Worlds on Fire (Guardians Book 1.5)

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Worlds on Fire (Guardians Book 1.5) Page 7

by Lexi Ostrow

  She was talking about something to do with the stables and he forced himself to plaster on a smile, despite the upsetting thoughts darkening the day. He needed to push them aside or they wouldn't get anywhere and she seemed to be so happy.

  “Julian? Did you hear me?”

  “No, I'm sorry. I was thinking about, well about you.”

  Her hand lightly rested on his right arm and a surge of lust rocked through him. How could she take away all his thoughts with just a touch? It had to be the connection forced on them as Word Speaker and Guardian.

  “What about me?”

  He parked the truck in the closet spot in the big Target in the city and turned to look at her. Her eyes were sparkling and her smile was infectious. But her hand was still on his arm and the contact was driving him mad.

  Julian unbuckled his seat belt and leaned forward, tilting her chin up gently with his hand. “About how much I need to do this his.” His mouth covered hers and she immediately slid her tongue inside his mouth. Gone was the shy girl and in her wake a woman hell bent on bringing him to his knees.

  His hands slid into her hair and wrapped around his hands, tugging her head down further to him as their tongues swirled together. He stroked her tongue with his and she suckled his in her mouth. Her breasts pushed against his chest and they felt supple, ready for his hands. His dick pressed into the zipper of his jeans and he cursed going commando today. All he wanted was to lay the seats back and cover her body with his. Her nipples were pebbled under his shirt and his hands itched to massage them.

  It took everything he had to pull back. He had just told himself he wouldn't do this and even if her body had the persuasion power of a goddess, he wouldn't do it in a parking lot in broad daylight. His voice was raspy and he felt a punch to the gut as her tongue flicked out over her lower lip leaving it wet and plump from his kiss. “Not here, Serena. Not in public.”

  * * *

  Her eyes widened at his words. Her body was on fire; liquid pooled between her legs and all she wanted was this man. She knew in her time, in her book, this would be madness. That she would be damned for sleeping with him. But she wasn't in her time and she wanted him. She wanted to know what it was like to lay with a man so filled with passion. To know what it felt like to be filled completely and have his mouth joined to hers.

  Her head was spinning from the ecstasy of his kiss and she almost missed his words, and their intent. “Then take me back to your home.” Her voice sounded deeper than normal, seductive even to her ears. She felt her cheeks flame with embarrassment, but he didn't laugh.

  “Not now, Serena. I want you, but not like this. Let's take it slow, we have time. You need clothes and after last night, I don't want you doing something you might not be ready for.”

  Tears pricked her vision at his words. Had she misread him? Each and every time he had pulled back, but claimed to want more. In her… took what they wanted when they wanted it, no matter what. Perhaps he was respecting her. But she didn't want him to anymore.

  “Would you tell me if you didn't want me?”

  He growled and took her hand. His grip was tight and slightly painful. “I want you, Serena. I want everything about you from your beautiful green eyes to your annoying holier than thou attitude.” He guided her hand into his lap and she felt the evidence of his need. Even under the pants he wore she could feel his size and she licked her lips thinking about it.

  Julian groaned and released her hand. “We have to have a talk about you licking your lips. It's torture on a guy.” He grinned at her and got out of his car and opened the door for her.

  She was stunned he could be so affected and yet move about so easily when all she wanted to do was stay locked away with him. Instead she took his offered hand and hopped out of the vehicle—he told her all about them as they had driven and she certainly wanted to learn to operate one if they could not send her home.

  She stared at the big building in front of them. “What on Earth is this? None of our market places look like this.”

  He chuckled. “It's called Target. I promise it's very much like your marketplaces. Everything you could ever want is in here. Not to mention a million things you don't need.”

  She nodded and looked back at the tall building. “It's almost as tall as the castle.”

  “Buildings in my time and world are all big, don't worry, you'll get used to it.” His hand wrapped around hers and the warmth seemed to envelope her.

  She very much liked Julian Michelson, for more than the burning desire she felt toward him. He was noble, he reminded her of the knights back home and as they walked inside she couldn't help but momentarily picturing him wearing chain mail and the flag of her father's kingdom.

  Pushing the thought out of her mind she looked around at the indoor market, but when the doors slid closed behind them she jumped. “Oh my!” It was so overwhelming. The lights, as Julian had explained what they were, were extremely bright and it was so crowded. She saw jewels in front of her and strange women’s garments to the right. She took a step forward and saw the shiny floor reflecting the light.

  She smacked Julian's arm. “This is NOTHING like my marketplaces!” She laughed when he did.

  “Go on and enjoy it, women love this place.”

  She grinned at him and went to lose herself in the garments. She didn’t feel his presence behind her and she choose to move slower, to see if he was indeed going to follow or not. She couldn’t help but look at the items she passed though.

  There were items she had never seen before. Something that appeared to look like a cut off corset and panties hung in a variety of colors. She picked up a sunshine yellow one and held it up to Julian when he walked up next to her. “What do women wear these for and do I need one?”

