Revenge : His Mysterious Werecat

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Revenge : His Mysterious Werecat Page 8

by Layla Colquhoun

  Her cheeks instantly turned red, then she sheepishly mumbled, "I really enjoyed kissing you, too. If you don't find your mate, we will have to do that more often."

  "Lance, I know it's your birthday and all, but must you stand there in your birthday suit?" Lynzee sassily asked with her back turned to us.

  Celeste started giggling, as the realization hit me that I was still standing there naked. I sighed in frustration, because I didn't want to let go of Celeste,, but I knew I needed to find a pair of shorts. I pecked one more soft kiss on Celeste's lips, then I dropped my arms from around her waist and headed for the tree line.

  After I found a random pair of black shorts, I quickly pulled them on, then I rushed back to where I left Celeste. She was having an animated conversation with Lynzee, but that didn't stop me from wrapping my arms around her from behind, then I placed a soft kiss on her temple.

  Lynzee directed her gaze at me, then she teasingly asked, "So how long have you two been fooling around in secret?"

  Celeste and I both scoffed at her, before I nonchalantly retorted, "Who says we've been fooling around."

  "I just caught you," Lynzee defiantly replied.

  "Yeah, and? You walked up on us sharing our first intimate kiss. Thanks for ruining that moment, by the way," I playfully stated.

  Celeste laid her hands on my arms and leaned back against me, as she cheerfully remarked, "We are definitely going to be fooling around some more today. Isn't that right, Lance?"

  I chuckled before I huskily answered, "I'm all for some more fooling around, if you're the one I'm fooling around with."

  Lynzee threw her hands up in defeat, then she jokingly mumbled, "You two have fun with your fooling around. I couldn't stay and hang out anyways. My mum wants me to help her tend to the garden today."

  I let go of Celeste, then I gave Lynzee a quick hug, as I happily stated, "Thanks for coming to visit me today."

  "You're welcome. Happy birthday, Lance," Lynzee replied as she returned the friendly hug.

  After Lynzee left, Celeste and I spent the whole day together in the rain forest. If we weren't making out, we were wrestling and playing around, or we were napping. It turned out to be the best birthday ever, and I couldn't wait for Celeste's birthday to arrive. That would be the day that changes the course of our lives forever.

  Celeste POV

  Ever since Lance's eighteenth birthday, we had gotten even closer. We spent more time kissing each other, then we spent doing anything else. It was like he couldn't get enough kisses from me, but I didn't mind one bit. I had been in love with Lance for what felt like forever, and it was nice to be the center of his attention.

  When the day of my eighteenth birthday finally arrived, I was curious to see if I would find my mate that day or not. I didn't think I would, since Alana's birthday was the day that I first shifted. I figured it would be the same when it came to finding my mate, and I was right. My birthday came and went, but I didn't find my mate.

  I felt bad for Lance, because he was hoping I would be his mate, but I showed no signs of that being the case. I wanted to tell him not to worry about it so much, since I wouldn't find out for another week, but I couldn't. Instead, I bit my tongue and simply asked him to not get discouraged just yet.

  A week later, there was no denying the fact that Lance was my werecat mate. As soon as we locked eyes, I felt this overwhelming rush of emotion. I walked straight to him and grabbed his hands, then I felt those amazing sparks. My lips instantly curved up to form an ear to ear smile, as I happily chirped, "Mate."

  He pulled one of my hands up to his lips, then he placed a small kiss on the back of it, and sparks tingled over my skin where his lips made contact, then he gazed into my eyes and affectionately mumbled, "Mate, I love you so much."

  I let go of his hands, then I wrapped my arms around his neck and tangled my fingers in his midnight black hair, as I gazed into his beautiful ocean blue eyes. They looked even more stunning to me than ever before, and I couldn't pull my gaze away from them. After a few more seconds, I softly murmured, "I love you, Lance."

  He wrapped his arms around my waist, then he pulled me against him. Right after that, he smashed his lips to mine for a very passionate kiss. Our lips stayed glued together for a good ten minutes, and I loved every second of the make-out session. Those amazing sparks were flowing between us, and I didn't want to ever stop feeling those sparks with Lance.

