Revenge : His Mysterious Werecat

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Revenge : His Mysterious Werecat Page 2

by Layla Colquhoun

  "They were hanging right there," I replied while pointing at a nail that was sticking out of the wall.

  Lance quickly hung the keys back on the nail, then he slowly opened the door of the dungeon and glanced outside. After making sure there wasn't anybody around, he sprinted out of the dungeon and straight to the forest.

  Once he was confident nobody followed us, Lance set me down and appreciatively stated, "Thank you so much for helping me. I owe you big time. Don't hesitate to come find me when you turn eighteen."

  "I will definitely do that," I assured him, then he gave me a quick hug, before he sprinted through the forest and out of my line of sight.

  I quickly made my way back home, then I sprinted to the bathroom with one thought on my mind. I needed to take a shower right away. I could still smell Lance's scent on me, and I didn't want my parents or anybody else to smell it and know that I was the one who helped him escape.

  Lance POV

  I couldn't believe that the frailest and weakest werewolf in the pack was the one who helped me escape. There was something about the she-wolf that seemed to call out to me. When she told me my scent tickled her nose, I was nothing short of completely surprised by the revelation.

  I couldn't deny the fact that her scent also tickled my nose, but I didn't tell her that. She had the sweetest scent that smelled like cherries and vanilla, and I hoped for the chance to smell her scent again in the future.

  What captivated me the most about Alana was the way her smile made her face light up. She looked just like an angel every time she smiled, with her pale skin, white hair, and dull gray eyes.

  After she helped me escape, I carried her to the middle of the forest, then I set her down and appreciatively stated, "Thank you so much for helping me. I owe you big time. Don't hesitate to come find me when you turn eighteen."

  "I will definitely do that," she assured me with that sweet smile plastered on her face.

  I gave her a hug, and she was quick to return the hug. That gesture warmed my heart and brought me a tremendous amount of joy.

  I wanted to keep talking to her, but I knew it was too dangerous to stick around any longer. After she pulled away from the hug, I flashed her a smile, then I sprinted through the forest and didn't stop running until I crossed the border.

  At that point, I stopped running and turned around. I stared at the forest in front of me with the desire to see her face again, but I knew that wouldn't happen. There was no way the frail little she-wolf would have been able to keep up with my fast running pace, but that didn't stop me from looking anyway.

  After a few more minutes, I ran back to my house. Both of my parents were sitting together in the living room, but neither of them paid me any attention when I walked into the house. They were too focused on whatever they were watching on the television to notice my disheveled state, and I was thankful for that.

  I ran up the stairs to my bedroom, then I grabbed a change of clothes and headed straight for a shower. I felt especially dirty after sitting in that cell, and I didn't like that feeling one bit. Werecats were very clean shapeshifters, and we couldn't stand anything being dirty.

  I got the shower water as hot as I could stand it, then I stepped under the cascading water and let it rinse the dirt and filth off of me. After I scrubbed my body and washed my hair, I got out of the shower and dried off, then I pulled on a pair of black sweatpants and a dark gray t-shirt.

  Once I was dressed, I ran my hands through my short black hair, then I walked back to my bedroom. I climbed onto my bed, then I stared up at the ceiling and thought about that cute little she-wolf. I couldn't seem to get her pretty face out of my mind for some odd reason, and I wasn't sure if I wanted to.

  Every time I thought about her, I would feel my lips curve up to form a small smile. I was usually a fairly happy person the majority of the time already, but I felt especially happy after meeting Alana. She gave me hope that one day our species might be able to once again live peacefully beside her species.

  Chapter 2

  Alana's Eighteenth Birthday

  Alana POV

  I woke up thinking about Lance again. Ever since that day, when I helped him escape from the pack's dungeon, I couldn't get that cute werecat off my mind. He was the only one who had ever been truly nice to me besides my parents.

  The last few weeks, I had been mentally preparing myself to leave the pack, and I was more determined than ever to make that happen. Once I got away from Julie and her mean ways, it would be easier for me to come up with a good plan to get my revenge on her.

