By Chance Box Set 1

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By Chance Box Set 1 Page 5

by S A Clayton

  “Don’t worry, dear, I knew what you meant, and you would be right. But Liam’s mother happens to be my sister, so I got special allowances for him being here.” She must see the shock on my face because she looks at Liam with a sly look. “You haven’t told her anything, have you?” she mutters, and Liam just smirks, shaking his head.

  “This is our first date. Did you want me to send her an email explaining my whole family tree?” Mama Jenn rolls her eyes and smacks him upside the head, making Liam yell, “Hey!”

  “You never learn, kid.” She looks over at me. “Now I know it’s your first time here, so I’ll bring you one of Liam’s favorites.” She doesn’t wait for me to respond before she’s off into the kitchen, yelling about fried something.

  “So that’s Mama Jenn,” Liam says, smiling from ear to ear. His eyes follow her as she walks into the kitchen and I can’t help but smile back at him. He seems so comfortable here, and I want to know more, so much more.

  “So you worked here?” I ask, curious about his past and the man he’s become. He nods as a waiter comes and sets down two chocolate milkshakes that look divine. I can’t help the sound that comes out of my mouth as I take a sip. This has to be one of the best milkshakes I’ve ever had.

  “From when I was eleven until I went off to college. I started as a bus boy, then graduated to waiter, then line cook sometimes.” Huh. Interesting.

  “Why did you start working here?” He quirks an eyebrow and I laugh. “I just thought since your parents were loaded, you wouldn’t need to.” A flash of sadness crosses his face and then it’s gone. “I didn’t mean…” I start, but he stops me.

  “Baby, don’t worry.” The warmth that floods my body at the term of endearment makes me want to jump him, but I just wait quietly for him to continue. “Having rich parents can be a good thing. I never went without when it came to physical possessions. But as I grew older I lacked the comfort of actual parents.” A wave of sadness rolls over me, and all I want is to jump this table and wrap my arms around him. “They were always out, always working and always too busy for my sister and me.”

  The waiter is back and has two plates of grilled cheese sandwiches and fries. I laugh at the sheer adorable nature of this dish. So simple, yet says so much about Liam and his relationship with this place. “My sister has always loved our lifestyle, and so did I, until I started to let it go to my head.”

  “Ahh, so you got into trouble.”

  He takes a bite and his eyes flutter closed at the flavors. I look at mine, still untouched, and I can’t take the suspense anymore as I take a bite.

  Holy. Crap.

  My eyes meet Liam’s smiling ones and I know he sees my love for this sandwich written all over my face. “Good, huh?” he asks, and I just take another bite. “She puts bacon and tomatoes in it to make it more flavorful and uses the bacon grease to cook it.” It really is that amazing.

  “Fuck me. This is the best thing I’ve ever tasted.” I love the hungry look that comes over his face. Damn, this man makes me all kinds of crazy.

  “So back to your troubled past…” I say winking at him.

  “Well, it wasn’t that bad. A few petty theft incidents and some acting out at school. My parents didn’t really pay much attention to it, but when Mama Jenn found out, she was livid. She thought I needed discipline. Hence the job.” He motions to the diner, and I smile.

  “She wanted to teach you responsibility.” He nods. “Well, she did a hell of a job.” He smirks, finishing off his plate while I’m still working on my sandwich. His finger grasps one of my fries and I swat it away. “You had your own.” He laughs, sipping his milkshake with a mischievous look in his eyes.

  “So tell me about your parents, since I just told you all about mine.” The mood in me shifts and he can see it. He leans in, concerned, grasping my hand.

  “My parents died a year after I finished college,” I mutter, biting into a handful of fries.

  “Baby, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to make you sad.” I look up and his eyes are full of concern. I shake my head and smile weakly.

  “It’s okay. Well, I mean sometimes I’m not always okay. But right now I am.” I shut my eyes, remembering their bright smiling faces and that familiar pit returns. “It was a drunk driver. They were driving home from visiting me one weekend and got sideswiped by a pickup truck.” His eyes bulge and I cast my eyes down and continue. “They were my world. My best friends. They had me very young, so people always thought they were my siblings.” I laugh at the memory. “They were so supportive of whatever I wanted to do, and when I told them I wanted to start my own editing company after I graduated, they gave me startup money without question. They were amazing people.”

