles wine like a fiend.

  My mother sits on her high horse drinking a delicious red that I’ve paired with cyanide. This is her routine every night while I sit on the couch salivating, lusting after the drink in her hand, even though I know it’s poison.

  She’s getting weaker and starting to slow down. Soon she’ll have no breath to criticise. She’ll be gone, and I’ll be able to have a drink.

  V. MYLYNNE SMITH primarily writes thrillers, but sometimes dips a toe into horror. Her love of psychology helps her craft malicious characters with the worst intentions. She aims to create twists and turns that keep the reader guessing until the end. Smith is an Oklahoman that moved to Northwest Arkansas after meeting her husband. The pair live together in a cozy house with two pets: a pitbull named Renegade and a feisty cat named Bandit. When Smith isn’t stringing words together, you can find her in front of a mirror with make-up in hand or baking something delicious and fattening.

  It Was Too Easy

  by Lynne Phillips

  She loved him; how could he betray her?

  It was the little things, perfume in his hair, new underwear, a smudge of lipstick, the diamond necklace hidden in his drawer and the furtive phone calls.

  Her love slowly turned to hate, and she plotted her revenge.

  It was too easy. Their assets were in her name, in case his business folded.

  She sold everything, established an account with a Swiss bank, and booked into a clinic for a complete overhaul.

  “See you when you get back,” he said, relieved to be see her go.

  She didn’t plan to come back.

  LYNNE PHILLIPS, a retired teacher, lives in the beautiful Northern Rivers Region of New South Wales Australia. Her stories, across all genres, have been published in anthologies and various online magazines. Her priority is spending time with her family. Her passions are reading, writing and keeping fit.

  To the Victor

  by Joachim Heijndermans

  I won. You said that I could never triumph over the powers of justice and good. But I won. I was the one who jammed the power spear through your heart. I am the one who sits on your father’s throne. I rule it all and you’re dead, so fuck you!

  Yes, the others left. They all rolled aside the moment there was nothing left to gain. They got what they wanted, so why stick around? Why do I? Why is the hate still so strong? I won. I beat you. But why can’t I stop hating you?

  Stupid skull.

  JOACHIM HEIJNDERMANS writes, draws, and paints nearly every waking hour. Originally from the Netherlands, he’s been all over the world, boring people by spouting random trivia. His work has been featured in a number of anthologies and publications, such as Mad Scientist Journal, Asymmetry Fiction, Hinnom Magazine, Ahoy Comics’s Edgar Allan Poe’s Snifter of Terror, Metaphorosis and The Gallery of Curiosities, and he’s currently in the midst of completing his first children’s book.

  Website: www.joachimheijndermans.com

  Twitter: @jheijndermans


  by Nerisha Kemraj

  Johnny glowered. How dare she flirt with others? He hated that she never looked at him that way. Hatred coursed through his veins.

  “Johnny, would you mind covering for me for a short while?” she asked, without looking away from her new plaything.

  His fists clenched.

  “No problem,” he said.

  But he didn’t stay behind the bar. Instead, he followed them towards the stock room, bolting the door behind them. He turned the air-con to full blast.

  Thankfully, no one would be down for a few hours.

  Yes, she deserved to feel a fraction of the cold he felt inside.

  NERISHA KEMRAJ resides in Durban, South Africa with her husband and two mischievous daughters. Writing since 2017, she has had over 100 short stories and poems published in various publications, both print and online. She has also received an Honourable Mention Award for her tanka in the Fujisan Taisho 2019 Tanka Contest. She holds a Bachelor's degree in Communication Science, and a Post Graduate Certificate in Education from University of South Africa.

  Amazon: amazon.com/author/nerisha_kemraj

  Facebook: Nerishakemrajwriter

  She Swiped Right

  by Stephen Herczeg

  She looked down at her phone. Another cavalcade of potentials showed up on her feed. Pathetic losers every one of them. She detested the thought of even communicating with them, let alone inviting them out on dates.

  But, she had a job to do.

  The head priest needed fresh blood for the sacrifices.

  And she wanted to rise through the ranks from potentate to priestess.

  That was her task. Seek them out. Make contact. Lure them in. Drug and secure them to the altar. Simple.


  A likely target appeared. She read his bio. Total loser. Perfect.

  She swiped right.

  STEPHEN HERCZEG is an IT Geek based in Canberra Australia. He has been writing for over twenty years and has completed a couple of dodgy novels, sixteen feature length screenplays and numerous short stories and scripts. His horror work has featured in Sproutlings, Hells Bells, Below the Stairs, Trickster’s Treats #1 and #2, Shades of Santa, Behind the Mask, Beyond the Infinite; The Body Horror Book, Anemone Enemy, Petrified Punks and Beginnings. He has also had numerous Sherlock Holmes stories published through the Belanger Books - Sherlock Holmes anthologies.