  Since it was my eighteenth birthday, I decided to wear my prettiest light pink dress with leggings and flats that matched the dress perfectly. After that, I pulled my white hair up into a nice bun, then I applied a light coat of pink eyeshadow, followed by a little blush, and a light pink lipstick.

  As I gazed at my reflection in the mirror, my lips curved up to form a smile. Even though as I was still as pale as a ghost, I thought I looked prettier than usual.

  Feeling more confident than usual, I grabbed my bookbag, then I headed downstairs to the kitchen. Both of my parents were quick to give me hugs and say, "Happy Birthday," then my mum handed me a plate with pancakes, bacon, and a fried egg.

  I sat down and ate as much of the delicious food as my stomach could handle, then I pecked a kiss on both of their cheeks, before I headed to school. Nobody said a word to me, as I walked from my house to the school, and I was relieved when I made it there without having a run in with Julie.

  However, the closer I got to the school, the more excited my wolf became. When I stepped inside, one particular scent instantly tickled my nose, and it was a scent I knew all too well. Right away, I decided to quickly my way to my first class with a sense of dread settling in the pit of my stomach.

  As soon as I walked into the classroom, my eyes instinctively scanned the room until they locked with the ice blue eyes of Kyle Maddox, who had recently became the new Alpha of the Great Forest Pack. I watched his eyes go wide, then he jumped up and sprinted straight to me.

  The second Kyle reached me, he wrapped his arms around my waist, then he snuggled his face in the crook of my neck, as he incoherently chanted, "Mate, mate, mate."

  I didn't know what else to do, so I wrapped my arms around him, then I solemnly mumbled, "Kyle, you can just reject me now. I know that's what you are going to do anyways."

  Right away, he lifted his face back up and gazed into my eyes, as he adamantly stated, "I would never do such a thing. You are my mate, and that's how it's meant to be."

  "What if I don't want to stay here with this pack?" I retorted in all seriousness.

  Kyle was quick to grab my arm, then he pulled me into the hallway before he angrily asked, "Are you rejecting me as your mate, Alana?"

  For some reason, when my name rolled off his tongue, my body instantly trembled as a chill ran down my spine. I nervously cleared my throat, then I timidly replied, "I know I'm weak and not fit to be a Luna. Just like I know how much you like to have fun with Julie. So you tell me, what's the point in pretending?"

  Kyle's eyes quickly softened, then he grabbed my hand and brought it up to his lips. After he placed a soft kiss on the back of my hand, he softly murmured, "I don't want Julie. I want my mate."

  I released a small sigh, then I nonchalantly responded, "Let's just get through this school day, then we can talk more about it later."

  "Fine," he huffed before he pulled me back into the classroom.

  Kyle didn't let go of my hand until we reached my desk, then he waited for me to sit down before he walked away and sat back down at his desk. Every few minutes, he would glance back at me and smile, but all that did was make it harder for me to focus on my school work.

  When it came time for lunch, Kyle wouldn't leave my side the whole time, and I was starting to think he really did want me to be his mate. He was being especially sweet, and he kept offering to help with anything he could every chance he got.

It felt nice to have him doting on me, but I couldn't help feeling like it was all just an act. I hoped it wasn't, but I kept my guard up. It was something I had grown used to doing from all the years of being teased and bullied.

  By the time school ended for the day, I was beyond ready to go home and have a little space from Kyle, so I could think about everything. However, Kyle had a different plan in mind.

  I didn't even make it off the school's property, before Kyle caught up to me and grabbed my hand. When I started to walk in the direction of my house, he pulled me a different direction and insisted, "I will drive you home, then we can tell your parents that we are mates and you are moving in with me."

  Instantly, I pulled my hand out of his grasp, as I sheepishly stated, "Kyle, I need time to think about everything."

  "No," he snarled in frustration, then he took a deep breath and more calmly stated, "I refuse to allow you to reject me. You are my mate and the Luna of this pack. We are going to get your stuff, then you are coming home with me, where I can keep you safe."