  “So you edit?” he asks, and I realize we’ve never really talked about our jobs.

  “Yeah. I was an English major and I loved it. I’ve always loved literature, but when people asked for me to proof their essays, I found I loved that more than I loved analyzing other people’s work. I loved taking someone’s hard work and helping them make it into something extraordinary. So I switched majors.” He motions for me to continue. “After I graduated, my roommate and I decided to make our own businesses. Clara is a YouTuber who reviews and does beauty tutorials, she’s amazing at it,” I say, smiling, and it’s reflected in his eyes. “And I decided to start my own editing company. It took a while for word to get out, but once it did, I was so happy with the results. I have steady work and that makes me happy.”

  “That sounds amazing,” he says, lightly rubbing the palm of my hand, sending shivers through me. “I wish I loved my job like that. I can see it in your eyes, you love what you do.”

  “I do,” I say. “Why don’t you love what you do?” A shadow passes over his eyes and I regret asking the question. “You don’t have to answer that if you don’t want to.”

  “No, It’s okay.” His eyes are kind as he smiles at me. “My dad passed down his company to me, and when I became CEO I knew it would be hard, but it’s surpassed my expectations. We deal with a lot of powerful people and a lot of money, but what I didn’t expect was the shit show I inherited.”

  “That bad huh?” I ask as he gives me a pained look.

  “I can’t really say much, because of confidentiality, but overall my dad spent most of his life making people a lot of money without regard to rules and regulations.” My eyes bulge and he shrugs. “So I had to figure out a way to fix the issue without pissing off my clients and sending my dad to jail.” I don’t know what to say. That seems so much more intense than what I do.

  “Can I ask you something?” I say, and he agrees. “If you don’t love it, why do it?” He eyes me questioningly and I wonder if this is the first time someone has asked him that.

  “Huh. I don’t really know. Money, maybe? Plus, I went to school for business and I don’t really know anything else.” I smile because I get it.

  “Okay, so hypothetical question. If you could do anything you wanted, anything at all, what would you do with your life?”

  His fingers entwine with mine, and a dirty gleam enters his eyes as I roll mine back at him. He laughs just as Mama Jenn comes over.

  “That’s an easy answer,” she says as if she was part of the conversation from the beginning. “He would own a ranch.” A shocked look crosses his face and pure happiness stares back at me.

  “Shit, I forgot all about that dream. I always loved animals and I even took an animal science class my last year in college and loved it. My plan was to set up my own ranch after I graduated, but then Dad wanted me to take over the business and that dream died. I can’t believe you remember that…”

  Mama Jenn just smiles lovingly and places a hand on his shoulder. “Liam, you might not be my son by blood, but you are in my heart, so I remember everything about you. Even the things you don’t want me to remember.” She winks at me as if there’s a silent promise to tell me all about those things one day. “Now, all I want to know is…did you enjoy?” She mot
ions to the empty plates and I pat my stomach.

  “I don’t think I can eat another bite. But it was probably the best meal I’ve ever had. Ever,” I say truthfully. She gives me the biggest smile and looks over at Liam.

  “I like this one. Keep her.” Liam’s eyes meet mine, and he winks, sending a shot of heat through me.

  “Oh I plan to,” he mutters, entwining our fingers once more.

  “Good. Now you two get out of here. This one’s on me,” she says just as Liam gets out his wallet. The shake of his head makes me wonder how many times she does this, but before I can question him, he leads me outside to his car.

  “Come back to my place,” he mutters into my neck as he pushes me against the side of the car. His hands grasp my hips and he pushes his hardening cock against my stomach. “You have no idea how sexy you are when you eat. All I wanted was to feel your mouth around my cock, taking me deep as I come down your throat.” I was never one for dirty talk, but fuck. This man’s words send me into overdrive. “Say yes, JJ. Come home with me.”

