Revenge : His Mysterious Werecat

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Revenge : His Mysterious Werecat Page 20

by Layla Colquhoun

  'Meet me here,' she answered before she cut the link.

  I wasted no time heading to Lynzee's house. I had been away from mate for several hours already, and I was beyond ready to see her beautiful face and feel those amazing sparks again.

  Chapter 41

  Hanging With Lynzee

  Celeste POV

  After Lance left to go back to his house and talk to his dad, I decided to visit Lynzee and enjoy some girl talk. As soon as I got there, she eagerly pulled me into her bedroom, then she curiously asked, "So, how are things going between you and Lance? What was it like to have two mates near you at the same time?"

  I giggled at my curious friend, before I nonchalantly replied, "It was definitely interesting to say the least."

  "Oh come on. I want to hear all the details," she playfully whined with a smile.

  I giggled again, then I cheekily admitted, "Things are great with Lance, but we had a hiccup while we were at the Great Forest Pack."

  "Really? What happened?" she asked with eagerness.

  I couldn't believe how she excited she was about us having some time to talk without Lance being there, but I fully welcomed the opportunity. I flashed her a small smile, then I explained, "Well, I kind of slept with my other mate. I thought for sure Lance was going to hate me for it, but he was so understanding."

  "Oh my. I can't believe you did that, Celeste. What was it like?" she curiously asked.

  "It was good, but it wasn't anything like being with Lance," I sheepishly admitted.

  "I bet it's great to have your mate. I can't wait to find mine," she dreamily mumbled with a far off look in her eyes.

  I hoped she would find her mate soon. I wanted my friend to experience the same happiness that I was experiencing with Lance. He had always been very special to me, but now he was my everything, and I couldn't imagine not having him in my life.

  We hung out for several hours, and it was nice to catch up on everything that had been happening with Lynzee. We were also able to finalize our plan to stop the bullies out there. We just needed to get Lance's opinion, then we could initiate our plan.

  As soon as I heard Lance's voice float through our mind link, I immediately got excited. He had no objections to meeting me at Lynzee's house, and we were quick to head outside, so we could tell him the finished plan.

  The first thing he did when he reached us was engulf me in a loving embrace, as he affectionately murmured, "I've missed you so much today, mate."

  I took a deep inhale of his intoxicating orange and cocoa scent, then I gazed up into his beautiful ocean blue eyes and happily replied, "I missed you, too, mate. How did things go with your dad?"

  He beamed an ear to ear smile at me, then he nuzzled his nose against mine and mumbled, "Things are going great in that area. My dad helped draw up a blueprint for our cabin, and he's helping me round up the materials we will need."

  I pecked a kiss on his lips, then I enthusiastically chirped, "That's wonderful news. It's going to be nice to have our own home."

  "Yes, it is," he happily replied, then he pressed his lips against mine for a longer, sweeter kiss.

  When he pulled his lips away, I cheerfully stated, "Lynzee and I made the finishing touches to our plan. Would you like to hear the details now?"

  "Definitely," he eagerly remarked.

  We all sat down together on Lynzee's porch, then we explained the full plan to him from start to finish. When we were done, I flashed him a small smile and curiously asked, "What do you think?"

  He returned a genuine smile, as he confidently stated, "I think it's a great plan, and I look forward to helping."

  I was quick to throw my arms around his body and tightly hug my mate, as I happily mumbled, "I'm so glad to have you in my life."

  Lance returned the hug and affectionately replied, "I am also glad to have you, sweetie."

  After a few more seconds of hugging, Lynzee timidly mumbled, "Alright love cats, that will be enough of that. Once I find my mate, then you can be all lovey dovey around me."

  Lance and I both chuckled at Lynzee, as we dropped our arms from around each other, then we hung out with our closest friend for a little while longer, before we walked back to my house. When we got there, we both ate a bowl of cereal, then we enjoyed a hot shower together, and that was definitely the highlight of my day. Of course, the entire day had been good so far, but I loved when I got to enjoy intimate time with my handsome mate.