  "My parents have done a great job keeping me safe," I indignantly retorted.

  "Nobody is saying otherwise. However, once word spreads that you are the Luna, others might try to hurt you," he anxiously explained.

  I huffed at him, then I begrudgingly mumbled, "Fine. Whatever." I could feel my heart beating faster, and I didn't want to chance having a fainting spell, so I decided not to argue anymore about it.

  I followed Kyle to his cherry red Porsche, then he drove to my house. It was the first time I had ever ridden in such a nice car, and I couldn't stop admiring the car's beauty. The seats were made from a shiny black leather, and the dash was a shiny dark gray with a bunch of different dials.

  As soon as we reached my house, Kyle jumped out of the driver's seat, then he ran to the passenger side of the car and opened the door for me. I accepted the hand he was holding out to me, then he gently pulled me to my feet.

  I was still wary about everything that was happening, but I was getting too tired and weak to keep debating everything in my head. I let Kyle lead me to the front door, then I walked into my house.

  Right away, my parents started singing 'Happy Birthday,' like they had every year when I came home from school. Their eyes both widened when they saw Alpha Kyle walk in behind me, but they made sure to finish singing the celebration song for me.

  As soon as I blew out the candles, they both turned to Kyle and respectfully greeted him with a bow, then my dad warily asked, "What brings you here, Alpha Kyle?"

  My mate cleared his throat, then he cheerfully explained, "Your daughter is my mate. I have come to help her pack her belongings, so she can join me at the pack house."

  Instantly, my mum squealed with joy, as she set the cake down, then she wrapped her arms around me and excitedly mumbled, "Congratulations, sweetie. I'm so happy for you."

  "Thanks, mum. I'm going to miss living here," I solemnly replied.

  "My darling girl, don't be sad about moving. You are starting a new chapter in your life. A chapter that will be filled with the love that comes from finding your true mate," she enthusiastically cooed.

  I flashed her a small smile, then I cheekily replied, "Before I do anything else, I want a piece of that amazing cake."

  "Of course," she happily chirped, then she grabbed the cake and walked to the kitchen with me right behind her.

  I could hear my dad and Kyle talking in the living room, but I didn't even try to zero in on their conversation, since I knew my dad wouldn't be saying anything out of line to our Alpha. After my mum cut the cake, I sat down with her at the dining table and quietly ate my piece of deliciousness.

  I zoned out while thinking about Lance, and how this was going to stop me from being able to leave the pack and visit him. I was honestly bummed about that fact, and I couldn't understand why my thoughts kept going back to him, even after learning that Kyle was my mate.

  After about ten minutes of zoning out, Kyle joined us in the kitchen and nonchalantly asked, "Are you ready to get your stuff packed?"

  "No, but I guess I don't have a choice in the matter," I dejectedly muttered.

  "Alana, why aren't you happy about being my mate?" he anxiously asked with a frown on his face.

  I felt a little bad for acting like I was, so I flashed him a smile and responded, "It's not that I'm not happy, I'm just not ready for all of these changes. I have spent my whole childhood with this house being my safe haven. The only place I could go and be truly safe from everybody that treated me like I was a nobody."

  "I put a stop to that nonsense seven years ago. You should be over that by now," he warily stated in return.

  "You might have thought you put a stop to it, but there was still one person that took every opportunity she could to punish me for being weak," I defiantly retorted.

  "Who?" he asked with a look of pure anger in his eyes.

  I looked down at the floor, then I solemnly mumbled, "Julie along with her group of minions."

  "When? What else has she done since then?" he angrily asked.

  I lifted my dress up just enough to show him the bruise she gave me a few days prior, and he instantly gasped before he dropped to his knees in front of me. He gently trailed his fingertips over the large bruise that covered more than half of my abdomen, as he whispered, "What did she do to my beautiful mate?"

  "Julie had her minions hold me, while she kicked me in the stomach twice," I angrily snarled.

  Kyle growled in anger, then he leaned closer and placed a soft kiss on my belly. The sweet gesture warmed my heart, and it helped ease some of the worry I was feeling about moving in with him.

