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by Martin Duberman

education in the Soviet Union, 205–11, 221, 641 n 18

  final years of PR’s life and, 539–50

  access to PR, 544–6

  funeral tribute, 550

  living together at Jumel Terrace home, 540, 541

  money matters, 313

  mother’s illness and (1965), 535–7

  organizing PR’s seventy-fifth birthday tribute, 546

  professional difficulties, 408

  PR’s attempted suicide and, 498–500

  PR’s depression and, 503–6, 509, 535, 537, 540, 744–5 n 12, 747 n 27

  wedding, 355–8, 691 n 49

  during World War II, 238

  Robeson, Reeve (Reed) (brother), 5, 184–5, 567 n 4, 568 n 14

  Robeson, Susan (granddaughter), 408, 464, 478, 524, 538

  Robeson, William Drew (father), 4–11, 15, 16, 17, 18, 20, 23, 25, 30, 567 n 6, 568 n 9, 568 n 11, 569 n 15, n 16, 570 n 17

  attitude toward whites, 11, 18

  background of, 4–5

  death of, 25

  between parish positions, 9

  as pastor in Princeton, 6–8, 568 n 11

  as pastor in Somerville, 9–10, 569 n 16

  as pastor in Westfield, 9, 569 n 15

  personal characteristics of, 5, 6, 8–11

  relationship to PR, 8, 10

  Robeson, William Drew, Jr. (brother), 5, 14, 17, 32, 567 n 4, 568 n 14

  Robeson Sings (album), 408–9

  Robinson, Avery, 79

  Robinson, Bill, 203, 667 n 18

  Robinson, Earl, 236, 237, 240, 327, 485, 526, 528, 647 n 9, 655 n 54, 668 n 21, 705 n 42

  Robinson, Elmer E., 402

  Robinson, Jackie, 283, 360–2, 363, 441, 506, 666 n 7, 755 n 16

  Robinson, Robert, 188–9, 629 n 3, 630 n 12, 637 n 53, 735–6 n 44

  Robinson, Sugar Ray, 394, 703 n 32

  Robson, Flora, 167, 265, 449, 482, 492, 543, 549, 621 n 24, 626 n 54, 637 n 55, 661 n 24, 724 n7, 741 n 67

  Rockmore, Bess (later Eitingon), 55, 162, 623 n 27, 747 n 28

  Rockmore, Bob, 55, 148, 162, 163, 165, 233, 239, 245, 277, 291, 299, 300, 354, 365, 443, 480, 483, 506, 508, 509, 640 n 15, 649 n 21, 664 n 47, 672 n 17, 678 n 2, 685 n 2, 731 n 18, 745 n 15, 747 n 28, 750 n 49

  death of, 511–12

  and Eslanda Robeson, 246, 292, 293, 313–15, 412, 501, 504, 651 n 31, 677 n 41

  as PR’s lawyer and business advisor, 228, 242, 257, 403, 409, 411, 707 n 5, 709–10 n 19, 714–15 n 48, 753 n 6

  Rockmore, Clara, 243–5, 267, 291, 292, 299, 365, 489, 491, 492, 493–4, 501, 504, 506, 508, 509, 511–12, 544, 549, 748 n 34

  Rogers, Charles, 122

  Rogers, J. A., 114–15, 361, 433, 523, 662 n 35

  Rogge, O. John, 696 n 22

  Rolfs, Ted, 646 n 47, 701 n 17, 710 n 19

  Romilly, Rita, 163, 312–13

  Roosevelt, Eleanor, 240, 251–2, 259, 356, 361, 374, 384, 656 n 59, 663 n 40, 667 n 10, 669 n 26, 697 n 29, 703 n 26

  cancellation of appearance by PR on television show of, 384–5

  Roosevelt, Elliott, 384

  Roosevelt, Franklin D., 254–5, 258, 266, 291, 293–4, 297, 305, 342, 485

  Roosevelt, Theodore, 4

  Roseanne (Stevens), 56–7

  Rosen, Helen, 339–40, 384, 411, 412, 413–14, 417, 418, 426, 428, 435, 464, 475, 478, 481, 482, 483, 484, 489, 500–4, 505, 506, 508, 511, 512, 514, 517, 519, 520, 530, 535, 538, 539, 544, 545, 548, 549, 550, 567 n 4, 568 n 13, 686 n 9, 694 n 4, n 5, n 7, 735 n 42, n 44, 736 n 44, 746 n 25, 753 n 57, 753–4 n 6, 756 n 16,