  When we finally pulled apart, he warily asked, "Why couldn't you feel our bond on your actual birthday a week ago?"

  I cleared my throat, then I nervously replied, "Well, there are some things that you don't know about me. Things that I wasn't allowed to divulge to anybody but my werecat mate."

  "What kind of things?" he anxiously asked with his eyebrows knitted together in worry.

  "I'm not actually Celeste. I mean, I am, but I'm not. This is Celeste's body, but not her soul," I stated with nervousness evident in my voice.

  "What do you mean, it's not Celeste's soul?" he warily asked in confusion.

  "Do you remember that weird dream you had when I kept you in the rainforest for a day and a half?" I curiously asked.

  "Yes, what does that have to do with anything?" he asked with frustration.

  "In my previous life, that really happened. I was Alana in my first life, but my werewolf mate killed me on my eighteenth birthday," I solemnly explained.

  Lance searched my eyes for a few seconds, then he curiously asked, "How is any of this possible?"

  I took a deep breath, then I explained everything to him. When I was done with my explanation, I wasn't sure what Lance was going to say. He was speechless for a few minutes, then he wrapped his arms around me and gushed, "I don't care how it happened. I love you, Celeste or Alana. Shit! What am I supposed to call you?"

  I giggled at his cuteness, then I happily replied, "You should call me Celeste. Nobody else can find out the truth about me. The Moon Goddess was very clear about that."

  "Okay, Celeste. Your secret is safe with me always. Wow, this explains so much," he enthusiastically chirped.

  I lovingly ran my fingers through his soft hair, as I softly murmured, "I'm so glad you are my mate. I have wanted this for so long."

  "Me too," he mumbled before he placed a soft kiss on my lips.

  Chapter 14

  Beginning Stages

  Lance POV

  As soon as we locked eyes, I could see nothing but happiness and love shining in them. I knew right then, that Celeste felt the pull of our mate bond. It was the happiest moment of my life, and I couldn't wait any longer to have her in my arms again.

  Feeling those amazing sparks when we touched was out of this world, and I felt entranced for a little bit. That was until I remembered the mysteriousness surrounding her shifting and being able to find her mate a week after her birthday.

  When I asked her about it, she filled me in on so many different details, that it left my mind reeling with questions. I almost couldn't believe it when Celeste revealed to me that she was the shewolf in my dream. She told me about her werewolf mate killing Alana on her birthday, and she explained to me how the Moon Goddess was able to use her dormant cat soul to reincarnate her using Celeste's body.

  It explained so many things that had happened over the years, since she woke up from the coma. I had wondered many times if there was a connection between that shewolf and Celeste. Now I knew the truth, and it made me love her even more for some odd reason.

  I couldn't explain it, but I loved everything about my mysterious mate, and I couldn't wait to dive into her world of mysteriousness. We spent most of the day in the rain forest cuddling, kissing and talking about everything that happened when she was Alana. She was able to describe details about the dream that I never told her, so I was sure she was being honest about everything.

  I could see a change in her demeanor, as soon as she revealed the truth to me about everything. It was like a burden she had been carrying was lifted off her back. I loved se
eing the change in her, since she looked happier, and I felt honored to be the one mated to her.

  When we finally returned to her home, Celeste was quick to inform her parents about us being mates, and they were thrilled. It filled me with joy to have their blessing, and I could tell Celeste felt the same way.

  After we talked to her parents for a few minutes, Celeste grabbed my hand, then she pulled me to her bedroom. As soon as I closed her door, she was quick to wrap her arms around my neck, then she pulled my face down to hers for a kiss.

  Right away, I wrapped my arms around her waist and tightly held her against me, while I passionately kissed my beautiful mate. Those tantalizing sparks flowed between our lips, and that only fueled my desire to keep my lips glued to hers.

  It wasn't long before she started walking backward, while pulling me with her to the bed. As soon as her legs bumped the side of the bed, she pulled her lips away from mine, then she timidly asked, "Will you lay down with me?"

