Revenge : His Mysterious Werecat

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Revenge : His Mysterious Werecat Page 18

by Layla Colquhoun

  "Oh yeah. I totally forgot about her. What are you going to do now?" Lance curiously asked.

  I flashed him a sly smile, as I coyly responded, "You will see."

  Chapter 35

  Retrieving Julie

  Lance POV

  As soon as I heard Celeste mention that shewolf, I was quick to curiously ask, "Oh yeah. I totally forgot about her. What are you going to do now?"

  She flashed me a sly smile and coyly responded, "You will see."

  I knew she had something planned by the expression on her face, but she didn't want to say what at that moment, and I wasn't about to pry. I knew it wouldn't be long until I found out what she had planned, so I just rolled with it.

  We walked together through the rain forest to the underground dungeon. At first I was looking around for it, but I couldn't see anything that looked like an entrance to a dungeon. Suddenly, Celeste used her foot to brush a pile of leaves from an area of the ground, then I saw a wooden cellar door appear from under those leaves.

  I was surprised by how well they had kept the dungeon hidden from other's eyes. I never would known it was there if Celeste hadn't brushed those leaves away from the door.

  The second Celeste reached down to grab the handle, I immediately brushed her hand away and opened the heavy door for her. Instantly, our nostrils were met with the musty smell of the dungeon mixed with old blood. Both of us scrunched our noses in disgust, before Celeste nonchalantly stated, "Let's get down there and take care of business."

  I walked down the stairs into the dungeon ahead of Celeste, just in case there was anybody down there that shouldn't be. Of course, there wasn't. However, there were a few of the Jungle Pack warriors standing guard to make sure there weren't any problems.

  When Celeste spotted the guards, she wasted no time explaining why we were there, and they were quick to retrieve the shewolf from one of the cells for her. Right away, Celeste had the guards bind the shewolf's hands with rope, then she led us back to her parents house.

  The whole way there, the shewolf kept asking why Celeste had her thrown in a dungeon, and why she wasn't letting her free. Celeste only shot her a cold glare in response, then she would give the shewolf a little shove to make her start walking again.

  It was kind of shocking to see my mate act so cold towards someone, but I knew why she was doing it, and I completely understood. I would want to get payback too, if I were Celeste, so I couldn't judge her for it.

  As soon as we got there, Celeste pushed the shewolf onto the floor in front of her parents, then she deadpanned, "There are some things we need to discuss."

  Celeste POV

  The second we got back to my house with Julie, I pushed her to the floor in front of my parents, then I deadpanned, "There are some things we need to discuss." I could see the shock evident in their facial expressions, so I wasn't the least bit surprised when neither of them said a word and just stared at me in response. After a few seconds, I boldly stated, "I am not actually your daughter Celeste."

  Both of their jaws slightly dropped, as they looked at me in confusion, then my dad warily asked, "What do you mean by that. You look like our daughter, and you sound like our daughter."

  I flashed him a small smile, then I continued to explain, "When Celeste sustained that head wound, she didn't survive. It just so happened that I was killed by my werewolf mate on the same day. The Moon Goddess was able to use my dormant werecat soul to reincarnate me into Celeste's body, but I wasn't allowed to tell anybody the truth, because she brought me back to complete a mission."

  "I don't believe any of this," my mom indignantly stated.

  "Whether you believe it or not, I'm telling you the truth. If you don't believe me, you can verify it with Lance or Alpha Jared from the Jungle Pack," I confidently replied.

  My mom just stared at me in complete shock, whereas my dad curiously asked, "Did you complete the mission?"

  My lips instantly curved up to form an ear to ear smile, before I proudly answered, "Yes, I completed the mission, and we now have a signed Peace Agreement between our pack, the Jungle Pack and the Great Forest Pack."

  Right away, my dad jumped up from his seat and wrapped his arms around me, then he happily chirped, "Regardless of how you got into our daughter's body, I will always consider you my daughter. I have watched you grow since that day. I have taken care of you and provided for you, and I am most proud to be a part of your life."

