Worlds on Fire (Guardians Book 1.5)

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Worlds on Fire (Guardians Book 1.5) Page 11

by Lexi Ostrow

  “Yes. Yes she was.” He held his head high as he said it. Ciara Miller had been worth it. She’d been dealt a shitty hand in her life and Dale had made enough progress that no matter what Huracan and his brother implied, the next Guardian the male pulled would be for his side, as Nessa was. Dale was his.

  “Good. Then that will make this punishment all the more worth it. It would be a shame if you succumbed to such pain and regretted your choice. There is strength in being proud of your actions.”

  The God was a man again and he’d dragged his body from the Iron Maiden. “Let’s begin.”

  Chapter Thirteen

  Serena pushed open the door to the tavern. She hadn’t been lying when she said she wanted to go there. But it was a delay tactic. She had no idea how she would convince her father to let her marry Julian Michelson. Let alone to not execute him. He had no land, no title and certainly no currency. The idea was doomed to fail and she knew it. She couldn’t run away from her family. She left his world and almost lost him because of her duty to her family, to her country. But could she be married to another man? Let another touch her the way Julian’s skilled hands already had? No, not even for her family.

  So, she asked to go the tavern. She wanted to drink and forget the new issue at hand. She had created it by not being willing to accept the gift she’d been offered. Even if she had to make Julian perform a thousand heroic feats she would make sure he could be knighted and gifted land. Or perhaps a babe was the trick. Her name would be tarnished unless her father let her marry before she was round with child. They could create a back story for Julian, he wouldn’t need lands, just a title.

  She grinned as they were seated at the dirtiest table she had ever seen. The noise was loud enough to cause a headache and she loved it.

  “Your smile is awfully large for someone sitting in a dump.” Julian’s thumb traced a pattern over the top of her hand and she shivered with pleasure. She was more than ready to enact her plan and have Julian touching her again.

  “I may have just figured out how to ensure Father will let us wed, and sooner rather than later.”

  Julian raised a brow, but didn’t get too ask anything because two mugs were dropped down in front of them without even being asked. Serena knew her plan was the stuff of madness, perhaps brought on by the few intolerant sips of beer. However, marriages were made on less than the feelings they already had for one another. They could get to know one another as most couples in her time did, once married.

  She grabbed and downed the beer, choking as she did. “This is quite different than wine.” She grimaced and set the mug down closer to Julian.

  “What is this brilliant plan? I thought I was the only one with the nefarious ideas?” He took a swig of the beer and slammed the mug down. “I’ve always wanted to be dramatic like that.”

  “It’s quite simple. We get pregnant.”

  Julian had picked up the beer again and choked at her sentence. Liquid sprayed across the table at her and she frowned that there was no napkin to wipe the beer off with.

  “Does that mean you do not want that?”

  Julian appeared to be considering his words carefully before he spoke. “It’s not that I don’t want that, Serena. It’s just, well, a little too fast. I know I love you. I know you make my heart complete and I want to call you my wife.”

  She fidgeted on the wooden bench when he paused.

  “But I think we need more time to explore us, before bringing a little one into the mix. If we have to wait years, so long as you’re mine I don’t care.”

  Exasperated she slammed her hand on the table and bolted upright knocking the bench over. “You foolish man! Do you not understand the concept of me being royalty?” Her voice was shrill and she knew she had made a mistake. She couldn’t stop herself though. He was a thick skulled as any man. “I am to be wed soon. You think Father will just stop finding suitors for me simply because you’re in the process of proving you deserve my hand? Think again, Julian, that is not how royalty works. Fictional world or not, I know your past royals would have behaved the same. I love you and I will do whatever it takes to make sure you are my husband. I am sorry I ran away from your world, but I will not sit in mine and be told by an outsider how he thinks things will work.” Huffing, she stared into his eyes one last time before stalking out of the tavern, her good mood shattered like a broken mirror.

