Her Billionaire to Remember

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Her Billionaire to Remember Page 4

by Summers, Sophia

  She wondered if there was another man in her life somewhere. She didn’t feel like she was married, and the lack of a ring on her finger supported that.

  Mr. Cortez walked over to her and Caballo. “How is he doing?”

  She put her arm around Caballo, patting his neck. “Well, he is fine if I am with him. And he should be fine if I’m there to introduce him to new handlers.”

  Mr. Cortez nodded. “Our buyer, Mr. Stapley, wants to see the horses in action. I need you to demonstrate skills with this horse as well as any others he might be interested in. I might consider selling him if we can’t work him without your assistance.” He reached up to pat Cabalo. “The Juarez family took him last year to try and calm him down a little. He does seem better but not as good as I hoped.”

  Larina’s heart fell, she couldn’t imagine losing Caballo. “Sure, I will work him. Do you mind if I take him over now and see what he can do before we show the buyer?”

  “That’s a good idea. I heard some of your history. The Juarez family is very attached to you and appreciates your help. As do I.” He put his hand up to Caballo again testing. The horse was calm but snorted and stomped his foot.

  “I owe them my life, Mr. Cortez. I am happy to be here and will help in any way I can.” Larina took Caballo into the stables, looking for tack. Andrew was scooping feed into the grain boxes of each stall.

  “Andrew, will you help me get Caballo ready for a run?”

  He looked down, scowling . “I want to move up to bigger jobs, but here I am, scooping grain again.”

  “Feed is important.” At least it’s not cleaning out the stalls.” Larina put a halter on Caballo.

  Larina helped Andrew arrange the saddle. Everything about horses seemed natural for her. Apparently, when you got amnesia, you didn’t forget how to live. She hoped she knew how to ride horses because she was about to do it now.

  Andrew followed Larina over to the track behind the woods. She was amazed at the setup they had. All the wood barricades were up for jumping. It was great.

  Andrew opened the gate, and Larina mounted Caballo and rode him into the arena. She loved the energy she felt on the horse and the view of the world around her from that perspective. For a first run, she just ran him around the course, bypassing all the jumps. Pure joy ran through her; she felt the strength of Caballo and the freedom of riding. As she approached the second turn, she put him on track to take a jump. “Okay, boy, let’s do this.” She was taking a great risk. She had no idea if this stallion had ever jumped, but she felt his excitement and went with it.

  He took off at full speed heading for the jump. His pace was good, his gait was steady, and he didn’t break stride once as he sailed over the jump.

  Andrew jumped off the fence. “Yahooee!” He ran over to Larina.

  She reached forward and patted Caballo. “Good boy.”

  She looked over to the stands and there sat Mr. Cortez with Shane. Mr. Cortez motioned for her to ride over. Larina was full of adrenaline, and she tried to calm down as she rode over. I can’t lose this horse. She was worried this man would take Caballo away from her.

  “Very good, Larina.” Mr. Cortez smiled. “I didn’t know we had someone as talented as you with us this year.”

  “I would be happy to demonstrate the other stallions as well.” Larina looked over at Shane. He winked with his smile. She tried to hold back a smile of her own.

  Shane stood up and moved closer to the edge. “I am interested in the coal-black stallion I saw earlier this morning. Could we see him in action?”

  Larina looked to Mr. Cortez, waiting. Her hair had fallen out of her ponytail, and she flipped it behind her.

  “Yes, that would be good. He has flat raced but not jumped. We planned to work with his training this year.” He turned to face Shane. Let’s run him through the course now then I have plans for the afternoon. Would you care to see the countryside today? Perhaps we could convince Larina to accompany you.”

  Larina started to shake her head no, but thought better of it. “I would be happy to see the countryside myself.” She wanted to help the Juarez’s family and be helpful to Mr. Cortez. But she had to also admit, it would be fun to spend more time with this charming man.

