Poison in the Water

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Poison in the Water Page 7

by Marissa de Luna

  At the time Rachel had blushed. Happy that she was the first person he wanted to see. She had just enough time to shower, paint her nails and slip on a dress before he arrived. But now she wondered, was she just a plaything? A so-called booty call? Their relationship so far had been good. It suited them both. She didn’t have to worry about being perfect for him every day, so when she did see him she made sure she looked her best – picking an outfit he loved to see her in, or lingerie he had bought her from a previous trip. The distance between them kept their relationship alive, she reasoned.

  Rachel looked at Sophia with her red painted nails and lipstick to match. Sophia may have been just a casual sleeping partner to William, but then that was Sophia. She could be a high-class escort for all Rachel knew – she certainly spent like one. William didn’t treat Rachel like a bit on the side. She wasn’t just a companion for dinner, or a quick lay, they shared their dreams. That wasn’t what you did with a mistress? Or was it? The rich seemed to have their own set of rules.

  ‘I don’t mean to disillusion you. You’ve been with him for longer than most,’

  Rachel cheeks coloured as she stepped back into the doorway, her body seeking warmth.

  Sophia blew smoke upwards towards the bedrooms of the club. ‘Let me tell you two things. And I’m only doing this because I like you.’

  Rachel managed a smile. If Sophia treated people she liked like this, she couldn’t imagine what her enemies had to face. She could be a bitch sometimes.

  ‘Firstly, if William doesn’t want to take you away with him on one of his trips you’re nothing but someone to screw on the weekends. He has only ever taken one other person away with him and you could say that was true love. Must have been.’

  Rachel frowned. ‘Who?’

  ‘Now, if he takes you away it probably means something. But believe me it’s bloody hard to make him take you. I asked him once. It was the beginning of the end for us.’ Sophia stubbed out her cigarette and walked towards the door.

  ‘Wait, you said two things. You said you were going to tell me two things.’

  ‘Oh yes, the other thing.’ Sophia stopped and looked at Rachel. ‘It’s not me that you have to be worried about. Nice bag by the way.’ Sophia gave Rachel wry smile before she stepped inside the club and disappeared into the throng of people.

  Rachel watched her go, unable to move. A raindrop hit her forehead. ‘What the hell?’ she said in to the cold night air, but nobody was there to hear her.


  14th October 2008

  Mayfair, London

  ‘You like it?’ William asked after taking a sip of his wine.

  ‘It’s beautiful,’ she said, touching the Dior watch. ‘I don’t think I’ve ever owned something so exquisite.’

  ‘Get used to it. I like spoiling you.’ William took out his mobile phone from his pocket. It vibrated in his hand. He looked at the screen and smiled.

  ‘A new watch and dinner at Angelus, I must be doing something right.’

  ‘Then you’ll forgive me for having to fly off to Paris on Saturday.’ William took a sip of his wine, his lips were already stained by the tannins.

  ‘Why Paris?’ she asked. Her heart hammered in her chest as she considered asking if she could accompany him on this trip. She didn’t want to suffer the same fate as Sophia.

  ‘I’m looking at investing in a company out there. Need to see for myself if it’s worth the investment.’

  ‘Do you need to go on Saturday? What about Bella’s party? You were going to meet my friends. They all want to see you. You never even let me take any pictures of you!’ Rachel pouted.

  ‘Sorry, Rachel,’ William said, offering no other explanation.

  ‘Can you not go just a day later?’

  ‘I’ve a good friend in Saint-Germain. He’s flying out tomorrow. I have to meet him. It would be rude otherwise.’

  ‘Fine,’ Rachel said. He was being rude by missing her best friend’s birthday, and she had wanted him to meet some of her other friends. She had told Alicia all about him and vice versa. But he didn’t seem too concerned and she didn’t want to turn this into a fight. She held her tongue and took a breath. ‘Do you need company?’ she asked eventually, watching for a reaction. If the question bothered him, he certainly didn’t show it. Either Sophia was lying or William had a good poker face.

  He took a mouthful of his food. ‘What about your friend’s party? I thought you couldn’t miss it,’ he asked in between chewing. He signalled to the waiter and ordered another bottle of Barolo.