  Before I can take the time to go over the pros and cons, my body responds for me. “Yes…” I cry as his lips touch mine, sending my body into oblivion.

  “Thank fuck,” he mutters, opening my door and we get in. This night just got even more interesting.

  Her scent surrounds me as we drive toward my condo. I loved seeing her in Mama’s Diner, and I know Mama Jenn loved seeing her as well.

  I’ve mentioned JJ in passing, or should I say when Mama Jenn scolded me on why I hadn’t been by in over a week. I’ve been at that diner for dinner every Saturday, without question, since I came home and took over for Dad.

  The night I met JJ, I was actually supposed to meet Mama Jenn for dinner, but the moment I saw that bow on top of her head as she stood outside my car, I knew I would follow her anywhere. So I texted Mama Jenn that I got caught up at work and would call her later. She saw right through that and berated me for it later, but I never regretted it.

  It takes less than fifteen minutes to get to my place, and as I park the Camaro I look over at JJ, who’s quiet and staring straight ahead. “You okay?” I ask as her eyes meet mine. I can see uncertainty there and I quickly turn and pull her towards me. I kiss her lips lightly and rest my forehead on hers. “If you want me to take you home I will. I will start this car and drive you to your doorstep and leave you be.” She starts to laugh, her lips touching mine.

  “I definitely do not want that,” she murmurs, her hands tangling in the loose strands of my hair. “I was just trying to calm myself so I don’t jump you before we make it up to your place.” I growl at the thought of taking her here in this car, or in the elevator, but the idea of anyone seeing her that turned on makes me see red.

  “Baby, you have no idea how hard it is to not take you right here, right now. But I need to get you upstairs so I can take my time with you. I need to worship every inch of your body before I sink deep inside you.” She groans at my words and in a split second, she has her car door open and is motioning for me to hurry the hell up.

  It takes longer than I remember for the elevator to reach my floor. I take her hand in mine as I drag her down the hall. She giggles, making me walk even faster. Her laughter rumbles against me as I open the door and the moment she sees the view before us, her laughter dies.

  “Holy shit,” she whispers, leaving my side and walking through the kitchen toward the living room. I smile at the fact that her eyes never wander from the wall of windows in front of us. It doesn’t surprise me, the view of downtown is amazing and the skyline looks breathtaking this time of night. “If I lived here I would never leave. God, it’s beautiful,” she says in awe.

  “Yes, it is.” Her eyes track mine and she realizes I’m not talking about the view. She looks amazing in this light. All the lights in the apartment are out except for the accent lights above the kitchen counters and the illumination of the city behind her. I never decorate my place this time of year—I’ve never had a reason to celebrate the season—so compared to Mama’s Diner, it looks pretty bare.

  Her skin glows as she turns to face me, leaning back against the glass. The image of her pressed against that glass with me inside her flashes through my head, and in seconds I’m in front of her, her hips in my hands. I press her close, letting her feel how turned on I am, and as her head tilts back in ecstasy, I let my tongue drag along the curve of her neck. She tastes like everything I’ve ever wanted and I know I need to have her. Now.

  “Liam…” She weeps as my teeth sink into her exposed shoulder.

  “Yeah, angel?” My lips tease their way back up toward her jaw and I lightly trace that spot behind her ear that I know drives most women crazy.

  “I need you.” I smile against her skin at the desperation in her voice. It matches the desire I have to rip these clothes from her body and ravish her. But I promised to take my time, and fuck, do I want to lick every inch of this body.

  “I know, but I need to see you first. I need to see the body that’s taken over my dreams.” I slowly trace the edge of her shirt, pulling it up and over her head. “Damn…” I breathe as her white lace bra comes into view and my cock becomes iron in my pants. If I don’t hurry, I won’t last a second once I’m inside that luscious fucking body. She reaches to cover her stomach, but I hold them at bay. Her eyes search mine, and there’s a flicker of fear staring back at me and it’s my undoing. “Angel, you are so fucking beautiful like this. You are everything I’ve ever dreamed about.” I get down on my knees, kissing between her breasts and down her stomach. Her muscles bunch under my touch and I can tell she’s self-conscious when she’s like this, but she has nothing to worry about. This body is all mine.

