Primal Fury (Primal Howlers MC Book 5)

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Primal Fury (Primal Howlers MC Book 5) Page 6

by Piper Davenport

  “It’s fine, doctor,” I rasped.

  “You had a very hard hit to your head and had some brain swelling, but that has resolved itself. You also have two broken ribs, which will heal on their own. The biggest concern was the fracture to your femoral shaft, which we fixed in surgery.”

  “I had surgery?” I squeaked.

  “You did,” he confirmed. “Textbook repair, so with physical therapy, you’ll make a full recovery. You are going to have to take things easy for six to eight weeks, however.”

  “That’s a long time.”

  “I’d really like you to take longer, but I understand you’re a bit of a workaholic.”

  I sighed. “Guilty.”

  “How’s your pain? On a scale from one to ten?”

  “Eight,” I admitted.

  “Right. I’m getting you set up with a pain pump so that you can just press the button when you’re in pain. If you’re past your four hours since the last dose, it’ll give you more.”

  “Thank you.”

  “Do you have any questions for me?”

  “No. Thank you.”

  He patted my arm. “A nurse will be in shortly.”

  “Thanks, doctor,” I said, and I heard the door open.

  “Can we come back in?” Leo asked.

  “Shouldn’t you be in school?” I challenged.

  “It’s Sunday, Indy,” he said.

  I groaned. “I’ve been out for two days?”

  “Yeah, sweetness,” Dad said. “We weren’t sure if you were going to wake up.”

  “I’m sorry, Daddy.”

  “Don’t you dare apologize,” he said. “This isn’t your fault.”

  I nodded, biting back tears. “Leo, bud, you need to go back to the dorms. School tomorrow, okay? Dad, can you drive him home, please?”

  “I can take him,” Jekyll said, startling me a little.

  I frowned, following the sound of his voice. “You’re still here?”

  “Yeah, GoGo. Wasn’t gonna leave you unguarded.”


  “We’ll talk about it later,” he said ominously. “I’ll get Leo home, but I’ve got a recruit outside your door, and he won’t let anyone else in here unless you say it’s okay.”

  “You don’t need to do that,” I countered.

  “Yeah, I do.”

  “God, I wish I could open my eyes and see your face right now.”

  I heard the swish of leather, then a quiet, “GoGo, you need to hush, I’ll fill you in once Leo’s not here,” was whispered in my ear.

  I nodded, but I was still confused and most of my confusion was because my dad wasn’t objecting. To anything.

  My dad was protective. As in, shoot first, ask questions later kind of protective.

  “I’ll see you tomorrow,” Leo said.

  “No, bud, you need to go to school,” I countered.


  “Leo,” Jekyll warned. “Out. Now.”

  I heard him grumble under his breath, but then there was silence other than my father’s quiet chuckle.

  “What’s so funny?”

  Before he could answer, a nurse came in, hooking me up with a pain pump and dosing me again. I fell into blissful oblivion, forgetting the question I’d asked my dad.

  * * *

  Pain shot through my head, and I awoke with a groan.

  “Hey, GoGo,” Jekyll crooned. “Press your button, you’re due.”

  Oh, right, I had a button.

  I pressed it and sighed with relief.

  “Better?” he asked.

  I nodded, following the sound of his voice, forcing my eyes open. “Is my dad here?”

  “He went home to shower and change. He’s gonna swing by your place and get you a change of clothes.”

  I frowned, trying to focus on him.

  “Close your eyes, GoGo,” he said. “Let the meds do their thing.”

  I licked my lips. “Can I have some water, please?”


  I heard water splash and was able to see him (sort of) as he filled a cup with a built-in straw, then he settled his hand on my arm. “Gonna raise you up a little, okay?”

  “Okay,” I whispered.

  He raised the head of my bed, then held the cup up to me, guiding the straw to my mouth. I drank greedily, nearly choking with my rush to get fluids in me.

  He pulled the straw away and set it on the table by my bed. “Give yourself a second to breathe.”

  “What are you doing here?” I asked.