  I didn't understand why she was acting a little shy all of a sudden, but I wasn't about to deny her request. I flashed her a smile and affectionately murmured, "I will do anything for you, mate."

  Instantly, her smile widened, as she happily replied, "Thank you."

  I chuckled before I mumbled, "You're welcome," then she climbed onto the bed, and was quick to join my cute mate under the blanket.

  The second I laid down, Celeste rolled to her side and rested her head on my chest. She draped an arm and a leg over my body, then she softly murmured, "I love you, Lance."

  I circled one arm around her back, then I trailed my fingertips along her arm that was draped over me, as I drowsily mumbled, "I love you, Celeste."

  We had laid together on her bed many times over the years, but this time felt even more special than ever before. I wished we could spend all of our time together, but I knew that wasn't a possibility. Not with the mission she was sent back to complete.

  I couldn't help but to wonder what would happen once she completed the mission and stopped the war between our species and the werewolves. I hoped the Moon Goddess didn't plan to take her away from me. With that thought in mind, I decided to enjoy every minute I had with Celeste. I was determined to support her one hundred percent, while she completed the mission.

  It wasn't long before she drifted to sleep, but it took me a little longer, because of the many thoughts that were running through my mind. Just as I was finally starting to fall asleep, Celeste started whimpering in her sleep. She had done that a lot over the years, when she was sleeping, but this time seemed different.

  After a minute or two, she sat straight up and clutched her chest, as she released a scream of agony. Instantly, I sat up and wrapped my arms around her, as I anxiously asked, "Celeste, what's wrong? What's happening?"

  It took her a few seconds to respond, then she croaked out, "My chest feels like it's on fire. I've read about this happening."

  "What is it?" I asked with worry.

  "My werewolf mate is mating with someone other than me," she deadpanned.

  I hugged her against my body, while she struggled to bare the pain, and the whole time, I just wanted to kill her werewolf mate. Not only did the worthless wolf kill his own mate, but now he was causing her more pain in other ways.

  Celeste POV

  I knew exactly what was causing the pain in my chest, and it was overwhelming at first, but the pain significantly eased up, as soon as Lance sat up and wrapped his arms around me. I could still feel it, but it wasn't as bad.

  I could feel beads of sweat form all over my body, as Lance held me against him and whispered sweet things to me. I couldn't imagine how much worse the pain would have been, if Lance hadn't been there. I knew the bond we shared was what eased the pain a little, and it helped to keep me calm.

  After almost an hour, the pain finally subsided, but I was left feeling utterly exhausted, because of it. I slumped against Lance and released a sigh of relief, then I drowsily mumbled, "It's gone. The pain went away."

  "Good," he breathed out, then he gently laid back with me still in his arms.

  We were in an awkward position, so I rolled to my stomach, while staying on top of him, then I pecked a kiss on his soft lips, before I whispered, "Thank you for helping me through that ordeal."

  "You're welcome, sweetie. Anytime. Now get some rest, mate," he affectionately replied, then he placed a sweet kiss on my lips.

  Lance had his arms tightly wrapped around me, so I didn't even try to roll off of him. Instead, I rested my face against his broad chest and listened to his heartbeat. It wasn't long before that steady beating of his heart lulled me to sleep.

  When I woke up a few hours later, I was still laying on top of Lance, and he still had a tight hold on me. I laid there and enjoyed the intoxicating smell of his cocoa and orange scent. It was the perfect mix of sweet and citrusy.

  After a few minutes of sniffing his scent, I started trailing my fingertips over the thin line of soft hairs that ran up the middle of his chest. Instantly, I heard Lance intake a deep breath of air, as his arms tightened even more around me, then he huskily mumbled, "Sweetie, if you keep doing that, this morning wood is never gonna go away."

  "What if I don't want it to go away," I cheekily asked with a wide smile plastered on my face.

  "Mate, don't be playing with my emotions," he groggily stated.