  “Please…” she begs, and I don’t think she really knows what she’s begging for, but I’ll take it. My lips find the edge of her jeans and her intake of breath is music to my ears as I undo the button and slide them down her legs. I groan at the sight before me. Her panties match the bra, and even though I’ve never been a fan of lingerie, this woman makes me want to buy her every. Single. Option. Just so I have something to tear off her. “Liam, touch me please…” Now I smile as I look up to see hooded eyes as she leans back against the glass, goosebumps appearing all over skin at the contrast of temperature.

  She is a vision. Centerfold material. And she’s all mine. “You wet for me?” I murmur as my lips whisper over the edge of her panties and she shudders under my touch. My eyes meet hers once again and I can’t take it anymore, I get up and sear my lips to hers. The kiss is possessive and everything I’ve wanted since the minute I picked her up tonight. My hands delve into her hair, pulling her toward me and shifting my hips into hers, showing her what she does to me. Her hands lock behind my neck as her legs wrap around my waist.

  It’s like lightning strikes both of us and everything explodes. I press her against the glass, not giving a shit who can see us as I grind my cock into her panty-covered pussy.

  God, how I’ve dreamed of what that pussy feels like wrapped around my cock.

  “I knew the moment my lips touched yours tonight I wouldn’t be able to stop, and I was right. You feel amazing against me, sweetheart.” I moan into her, her hips undulating, making me stop and just watch her take pleasure from me. Her pussy is grinding against me as her head falls back and an epic cry erupts from her. I can tell she’s close, and I need to see this. I need to see her use me. “Take it, baby, use me for your pleasure. I want to see you come for me.” Her fingers dig into my scalp as her hips move in rhythm with her breathing. All of a sudden, her legs lock and she screams, the orgasm taking over.

  She’s fucking beautiful like this. But as much as I would love to keep her just like this, my cock has other ideas. Her legs drop as her breathing settles and her head rests against my chest. I take her chin in my hand and tilt her eyes to mine. “I am not even close to being done with you, sweetheart,” I say, spinning her around and pressing her front against the glass. “Take those panties off a
nd show me what’s mine.

  His words coat my skin as his hands trail a path down the center of my back, making me arch into him. His fingers feel fucking amazing against me, and I want to feel them everywhere. I hook my thumbs into the lace fabric of my panties and sigh at the feel of them leaving my body. As they slowly fall to the floor, Liam is there, breath against my skin and teeth sinking into the flesh of my ass.

  “Damn, angel, this ass is something to write home about,” he murmurs as his fingers dig into my skin. “Fuck, if I had known it looked like this I would have stripped you bare a long time ago.” I press myself against the glass, loving the coldness against my skin. His fingers trail up the inside of my thighs and they part in anticipation. His stubble blazes a trail as his tongue flicks against the sensitive crease under my ass. Who knew that would be an erogenous zone?

  “Liam…” I cry, seeing my breath appear on the glass in front of me. My fingers search for something to hold onto as the pleasure rises, but they feel nothing but glass. I must growl in frustration because Liam’s laughter rumbles against me.

  “Patience, sweetheart.” I plan to tell him to hurry the fuck up, but he doesn’t give me a chance. Before I utter a word, his tongue drags slowly against the crease of my ass, flicking against that forbidden hole, sending a zing of pleasure through me. No one has ever dared to go there and I never thought I would be okay with it, but with Liam, I want him everywhere. Just as I get used to the feeling, he moves, his tongue delving into my soaking wet lips and my legs start to shake.


  “I need you inside me,” I beg, feeling his smile against my sensitive flesh. He shakes his head as his tongue lashes against my folds, leaving me breathless. I might love this man’s hands, but fuck…his tongue is something to treasure. I arch my back as his tongue circles my clit. One of my hands leaves the chilled glass and finds its way behind me, gripping Liam’s hair as he fucks me with his tongue. “Fuck…what are you doing to me…?” I don’t know who I’m asking the question to, but it doesn’t need an answer. Liam just continues to torture me, taking me to the edge just to leave me wanting more.


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