DARK FAÏZ Book 1: Every hero has his legend

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DARK FAÏZ Book 1: Every hero has his legend Page 21

by Sandra L. Kiss

  Asarys threatened me with big eyes and then hung up. I had completely forgotten to tell her about Trac-Word's reception tomorrow night. My eyes laid by chance upon the wall indicating the time, immediately causing me to panic. Damn, Faïz was going to arrive in ten minutes and I was still not ready. Moreover, my morale because of the bad news of the fires had become morose again.

  I grabbed the first underwear I found in my suitcase and rushed into the bathroom to get ready as soon as possible. Before entering the shower with its many gadgets, I turned on a playlist on my smartphone and put it on the sink, not far from me. In contact with the hot water flowing over me like a light rain, I forgot the time, which was passing far too quickly. On leaving, the bathroom was filled with steam. My gaze stopped on a pile of immaculate white towels on a shelf. I grabbed one to wipe my hair and another to wrap myself inside. Once my whole body was dry, I put on my underwear and went out quickly to finish dressing in the room.

  No, shit! Fuck!

  Faïz was waiting for me in the middle of the room, dressed...unlike me. Embarrassed as much as I was by the situation, he instantly turned around.

  "I...I called you several times," he stammered, destabilized.

  "And you thought maybe I was playing hide-and-seek?" I replied, cheeks on fire while going to get back in my suitcase, grabbing slim white pants and a sweater of the same color with a few discreetly added rhinestones on it.

  "I will wait for you outside," he stammered with difficulty.

  He disappeared in a second, ashamed, like a child who had been caught red handed. Lucky for me, I wasn't in Eve's outfit. I tried to convince myself that it was as if he had seen me in a bathing suit in order to make this scene a little less scandalous and less embarrassing. I cursed these master keys. Before I went out into the hallway to join him, I looked at myself one last time in my dressing-table mirror. I really liked my little black boots Timberland with laces, it broke the snow-white style of my outfit. I grabbed my jacket and left to join to Faïz, who was waiting for me, leaning against the wall, black pants, black shirt, and dark eyes. I found him, once again, to die for.

  "Glad you're dressed," he said as revenge for the opposite situation that had happened in Elora.

  "Hahaha! You're funny. Can we just forget this whole thing? It's weird enough as it is."

  He moved and I followed him clumsily.

  "It has already been done!" he said, abrupt.

  His little remark stung me and an unexplained frustration seized me. Was that another hundredth way to politely reject me?

  The restaurant, Arabelle, very select with a splendid setting, gave a unique and cozy impression. The smell of jasmine was floating inside. A waiter guided us to our table. As I sat down, he moved my chair back so that I could sit down like a lady. He then handed us our board and left. A background of soft music made this moment relatively intimate.

  "Faïz, I spoke to Asarys on the phone earlier. Are you aware of the fire that is currently ravaging the Pacific coast of LA?"

  He agreed with a nod of his head.

  "Barthey informed me before we sailed for New York. That's why he called."

  "I see. Why didn't you tell me about it?"

  "I didn't want you to worry about that right now. Look, this trip is your chance to get some fresh air, to finally think of something else. I wanted to take you away from the darkness you've been in for almost six months, even for two days."

  I looked into his eyes. A part of me wanted to reassure him about my condition, but finally I decided to move on.

  "What time do we leave tomorrow morning for Trac-World?"

  "Nine o'clock. I have a meeting that's going to last all morning with the HR manager. I'll leave you to the good care of the team you met a bit earlier."

  A waitress arrived at our table to take our order. Faïz ordered a bottle of red wine and a plate of appetizers for both of us.

  "One carafe of water, please," I added.

  "All right, what about the main courses?"

  "I will have a salmon tartar," I replied, then gave the floor to Faïz.

  "Caesar salad."

  "Your dishes will arrive in a moment," concluded the blonde woman, with her hair carefully pulled back.

  Faïz resumed our conversation without further delay.

  "Do you know what approach you want to work on tomorrow for your article?"

  "To be honest, I thought the new reworking that will devise Trac-Word for its activities and its place on a global scale. What do you think?"

  "I like the idea," he continued thoughtfully. "Will I be allowed to read your article before it is released?"

  "No," I objected, amused, "it's top secret, and besides, I'll be edited before its printing."

  "What do you mean?"

  "I'm just an intern. Agustin, one of the staff editors, has to assist me on the project."

  "Do you want me to intervene and ask that you be the only one to do it?"

  "No. There's already enough talk behind my back. I admit, the rumors are not pleasant to hear. I'm just a rich kid who had an internship thanks to string-pulling, in their eyes."

  "They're grotesque. It's too bad you won't let me take care of them. And you're not even rich!"

  "It was just an example from the bottom of their minds, and you don't know if I am or not," I protested.

  "Zoe, not really. I always inquire who sets foot into my family."

  He offered me a delicious smile. I felt the effects, suspecting that he had done his research on me before he ever knew me. It was at that moment that the waitress reappeared with our appetizer and the red wine that she allowed Faïz to taste first before placing the bottle on the table. The decoration of the dish caught my attention. Although it was simple, it made me want to taste it. I was not disappointed with its quality. It was delicious. That was when tomorrow's reception came to mind unexpectedly. Damn gala! Maybe Faïz could go alone.