  ‘She would understand,’ Rachel said, even though she knew Bella wouldn’t. But she would rather spend time in Paris with William than with her girlfriends.

  ‘What about the weekend after? I was thinking we could get a cabin in the New Forest. There’s a great hotel. A Relais and Chateaux – ’

  ‘What about Paris?’ Her hands trembled under the table. She was determined to prove to Sophia that she wasn’t just a bit on the side, she was the real deal.

  William was silent.

  ‘Why can’t we just go away for a couple of nights? Paris would be perfect. Take me away with you just this once. Paris is so romantic.’

  ‘I do care for you Rachel. But…’

  His words made her bristle. She didn’t want care she wanted love, head over heels love.

  He picked up his fork and cut a piece of pork tenderloin on his plate. ‘You usually this whiney? Is this the true Rachel?’

  Rachel’s jaw dropped open. ‘If you think I’m whiney then…’ she trailed off, her confidence suddenly deserting her. She loved William even if he could be a bit obtuse sometimes. Going away with him was a sore point. Sophia had already pointed that out. Why had she riled him? William was the best of a bad bunch Rachel had dated. What else was out there? Her single girlfriends were proof that there were no decent men left in London. But it was time to find out how he truly felt about her before she fell deeper into the relationship and reached a point of no return. If he refused to take her to Paris, well then she would know she had been wasting her time.

  ‘All I’m asking for is one trip.’

  ‘I don’t normally…’

  ‘Is this just normal to you?’

  He put down his knife and fork and gave her a look she had not seen before. A look that said, don’t push me.

  She leaned back in her chair, met his gaze and held it. Should she push him and lose him forever like Sophia had? Or should she drop it and try again another time? She looked away first as she realised William would always have the last say. ‘Say you’ll think about it at least,’ she mumbled, eventually.

  ‘I’ll think about it,’ William said, a smile returning to his face.


  15th October 2008

  Mayfair, London

  ‘I need to give Warwick an answer soon,’ Alex said, slipping his arms around Celeste.

  ‘You’ve been flying here, there and everywhere. I haven’t had time to talk to you properly.’ Celeste released herself from Alex’s grip and sat down on the sofa. Before leaving Hong Kong, Alex had told her about Renshaw’s planned expansion into Hong Kong. Apparently it was inevitable if they wanted to grow. And, of course, Alex would be heading up this new branch.

  He had asked Celeste if she would leave Cross and go with him to Hong Kong and she had been taking her time to decide. It was a big decision for both of them, but it seemed that Alex had already made up his mind. He had cleverly asked her to marry him before he asked her to move country with him. Now she was in a dilemma, and it appeared he would go to Hong Kong no matter what she decided.

  ‘I don’t want to leave my job. I spoke to Maryanne today. The investors she had lined up have pulled out. If I don’t help her now she could lose Cross forever. Maryanne’s a good friend. She’s even confessed about Cross’s financial situation. It took her a lot of courage to do that. Did you know that a department store is trying to buy Cross out? That would devastate her.’

ex was silent, his eyebrows knitted together. She hated seeing him like this: sullen and moody.

  ‘Did you ask your father about Graham?’ she asked.

  ‘I told you before.’

  ‘That Graham isn’t capable.’

  ‘And Sarah is pregnant now.’

  ‘Oh,’ Celeste said. ‘I didn’t know.’ A sliver of envy pricked her but she shook it away. She and Alex had decided, soon after they moved to London, that they didn’t want a family. To be honest, it had been more Alex’s decision than hers, but she had happily agreed.

  ‘They’re keeping it quiet. Until the three months are up, or whatever.’

  ‘So you’re the only one that can go?’ Celeste knew the answer, yet she had to ask the question. Alex wanted to head up Renshaw in Hong Kong. He wanted to be in control without Graham constantly nipping at his heels, or at least trying to.

  ‘You said it yourself, it’s a good opportunity. The money’s good. You’ll never want for anything.’

  ‘Except a job. Plus, I promised Maryanne.’

  ‘Since when have you become so sentimental? Do you think Maryanne would do the same for you if she had been offered an amazing life in Hong Kong?’