  As soon as he pulled his lips away from my abdomen, I flashed him a smile and timidly stated, "I'm ready to pack now."

  He jumped to his feet with a wide smile on his face, then he excitedly gushed, "I'll help you. I can't wait to show you our suite at the pack house. You are going to love it."

  Kyle followed me to my bedroom, then we quickly packed the things that were most important to me. When I was done, I gave both of my parents tight hugs and told them "bye", then we left my childhood home and headed toward the pack house.

  Chapter 3

  The Ultimate Betrayal

  Lance POV

  I spent the entire day hiding out in the trees that were directly behind the border between our pack and the Great Forest Pack. I was waiting for Alana to come visit me, since it was finally her eighteenth birthday. I had only seen her one other time since she helped me escape, and I couldn't wait to see her again.

  I don't know what is was about that little werewolf, but I was mesmerized by her beauty the first time I saw her. When I got to know her a little and realized how sweet and kind she was, I just wanted to take her with me to my pack, but I knew I couldn't.

  The one time I saw her, I found out what day her birthday was on, and I committed that date to my memory. I waited for her until the sun started to set, then I walked home with my head down and my shoulders slumped in defeat.

  I had a bad feeling about why she didn't show up, but there was nothing I could do without knowing for sure what the reason was. If I crossed the border, they might get the upper hand on me, and the chances of her being able to help me escape a second time were slim to none.

  Alana POV

  As we walked up the steps to the pack house, a sense of uneasiness crept into me. I couldn't help but to worry about what was going to happen when the rest of the pack learned about me being Alpha Kyle's mate. I knew he was right about some people wanting to hurt me because of us being mates, and that had me thinking about all kinds of different scenarios.

  The second we stepped inside, I felt dozens of eyes snap in our direction, then a round of hushed murmurs could be heard all around us. I glanced up at Kyle's handsome face and saw that he was still smiling while he talked to Beta Anthony, so I tried to ignore the stares and whispers.

  When Kyle finished his short conversation with the Beta, he glance
d down at me and cheerfully asked, "Would you like to see our suite?"

  I wanted more than anything to get away from everybody's prying eyes, so I was quick to say, "Yes, I would love that."

  Kyle held my hand, as we walked up the six flights of stairs to get to his suite, and by the time we reached his floor, I was out of breath from climbing so many stairs. When Kyle noticed I was struggling to catch my breath, he frowned at me and shook his head, which I did not like one bit.

  Instantly, I looked down at the floor and mumbled, "I'm fine. Keep leading the way."

  Kyle didn't say anything, as he led me the rest of the way. However, after he opened the door to his suite, he motioned for me to go ahead of him, as he happily stated, "Welcome to our home, Alana. I hope you like it."

  I walked into the large living room and looked around in awe. Everything looked pristine and beautiful, from the light blue carpet to the cream colored walls and furniture. There were a few large paintings hanging on the walls, and they were absolutely amazing.

  One of the paintings was of a waterfall with a beautiful forest around it. The other painting consisted of wolves running through a meadow of wildflowers.

  As I continued to look around, Kyle walked up behind me, then he wrapped his arms around my waist. Right away, he nuzzled his nose against my neck and breathed in my scent, then he huskily asked, "Mate, can I mark you?"

  I was quick to slide down and out of his arms, then I spun around and adamantly stated, "No, you can not. I need to make sure this is going to work before I let you do that."

  Kyle looked at me with a shocked expression on his face, almost like he was in disbelief that I was able to get out of his arms so easily. I had wrestled with my father enough times to learn how to get away from somebody if it was a one on one match. I may not have been strong and muscular, but I was thin and surprisingly agile for how weak I was.

  After a second, Kyle flashed me a sexy smirk, then he affectionately murmured, "Ah, come on, Alana. I have loved you from afar for the past seven years. I made almost everybody leave you alone and stop teasing you. I'm telling you that I want you to be my mate. Why are you holding back?"


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