  and China, 384, 760 n 5

  at Peekskill (1949), 364–6, 368–9, 371

  relationship with PR, 339, 407–8

  at PR’s deathbed, 548

  and PR’s illnesses

  1956, 438, 717–18 n 14, 733 n 33

  1961, 494–6, 501–6, 748 n 32, 749 n 40

  Rosen, John, 365, 366, 407

  Rosen (Ruben), Judy, 365, 407, 408, 413, 511

  Rosen, Sam, 339, 364–6, 371, 384, 407, 407–8, 411, 412, 426, 464, 475, 478, 481, 482, 489, 496, 500, 501, 502, 505, 506, 508, 511, 517, 530, 530, 536–7, 539, 544, 545, 548, 549, 550, 695–6 n 20, 717 n 14, 747 n 28

  Rosenberg, Ethel and Julius, 404

  Ross, Sydney, 138

  Rover, Leo A., 433, 434

  Rowan, Carl T., 460, 727 n 32

  Ruark, Robert C., 391, 393–4, 464

  Rubinstein, Annette, 390, 675 n 33, 682 n 26, 717 n 13

  Rudd, Wayland, 628 n 59, 629 n 3, 662 n 34

  Ruff, Willie, 740 n 65

  Ruiz, Cristobal, 220

  Russell, Julia Theresa, 77

  Russia, see Soviet Union

  Rustin, Bayard, 238, 343, 344, 345, 390, 549, 688 n 23, 761 n 14

  Rutgers College, PR at, 19–30, 76, 161, 542, 543, 547, 572 n, 619 n, 760 n 8, n 12, 763 n 21