  ‘Don’t be like that. You go first, I’ll follow. Let me just get Cross through the next collection and the next round of investors and I’ll be there. I promised her one last collection to see what we can do.’

  ‘I need your support.’ Alex said.

  ‘Kealana will get you set up. She knows you,’ Celeste said, and for once she felt thankful for the woman. ‘She has organised enough houses for the Renshaws. She can organise the kitchen better than I can – labels facing outwards, takeaway menus neatly filed by cuisine.’

  ‘I earn more than enough for both of us. A new collection won’t make a difference to Cross. The woman has no business acumen. She needs to close the store in Paris, concentrate on London and forget her dream of opening a third store. She’s going senile.’

  ‘Have you never wanted to follow your dreams?’

  ‘This is my dream, Celeste. Us moving to Hong Kong, together.’

  ‘What will I do in Hong Kong?’

  ‘Do what you want. There’s a huge network of wives I can introduce you to.’

  ‘I’ve worked for as long as I can remember. Even growing up I had a newspaper round. I can’t just give it up. I can’t just sit around and do lunches at some club with a bunch of air-heads.’

  Alex smiled. He sat at the breakfast bar and drummed his fingers on the granite. ‘This is why I want to marry you. You’re just like me – stubborn and ambitious. What do I have to do to make you come with me?’

  ‘Solve all Cross’s problems so Maryanne can open a store in Hong Kong. I can be based at that store. It’ll be perfect.’ Celeste walked up to Alex and caressed his face in her hands.

  ‘I could, you know…’ he said eventually.

  ‘Use Daddy’s small change to buy out Cross?’ Celeste asked. For a second she thought he was being serious, then she realised it was too far-fetched, even for the Renshaws.

  ‘I wish I could set you up in Hong Kong,’ Alex tucked a strand of her black hair behind Celeste’s ear. ‘Unfortunately, honey, Renshaw isn’t into fancy women’s clothing.’ He narrowed his eyes. ‘There are so many good jobs in retail in Hong Kong. I’m sure Mr Lau...’

  ‘I don’t want to know about Mr Lau.’ Celeste imagined a fat, balding man who had a lecherous look in his eye and a handful of Asian Escorts cards.

  ‘You’re going to have to meet him when we are out there. You’re going to have to be nice.’

  ‘Bite me!’ Celeste said with a smile. ‘You’ve made your mind up, haven’t you?’

  ‘I have to go. I have no choice.’

  ‘You could stay here with me.’

  ‘Every day I delay this move, Renshaw is losing money.’

  ‘We’re working on the summer collection now. I’ll finish it and I’ll be there with bells on.’

  ‘I’m going to worry about you.’

  ‘I’ll be with Maryanne most days and Alicia is just around the corner.’

  ‘They’re your family, whilst I’m disposable. What would you do without Alicia and Maryanne?’

  ‘Don’t be jealous. I’ve had to do something with my time whilst you’ve been swanning off all over the world for the benefit of Renshaw, not to mention those late business meetings. If I didn’t know better I would say you were having an affair.’

  Alex put his arms around Celeste. ‘Listen, if you don’t want to go to Hong Kong with me right now, there is one thing you can do for me before I leave.’


  ‘I’ll show you,’ Alex said with a mischievous smile.


  Barnet, North London

  ‘You let him go?’ Elaine asked.

  ‘Don’t be ridiculous. I followed him. He was the love of my life. After he left, I felt this huge gap in my life. I realised that I wanted Alex more than a job. Before he went I don’t think I appreciated what I really had with him.

  ‘I mean I had it all, didn’t I? An amazing boyfriend who sent me love notes for no apparent reason. He would also send my favourite sandwich to Cross when he knew I would be too busy at work to go and buy lunch. I had a job that I loved, and a boss whom I adored. Not many people can say that they had it all, but I did. London was good to us during that time. We were earning well. I’m sure I was earning more money than my entire set of school friends back in Bristol. I bet none of them ever thought that Celeste Broady, with her pig-tails and ill-fitting clothes, would ever be living that life.