  Amazon: amazon.com/-/e/B07916SQQS

  Facebook: stephenherczegauthor

  Bonds of Holy Acrimony

  by Melinda Pouncey

  The sight of him makes me sick!

  We were happy in the beginning, but couples usually are, aren’t they? Then things began to change. Cold silences became arguments, arguments sparked anger, anger exploded into violence.

  My friends said I should stand up to him. My family told me to leave. Yet where could I go? They offered me no help, no real solutions. Eventually they grew tired of my waffling, leaving me mired in fear and increasing isolation.

  Despite everything, or rather because of it, I can never leave him now.

  If I do, the police will discover the body.

  MELINDA POUNCEY is a retired psychologist who enjoys exploring the complexities and scope of the human imagination through a variety of genres. From an early age, Melinda discovered an affinity for tales involving the unusual and the macabre, especially those with a dash of humour or the unexpected. She has written numerous short stories and poems, focusing her attention most recently on the horror and fantasy realms. Melinda is a member of two local writing groups and enjoys acting as an editor and proofreader when not working on stories of her own.


  by Wendy Roberts

  It started out small. Little notes to remind of him what he’d done that was so very wrong because Andrew didn’t know how else to make him pay. Police said there wasn’t enough evidence to convict him for the hit and run, which was bullshit; he watched the cameras himself. They just didn’t want to convict the man that lined their pockets. But soon the letters weren’t satisfying enough, and as Andrew crushed the dog’s head to even things out between them, he knew one day, not even this was going to be enough to exact revenge for his daughter.

  WRITING SHORT STORIES and novels started as a past time for Wendy Roberts and has now become a fully fledged passion. She posts short stories on her website and can be found most days on Twitter.

  Website: flippinscribbler.com

  Twitter: @_WARoberts

  Curse of a Beautiful Man

  by Ximena Escobar

  The beautiful man would live, as long as he didn’t get to know himself.

  Unable to wash away the guilt of breaking yet another man’s heart, he stepped out of the running bath. His f
ogged reflection appeared in the mirror, but nothing could blur his sight of the ugly truth.

  The water level rising, cracks spread like a swastika under his fist.

  He still looked pretty, lying there on the tiles; glass embedded like jewels in his wrist, pouring into the flood the crimson watercolour of his soul.

  As life faded dreadfully to black, he could only hate himself more.

  XIMENA ESCOBAR is writing stories and poetry. Originally from Chile, she is the author of a translation into Spanish of the Broadway Musical “The Wizard of Oz”, and of an original adaptation of the same, “Navidad en Oz”, both produced in her home country. Since 2018 she has published several short stories in various anthologies and online platforms, and is now slowly working on her own collection. Ximena has a degree in Arts & Communication Science and lives in Nottingham with her family.

  Facebook: Ximenautora

  Twitter: @laximenin

  Crushed Heart

  by Peter J. Foote

  “Madam, I can’t crush this car, it’s worth a fortune.”

  “Listen, I showed you the ownership papers, it’s mine to do with as I wish, now crush it.”

  “Whatever lady, you’re crazy.” Hydraulics pistons active, metal groans.

  “That’s want my husband thought as well before he died. Didn’t realise I found out he was hiding money from the tax man by putting everything in my name.”

  The roof buckles, glass shatters, a classic car is destroyed.

  “When did your husband die?”

  Pistons retract, the car is now nothing but scrap.

  “Hmmm? Oh, he died about ten seconds ago, I’d say.”

  PETER J. FOOTE is a bestselling speculative fiction writer from Nova Scotia. Outside of writing, he runs a used bookstore specialising in fantasy & sci-fi, cosplays, and alternates between red wine and coffee as the mood demands. His short stories can be found in both print and in ebook form, with his story “Sea Monkeys” winning the inaugural “Engen Books/Kit Sora, Flash Fiction/Flash Photography” contest in March of 2018. As the founder of the group “Genre Writers of Atlantic Canada”, Peter believes that the writing community is stronger when it works together.

  Twitter: @PeterJFoote1

  Website: peterjfooteauthor.wordpress.com

  Sheep and Wolf Face

  by C.L. Steele

  “Two-faced idiot,” she sighed as her teacher discussed Salinger’s Catcher in The Rye. Keep your childhood innocence, protect women, youth is better; the sheep side of his two-face lecture. Banning books for language seemed antithetical to learning transition. Child one day, adult the next? Nothing in nature works like that. I believed sheep talk. Until, I heard you judge the cheerleader and the twirler, not for skill, but their uniforms. Which, by the way, they’re required to wear. Pretending innocence, we hide adult vices. Does adulthood mean being two-faced? No wonder we rebel. “Idiocy,” she screamed, catching society’s given baton.

  C.L. STEELE creates new worlds and mystical places filled with complex characters on exciting journeys. Her typical genre is Sci-Fi/Fantasy, where she concentrates on writing in the sub-genres of Magical Realism, Near Future, and Futuristic worlds. Published in numerous anthologies, she looks forward to the release of her debut novel. In the interim, she works on other novels and continues to write short stories, novellas, and poetry. She is featured as one of five international authors in ICWG Magazine through Clarendon Publishing House and is a contributing author to Blood Puddles Literary Journal.