  “Makin’ sure you’re safe.”

  I frowned. “From what?”


  I gasped. “Do you know who attacked me?”

  “Yeah,” he said.



  I gasped, grimacing at the pain in my ribs. “What? Why?”

  “Long story short, you stopped him from using Leo to do some shady shit for some shady people. He didn’t like it.”

  “That little son of a bitch,” I hissed.


  “Did you call the police?”

  Jekyll frowned. “Why the fuck would I call the police?”

  “Because I was assaulted.”

  “No, baby, I took care of it.”

  “You took care of it?” I shuddered. “How?”

  He cocked his head. “Not important.”

  “It is impor—ow.” I reached for my head, but only managed to tug on my IV.

  “Baby, quit,” Jekyll ordered, leaning over me as he adjusted the IV tube, so it wasn’t wrapped around my arm.

  “I have too much to do. I have a meeting with Bri’s principal tomorrow…”

  “Someone else can do it.”


  “Fuck, baby, we’ll figure it out. You need to rest.”

  “Why are you calling me ‘baby’? And on that same note, why the hell do you keep calling me GoGo?” I demanded. “You don’t know me, bud, so it’s a little creepy.”

  He smirked. “None of this is important right now, Indigo.”

  “All of this is important, Hyde.”

  “You know, nobody calls me by my given name, Indigo.”

  “Nobody calls me GoGo, Hyde.”

  He grinned. “I do.”


  He sighed. “You’re not gonna go to sleep, are you?”


  “Would you believe it’s because your name’s Indigo?” He reached over me and pressed my pain pump button.

  “You don’t seem the type to take low-hanging fruit, so, no.”

  He chuckled. “When you came to rescue Leo, you wore a sexy as fuck pair of GoGo boots.”

  I frowned. “The red ones?”


  “Oh,” I whispered. “They aren’t sexy, Hyde.”

  “I disagree.”

  “I got them at a second-hand store for three dollars. They’re half a size too big.” I wrinkled my nose before letting out a quiet snort. “This is a ridiculous conversation.”

  “You in pain?”

  I smacked my dry mouth. “Nope, I’m feeling fiiiiine.”

  “You need to sleep. Heal.” He squeezed my hand. “I’ve got the rest in hand.”

  “Why do you have…? Um…” I licked my lips. “What was the question?”

  He leaned over me with a smile. “Sleep, beautiful.”

  I did.

  * * *


  Indigo’s breathing evened out, indicating she’d finally fallen back to sleep. I waited a few more minutes to be sure, then stepped out into the hallway.

  Sundance pushed off the wall he’d been leaning against and gave me a chin lift. “How’s she doin’?”

  “Sleeping.” I crossed my arms. “You got anything more outta Chucky?”

  My president smirked. “You left him with three teeth. He can’t talk.”

  “You gonna cut him loose?”

  “Not yet,” he said.
“Needles is lookin’ him over. Drake wants it done above-board.”

  Drake was Sundance’s youngest son from his first marriage. Sundance’s first wife had been murdered over a decade ago. It had rocked the club, so when he’d met and married Wyatt, it had centered him again. Given him peace. But now Drake was fucking with that peace.

  Young Drake had gotten a bachelor’s degree in social services, then decided to join the Police Academy, but he was running up against barriers due to his affiliation with our club. I knew Sundance battled with his desire for his kid to be happy and his disgust that Drake wanted to be part of an organization that gave the club nothing but grief.

  “How does Drake propose we do that?” I ground out.

  “He wants Chucky to turn himself in.”

  I could feel rage churning inside and I had a feeling Sundance saw it, because he settled his beefy hand on my shoulder and squeezed.

  “He’s not gonna do shit without my say-so, brother. Drake knows what’s up and he’ll never betray me, or the club,” Sundance assured me.

  I glared at him. “If that changes, he and I are gonna have words.”

  “If that changes, I’ll deal with him, Jekyll. Don’t you worry about that.”

  I said nothing, lest I say something I might regret.