  She rode over to get the black stallion and put Caballo away. “You did great.” She stroked his mane. “So you’re a jumper. I knew it.” I am a jumper too, she realized. It had been the most natural thing in the world taking that jump.

  * * *

  While Larina was changing horses, Shane walked over to Andrew. “Hi there, that was quite a jump.”

  “Yes, Larina took him right over.”

  Andrew turned to leave when Shane stopped him. “I have been wondering about what you said earlier—that you found Larina in the ocean. What happened?”

  Andrew perked up and excitedly told him the whole story. “She is in our family now.” He said this possessively, looking a little worried. “We can’t find her people.”

  “So, Larina is not her real name.” She doesn’t know who she is. This shocked Shane. He wasn’t expecting anything like this. No wonder she didn’t want to answer questions about her past. She had no answers.

  Larina rode the stallion over to where he and Andrew were talking. “We are ready,” she said. “What would you like to see?”

  Shane raised his hands palm up. “I need to test his courage and intelligence. What do you suggest?”

  “Why don’t I just take him around and see if he will jump the smaller jumps. If he picks up the idea quickly that will tell us a lot. If he refuses to jump, that will also give us information.”

  She smiled down at Andrew, who was looking sheepish. “Are you okay, Andrew?”

  ‘Estoy bien.” Andrew climbed back up on the fence to watch.

  Shane headed back to the stands to sit next to Jared. “She is going to test him by trying a small jump.”

  * * *

  Larina first rode him around the course, avoiding the jumps. The second time around, she put him on track to take the smaller jumps. “Okay, let’s do this!” She gave him a kick, and he immediately picked up his speed, running straight toward the jump. This is a test for you and me both, boy.

  On the first attempt, he balked before they got to the jump, so Larina rode him around the jump twice, then she headed back to the beginning. The horse reared up and galloped straight for the jump. He sailed right over and kept running, so she gave him his head, and he sailed over the second, higher, jump as well. I love this horse.

  Larina laughed as Jared and Shane stood up to cheer. Andrew was practically doing cartwheels he was so excited. Larina walked the stallion over to the stands. “This is a very smart horse, Señor, and full of courage.”

  “Yes, I might have to raise my price for him.” Mr. Cortez chuckled. “The kitchen help has prepared a meal for you to take on your sightseeing adventure. I have included a map of the ranch. Feel free to take the ATV—some of the trail is off road.” He nodded to Shane. “I will see you at dinner.” Jared walked down the road through the trees to the estate gates.

  Shane walked over to take a closer look at the stallion. “I like this horse a lot. What do you think?”

  “This horse is very intelligent. He was smart enough not to go for it until he could check it out. Once he knew he could do it, he went for the second jump. He not only has courage, but he likes the challenge.” Larina dismounted and gently reached her hand to the horse’s nose.

  They walked together toward the stables. Shane looked over at Larina. “Thanks for agreeing to come with me on what has turned out to be a picnic in the forest.” Shane kicked a stick with his boots as they walked along.

  Larina looked over at him and took a minute to answer. “I think it will be fun to see what’s up these canyons. Are you going to buy this stallion? He is amazing.” She reached up to pull some straw out of the horse’s mane.

  “He seems great. Does he come with his beautiful trainer? How about you come to the States wit
h him and continue his training?” He waggled his eyebrows at her, smiling.

  “Hmmm, that does sound inviting. But no. I owe my family here some help with Caballo for the rest of this summer.” She laughed and returned his smile.

  They walked through a tunnel of trees draping over both sides of the road. It was beautiful and stately with white board fencing on each side. She felt comfortable at this ranch. It felt familiar.

  At the stables, Shane and Larina put the horse in his stall. Shane reached his hand toward the stallion, and he came over and sniffed. “Jasper isn’t going to like this one bit.” Shane said wryly.

  “Who’s Jasper?” Larina laughed.

  “He is my stallion and my best friend back in Texas.” He shook his head and pursed his lips to the side.