  academic achievements at, 24, 573 n 16

  Cap and Skull honor society, 26

  Commencement oration by PR, 26–7, 575 n 24

  debating team, 24

  football team, 19–24, 573 n 9, 760 n 8

  benching of PR against Washington and Lee, 22–3

  Newport Naval Reserve, game against, 23–4

  Southern opponents, 22–3

  West Virginia team, game against, 23

  white players’ attitudes and behavior toward PR, 20–1, 572 n 5, n 7

  glee club, 24, 574 n

  honorary degree to PR, 161, 619 n 11

  Philoclean (Literary Society), 24

  political and social views of PR while at, 25–9

  racism at, 20–1, 24–5, 573–4 n 16

  return to (1929), 125

  romance with Gerry Neale while at, 28–30

  room assignments at, 573–4 n 16

  scholarship to, 17, 574 n 17

  senior thesis of PR, 25–6

  sports other than football, 22, 576 n 27

  student center, 543, 760 n 12

  Sabath, Adolph, 305

  Sacco and Vanzetti case, 106–7

  Sachs, Hanns, 130

  Sadler, Homer, 530

  St. Christopher basketball team, 22, 32, 56, 573 n 9

  St. Paul’s Cathedral, 471

  St. Philip’s Protestant Episcopal church, 82

  St. Thomas A.M.E. Zion Church (Somerville), 9–10, 569 n 16

  Salemmé, Antonio (Tony), 68–70, 72, 80, 86, 589 n 1, n 2, n 3, n 4, 590 n 11

  Salemmé, Betty Hardy, 68, 70, 80, 86

  Salvation Nell (Sheldon), 83

  Samoyeds, 188

  Sanborn, Pitts, 162, 608 n 41

  Sandburg, Carl, 81

  Sanders of the River (film), 178–82, 626 n 50, n 53, n 54, n 56, 627 n 58

  Sanders of the River (Wallace), 178, 182

  Sanford, G. Foster, 20–4, 34, 52, 144–5, 572–3 n 8

  Sanford, G. Foster, Jr., 21, 22, 34, 145, 572 n 8

  San Francisco Sun Reporter, 444

  Saturday Review, The (London), 90

  Savage, Augusta, 82

  Savoy Ballroom, 177

  Saxton, Eugene F., 617–18 n 3

  Scales, Junius, 258, 709 n 18

  “Scandalize My Name,” 80, 352

  Schachtman, Max, 432

  Schang, Fred, 238, 239

  Schatzkammer, William (“Willie”), 659 n 12, 672 n 17

  Scherer, Gordon, 440

  Schieffelin, William Jay, 331

  Schirmer, Robert, 92

  Schlamme, Martha, 530

  Schlesinger, Arthur, Jr., 324

  Schnabel, Stefan, 268, 269

  Schomburg, Arthur A., 159, 191, 637 n 52

  Schuyler, George, 333, 687 n 22

  Scottsboro boys, 158, 187, 387, 629 n 7; see also Patterson, Haywood


  1952 concert in, 400–2

  Smith Act defendants in, 411

  Seeger, Pete, 369, 438, 528, 547, 695 n 16, 702 n 25, 761 n 12

  segregation, see racism Senate Judiciary Committee, 1948

  hearings, 328–30
, 683 n 31

  Seroity, Jean, 683 n 28

  Seton, Marie, 160–1, 163, 182, 183, 184, 186–7, 205, 221, 226, 237, 351, 387, 416, 448, 471, 516, 568–9 n 14, 571 n 30, 614 n 38, 619–20 n 15, 627 n 28, 731–2 n 18, 742 n 3

  Seyler, Athene, 91, 118

  Shabazz, Betty, 549

  Shakespeare Memorial Theatre (Stratford-upon-Avon)

  offer to act in (1957), 451–2

  Shapley, Harlow, 317

  Shaw, George Bernard, 191, 234, 386

  Shaw, Glen Byam, 451–3, 463, 465, 466, 475

  Sheean, Jimmy, 648 n 11

  Sheldon, Edward (Ned), 83, 570 n 16, 595 n 38

  Shelton, Sadie Goode Davenport, 27, 575 n 25, 667 n 16

  Sherman, Robert, 544, 545

  Shield, Frederick K., 16–17

  Shirley, Don, 177

  Shostakovich, Dmitri, 690 n 42

  Show Boat (film), 194–6, 203–4, 636 n 48

  Show Boat (musical)

  1932 revival of, 157–9, 161, 163

  1940 revival, 239

  black views of, 114–15

  London production of (1928), 113–15, 117, 120, 604 n 13

  New York production of, 116

  Shuffle Along (musical), 44–5, 49, 52, 582 n 27, n 28

  Shumyatsky, Boris, 182–3, 190, 630–1 n 14

  Shute, Nerina, 122

  Sibley, Mrs. Harper, 307

  Si-lan Chen (Leyda), 188, 631 n 15, 742 n 1

  Silvers, Earl Reed, 20–1

  Silverstone, Ruby, 531, 532

  Simon the Cyrenian (Torrence), 43, 580 n 22, n 23

  Simkins, Modjeska, 688 n 24

  Sims, Frankie Lee, 530, 537, 757 n 22, n 23

  Sims, George, 757 n 22, n 23

  Since Lenin Died (Eastman), 95

  Singh, J.J., 300

  Sissle, Noble, 52, 716 n 6

  Škvorecký, Josef, 351, 689 n 38

  Smith, Albert, 159

  Smith, Anna Bustill, 566 n 3

  Smith, Bessie, 177, 584 n 11

  Smith, Ferdinand, 385

  Smith, Homer, 630 n 12

  Smith, Jessica, 524

  Smith Act defendants, 397, 411, 420, 425, 709 n 18

  SNCC (Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee), 485, 528, 540, 543

  Snezhnevsky, Dr. 498–9

  Sobolev, A., 461

  Socialist Workers Party, 382

  Sokolsky, George E., 320, 406

  Somerville, New Jersey, 12–14, 570 n 21, n 23

  Somerville High School, 12–17

  Sommers, Diane, 670 n 6

  Song of Freedom (film), 202, 204, 636 n 45, n 48

  South Africa, 205, 206, 235, 297, 333, 340, 460, 479, 636 n 49, n 50 673 n 23

  Southern Conference for Human Welfare (SCHW), 259

  Southern Negro Youth Congress (SNYC), 258, 320–1

  Southern Syncopated Orchestra, 49

  Soviet Communism: A New Civilization (Sidney and Beatrice Webb), 198

  Soviet Union, 95, 162, 282, 294

  1934–35 trip to, 182–90, 627–8 n 59

  1936–37 trip to, 208–9

  1936 vacation in, 205, 206, 637 n 53

  1937 summer visit to, 210–11

  1949 visit to, 352–3, 690 n 42

  1958–59 trips to, 467–70, 473–5, 728 n 40, 730 n 7–14

  1960 stay in, 482

  1961 trip to, 496–7

  overcoat incident during flight, 498, 741 n 1

  anti-Semitism in, 353–4

  PR on, 690 n 43, 711–12 n 29, 736 n 44

  black Americans in, 185, 188–9, 468;