  He took it from her and held it against her body for some reason. “It's called a bathing suit. Women use them when they want to go into lakes and pools and the ocean in public. It looks good on you, or it sure would. Go for it. How about you grab and I'll hold?”

  She nodded and trailed her hands over the garments nearest to her. They were coats of some fashion. “How do women know what sizing they need? All of mine is custom made and certainly not in various sizes.”

  He looked uncomfortable and he lowered his voice a little. “It's based on how big around you are. My guess is you would be a small.” Julian pointed to the red tab across the hanger. “Look for ones with this color across the top. I'm gonna go grab you some under garments.” He walked off muttering something to himself about never needing to pick out women's bras before.

  The idea of him picking out her undergarments sent a hot flush up her neck and onto her cheeks. She didn’t follow after to stop him though, she was curious about what he would pick and assumed she would not know the first thing about choosing them.

  The market, ‘Target’ as he’d called it, held so many things of clothing she wanted to take them all, but Julian was kind enough to pay for things, she would not bankrupt him. The assortment amazed her and she grabbed a brown spotted coat off the display and made her decisions about the rest carefully. By the time Julian wandered back she was staring at a wall of blue pants frowning.

  “Something the matter?”

  “You specified to look for things with a red tag and an ‘s’. Well these all have numbers.” She reached out and grabbed a pair labeled with an eight and opened them up. “But these are so large and eight is a relativity small number.” Her hand moved over to another and he reached out to stop her.

  “Here, let me try and figure this out.” She watched as his hand skimmed over the different shades of blue and numbered sizes until he stopped on a four. He shook them open and held them up to her hips. “Perfect.” Still holding the pants he grabbed a lighter shade and a black. “What next, my lady?”

  She smiled at him and saw him place all the belongings into a basket on wheels. Another invention she recognized, along with the clothing racks. She was beginning to fear nothing was th
e same in this time and world no matter how similar it looked to her own.

  “I should like something sturdier for my feet. My slippers seem to be out of style as well.” She pointed at a woman that walked by them then. Her shoes were strange, only a slice of leather between her toes held them on. She wondered how troubling they might be to walk in, but knew she wanted them to fit in.

  “Those are called flip flops and they’re hell to walk in. But if you want them, sure.” He started to push the basket and she stopped in front of the jewel cases.

  “Perhaps a few of these as well? Mother always says a woman is nothing without her jewels.”

  He laughed out loud. “I hate to tell you, they are not real like your mother’s jewels. Just so you know.” She tilted he head at him and he kept talking. “Not everyone has the money for pretty things, that doesn’t stop them from wanting them. How would I ever deny a woman as beautiful as you something that would sparkle as much as your eyes?”

  It was her to turn to laugh as she picked up a necklace and a few bracelets. “Surely you have spent time as a poet with lines such as that, Julian.”

  He grinned and winked. “No, but I would be lying if I didn't say that prior to a nasty break up I was known for being suave.” He placed a pearl necklace into the basket and she smiled and wondered if he noticed all the pearls that had been woven into her hair yesterday.

  “Ahh, so you do have a secret weapon.”

  He smiled again and they passed the rest of the time in the market with jests and explanations. She feared he would strangle her when they were in the electronics section. She had inquired about everything and for all the time he had spent explaining it to her, she had only enough memory of a television and a camera—of which he purchased one just for her. She was now fully dressed for this century in a pale pink dress and white flip flops that were as difficult to walk in as he’d predicted.

  He was winning her over with his kindness. She had been enamored by his looks when she had seen him last night. His kiss had set her body on fire and now his kindness was allowing him to burrow deep into her heart. For the first time since she had been ripped away from her world, she wondered if she could just run away from her responsibilities to her family and make a life here with this man.

  “Do you think there is more you could show me today?” She loaded three of the red and white plastic bags into the area behind the seat of his truck and felt one of the shoes fall off her foot as she stepped up. She growled and grabbed it off the ground and slammed her foot back into it once she was seating. She could feel the mirth in Julian’s eyes and she chose to ignore it. “I think I would like to test my camera out.”

  “Well I was thinking a movie.” She looked inquisitively at him and helped her into the truck before climbing into his own seat. “Like the moving pictures at home. Only this will be longer and a much bigger screen. But, you can use the camera on the drive to take pictures if you like.”

  He reached behind her seat and pulled the box from its bag.

  “I think I would like to spend any time I can with you, Julian.” The admission came easily, but she didn’t blush. She saw how comfortable he was and she wanted to appear to be just as comfortable, even if she wasn’t because all she wanted was him to kiss her again.

  He opened the box and she watched curiously as he placed a small grey item inside and after the push of a button, the camera had something protruding out the front.

  “Careful, Serena, or I'll think you mean to stay with me.”

  This time she flushed under his gaze and he passed her the camera before she could say anything more. He tapped the thing extending from the front.