  “Ah, that is serious. You will have your hands full when it comes time for breeding.” Larina caught herself and blushed. Really, she had been around these horse-breeding men too long.

  Shane opened his eyes wider and smiled. “I will pick you up in a half hour, is that okay?”

  “Sure. I will meet you here at the stables.” Larina walked toward the houses in the back. She enjoyed the feel of his eyes on her but was she free to encourage him?

  Chapter 6

  Shane jumped into the shower, washed, and got dressed. He wanted to look good. He doused himself with cologne and then took a washcloth to wipe most of it off. “Phew.”

  He had never really wanted to impress any of the women he dated, but Larina was different. He was trying his best in the short time he had to make a good impression. So far he felt he was doing okay, but not great.

  He sat on the edge of his bed, pulling his boots on. He stood up and took a look in the full-length mirror. “Well that is as good as it’s going to get.”

  He wasn’t usually this nervous, ever. He was actually feeling a bit sick to his stomach. He grabbed a cola on the way out of his room and drank it down.

  Shane ran into Jared coming down the stairs. He had a knowing smile on his face. Shane stopped and raised his eyebrows. “Thanks for this,” Shane said. He owed this man.

  Jared chuckled. “Juanita put the lunch and drinks in the ATV. It’s parked just outside the front gate.”

  Shane walked through the grand hall across beautiful rich wood to the front door. Area carpets that enhanced the rooms also blended with the floor. A large portrait of a black stallion hung high on the wall facing the front door. The parlor had a six-foot square mosaic of the mountains made with gemstones. He had previously thought his parents were extravagant in their home décor, but Jared’s home was something else again.

  Shane admired the ATV as he got in. He figured this machine could go anywhere they wanted. As he drove up to the stables, Larina walked out. She looked amazing in skinny jeans and a loose-fitting blouse. Her hair was tied back with a gold ribbon. She carried a sack of fresh mangos. “Wow, this looks like fun,” she said as she approached.

  Shane jumped out of the ATV to get the door for her. “Yes, it looks like Jared has all the toys.” He got back in and opened the map. “Let’s take a look at this before we head out.”

  “It looks like we can hike and swim in the valley just below that mountain peak.” He pointed to the map. Its nice for me to be able to combine a little adventure with my business trip. Thanks for coming.”

  Larina moved over closer to Shane so she could see the map. “The lake up this canyon looks like fun. There is a waterfall at the far end. I didn’t bring a suit, but I bet we will want to swim.”

  “Would you like to go get one?” he asked.

  “Actually, I don’t have a suit, but we could swim in our clothes if we had to.”

  Shane rightly understood that to mean no skinny dipping. He couldn’t help his heart beating faster at the idea of it, however. He quickly changed his train of thought.

  Shane started up the ATV and they drove through the tunnel of trees and up toward the mountains. A perfect day was about to begin. The ATV was essentially a small open jeep. On ranches it was mostly used for hauling hay from place to place but it looked like Jared also used it for hiking the mountain trails. They both sat in the front seat. Shane looked over at Larina. I wonder what her real name is. “What do you think a horse like that black stallion would be worth?” He valued Larina’s opinion.

  “I don’t really know. Has Mr. Cortez said anything?” She slid back over to her side of the vehicle And put on her seat belt.

  “Not yet, but after your demonstration, I am sure the price is rising.” He ruefully looked in her direction.

  “I am sorry about that. I was carried away in the rush of the moment. That horse wanted to do even more.” Larina put on sunglasses as she chuckled.

  The road was winding along a crystal clear river lined with large boulders that at some point had been pushed down from the mountains. Trees managed to grow on outcrops from the river that looked like solid rock. They were climbing fast along the steep, tree-lined road.

  “I’m glad we have this ATV,” Shane said. Just as they got to the top of the hill, they turned a corner and gasped at the sight.