  I was surprised by the sincerity I heard in his voice, but more than that I was happy and relieved to hear those words leave his mouth. I returned the hug and cheerfully replied, "Thanks, dad. I will always consider both of you my werecat parents."

  "What did you mean by your mate killed you?" my mom suddenly asked with curiosity.

  I took a deep breath, then I explained to them what happened between me and Kyle. I could tell that Julie was shocked by the revelation, and not only that, she looked absolutely terrified. I think she realized at the moment, the exact reason why she was at my house and bound with rope.

  After I was done explaining everything that had happened up to that point, my dad warily asked, "Why is this shewolf here?"

  "This is my biggest nemesis from when I was Alana. Julie here thought it was okay to bully me when I was Alana, just because I was sick and weak. She knew I couldn't fight her, so she took advantage of my weakness. Julie here is going to pay dearly for all the things she did to me back then," I nonchalantly explained.

  Both of my werecat parents glared at Julie with nothing but contempt, then my dad angrily snarled, "Let me get my hands on her. You won't have to lift a finger to punish her, because I will do it for you."

  I giggled at my protective dad, then I happily chirped, "It's okay. I have plans for this one. She is going to clean this house from top to bottom. She is also going to cook all of the meals around here, until I decide whether or not she deserves to live."

  Instantly, Julie started begging, "Please, I'm so sorry, Alana. I didn't realize how much I was hurting you. I really am sorry. Please don't do this to me."

  "Too late. You've had this coming for a long time. Now I'm going to untie this rope, then I will give you a tour of the house and show you where you'll be sleeping during your stay here," I nonchalantly replied, as I closed the gap between us.

  "You're still just a nobody, Alana. You have always been a nobody, and you will always be a nobody," she seethed through clenched teeth.

  Instantly, my hand shot up and made contact with her cheek, then I angrily snarled, "If you say anything else like that, I will just end your life on the spot and be done with you."

  As soon as the last word left my mouth, Lance proudly stated, "You are the one who is a nobody. Celeste isn't just a nobody. She is soon to be the Queen of all werecats."

  Both of my parent's gasped before my dad breathily asked, "What did you just say?"

  I was quick to explain all of that to them, and I could see nothing but pride and admiration swirling in their eyes. It made me incredibly happy to see those emotions in their eyes, and there was no hiding the smile that formed on my face.

  Once I was done explaining it, I took Julie on a tour of the house, while I explained what I expected of her, and what would happen if she gave any of us any problems. She cried the entire time, but I didn't show her any mercy.

  However, in the back of my mind, I felt so sorry for her. I knew what it felt like to be treated the way I was treating her, and I could tell this was going to be just as hard for me, as it was going to be for her.

  Chapter 36

  Too Much Guilt

  Celeste POV

  I spent the next few days making Julie do all the cleaning and cooking in the house. However, I couldn't stop feeling guilty the whole time. I didn't have the heart of the stone to do all the things to her that she did to me, but I did keep her busy with menial, pointless tasks.

  I made sure she still got to eat and bathe, because I didn't necessarily want to be downright cruel. I just want
ed to teach her a lesson, and show her how it feels to be treated like a total nobody.

  After the second full day, I was mentally drained from wanting to make her suffer, but I was also feeling guilty about what I was doing. I found myself taking it easier on her by the minute, until I just couldn't do it anymore.

  At that point, I led her to the kitchen and made her sit down at the dining table. I sat down across from her, then we had a conversation about everything that had happened both in my previous life and now in my werecat life. By the end of our conversation, we were both apologizing to each other and hugging. It felt weird to hug her, but at the same time, I felt like a weight had been lifted off my chest, and that was a wonderful feeling.

  When we were done talking and eating dinner, Lance and I walked with her back to the Great Forest Pack's territory. Once we reached the pack house, we parted ways. Julie walked into the pack house, meanwhile Lance and I headed to my werewolf parent's house.