  ‘Alex was probably earning enough to support a small city. I didn’t know that then.’ Celeste made a face. ‘I asked Alex, of course I did, but he was just so cagey about it. Growing up on a council estate, everyone talked about how little they were earning. I guessed with Alex’s kind of wealth one just doesn’t mention it. He said that once, that talking about money was vulgar.’ She shrugged. “I earn enough, enough to not worry about spending,” is what Alex said one time when I asked. So we spent without thinking too much. At least, I reminded myself not to think about it every time I pulled out my Amex. I knew Alex made a lot. He made even more in Hong Kong.’

  ‘And you kept in touch with Bonnie and Alicia whilst you were in London?’

  Everyone wanted to know about her friends; her so-called friends. Her mother had tried to get in touch with Bonnie. She should have never had. Bonnie and Alicia, friends forever. But friends are not supposed to hurt you.


  ‘I met Alicia whenever I could and when we couldn’t meet, we spoke on the phone. We went to the theatre together, on shopping trips and ate ice-cream in our pyjamas when Alex was away. You know, the usual girly stuff. She became the sister I never had. It can be difficult being an only child. Alicia practically lived with me when Alex was busy or away with work. And Alex didn’t mind it because it kept me occupied. It was handy she lived close by.’

  ‘And Bonnie?’

  Bonnie, Bonnie, Bonnie. ‘Like I said, she had moved to Edinburgh and I didn’t bother keeping in touch. I felt I could cut her out of my life after… well we had an argument and we drifted apart. Alicia spoke to her often, and I got to know Bonnie’s news through her. Alicia was good like that, always trying to keep the peace.’

  Elaine wrote something in her journal. Celeste watched her hand move across the page and flinched. ‘You mentioned two other girls before. Sophia and Rachel?’

  ‘Sophia I never met. I rarely went to The Emerald Rooms where they all met regularly. Our paths just never crossed and I don’t think Alicia kept up her friendship with them for long.’

  ‘And Rachel?’

  Celeste felt a shiver run down her spine. ‘I can’t say I was ever friends with her.’

  ‘Alicia sounds like your rock.’

  ‘Alex was my rock.’

  Elaine nodded. ‘Your friendship with Alicia remained strong throughout your marriage

  Celeste touched her eyes. ‘No,’ she said in a whisper, before closing her eyes and turning away from Elaine.

  ‘Friendships can be like that. One minute you are close as siblings. The next…’

  ‘It wasn’t like that,’ Celeste snapped. ‘Like most friends we had our ups and downs, but then we lost touch. First Bonnie, then Alicia. He saw to that.’


  3rd – 4th November 2008

  Mayfair, London

  Three weeks earlier Celeste had agreed to bring their wedding forward. It was what Alex had wanted. ‘If I can’t go to Hong Kong with you then at least let me go as your husband,’ he had said, giving her a card of the Renshaws’ trusted events planner. She had agreed instantly. It made sense to bring the wedding forward. At least this way, when Alex went off to Hong Kong, they parted as man and wife.

  Now, she was ready to tell the girls. She had flounced around all morning, in a fit of excitement after arranging to meet Alicia and Bonnie for lunch to share her news with them. Alex rolled his eyes after she tried on the fourth outfit.

  ‘Black or navy tights?’

  ‘We need to leave now or I’ll get stuck in traffic after I drop you.’

  ‘Okay okay,’ Celeste said, selecting the navy tights from her drawer. ‘I can’t wait to see their faces when I tell them.’

  ‘Bill was happy enough when I told him. Glad he has someone to join him in the married stakes.’

  ‘He’s a man. He just wants to know the date and time. Although I’m surprised he didn’t warn you against marriage.’ Bill was an outrageous flirt and knew how to charm just about anything. Only last week he had made Alex’s secretary blush at an after-work networking event. Celeste wasn’t standing close enough to them to hear what Bill was saying to the married mother of two, but she could tell by the way he leaned towards his victim and gently touched her back that he was up to no good. She had caught Alex’s eye and they had shared a look. You had to hand it to Bill, at least he knew how to liven up a boring works’ event.

  ‘Bill likes to flirt, but he’d never go beyond that. He’d never leave Angela.’


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