  Shane slowed the vehicle to a stop. Before them was a magnificent, pristine valley. A beautiful lake sat in the middle. From where they were, they could see the bottom of the lake, even though it looked very deep. On the far side, a waterfall cascaded down with a roar of power. The lake was lined with a forest of every variety of tree, many of which Shane didn’t recognize.

  Both Larina and Shane sat in awed silence as they took it in. “I don’t think I have ever witnessed such beauty.” Watching Larina appreciate everything around them, Shane looked over at Larina and paused. He also knew he had never seen anything even close to Larina and her beauty.

  He admired her strength of character and her understanding and love of horses. Something he knew they could share together if only he could convince her, win her over.

  The fact that she was also incredibly gorgeous added to his tongue-tied confusion. She was everything he had never dared to hope he would find. To be with her alone on this adventure was a chance, and he sincerely hoped he didn’t blow it.

  Larina nodded. “I don’t think I have, either. I love this.”

  Shane drove the ATV down next to the lake and stopped under a large tree. “Are you up for a hike to the waterfall?”

  “I was just thinking the same thing.” They both grabbed a bottled drink and started walking along the dirt road.

  Shane walked ahead of her a few steps so he could turn and face her as he talked. “You can really ride. I was impressed with the way you handled those horses.”

  “Thanks, I seem to have a lot of experience with horses. It’s the one connection I have with my past.” She looked into his eyes. “Andrew told me he talked with you about my situation.” She raised her eyebrows. “I really wish he hadn’t. But, I suppose it’s good to get it out in the open. It makes things simpler.”

  “Do you mind talking about it?” He wondered if she would trust him enough to share her feelings.

  The road ended, and they started climbing up the hill to the top of the waterfall. It was steep. They hiked from tree to tree, pulling themselves up and around each one. Shane went first and turned to give Larina a hand up at the steepest areas. He didn’t pester her to answer.

  “When we get up top, let’s rest, and you can ask your questions. I may not answer all of them. But you can ask.” She gave him a look, challenging him.

  “Okay, it’s a deal. You can ask me questions, too, if you are interested.” He winked. “Of course, I reserve the right to not answer as well.” They both laughed and climbed in earnest the rest of the way. This was going to be fun.

  * * *

  Once they arrived at the top of the hill, Larina moved over to the shade and sat down on a large boulder facing an amazing view of the valley. The noise of the water crashing down to the lake below was deafening. Shane motioned for her to follow him farther back along the river, where they could h
ear each other talk.

  Larina looked at him, walking ahead of her, and smiled. He pulled a cracker from his pocket and leaned down toward something behind a rock. She walked over slowly to see a chipmunk he was trying to coax over. She sat down under a tree across from Shane, raised her hands, and said, “Okay, ask away.”

  Shane smirked. “So, for the first question: are you attracted to me?” He burst out laughing . “Just kidding.” He leaned back. “No, but really, are you?” He laughed some more. “No, no, seriously, I am just kidding. Okay next question.”

  Larina flushed and laughed. Yes, Shane, I am attracted to you. “Are you going to be serious about this or not?”

  Shane nodded. “Yes, I am. So, you have forgotten your past, but you remember skills?”

  “Yes, that sort of explains it. When I was riding over the jumps, I got a flash of memory from my past. I could see the scene, but only for a second.”

  “My turn. Do you have a girl at home?” Larina knew she was asking something pretty personal, but this questioning was uncomfortable for her, so why should he be comfortable? She looked over and raised her eyebrows, challenging him to answer.

  “That question requires a longer answer. My parents, thinking of the legacy they are planning to leave me, want me to have someone to share it with. And they want grandbabies. So they have been going to great lengths to find prospective wives for me to date. Would you like to apply?” He sat back with a challenging look, smiling charmingly.

  Maybe, cute Shane, maybe. “Well, as you can see, I am fully employed at present.”

  “Ah yes, well, I could triple your salary, and you could have weekends off,” Shane teased.

  “I’m not sure a girl could receive a better offer than that.”Larina laughed and smirked.

  “What is your greatest aspiration?”


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