By Chance Box Set 1

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By Chance Box Set 1 Page 7

by S A Clayton

  “I’ve never done this without a condom before. I swear I’m clean,” he says through clenched teeth as his cock thrusts into me once more, making us both moan in pleasure.

  “I’m clean too,” I say, a smirk appearing on my lips. “Fuck me, angel,” I command, and with that, he thrusts inside once more, sending me over the edge into oblivion. The orgasm comes fast and hard, sending Liam into a frenzy as his hips piston into me at a pace I never knew possible.

  “Fuck, JJ, you feel…” He doesn’t finish because I squeeze my walls around his aching cock as he stills, his come shooting inside me. I never knew this feeling was possible. Feeling utterly connected to this man and to this moment, when our eyes meet I realize I’m in love with him. I am over-the-moon gone for this man who makes me feel so incredibly beautiful.

  After a few seconds he slips out of me and my legs unwrap themselves from around his waist. The moment my feet hit the floor, his come slips out of me and drips down my thighs. Liam’s eyes travel the length of my legs, and when his eyes meet mine once again, I know he likes what he sees.

  “We need to do that again,” he says as he helps me clean up and makes sure my dress is proper once more. “But sadly, we have to go.” I smile, walking to the couch and picking up my purse.

  “Let’s go meet your family,” I say as I laugh. It can’t be that bad…right?

  “You ready for this?” Liam asks, squeezing my hand as I look up at what can only be described as a freaking castle. I audibly swallow and meet his concerned eyes. Am I ready for this?

  Before I can think about that answer, Liam tugs on my hand and we’re walking up the stone steps to the front entrance. The solid wood doors stand at least three feet taller than me, and I wonder how one opens them without needing assistance. This place is insane and I haven’t even been inside yet.

  Liam opens the door without knocking and our footsteps echo across the marble floor. My eyes are wide as they take in my surroundings. We’re standing in the middle of an immense foyer that is bigger than my apartment. There’s a ten-foot tree in the corner that is decorated with more ornaments than I could ever own. It’s all color coded and everything is a shade of white. There’s a spiral staircase to my left that’s adorned with the most gorgeous garland I have ever seen, and a grand piano casually standing under them as if that’s normally where you would put something that large. My pulse starts to race at the prospect of being so far outside my element.

  I can hear soft instrumental music that sounds like holiday music but I can’t be sure. Everywhere I look there are more decorations that I never knew you could buy, like a life-size nutcracker that looks creepier than intended standing in the shadows behind the piano.

  “Relax,” Liam whispers as his arm grips my side, bringing me flush against him. “You’re with me. Everything’s gonna be fine.” His eyes are reassuring, but I can still feel the pit in my stomach that tells me the other shoe is going to drop. “Let’s go find everyone and get this over with…” He pulls me along toward what I assume to be the living room, or is it a sitting room? I have no idea. All I know is there are couches and chairs that look older than my grandmother, and when I look around, all eyes are on me. I try to greet everyone with a smile and confidence until my eyes land on the one person I never expected to see.

  “Josephine? What are you doing here?” Derek chokes as his eyes frantically search the room.

  “What am I doing here? What the hell are you doing here?” I mutter as I look around at all the confused faces, but the gaze my eyes find first is the one of an angry-looking woman, who is holding onto Derek’s hand with all her might.

  “Honey? What the hell is your ex doing here?” she murmurs, her eyes shooting daggers my way. Derek looks away from me and glances over at who I assume is his fiancée. Her platinum blonde hair cascades loosely down from her head, past her shoulders and for a split second, I’m jealous of the way Derek is looking at her. Then Liam squeezes my hand and I remember he’s a douchebag. Her face is painted to look natural and her nails make me wince at the idea of her doing everyday tasks without hurting herself or someone else.

  “Sugar, I had no idea she would be here. You know she means nothing to me now.” Her dark eyes never leave mine, but Derek’s track up and down my frame and I see the same look of appreciation he used to give me when we were together. I shudder and wonder how he landed someone like her.