  “This woman’s come to mean somethin’ to you,” he observed.

  Jesus, Sundance had a way of getting to the heart of something faster than any of us wanted to admit. I nodded reluctantly. “Yeah.”

  “We’re gonna honor that, brother,” he said. “All of us… including Drake.”

  I let the tension slip out of my body and nodded. Sundance was a lot of things, but he wasn’t a liar. He also kept his kids in check when it came to the club, so I knew that if Drake became a problem, Sundance would, in fact, deal with him.

  “I appreciate that,” I said.

  “We’re gonna do a deep dive,” Sundance reminded me.

  Whenever anyone got close to the club, they were checked out. Since I had just confirmed my desire to keep Indigo, she wouldn’t be the exception. My only concern was how much it would piss her off to know I was invading her privacy.

  I nodded. “Yeah, I’m good with that.”

  “Right. Gonna head back. Wyatt’s climbin’ the walls.”

  His new wife was pregnant with their second kid, and very close to delivering, so the club was on alert, ready to help with whatever they might need.

  “Okay, brother. We’ll talk later.”

  Sundance gave me a chin lift and walked away, and I stepped back into Indigo’s room.

  * * *


  “Hey, beautiful,” Jekyll said, smiling down at me. He was shirtless and I couldn’t help myself from running my fingers over his chest. Tattoos that looked like masterpieces painted by very talented artists covered his body, and I leaned forward to kiss the one over his heart.

  I frowned. I couldn’t quite make out exactly what was over his heart. Why couldn’t I see it? I shook my head and sighed.

  Who cares? This man’s about to do things to me I can’t even imagine.

  Jekyll was currently sliding my shirt off my shoulders as he kissed my neck, his beard causing goosebumps to cover my body. His mouth moved to mine, and I slid my hands up his back as he kissed me deeply.

  Weaving my hands into his hair, he wrapped his lips around a nipple, sucking it into a tight bud before biting it gently. I moaned as the sensation went straight to my clit.

  Jekyll settled me gently on a soft surface, then kissed his way down my body, sucking my clit into his mouth as he slipped two fingers inside of me. I felt like I was floating, my body arching into his touch.

  “Baby,” he whispered.

  “Stop talking,” I ordered. “Keep doing what you’re doing.”


  “How are you able to talk while your mouth is doing such amazing things to me?” I growled.


  “What?” I snapped, pulled suddenly from my wet dream, my body on fire, and the overwhelming feeling that I either needed to flick the bean or pee.

  “You were moaning,” Jekyll said. “You in pain?”

  I glared up at him. “No.”

  “Well, what’s wrong?”

  “Jesus, Hyde, just drop it.”

  He cocked his head. “Why are you snappin’ at me?”

  I wrinkled my nose. “Nothing.”

  “Baby, I know enough about women to know when one of you says ‘nothing,’ it always means something.”

  “Well, you have never met anyone like me,” I hissed, squirming as my body thrummed with need.

  He leaned a little closer. “You sure you don’t need somethin’?”

  Your dick buried deep in my vagina is the only thing I need.

  “Positive,” I lied, pressing the button for my pain pump. My body relaxed, finally, and I closed my eyes. “You can go now.”

  I heard his chuckle as I slipped back into oblivion.


  I heard the unmistakable sound of my father’s snore, and although I tried to block it out, it just kept growing in volume, so I forced my eyes open, relieved to find I was able to see much better than I had the day before.

  Or was it two days before?

  It didn’t really matter, I suppose.

  Let’s be honest, I was still in a great deal of pain and feeling a bit sorry for myself, so trying to figure out exactly which day I was beat to shit was merely an exercise in distraction.

  The crunch of leather diverted my attention, then Jekyll was hovering with a gentle smile. “Hey.”

  “Hi,” I whispered.

  “You need anything?”


  He nodded, grabbing my water bottle, and holding the straw to my mouth. I drank slowly, then took a deep breath. “What are you doing here? Don’t you have bikes to ride and people to terrorize? Other people.”