  The rain had started while they were in the tavern and her shoes were slick with mud as she stormed through the village. Walking was difficult as the burlap cape was growing heavy with water and her pace was slowing. No one even noticed the wild woman racing through the roads. No one ever did when she was dressed as a peasant. She could hear Julian’s footsteps close behind. She had to credit him; he was not shouting her name. She assumed another could be called Serena, but it was apparently not a chance he was willing to take and that was noble of him. But she wasn’t stopping. Let him try a little harder to catch her. She was upset and would stop before she reached the castle.

  A hand wrapped around her wrist and tugged her backwards, spinning her to face him. She slammed into the hard wall that was Julian’s chest. His rugged smell was masked by beer and fresh rain. His hands wrapped around her body and pulled her into him while the burlap scratched her face. He titled her chin up to look at him and she swallowed hard. He was not radiating anger, his face was calm, his breathing steady like the chase had done nothing to him. But his eyes were squinted, his mouth a hard line before it crashed down on her lips. He tasted the same as he smelled and she didn’t mind the flavor of the beer as it mixed on her tongue.

  Her anger melted as passion laced its way through her body. She could feel her heart thumping quicker in her chest, knew her nipples would be puckered under the plain cotton tee. Her body rubbed against his and she hated the disguises they wore, keeping their bodies that much further apart. Serena pulled back from the kiss, intending to tug the damn things over them.

  Their breathing was ragged and she watched as his chest rose and fell, she wanted to run her hands over his muscles. Her hands tugged at the hem of the cape and he held her hands to stop her. “Wait. Serena, we need to talk about this.” She yanked it up over his head and he allowed her to slide it off. Without a thought she threw it to the ground and molded her body to his and placed kisses down his neck.

  “No. Not now, I just want to feel you. We will be careful, if you do not like my plan we will find another. I will lay my head on your chest and we will plan. After you make love to me.”

  He growled low in his throat and she tugged him toward the stables. They were a short distance away and none were paying attention. The few still out on the street were frantically trying to get in out of the rain. She pushed open the stable door and heard a whinny from the horses, but the stable hand was not present, probably because of the rain.

  Julian crowded her body against the wall and tugged the cape off of her. His hands made quick work of pulling off the shirt and unhooking the bra she wore. His hand trailed lightly over her breast and she sucked in a breath at the sensation. His hand cupped her breast, his hips pressed into hers and he kissed her. His kisses were slow, torturous and sending spikes of pleasure through her. She tried to speed him up, but he refused. She rubbed against him, her hand reached between them and ran down his chest to the top of his pants.

  He swept her off her feet and carried her to a small pile of hay on the ground. The hay scratched her, but she didn’t care. His mouth found hers again and she was lost in the pleasure. His body covered hers and for a moment she let him. But they had slept together multiple times now and she had heard tales from the servants of devious acts and she wanted to try them, now with him.

  She pushed him back and straddled his chest before sliding backwards, dragging her body over him and delighting in the feel of his hardened cock brushing against her through their pants. “You know, we need to stop having sex on the floor.” He chuckled and tugged her hair from its bun. “There, now you
look like an angel above me.”

  Serena bit her lower lip. “Hopefully you don’t mind a wicked angel then.” She ran a hand down his body. Her hand stopped on his growing erection and she rubbed him through his pants. She couldn’t help but smile, she loved the feel of his erection, of knowing she caused it. The zipper on his pants pulled down easily and she licked his neck before nipping it. She kissed him softly, teasing him with her mouth as she ground her body onto his now hard cock.

  Pressing into him caused heat to flood her own body and she moaned as he took charge of the kiss. The light kissing turned into deeper, demanding kisses. Reaching her hand in between them she freed his cock from the pants and gently ran her nails along it, breathing heavily herself as his hand unzipped her own pants. He pushed them down and she wriggled her body to get out of them as he stood to take his own off. Returning to him he wasted no time and ran his finger along her core through her cotton underwear.