  Facebook: author.CLSteele

  Instagram: @clsteele.author


  by Eddie D. Moore

  Charles heard his ex-wife calling for her dog across the street. He saw on her face how much she hated the idea of him moving into their rental house and living so close together when his attorney suggested the idea. Her expression still brought a smile to his face.

  The shouts for Buddy slowed, and Charles peeked through the blinds until his ex-wife went back inside. When the front door closed, Charles sighed and walked into the kitchen. He lifted the crockpot’s lid and poked at the meat.

  “Some say revenge is best served cold. I don’t think so, Buddy.”

  EDDIE D. MOORE travels hundreds of hours a year, and he fills that time by listening to audiobooks. When he isn’t playing with his grandchildren, he writes his own stories. You can find a list of his publications on his blog or by visiting his Amazon Author Page. While you’re there, be sure to pick up a copy of his mini-anthology Misfits & Oddities.

  Website: eddiedmoore.wordpress.com

  Amazon: amazon.com/author/eddiedmoore

  The Last Bus Ride

  by J.W. Garrett

  The taunting, slurs, the muttered words of loathing—day after day...

  No more.

  She dodged his attempt to trip her, catching his insult.


  Sliding into an empty bus seat, she faced the gloom outside.

  She heard approaching steps, smelled his presence as he squished beside her, slamming her against the cool window.

  No one helped. They never did. The driver turned a blind eye.

  Wheeling on him, she entered his mind, cutting through his thoughts with the power she’d refined.

  Face frozen, he slumped.

  The bus lurched. Sidestepping his twitching form, she exited, a smirk falling across her face.

  J.W. GARRETT has been writing in one form or another since she was a teenager. She currently lives in Florida with her family but loves the mountains of Virginia where she was born. Her writings include YA fantasy as well as short stories. Since completing Remeon’s Quest-Earth Year 1930, the prequel in her YA fantasy series, Realms of Chaos, she has been hard at work on the next in the series, scheduled to release August 2020. When she’s not hanging out with her characters, her favourite activities are reading, running and spending time with family.

  Website: www.jwgarrett.com

  BHC Press: www.bhcpress.com/Author_JW_Garrett.html


  by N.M. Brown

  My former partner had stolen my business, my financial stability, and my personal integrity. There was only one place I could go to find him; to make him pay for ruining my life.

  Madame Joilee lived far out in the cornfields. You couldn’t find her unless you really wanted to; she designed it that way.

  She never told me his location, only offered me a stalk of corn instead. She told me that as the stalk decayed, so would he.

  The day after the last husk fell, police found his body with the skin sloughed off.

  I celebrated with wine.

  SINCE N.M. Brown made her first post to a popular Internet forum, she’s taken the horror community by storm. Her ability to create, terrify, and drive home her stories is insurmountable. N.M. Brown’s published works can be found in multiple anthologies for all to read, but be forewarned, if you do... you may want to call your therapist after, her stories are terrifying, disturbing and devilishly unsettling. She is not only a fright visually, but also has a creepy tentacle in horror podcasting as well. Sinister Sweetheart writes, voice acts and is the media director of the Scarecrow Tales podcast.

  Website: Sinistersweetheart.wixsite.com/sinistersweetheart

  Facebook: NMBrownStories

  Hate Me

  by Cindar Harrell

  You said you loved me once. You claimed that I was the only one for you. Now? I am nothing.

  I watch you through the windows. I don’t want you back. No, that ship has sailed.

  But I can’t forgive you.

  I sigh as I pour the can of gasoline around your house. You’re asleep, the ghost of a family dinner left on the table. A dinner without me.

  That’s alright. I have a new love too: fire. I throw the match onto the gasoline, and for a moment, I think I see you watching me.

  Go ahead, hate me.

  CINDAR HARRELL loves fairy tales, especially ones with a dark twist. Her writing is often f
airy tale inspired, but she also loves mystery and horror. Her stories can be found in various anthologies from publishers such as Black Hare Press, Iron Faerie Publishing, Dragon Soul Press, Blood Song Books, Soteira Press, Fantasia Divinity and more. Traveling is a passion for her as it inspires her imagination to run wild, especially in places that have a mystic presence in the air. She regularly moonlights as another human, but no matter who she is, she is always writing. Her novella inspired by The Snow Queen is set to release in 2020 as well as her debut novel, Lithium, and short story collection, Perchance to Dream.

  Facebook: CindarHarrell

  A Lesson in Revenge

  by Radar DeBoard

  Leopold truly hated his schoolmaster. He hated his teaching and his mannerisms when he talked. Most of all, Leopold hated how the schoolmaster tried to humiliate him at every possible opportunity. Leopold wanted nothing more than to take his revenge.


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