  As soon as we were done having fun in the shower, Lance turned the water off, then he stepped out of the bathtub and grabbed a towel. After that, he insisted on holding my hand, as I stepped out of the tub, then he wrapped the towel around my body, before he grabbed the other towel and wrapped it around his body.

  When we got to my bedroom, I pulled on a pair of black shorts and a light pink tank-top, while Lance pulled on a pair of black gym shorts. Once we were both dressed, we climbed under the thick blanket on my bed.

  Right away, I snuggled against his side and laid my head on his muscular chest, then Lance wrapped an arm around me and trailed his fingertips along my arm that I had laying over his abdomen. I loved snuggling to him like that, and I could tell he felt the same way. I could feel his happiness, love, and contentment coursing through our mate bond, and it was wonderful to feel those emotions coming from him.

  There was no need for any words, since the strong emotions coursing between us revealed just how much we loved and cared about each other, and it wasn't long before I felt my eyelids grow heavy. I took one more deep inhale of Lance's heavenly scent, then I allowed myself to drift into a peaceful sleep.

  Chapter 42

  Finalizing Cabin Plans

  Lance POV

  When I woke up a few hours later, I glanced over at Celeste to see that she was still peacefully sleeping. I rolled to my side and propped myself up on my elbow, then I admired her beauty. Her beautiful burgundy hair was tousled all around her, but I could still see the bright orange streaks that made her hair so unique.

  I was gazing at her eyes wishing she was awake, when her eyelids slowly fluttered open to reveal her stunning sapphire eyes, and there was no mistaking the way my heart skipped a beat. When her lips curved up to form a wide smile, my heartbeat instantly sped up, as I huskily murmured, "Hello, sweetie."

  Celeste reached her hand over and gently caressed my cheek, as she groggily mumbled, "Hi, mate."

  I flashed her a sweet smile, then I leaned toward her and placed a soft kiss on her lips, before I curiously asked, "Do you want to go with me to my parent's house?"

  She slid her hand to the back of my neck, as she cheekily replied, "I would love to," then she pulled me back to her for another sweet kiss.

  We laid in the bed and talked for a little while about the cabin we were getting ready to build, then we climbed out of bed and got dressed. Celeste pulled on a yellow sundress that was decorated with red pansies, while I pulled on my dark blue gym shorts.

  Once we were both dressed, we went straight to the kitchen and enjoyed a bowl of cereal, then we walked hand in hand to my parent's house. I could feel her excitement through our mate bond, and that only fueled my own excitement.

  As soon as we walked through the door, my dad enthusiastically chirped, "All of the materials are lined up. I just need to tell the guys where to deliver them, then we can get started."

  Instantly, Celeste squealed with delight, before she cheerfully stated, "This is so cool. Thank you, Mr. Chesterfield."

  My dad chuckled at my mate's reaction, then he affectionately replied, "You're welcome, darling. You know, you don't have to be so formal with us anymore. We are practically family now. You can call me Sam."

  She giggled in response, then she happily remarked, "Okay, Sam. Thank you."

  My dad chuckled at her again, then he focused his attention on me and curiously asked, "The southern border in the jungle area is where you want the cabin, correct?"

  "Yes, sir. My gorgeous mate here loves that area of the terr
itory, so I figured it would be the best place to build it," I thoughtfully answered with a smile.

  "That's sweet. I'll let the guys know, and we should be able to start construction tomorrow," he enthusiastically informed me, then he asked, "Is there a specific time you want to get started?"

  "Whatever time is best for you, works for me," I nonchalantly replied. Since he was so willing to help me with this project, I wanted to make things easier for him, and work on it when the time was most convenient for him.

  We hung out for a little while and discussed the finer details of the construction, and I was so glad Celeste had come with me. She was a huge help in deciding the countertops, curtains, carpet, and wall colors. Having her there definitely made things a lot easier, since I wasn't having to guess what she would like the most.