  “Why the fuck are you here?” she screams just as Liam steps in from of me.

  “She’s here with me, Taylor, and I would watch your tone when you’re talking to her.” His voice is hard and a sense of warmth washes over me. Then I remember that he called her Taylor…as in Liam’s sister, Taylor. Liam’s sister is holding Derek’s hand, the engagement ring glinting in the light. She rolls her eyes and gets up off the couch and I can see the tiny baby bump visible on her thin frame and my whole body recoils. Derek is getting married to Liam’s sister. Derek and Liam will be brothers-in-law. I can’t be a part of this, I can’t do this.

  I run.

  She bolted.

  I don’t blame her, I would do the same if I had to endure everything she just witnessed. I’m running after her the moment her hand leaves mine. I follow her outside as her head shakes back and forth. I can tell she’s muttering something to herself and for a split second I wonder if I should let her leave. But I’m a selfish bastard and I want her here beside me, even if I have to leave with her.

  “Did you know?” she whispers, standing with her back to me. I tell her no and she spins, her eyes meeting mine. “Was this all a setup? You meeting me, spending time with me. Was this all so that you and Derek could humiliate me in front of your family?” It takes me less than a second to reach her and when I do, I take her face in my hands and shake my head.

  “Of course not. Meeting you was the best thing that has ever happened to me. If I had known my stupid sister was with your ex, I never would have made you come here.” Her eyes search mine, the uncertainty there. I understand why she’s hesitating, but I will make her understand that she is more important to me than my family. She is everything.

  “This is so embarrassing…” she whispers, shaking out of my hold and sitting down on the stone steps. She lowers her head into her hands and I pull her against me. We sit there for a few minutes in silence, her whole body shaking and I know what I need to do.

  “Let’s go,” I say, motioning to my car.

  “What?” Her head jerks toward me and a shocked look crosses her face.

  “Let me take you home,” I say, getting up and making my way to the car. I hear her run up behind me and take my hand, stopping me.

  “Why?” she asks as I open the passenger door. She stands still, not moving and I look at her with questioning eyes.

  “Why would you want to stay here?” I ask, the door closing as I lean against it. I fight the urge to pull her toward me, but fail miserably. “Your ex, who is a royal dick by the way, is here.” She gives me a small smile as I continue. “My sister is being a huge pain in the ass as per usual. Oh, and let’s not forget the fact that your ex and my sister are getting married…” I shake my head because I still can’t believe my sister would pick someone like Derek. From what little I know about him, he’s not at all what my parents would want for Taylor.

  “And she’s pregnant,” JJ adds as my eyes widen. I think back to the party a few weeks ago when Derek mentioned his new fiancée having morning sickness, and it all starts to make sense.

  “That must be what her announcement is,” I murmur as JJ stares straight ahead. Her eyes glass over and I can tell she’s thinking about Taylor and Derek. I can also see the longing there for the life she thought she had with him, but before I can address the look, it’s gone. Replaced by a sassy smile. All of a sudden, she’s out of my arms and walking back toward the house. “Where are you going?” I ask. She looks back at me and smiles.

  “Going back in? I thought there was going to be food. It’s really the only reason I
’m here.” I laugh at the sarcasm dripping from her tone and I realize right then that I’m in love with her. She’s amazing.

  “Are you sure? I wouldn’t mind one bit telling them all to fuck off and take you home.” She gives me a sweet smile as she walks back to me. She takes my face in her hands and brings her lips to mine as we sink into the kiss. I want nothing more than to deepen it, but she pulls away too fast.

  “I’m sure.” She says taking my hand in hers, leading me inside the house.

  We sit silently around the dining room table, and to say it’s awkward would be an understatement. Everyone is silent as we eat and I look over at JJ, seeing the tension build in her shoulders the longer we sit silently. As if my father can sense the tension, he speaks first.