  I needed to have a serious conversation with them. I had not been able to stop thinking about how bad they looked when I saw them, and I was hoping they would be able to find peace by knowing I was technically still alive.

  It took a few minutes for my dad to answer the door after I knocked, but when he did, I had to stop myself from throwing my arms around him. I had missed him and my mum so much over the years, and I was downright excited about the chance to talk to them again.

  I flashed him a wide smile, as I cheerfully greeted, "Good evening. I was hoping to have a word with you."

  Instantly, he furrowed his eyebrows at me, before he warily asked, "What could you possibly want to speak with me about?"

  "I need to talk to you about Alana," I gushed with uneasiness.

  His eyes narrowed at me, then he solemnly replied, "Alana died a long time ago. There's nothing more to say."

  He started to push the door shut, but I stopped the door and with my foot and quickly mumbled, "This is very important, and I'm pretty sure you will want to hear what I have to say."

  My werewolf dad released a sigh of frustration, before he defeatedly mumbled, "Fine, you can come in."

  Lance and I stepped into my old house, and my mind was instantly filled with memories of my childhood there. There was no stopping the tears from pooling in my eyes, as I remembered the many times my parents showed me love in that house. It was the only safe and loving place I knew, before I became Celeste, and I knew that I would always feel nostalgic anytime I stepped through that door.

  Not telling my parents that I was still alive had been a big source of guilt weighing on my mind, and I was beyond ready to tell them the truth about what actually happened. As soon as my dad motioned for us to have a seat, Lance and I both sat down on the same couch I used to sit on when I was a pup.

  I flashed both of my parents a smile, before I nervously stated, "I know you both believe Alana is dead, but she is actually very much alive, she just isn't a werewolf anymore."

  "What in the heck is that supposed to mean?" my mum warily asked with her eyebrows knitted together in confusion.

  "Mum, dad, I am Alana, but I'm not Alana anymore. Now I am Celeste, and I am a werecat, as you already know," I anxiously stated, then I waited for the questions to start rolling in.

  My dad was the first to start by asking, "Why would we believe such a ludicrous statement?"

  I thought about how I could convince them, then I remembered the nicknames my dad and I used to call each other. I opened my locket, then I walked over to the chair he was sitting in.

  After I knelt down in front of him, I held the locket out for him to see the pictures, as I affectionately murmured, "Poppa wolf, angel wolf is here. I'm sorry you had to live all these years thinking I was dead, but I couldn't tell anyone until I completed the mission that was assigned to me by the Moon Goddess."

  His now dull gray eyes filled with tears, then he wrapped his arms around me and cooed, "My angel, how is any of this possible? How are you a werecat now?"

  A split second later, my mum's arms engulfed me and my dad, as she happily squealed, "My girl is still alive! I can't believe it!"

  I felt so nice to be embraced by my real parents again, and I didn't even try to break free from the suffocating hug. They kept me wrapped in the embrace for almost five full minutes, before they dropped their arms from around me and started firing question after question.

  I explained everything to them from start to finish, and I could tell my dad was absolutely livid when I told him the part about Kyle killing me. After that, we hung out for awhile, and I told them about our werecat bloodline being from the royal werecats, as well as, the fact that I would become the Queen of werecats, as soon as I join the Jungle Pack.

  They were shocked by everything they were learning, but they were also excited about having me back in their lives, and I could tell they were thrilled to see me happy with my amazing mate. By the time Lance and I headed back to the Midnight Pack, I felt so relieved to be able to finally tell them the truth, and that made me happy beyond reason.

  Chapter 37

  No Nonsense Celeste

  Lance POV

  So much had been happening over the past few weeks, and I was feeling a little overwhelmed by everything. I loved having Celeste as my mate, but I had never expected her mysteriousness to lead us down the path we were on.