  "I'm not playing. We have known each other for years, and we are mates. I think we have waited long enough to embrace the love we share for each other," I thoughtfully remarked.

  Lance opened his eyes, and they immediately locked with mine. His ocean blue eyes had darkened with lust, but I could also see love and intrigue swirling in them. I glanced down at his full lips, then I licked my lips. A second later, I watched him lick his lips, and I knew he wanted to kiss me, as bad as I wanted to kiss him. I didn't waste anymore time, I smashed my lips to his and feverishly kissed him.

  After a minute or two of kissing, Lance flipped us over, then he huskily asked, "Celeste, are you sure this is what you want?"

  "I am positive," I assured him with a smile.

  He dipped his head down, then he slid his nose up the curve of my neck, as he breathed in my scent. Instantly, my cat started purring, as we enjoyed the way our mate was showing us affection. When his nose reached my ear, he gently nibbled on my earlobe, then he curiously asked, "Can I mark you first?"

  I knew Lance was the one I wanted to spend my life with, and I didn't care if Kyle knew I had a werecat mate. I needed Lance in every way. I was determined to embrace every aspect of Lance being my mate, and that included being marked by him. I wasn't the least bit scared to let him mark me, because I knew he truly loved me. He had already proven it many times over the years.

  I only gave his question a few seconds of thought before I breathily murmured, "Yes, mate."

  Right away, his cat started purring, and my cat's purr got louder. Lance trailed featherlike kisses down the curve of my neck, then he hovered his lips over my sweet spot, as he elongated his canines. A second later, he licked my sweet spot, then he sank his canines into my neck.

  Instantly, I felt a stinging sensation, but it was quickly replaced by an overwhelming feeling of pleasure. Our mate bond strengthened tremendously, and it was a wonderful moment.

  After he retracted his canines, he licked the wound to close it, then he huskily mumbled, "Mark me, mate."

  I wasted no time elongating my canines, then I licked his sweet spot, before I sank my canines into it. I could feel our mate bond strengthen a little more, as well as the pleasure he was feeling. I thought it was so cool to be able to feel his emotions like that.

  As soon as I pulled my canines out of his neck, I licked the wound to close it, then I whispered, "My mate, I will never love anybody, as much as I love you."

  Lance beamed a smile at me, as he gazed into my eyes and softly murmured, "I feel the same way about you."

  After that, his lips crashed on top of mine for another passio
nate kiss. We spent several hours in my bed together, and mating with him was incredible. I enjoyed every touch and kiss we shared, and I planned to enjoy this aspect of having him as my mate, as often as possible.

  Chapter 15

  Alpha Jared's Secret

  Lance POV

  I almost couldn't believe it when Celeste gave me permission to mark her. I knew she had another mate, so I wasn't sure if she would be willing or not, but that didn't stop her from accepting me as her mate, and I was thrilled. I wasted no time elongating my canines, as I smelled her sweet scent.

  The second I sank my canines into her sweet spot, our mate bond instantly strengthened, and it was the best feeling in the world. Both of our cats were purring like crazy, and that only made the moment even more special. After I licked the wound I gave her, I huskily mumbled, "Mark me, mate."

  When her canines pierced my neck a few seconds later, it stung for just a second, then pleasure coursed through my body, as our mate bond strengthened even more. As soon as Celeste pulled her canines out of my neck, she licked the wound to close it, then she whispered, "My mate, I will never love anybody, as much as I love you."

  Instantly, I beamed a wide smile at my beautiful mate, as I gazed into gorgeous sapphire eyes and softly murmured, "I feel the same way about you."

  After that, I smashed my lips on top of hers for a passionate kiss, then I spent hours making love to her, and it was the best night of my life. I familiarized myself with every inch of her stunning body, while showing Celeste how much I loved her, by giving her nothing but pleasure the whole time.

  When we finally collapsed on the bed beside each other, I rolled to my side, then I gazed at my mate and admired how gorgeous she was. I felt so lucky to be her werecat mate.

  As soon as she glanced over and caught me staring at her, she flashed me a smile and breathily murmured, "That was amazing."


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