  “This is what lets you see things clearer.” He pressed a silver button on the top and a click and beep resonated from the device. “And that, is how you take the picture. It's not a very long drive so pay close attention.” He winked and put the car in motion toward whatever this movie location was.

  She pulled the camera up to the window and pushed the button. The picture appeared on the small screen and she grinned. “It is becoming less undesirable. But things are nice, let’s ignore the circumstances for a little longer.”

  Chapter Nine

  The movie was interesting. Her favorite part was the popped, salted corn and she stuffed another handful of it into her mouth as they walked out of the theater. She couldn't say she remembered much of the movie. Julian had wrapped his arm around her and she had been lost to the sensation. She had focused more on how it felt as his thumb ran circles over her arm, on the tingles that had gone through her and how her breath had hitched when he pulled her closer to him.

  It had been torture. All she had wanted to do was touch him and have him touch her. The whole time all she had thought about was the feel of his hands and what it was like when they'd massaged her breasts and tugged her into him last night. Which lead to a quickening in her pulse and a desire that she was tired of fighting off. She had felt him earlier in the car and she wanted him to take down his walls. She was done. Even if she could go home, she wanted these memories first. Wanted the ability to give him a reason to come with her as she could not run from her familial duty.

  She didn’t know if it was the man or the Word Speaker/Guardian bond, but she wanted him. Her father would certainly find him more than worthy of his daughter. Had he been there to approve, she just knew it and that thought was pushing her closer and closer to him.

  Thunder clapped in the sky as Julian pushed open the door from the theater. The cool air suddenly mingled with the hot, muggy air. Lighting flashed across the sky to the west of them and the puddles on the ground were larger than she would have liked to walk through in her outfit. It must have been raining for some time based on the puddles she saw and it made her feel a little more at home.

  “Ever played in the rain?” Julian wiggled his eyebrows at her before tugging her outside. She shrieked and tried to protest, but he was by far stronger than her.

  “Julian!” She laughed and tried to pull away from him. But he was insistent and she remained where she was.

  The raindrops crashed onto her hair, filled her shoes and cascaded over her body. His laughter was infectious and she couldn't help it; until he purposefully jumped into a puddle and sloshed the warm, dirty water all over her.

  “Oh! I will make you pay for that, Mr. Michelson!” she shouted, still laughing and kicked water from a puddle up at him as well. “And yes, I am from England. Of course I have played in the rain!”

  “Is that the best you've got, my lady?” He grinned and leaned down with cupped hands and literally flicked water all over her legs. He was behind her in an instant, his arms wrapping around her, trapping her arms at her sides so she couldn't retaliate once more.

  All the play trickled out of her as she pressed backwards into him. The air electrified as his hands slid down over her chest onto her stomach and spun her so that she was facing him. His eyes smoldered with lust and she knew hers mirrored his.

  Without thinking she leaned up and closed the space between them. Finally stealing a kiss for herself this time. The rain disappeared as his mouth moved on hers and their tongues danced in a way that was pure passion. Her body was on fire, tingling with life and desire for Julian. His hand trailed down her back and he pulled back.

  Her whimper coincided with a crash of thunder and she jumped, momentarily startled.


  “Julian.” Her voice wavered with need and she reached her hand out, cupping him in his pants, which she had learned were called jeans. Her hand rubbed over the thick and swelling length of him in the jeans.

  He growled and leaned down to nip at her ear. Pleasure danced through her body at the contact. He didn't say anything after that. His hand took hers and he tugged her through the lot. The rain barely an annoyance as he helped her into the truck. She could feel the tension, almost like a suffocating force, with them enclosed in a tiny space. Lust raced through her body, her core pulsed with a desire sh
e had never felt before. His hands gripped the wheel so tightly they were white and she knew she wasn't alone in the overwhelming need. Thankfully.

  She could feel how much quicker he drove to his home than when they had left. Everything raced by and it was exhilarating. Her hand slipped into his lap and he released the wheel long enough to grab her hand and growl low in his throat. The sound was so sensual she groaned wondering what noises he would make as he took her. He brought her hand to his lips even as he drove. His breath was hot as he raised her knuckles to his mouth and kissed them. Serena’s head was spinning with thoughts, all focused on Julian and her tangled naked together. She’d been waiting for him to make his move since he took her home the other night. But now she knew if he didn’t, she would steady his hand and push for what she wanted.

  She groaned low as the images became more and more tangible in her mind. His mouth latched onto her breast, his fingers between her wet folds while she held his cock in her hand and stroked him. Then, her on top of him as she had heard people speak of. Her body would lead the way to release as he held onto her hips and helped her gain the friction needed for a mind blowing release.

  The car slammed to a stop outside his home, she had been so consumed by her fantasies she hadn’t realized they were there until the stop. He didn't stop where he had taken it from. Instead he left it near where the cab had dropped them off. Her fingers were clumsy as she fumbled with the lock on the seat belt and she felt Julian's hands cover hers as he undid it for her. The heat that passed between them was like a shock and she felt her body grow hot.


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