  When we were done finalizing everything, we left my parent's house and headed straight for the waterfall on the Jungle Pack's territory. Since we had a bit of a journey, we tied our clothes to our ankles, then we shifted into our cat forms.

  Celeste immediately sprinted toward the border, and I was quick to follow her. Of course, I couldn't completely catch up to her until she slowed her pace a little, but I kept her in my sights the entire time. She really was an amazing werecat, and her agility to leap over logs and sidestep around trees in her way was downright phenomenal.

  As soon as we reached the waterfall area, Celeste shifted back into her human form, then she untied her sundress from around her ankle, before she ran toward the water inlet. Right away, I did the same and joined her in the river water.

  After all of the running, the cool water was especially refreshing, and I was happy to float around for a few minutes, before I pulled my gorgeous mate into a loving embrace. We stood together in that embrace and enjoyed the closeness we were sharing. I could feel those amazing sparks tingling all over my body, and it was wonderful.

  It wasn't long before we were passionately kissing each other, which ultimately led to an intimate session of making love in the water. When we were done, we were both tired, so we shifted back into our cat forms, then we snuggled together in front of the waterfall and fell asleep to the sound of the cascading water hitting the river below it.

  We woke up a few hours later and immediately headed back to Celeste's house. When we got there, we filled her werecat parents in on our cabin plans, and they were happy for us. Although, I could see a little bit of sadness in her mum's eyes.

  I could only imagine what it would be like when we had cubs and it was time for them to go out in the world. It was one of the few things I wasn't looking forward to, but it wouldn't stop me from having cubs of our own. I was very much looking forward to being a dad, and I knew my mate was going to be good mum when that time came.

  We hung out with her parents for a few hours, then we took a long shower together before we laid down for another nap. I loved taking catnaps with my mate. She always snuggled to me, and I thought it was the cutest thing ever.

  Chapter 43

  Helping Another

  Celeste POV

  I woke up to those amazing sparks tingling along my arm, and I knew right away that Lance was already awake. When my eyelids fluttered open, there was no missing the way he was gazing at me with his eyes darkened in lust. I flashed him a small smile, then I groggily asked, "How long have you been awake?"

  Lance returned the smile and cheekily replied, "Long enough to know we aren't leaving this bed anytime soon," as he wriggled his eyebrows at me.

  I giggled at my cheeky mate, then I curiously asked, "How long do you plan on keeping me in bed?"

  "Until I have to leave to meet with my dad," he nonchalantly replied, then he flashed me his sexy smirk and winked.

  Lance wasn't kidding about that. He kept me in the bed with him for a few hours straight, and I loved every second of the intimate time we spent together. I swear he had the magic touch, because that's all it took for me to be ready for him.

  After those few amazing hours together, Lance had to get ready to leave. We both got dressed at the same time, then I insisted he eat something before he left. I made him his favorite, tuna fish sandwiches, then we ate together. As soon as he finished his food, he placed a sweet kiss on my lips, then he affectionately mumbled, "I'm going to miss you, mate. Try not to get into any trouble while I'm gone."

  I nuzzled my nose against his and mumbled, "Don't worry, mate. I won't get into any trouble, and if I do, I'll just put the hurt on somebody."

  Lance cupped my cheek in the palm of his hand, then he lovingly gazed into my eyes, as he softly murmured, "I love you, Celeste."

  I gazed into his beautiful ocean blue eyes and saw nothing but love swirling in them. Seeing that made my lips curve up to form an ear to ear smile as I happily chirped, "I love you, Lance. Have fun with your dad."

  "I'm sure I will," he mumbled before he smashed his lips against mine for a passionate goodbye kiss.

  As soon as he pulled his lips away from mine, he spun on his heel, then he left my house. The second he was out of my sight, I was suddenly filled with a weird feeling of emptiness that I did not like one bit. I quickly cleaned up our mess in the kitchen, then I plopped down on the recliner with a frown on my face.

  Right away, my werecat dad immediately asked, "What's wrong, Celeste?"