  Russian culture and, 175, 629 n 4

  Churchill’s “Iron Curtain” speech, 303–4

  collectivization, 208–9

  Constitution, Article, 123, 211

  election of 1948 and, 325

  in Here I Stand (PR), 458

  Hungary, invasion of, 443–4

  Jews in, 352–4, 711–12 n 29, 735 n 44; see also Feffer, Itzik; Mikhoels, Solomon

  Khrushchev’s revelations of Stalin’s crimes, 416–17, 437, 460

  labor camps, 208–9

  national minorities in, 186–8, 211, 282, 354, 630 n 9

  see also Uzbekistan; Yakuts

  nonaggression pact with Hitler, 231–2

  purge trials, 221, 308, 417, 506, 641 n 17

  PR’s views on

  1945, 297, 300

  1950s, 415–19, 711 n 29

  1960s, 505–6, 512–13, 742 n 3, 748 n 37, 750 n 48, 760 n 5

  PR, Jr.,’s education in, 205–11, 221, 633 n 26, 641 n 18

  World War II and, 232–5, 252–3

  Finland, invasion of, 234–5, 239


  1938 trip to, 215–20

  absence of racial prejudice in, 219–20, 639 n 7

  Spanish Civil War, 210–20

  black volunteers in, 217, 639 n 7

  rallies and benefit concerts, 210–14, 227–8, 643 n 31

  reasons for going to Spain, 216

  Spencer, Mrs. Niles, 70

  Spencer, Niles, 70

  Spingarn, Arthur, 117, 300

  Spingarn, Joel, 295

  Spingarn Medal, 295, 299–301

  spirituals, see Robeson, Paul: concerts and recitals

  Spook Sonata, The (Strindberg), 56

  Spottswood, Bishop Stephen Gill, 377, 428

  S.S. Glencairn (O’Neill), 75

  Stachel, Jack, 420

  Stalin, Joseph, 186, 190, 208–9, 221, 234, 382, 383, 406, 407, 416–17, 437, 460, 506

  nonaggression pact with Hitler, 231–2

  Stalin Peace Prize, 406, 707 n 5

  Stallings, Laurence, 64, 74

  Stansgate, Viscount, 465, 466

  State Department, U.S., see Robeson, Paul: travel restrictions

  Staton, Nettie, 6

  “Steal Away,” 80

  Stebbins, Robert, 181

  Stefansson, Vilhjalmur, 612 n 26

  Steichen, Edward, 103

  Stein, Gertrude, 73, 92–3, 94, 106, 109, 110, 112, 118, 596 n 45, 598 n 15, n 16, n 17, 603 n 2, 642 n 20

  Stepin Fetchit (Lincoln Perry), 657 n 65

  Stern, G. B., 94

  Stettheimer, Ettie, 83

  Stettinius, Edward R., Jr., 297, 298, 305

  Stevedore (play), 191, 192–3, 632 n 21

  Stevens, Hope R., 528

  Stevens, Nan Bagby, 56

  Stevenson, Adlai, 404, 444

  Stewart, Donald Ogden, 285

  Still, William Grant, 240

  Stockholm, 461

  1949 concert in, 349, 689 n 34

  Stokes, Alvin, 359

  Stokes, Anson Phelps, 652–3 n 39

  Stokowski, Leopold, 591 n 15

  Stone, Harlan Fiske, 53

  Storck, Donald, 22, 25

  Stotesbury, Louis William, 54–5

  Strachey, John, 221

  Straight, Dorothy, 607 n 36

  Straight, Michael, 682 n 22

  Strand, Paul, 261

  Strauss, Leon, 369, 390

  Stravinsky, Igor, 115–16, 177

  Streeter’s Chinese Restaurant, 32

  Strindberg, August, 56

  Strong, Anna Louise, 540–1

  Strong, Edward E., 258, 317–18

  Strout, Richard L., 377–8

  Stuckey, Sterling, 575 n 24

  Sullivan, Noel, 612 n 27

  Sumner, Charles, 35

  Sumner, Gene, 577 n7

  Sumner, Minnie, 41, 42, 74, 85, 86, 101, 103, 147, 187, 233, 245, 669 n 24, 691 n 49, 705 n 38