  "You know, about tomorrow's gala reception... Why don't you go without me?"

  I tried to speak with a detached tone and hoped that he would take the thing as little to heart as possible.

  "Is there a problem? Do you really mind going there?"

  The intonation of his voice concealed a great disappointment. Unfortunately for me, Faïz was the type to get to the bottom of things with reasoning. Come on, Zoe, be a little creative and find the most credible excuse.

  "It may be a long day. With Victoria's birthday coming up after that, that's a lot."

  Great, that's all you could find of as a damn excuse! It's pathetic, you idiot. I avoided meeting Faïz's gaze, who was observing me intensely, choosing to immerse myself body and soul in my starter. I felt his gaze weighing on me. He suspected that something was bothering me. I liked the parties and dancing, no one could doubt it.

  "We'll see about that tomorrow. I need to be accompanied. It's always better, but, if you don't want to come, I'll always find someone else who'll agree to be my partner."

  I almost strangled myself with a piece of lobster when I heard those words. However, I tried hard to adopt the best behavior I could, trying not to show the jealousy that was engulfing me.

  Dinner ended without conflict. We had been talking all evening about everything and nothing. From the university, Ray, my friends, Paris... But at no time did we exchange a word about The Maestro. Indeed, Faïz made it a point of honor to give me a normal evening. I had managed to make him laugh, which was quite rare for him, I loved hearing that melodious sound so much. We were almost the last to leave the restaurant. The melody of the moment, played on a grand piano by a talented young pianist, had just ended.

  When the elevator doors closed, we were alone inside. The few glasses of red wine I had drunk were enough to give me a little more confidence, and I decided to slowly get closer to Faïz. I felt his body stiffen when I put my head on his shoulder. To my great surprise, he let me do it. From then on, no coherent thought crossed my mind. His breathing grazed the hollow of my neck. I could have
stayed like that all night, getting drunk on the smell of his cologne, contenting myself with this carnal contact. We arrived on our floor too quickly for my taste, forcing me to detach myself from him. He accompanied me to my door and then gently took my hand before coming close to me. My breath stopped and I remained motionless. My heart was beating wildly in my chest. Maybe he felt it, too.

  "If there is ever any trouble, you call me."

  "I think I should be fine," I murmured.

  You idiot, can't you see he's handing you a pole? Ask him to stay, or even better, kiss him!

  "Thank you for a wonderful evening," I added.

  "Thank you very much. You made me forget a lot of things tonight."

  He seemed so fragile at that moment, revealing to me an aspect I didn't know about him. I pulled away from this contemplation. What was the point? Everything I had been able to do or say before had so far been of no use. I didn't want to risk being put in my place for the umpteenth time.

  "Good night," I said before disappearing, leaving him in the hallway with all my regrets as his only company.


  Faïz, now alone, hesitated for a moment to turn back and when he finally decided, he did not find the courage to knock on the door. Finally, after a few seconds of reflection, he decreed that the wisest solution was to go to his own room.

  He sat on the edge of his bed, facing the large window. He stared at the sky. No Dome here, which almost made him forget that time was beginning to run out.

  "Give me the strength to give her what she lacks. She is too fragile for the mission you have assigned her."

  Contrary to appearances, Faïz believed and prayed. He was convinced that faith could be all a man had left when he had no choice but to put a knee down. Once evil had approached so closely, only its opposite could bring people back. His phone rang.

  "I'm here, Julio."

  "Good evening, Faïz. We've made a start on the coded passage of the Callis. We refer to it as Clericalise."

  Faïz let out a sigh of relief. All the answers were held in this almost indecipherable book. Julio continued,

  "It is almost certain that three languages are at the origin of this text, Latin, Arabic, and Italian."

  "It's a start. Now we must complete the passages with the ones that are invisible to us."

  "Is Zoe with you?"

  Faïz felt Julio's hesitant tone.

  "No, she's in her room."

  "Victoria's birthday celebration will be held at the mansion due to the damage caused by the fire. We will take advantage of the opportunity so that Zoe can unveil to us the passages of the Callis that interest us."

  "All right, let's do it like that."

  They hung up. Faïz let himself fall backwards, exhausted, on his bed. Thinking of Zoe, he wondered how long he could resist the urge to kiss and touch her. It was out of the question for him to let her go with William or anyone else again.


  She was sitting very close to me, with her feet buried in the sand. On her head, a large blue and white hat with a very wide brim protected her from the bright sun. Her white beach dress shone like silver. The coastline in front of me was soothing. The blue, turquoise colors of the crystal clear water sparkled under the sun. This paradisiacal place was surrounded by high cliffs. My mother turned around when she heard me coming and gently tapped the sand to invite me to sit next to her.

  "Look how beautiful the view is."

  Her melodious and sweet voice was enough to comfort me for the emptiness that remained the day she left me. I felt good, as if my whole body was wrapped in cotton.

  "This view is magnificent," I confessed serenely.

  "You always manage to find me amazing places. I like them."