  Sometimes, I still couldn't believe everything I had learned about her. For so many years, I had known deep down that she wasn't the same Celeste that I knew before the accident, but I hadn't expected her to be a shewolf from a previous life. Especially, one that I wouldn't have any recollection of, if it weren't for that dream I had about Alana helping me escape.

  I wasn't the least bit surprised when Celeste couldn't handle being mean to that shewolf who bullied her. My mate had always been kind to others, and she never stood by and allowed anybody around her to be bullied.

  She had a no nonsense attitude, when it came to matters that involved bullying. It was one of the many things I loved about my mate. She was kind, brave, strong, beautiful, and mysterious all at the same time, and she didn't put up with the nonsense.

  After we walked Julie back to the pack house on the Great Forest Pack's territory, Celeste insisted on paying a visit to her werewolf parents. At first, they seemed skeptical, until Celeste used their pet names and showed them the locket with Celeste and Alana's pictures.

  Her parents were thrilled to learn that their daughter was actually alive, and I could see so much pride in their eyes, when she told them everything that had happened. Of course, when she told them about Kyle killing her, I thought her dad might release steam from his ears or something. His face turned beet red, and I could see pure rage lace his facial features, but he quickly calmed down when she reminded him about her killing Kyle.

  Since it was kind of late when we got to her parent's house, we didn't stay for very long, but Celeste promised them we would return the next day to eat dinner with them, and I didn't have any objections. It was nice to see her so happy, and I could tell being with her family again was extremely good for her.

  After we left their house, we headed back toward the Midnight Pack's territory, but we only made it halfway there, when we suddenly heard somebody whimpering to the side of where we were walking. Instantly, Celeste's eyes started glowing, before she shifted into her jaguar, then she crouched down and slowly advanced toward the whimpering.

  I was quick to follow her lead and shifted into my panther, then I followed my mate in the same manner. The whimpering got louder, as we got closer, then we heard someone say in a hushed tone, "Be quiet, or I will make this hurt even more."

  Instantly, Celeste's ears went back, and I knew she was getting ready to do something drastic. I could feel her anger through our mate bond, and I wasn't sure what to expect from her, but I knew she was a fireball, and she wouldn't stand by and allow someone to be hurt for no good reason.

  As soon as we reached the ruckus we were hearing, I saw two large teena
ge pups standing over a smaller teenage pup with red hair. He was hugging his knees against his chest while whimpering, and I could see blood trickling down his chin, from where one of the larger pups hit him in the face.

  Just then, the large pup with black hair and dark brown eyes kicked the smaller pup, and that was the last straw for Celeste. She lunged through the air, in one swift leap, and landed on top of that black haired bully. His eyes went wide in fear, as he gushed, "Please, don't hurt me. I won't ever bother him again."

  Celeste hissed at him, before she started growling, and I could tell it was taking everything she had to not tear that pup to shreds. She stayed on top of him and continued to growl and bare her teeth at him for a few minutes straight, then she shifted back into her human form.

  She was straddling his lap, as she gave him a look of pure contempt, then she smacked him across the face hard enough for the sound to echo throughout the forest. The pup's head jolted to the side, then tears sprang into his eyes, as he stammered, "P-Please, L-Luna Celeste. I-I swear, I w-won't ever hurt him a-again."

  "Mark my words, Travis. If I ever see you hurting one of your fellow pack members again, I will personally put the whoop on you, then I will personally escort you to the dungeon. Do you understand?"

  "Y-yes, I-I understand," he stuttered with fear clearly evident in his shaky voice.

  Celeste turned her head and glared at the blonde haired bully, who was standing there shaking in fear, then she snarled through gritted teeth, "The same goes for you. Understand?"

  "Yes, I understand. It will never happen again," he quickly replied with wide eyes full of fear.

  Celeste stood up, then she angrily barked, "Get your butts home. You shouldn't even be roaming around this late at night."

  As soon as they sprinted in the direction of their pack house, Celeste knelt down beside the small redhead and sympathetically asked, "Are you okay little guy?"


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