  Sun Yat-sen, 188

  Susskind, David, 528

  Swaffer, Hannen, 234, 610 n 16, 611 n 24, 647 n 2

  Swahili, 174

  Taboo (later renamed Voodoo) (Wiborg), 43–5, 48–53, 58, 581–2 n 23, 583 n 5, 584 n 8

  Tadzhiks, 187

  Taft, William H., 4

  Taft-Hartley Act, 321, 322

  Tairov, Alexander, 188

  Tales of Manhattan (film), 259–62, 656 n 61, 657 n 62
/>   Talmadge, Norma, 49

  Tambo, Oliver, 341, 543

  Tatler, The, 90

  Taylor, Alexander (“Ting”), 567 n 4

  Taylor, Bill, 531

  Taylor, “Shag,” 85–6

  Teachers Normal School (Trenton), 28, 29

  Tearle, Godfrey, 89

  Teichner, Helmut, 162

  Tenney Committee, 307–9, 318

  Tennyson, Pen, 231, 646 n 43

  Terkel, Studs, 291

  Terrell, Mary Church, 324, 348–9, 377, 398, 711 n 25

  Terris, Norma, 159, 239

  Theatre Guild, 138, 268, 660 n 15

  Theatre Union, 192

  Theory and Practice of Socialism, The (Strachey), 221

  Thomas, Edna, 83

  Thomas, Rachel, 232–5, 729 n 5

  Thompson, Ernest, 443, 703 n 32

  Thompson, Louise (Patterson), 170, 375, 388, 700 n 12, 701 n 17

  Thompson, Robert, 368, 379

  Thorndike, Sybil, xii, 134, 135, 136, 481, 543, 729 n 1

  Thorpe, Jim, 34, 584 n 11

  Throckmorton, Cleon, 75, 581 n 23

  Thurman, Wallace, 61

  Thurmond, J. Strom, 335

  Tibbett, Lawrence, 111, 125, 299, 603 n 6, 622 n 25

  Tiger, Edith, 462

  Timofeyevna, Raisa, 469–70

  Tisse, Edward, 185

  Tito, Josip Broz, 325, 381, 383

  Tobias, Channing H., 295, 333, 344, 392, 681 n 16

  “Today with Mrs. Roosevelt” (television show), 384–5

  Toledano, Vicente Lombardo, 285

  Toomer, Jean, 74

  Torrence, Ridgely, 43, 61, 580 n 22

  Toussaint L’Ouverture, Pierre Dominique, 17, 104, 166, 182, 190, 194, 633 n 25

  Touvalou Houenou, Kojo (Prince of Dahomey), 74, 129, 590–1 n 15

  Toynbee, Arnold, 624–5 n 41

  Trachtenberg, Alexander, 755 n 16

  trade unions, see labor unions

  Transport Workers Union, 249, 303

  Trask, Hooper, 132

  travel restrictions on PR, see Robeson, Paul: travel restrictions

  Trenton Six, 337, 397, 685 n 3, n 7

  Triebel, Carl O., 318, 678 n 5

  Trinidad, 336, 701 n 19

  Trotter, Monroe, 26

  Truman, Harry S, 296, 297, 298, 301, 303, 304, 307, 316, 321, 324, 325, 334, 335, 337, 348, 359, 363, 381, 383, 387–8, 390, 434, 676 n 39

  antilynching legislation and, 307

  election of 1948, 321, 324, 325, 334, 335

  Korean War and, 387, 388

  Truman Doctrine, 321

  Trumbo, Dalton, 396

  Truth, Sojourner, 357

  Tubman, Harriet, 357, 367, 485

  Tukhachevsky, General, 186

  Tully, Jim, 103, 601 n 45

  Tursunkulov, Khamrakul, 468–9

  “Two Americans” (H.D.), 609 n 8

  Tyler, Jerry, 706 n 44

  Ulbricht, Walter, 486, 748 n 36

  Uline auditorium (Washington, D.C.), 251–2

  Ulric, Leonore, 83, 102

  Un-American Committee, see House Committee on Un-American Activities (HUAC)


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