  She bit and tugged at his lower lip. Her body arched into his as his finger rubbed her core and her hand pumped his shaft harder. Her breathing hitched and her underwear was now thoroughly wet. His fingers slipped between the fabric and pressed into her. She bit her lip against a cry. He tugged her panties down and she used her free hand to tug them off, her body never leaving his. Julian’s breathing was just as deep as hers and she rearranged her body so that the tip of him rubbed against her entrance as she stroked him up and down.

  "Jesus, Serena, you're killing me here." Taking his cock in his hand he thrust into her in a quick movement.

  She moaned and licked her lips. Chuckling, he reached between them and stroked her clit with his thumb causing her to buck against him and nip at his lip.

  She was unable to comprehend anything else as Julian grabbed her hips and smacked her body into his as he thrust up to meet her. Pleasure built like a tightening rubber band as he continued to thrust and stroke until she couldn't handle it anymore and a strangled cry escaped her lips. She rode the wave, determined to remember everything about this sensation despite knowing there would be many more to come.

  She could feel his continued thrusts and loved the way the veins tightened in his neck. In a split second he lifted her off his body and his release covered his stomach. She gently stroked his cock, knowing how much he enjoyed the extra sensation after coming from the past few days. Tired, she leaned against his chest, feeling just how hard he was breathing. She smiled against his chest, completely content in knowing she wore him out as he wore her out.

  The sound of a door slamming into a wall caused her to jerk and Julian leapt up to stand in front of her, still naked. She tried to see around Julian as shouts filled the stable but he wouldn’t let her be seen, he was protecting her. She quickly grabbed her cape off the floor and slipped it on, knowing it wouldn’t completely cover her but help with the indecency. She finally identified the voice and realization of who it was made her blood run cold.

  “You’re under arrest. For kidnapping and defiling his majesty’s youngest daughter, Serena De Bauc.” John Marc, the captain of the guard’s voice echoed off the walls. Two of the guards were on either side of Julian and before she could react, could defend him, arms grabbed her off the floor.

  “And you, young lady. You are a disgrace to the throne if this was willing. God help your father.” John Marc dragged her from the stable, past Julian who was not fighting his arrest.

  “Julian run! Please run! I will find you. I’m so sorry.” Her eyes met his, her own shimmering with tears so she could barely see.

  “I will not run, Serena. You came back to rule your father’s land. I will not fight, we will find a way to explain.”

  His honor floored her. Any lesser man would have gone out fighting for his life. She was yanked by the captain again and she stomped on his foot, to no avail because he didn’t let her go.

  “Your highness, it is best if you do not fight me. This man will pay for his sins and you are to be brought to your parents to be treated.”

  She slapped him, the pain of it vibrated up to her elbow.

  “You know nothing of what you speak.” She righted herself, knowing the others were watching. “Make sure he is given his clothing back and you are right. I will go to my parents.” When none of the men made a move to offer Julian clothes she elbowed John Marc and the pain from her stupidity of hitting chain mail made her wince. “Make this right or so help me I will find ways to harm you while you sleep or report falsehoods to my father.” John Marc didn’t move at first.

  “Get him his clothes and then haul him off.” John Marc turned back to her. “You do not make threats you cannot keep. I do not know how long you have been with him, but there is nothing you could have learned that I cannot counter.” He jerked her arm and this time she went willingly.

  Dread was like a rock in her stomach. There would be nothing, save a pregnancy that could even possibly help Julian now. His life was forfeit and she would make it right as soon as she learned how they were caught. She bit her lower lip, hoping the pain would stop her tears and she shook off John Marc, held her head high and marched from the stables to the castle, prepared to go to war with her father.