  I shrugged my shoulders, as I nonchalantly mumbled, "I don't know. Lance left to start building the cabin, and all of sudden I felt empty without him here."

  My werecat mum giggled at me, before she sympathetically stated, "Darling, that's perfectly normal. You just need to find something to distract yourself with until he returns."

  I sat there and moped for a little bit, while I thought about what I should do to occupy my time. It wasn't long before I decided to go pester Lynzee.

  When I got to her house, she immediately suggested we take a run around the border, so we could scout out some good hiding places. It would be a crucial part of our plan, if we wanted to really make a difference, and that was something that was very important to me, and it appeared to also be important to Lynzee.

  We were three quarters of the way around the border when I heard a commotion coming from the other side of the border. We were both in our cat forms, so we climbed up a tree and perched ourselves on the branches, then we scanned the area with our enhanced sight. It wasn't long before my eyes landed on a group of rogue werewolves that were taking turns kicking somebody on the ground.

  Neither of us moved from the branch we were perched on, since there were so many of them and so few of us. Instead, we waited for them to stop kicking the poor guy that was curled up in a ball on the ground. At that point, the leader of the group instructed two of his minions to kill the guy, then the rest of them left.

  That's when Lynzee and I quietly climbed down the tree, then we stalked toward the two rogues that had started kicking the defenseless guy again. They were so focused on hurting him, and we were so quiet and stealthy, that they didn't see or hear us coming up behind them.

  As soon as we were close enough to lunge at them, that's exactly what we did. We both jumped on their backs at the same time, then we sank our teeth into the side of their necks and ripped their throats out. Within a matter of a few seconds, they were both lying dead on the ground, and we were shifting back into our human forms.

  I walked over to the badly beaten guy, who was still curled up in a ball. I could tell he was still alive, but his breathing was shallow, and he had large bruises and gashes littering his body. I sniffed his scent, and I knew right away that he was a werewolf, but I couldn't tell if he was also a rogue or not.

  At that moment, it didn't make any difference to me. The helpless guy needed medical attention, and he needed it right away. I looked over at Lynzee and deadpanned, "I'm going to shift back into my jaguar, then I want you to lay him over my back, so I can take him to the pack doctor at the Great Forest Pack."

  Lynzee was quick to agree to my plan, and I wasted no time shifting back into my cat f
orm. Right away, Lynzee put the battered guy on my back, then I sprinted through the forest straight to the pack clinic at the Great Forest Pack.

  Chapter 44

  Lance's Anxiety

  Lance POV

  The beginning stages of building the cabin were going smoother than I expected, until I felt a wave of anger and anxiety course through my mate bond with Celeste. Instantly, I was filled with concern and anxiety of my own.

  I tried to mind link her to find out what was going on, but she had her mind link blocked. After that, I tried mind linking Lynzee, but again the link was blocked, and that only made me even more concerned.

  At that point, there was no concentrating on the cabin. All I could think about was what could be happening with my mate. I wanted to hear her melodic voice, but that wouldn't be an option until she unblocked her mind link. I tried to link with her several times over the next fifteen minutes or so, but each time I was met with disappointment when her link continued to remain blocked.

  I was about to make the journey to her house, when I was finally able to mind link with Lynzee. Right away, I gushed, 'Lynzee, what in the hell is going on? Why can't I reach Celeste?'

  She was quick to link back, 'Don't worry so much, Lance. Celeste is fine. She is on her way to the pack clinic at the Great Forest Pack with a badly injured werewolf.'

  'What? Tell me what happened right now!' I stated with concern.

  I heard Lynzee sigh through the link, before she excitedly explained, 'We were running around the border, when we heard a commotion. There was a large group of rogues that were going to kill a single werewolf. We waited for all but two of them to leave, then we attacked and killed the two remaining rogues. After that, Celeste headed to the pack clinic, and I'm on my way home.'

  I was satisfied with the explanation, so I linked back, 'Thanks for filling me in. Be careful going home.'


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