  If he was going to answer my question, he didn’t get the chance, as my father sat up with a start, then stepped to my side. “How are you, love?”

  “I’m fine, Daddy,” I said, glaring up at Jekyll, who simply gave me a cheeky smile before sitting on the bench by the window. “I need to get out of here. Check on my kids.”

  “Bellamy said if you try to come back in before the doctor says you’re clear, she will slap you upside the head,” Jekyll murmured.

  “When did you talk to Bellamy?”


  “I believe the words she used were, ‘tell that bitch if she tries to come back early, I’ll slap her upside the head,’” Dad corrected.

  Jekyll grinned and gave him a nod.

  I sighed. “Dad, don’t be dramatic.”

  “No drama,” Dad countered. “I believe I quoted her warmly and accurately. Right, Jekyll?”

  “Yep,” Jekyll said.

  “Didn’t you have a date, Dad?” I asked, trying to change the subject.

  He ignored me.

  “Bell also said, she’s takin’ care of Brianna’s issue,” Dad said. “Right, Jekyll?”

  “Yep,” Jekyll confirmed.

  I frowned. When the hell did my dad and Jekyll get so chummy?

  Yet another answer that would have to wait, since a nurse walked into the room and informed me it was time to get up and move.

  “I’m walkin’ with her,” Jekyll said.

  “What?” I breathed out. “No. It’s good.”

  “Not really up for—”

  I stared up at the nurse. “I don’t want him to walk with me.”

  She smiled gently. “Then he won’t walk with you.”

  I gave Jekyll a triumphant smirk even as I sighed in relief.

  “Everyone out,” the nurse ordered, and my dad and Jekyll left the room.

  * * *

  An hour later, I was in a massive amount of pain from my exertion, but I was showered and back in bed, pain pump reconnected to my IV, which I pressed immediately. I closed my eyes, the
pain easing almost immediately.

  Light flashed over my eyes briefly and I forced them open to see my hospital room door closing. “Who’s there?”

  “It’s me, GoGo,” Jekyll whispered. “Did I wake you?”

  I sighed. “Yes.”

  “Sorry, baby. Go back to sleep.”

  “Where’s my dad?” I asked, closing my eyes again.

  “He ran home to shower. He said he’ll be back soon with some real food.”

  “Okay,” I whispered.

  “Need anything?”

  I opened my eyes again. “Would you mind grabbing me some water?”

  He nodded, guiding the straw to my mouth so I could drink. Once I’d had my fill, he pulled a chair up beside my bed and sat in it.

  I studied him. “Why are you here?”

  “I already told you.”

  “My dad can protect me just fine, Hyde,” I argued. “There’s no reason for you to be here.”

  “Can we chalk it up to me just wanting to be here?”

  I raised an eyebrow. “You want to be in the hospital room of a woman you don’t know while she convalesces from a beating that had nothing to do with you?”

  “Why not?”

  I wrinkled my nose. “Because it’s weird.”

  “Why’s it weird?”

  “Why isn’t it weird?” I challenged.

  “I like you, Indigo.”

  “You don’t know me.”

  “Yeah, well, we’re gonna change that.”

  “Oh, we are, are we?” I asked with a quiet snort.

  He grinned. “Yep.”

  I closed my eyes. “Whatever.”

  “Where’d you get your dazzle?” Jekyll asked.

  I opened my eyes again, cocking my head in question. “Huh?”

  He smiled gently. “Your dazzle. Which side?”

  “You think I have dazzle?”

  “Hell, yeah. You dazzle me,” he said. “Like the fuckin’ sun.”

  “Because you don’t see color?” I heard this a lot right before someone made some dumb shit, diet racist comment.

  He frowned. “Baby, I see color. I just happen to think different colors are what make up rainbows, and one color on a rainbow would be pretty fuckin’ boring.”

  Oh my god, I loved that answer. “My mom’s Japanese.”

  He smiled slowly. “Fuckin’ beautiful.”

  I blushed. “Thanks.”

  “Am I gonna meet her?”


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