  "Unfortunately, that's the minimum I can do. Create space and the universe to spend these little moments with you."

  "How are you? You seem to have...changed."

  She put a hand through my hair, like when I was a little girl. I didn't want to waste this precious time with her, but I needed answers.

  "Do you know why I was born? Did you know that one day I would have to face a myth that only the Gods do not fear?"

  She smiled at me and the tears that threatened to escape my eyes immediately disappeared. Her smile had the gift of soothing and healing any tormented soul. After all, who better than a mother to have that power?

  "I always knew you were destined for great things, my daughter. You have a will that few of us have. When you were four years old, I asked you what you wanted as a gift and you just said that you only wanted one thing. It was to have the power to change the things that are wrong in this world. So, yes, I know why you were born."

  "I miss you so much. I don't want to wake up. I don't want to leave you again."

  "My sweet darling, you must find Faïz again. He will heal what even I am not capable of healing. A heart must—"

  "Remain without locks or bars. I know, Mom. I gave it to him, but he didn't want it."

  She burst out with a little harmonious laugh.

  "Because he's a man. Don't push him away when he will finally be ready."

  "If that moment ever comes. Anyway, what are you going to do today?"

  She turned around and showed me a small village in the distance, on the heights of the cliffs behind us. This one overhung the coast. The brightly colored stone houses looked like a painting by a great master.

  "I'm going to visit. I have all the time in the world," she joked. I realized she hadn't lost her sense of humor.

  Time passed so quickly and I felt my alarm clock approaching. As I stood up slowly, I wiped the sand stuck to my golden sarong. My mother sighed before adding,

  "How can you still doubt your faith when you have before you the immensity of its poetry?"

  Her arms opened to show me the incredible scenery before us, all the beauty that the world was offering us.

  It was at that moment that I woke from my sleep.

  Sitting in front of my dressing table, I was about to apply my mascara when someone knocked on the door of my suite.

  "Room service," called a voice from the hallway.

  I decided to postpone my makeup and went to open my door. Room service came to bring me my breakfast. The table was covered with a quantity of different choices and flavors.

  "This is for me?" I asked, surprised at so many foods.

  The man in the suit gave me a sidelong look.

  "Yes, ma'am. Is there a problem with your order?"

  "No, not at all. Thank you very much."

  He wanted to be polite, but I felt a little annoyance in his tone. When he left the room, I grabbed my entry pass and rushed to Faïz's suite.

  "You could knock, Zoe!" he cried, in a mood of his own.

  "Just like you yesterday, and for your information, you look dressed."

  He raised his arms to heaven, disappointed.

  "I knocked and I even called. Good Lord! Is there a problem?"

  I pouted and crossed my arms.

  "I don't know, did you order breakfast?"

  "Yes. I didn't know what you wanted, so I took the liberty of ordering a little bit of everything."

  I shook my head vigorously before staring at him again.

  "A little? I would say that's a little exaggerated. A slice of bread would have been enough, but thank you anyway. Are you coming to share this with me?"

  "What, the slice of bread?"

  "Faïz, don't start. You know I'm talking about breakfast."

  Amused, he wiped his hair with his towel. I examined he for a few seconds. His wet and disheveled hair looked so good on him. Suddenly, I wanted to put my hands in it. I stopped my deviant thoughts when he looked away with regret to secure his tie in front of the mirror.

  "I already ate this morning, and I have to make some important calls. I'll meet you in a few minutes."

  Disappointed, I turned around and walked away, leaving him to his activities.

  I gazed at Manhattan and its s
kyscrapers, my cup of coffee in my hand. It was impossible to call anyone at this time of day. It was still too early in Los Angeles. I headed for my phone on the desk and scrolled through my contacts until my father's number appeared.

  "Hola, Querida," he said, apparently happy to talk to me.

  Hearing my mother tongue did me a lot of good. I started the conversation with him.

  "Hi, dad. How are you since you got back from your mission?"

  "Everything is fine here. Your calls are so rare. I miss you so much."

  "I have a little time ahead of me this morning. Guess what? I'm in New York right now for my internship."

  "New York?" He was surprised. "But... Are you there alone?"

  "No. In fact, I came with Faïz."

  Unlike the rest of the world, my father didn't make any comments to me when I talked about him. I began to tell him about my last week and then he did the same for his. After about fifteen minutes, Faïz appeared in my room, indicating with a wave of his hand that it was time for us to leave.

  "Wait, I'll put your grandmother on."

  Before I even had time to answer, my grandmother already had the phone in her hand. I gnashed my teeth, understanding that I was not getting out of the bind.

  "Daughter, it's good to hear your voice. Your university, it's okay? Your host family, too?"

  "Yes, ma'am. I get homesick sometimes, but everything goes well for me."

  My grandmother asked one question after another, while Faïz, sitting on the desk, waited patiently. I suspected that he was keeping an attentive ear to my conversation, which he probably should not understand much. It was the first time I'd spoken Spanish in his company.

  "Ma'am, I have to go. They're waiting for me. I have an important appointment this morning."

  "I understand, my daughter. Take care of yourself. Americans are—"

  "You two have a good day, too. I love you."


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