  Chapter Fourteen

  The ground under his feet was cold. They’d permitted him to grab only the ridiculous cape and he wished he’d had the sense to fight a little bit. He’d catch pneumonia or something and die down here. He could hear the other prisoners talking about him. About how stupid he must be to steal and screw a princess. Even the guards hounded him. His hands balled into fists every time one of them taunted him. At one taunt he’d slammed a fist into the wall that connected his cell to the man next to him to prove a point. Fierce anger coursed through his veins. Not for him, but for Serena. It had been at least six hours since they’d been separated. When he’d been brought in he’d scanned the castle halls for her before he was thrown down below. He had no idea what her father would do to her for her lost virginity.

  Especially because he knew she would defend him. The thought made him proud and scared all at once. They had enough on their plate trying to convince her father to let her marry him. He’d known it would take years and he was ready to put the time in. But now he’d be lucky if he ever saw her again. Lucky to live beyond the sunrise if the movies about this time in history were correct. The only shot he and Serena had was to get the fuck out of her world. He had no idea if she’d even go, but he wouldn’t leave without her. Even stuck in the dungeon at least he would have hope they could fix things.

  He let his body slide down the damp stone wall and sat on the floor, trying as hard as he could to tuck the burlap under his ass so it didn’t freeze. His voice was quiet, he’d attracted enough attention and being seen as crazy wouldn’t help. “Mr.-All-powerful-trench-coat-man I could really use you right now. You know, if I’m not removed from your queue of helpers and all that.” He stared at the wall opposite him, the flames of the torches provided little light, but he couldn’t deny the lack of a human appearing the space suddenly.

  Julian’s head hung in defeat. They were abandoned. Or maybe there was no way to access them in this world unless a Word Speaker was reading about it. Either way, they were up shit creek without a paddle and he was going to have to think of a way out or pray that Serena spun some fantastic lie. But really— they were found naked in a stable, if death didn’t come, freedom certainly wouldn’t.

  He laid his head over his crossed arms in an attempt to get comfortable. “At least our jails offer a fucking bed,” he grumbled quietly and shifted his weight, jumping when his ass cheek suddenly touched the floor. He grumbled more and only the sound of Serena’s voice caused him to jump upright.

  “I am here to see the prisoner that was brought in.”

  “My lady we cannot allow that.”

  “I care little for what you can and cannot do. Unless you’ve had orders from my father to ban me from here, step aside, and I suggest you not place words in his mouth. If you tell me he’s commanded it, I will go
to him and if he truly hasn’t you will find yourself in there, Louis.”

  Her words were met with quiet and Julian walked to the bars and placed his hands around them and looked out. A moment later she turned down the hall. She was exquisite. Her hair was done up again, with just pearls this time. Her gown was a lush purple and it pushed her breasts up. He longed to take her in his arms again. But he forced himself to remain still, silent.

  When she looked down the hall and their eyes met she grabbed her dress and ran to him. Her hands immediately slipped through the bars when she was close enough and he took them in his own and kissed them.

  “Oh Julian! I am so sorry. So very sorry.” Her voice was trembling and he could see the tears in her eyes.

  “Shh. Do not cry for me, Serena. Things will work out. Somehow. I promise.” He placed another kiss to her knuckles and wished he could hold her. Wished he could comfort her in some way with something other than what they both knew his statement to be, a lie.

  “Again with the promises and ideas of your time. Julian, call for the man in trench coat. Tell him to take you home. To take us home.” Hope blossomed when she said those words.

  “Do you mean it?” He held his breathe expecting a delay in her answer, but she spoke quickly.

  “Yes. I will not live if you cannot. Julian, call to him, they mean to execute you.”

  Fear for himself kicked in. He’d known the offense would be dire but he had hoped the movies were overly dramatic.

  “I tried everything and even when Father believed it was I who snuck off to meet you, they’re saying that you forced yourself on me. That am I too foolish to know it. Julian, I am sorry.”

  “How did they find us, Serena? There was no hesitation when they barged in.” He could barely see her in the crappy light, but he saw the flush on her cheeks.


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