  “So, Josephine, what do you do for a living?” he asks, and I give him a grateful nod, which he returns. JJ straightens in her chair, taking a deep breath.

  “Well, I own my own editing company,” she says proudly. My hand grasps her knee and squeezes, letting her know I’m here. She gives me a grateful wink that sends heat straight to my cock. Thank God for long tablecloths.

  “What she means is, she freelances to anyone who will take her,” Derek mutters as he takes another bite of food. I glare at him, feeling JJ freeze at the comment. But my girl doesn’t take shit from anyone, and I smile at the determination in her eyes.

  “Actually, I’ve had to turn people away lately. Too many contracts going at the moment,” she says proudly and I smile. Damn, she’s amazing.

  “So what do you edit?” my mother asks as the whole table stops what they’re doing. It’s rare for my mother to talk during meals, especially in a scenario like this one.

  “Anything really. When I was in school, it was mostly essays and thesis papers for other students. Now I edit work that is more commercial. I’ve been editing a lot of books lately, which has been a nice change of pace from all the formulaic editing I was doing.” She sounds so accomplished and I wonder what a day in her life looks like. I take a mental note to find out soon.

  “So basically you’re unemployed. What, you couldn’t find a real job?” my sister snarls from across the table. She’s barely touched her food, and I can tell by the amount on her plate that she won’t eat much more. Taylor was always focused on her appearance, not in an unhealthy way but more in how others perceived her. Diets were always a common thing in our house. For years, we dealt with fad diets. Taylor wouldn’t eat meat, then fruits, then nuts, and then carbs. You name it, there’s a chance she’s read that it’s bad for you.

  “Taylor!” I yell, hoping this ends before I have to end it.

  “What? I’m just wondering why a guy like you would be with someone like her. I mean, how can you be attracted to that?” she snarls, pointing at JJ in disgust. My nostrils flare and I’m about two seconds away from hitting my sister when Derek clears his throat.

  “Honey, calm down,” he says, taking her hand in his as he lightly strokes her knuckles. He kisses her head and smiles at her lovingly. “Remember that we’re starting our life together. Remember that I chose you, okay?” There’s a gasp from JJ and everyone’s eyes lock on hers across the table.

  “Chose? As in there was a choice?” A shocked look crosses her beautiful face. Taylor starts laughing and I shoot her a look. This is turning into a disaster.

  “Of course there was a choice. We were fucking for a year before he dumped your fat ass to the curb,” she sneers.

  “Taylor!” my mom yells from across the table. “Language please. And there is no need to flaunt your happiness like that.” I give my mom a grateful smile, but she just shakes her head. I look at her, confused, then I notice the look on my father’s face and I realize they agree with Taylor. They think JJ is beneath me. They should realize that JJ is miles above all of them, especially with the way they’re acting right now.

  “Mom,” Taylor scolds. “It’s not my fault that Derek chose me and it’s not my fault that he wanted to have a family with me instead of her. I mean, I feel bad for Liam that he feels he needs to be with someone like that. It’s just sad.”

  “OK, that’s it!” I slam my fist onto the table and stand pointing my finger at Taylor, wanting nothing more than to smack her upside the head. JJ stands, tears in her eyes as she looks at my parents.

  “I’m so sorry to have disrupted your dinner, Mr. and Mrs. Huntington. If you’ll excuse me.” She doesn’t wait for a response before she bolts from the room and down the hall. I look at my sister and wonder how the hell we come from the same family.

  What the hell am I doing here?

  I think to myself as I run into the nearest bathroom and stare at the mirror. I don’t belong here. Hell, I don’t even think Liam belongs here. But right now all I can think about is my overwhelming need to punch something…or someone. And that someone happens to be petite and blonde and related to my boyfriend. Fuck, I hope this doesn’t change the way Liam sees me.

  “Angel? You okay?” Liam’s voice sounds strained through the closed door. He rattles the doorknob and notices that I’ve locked it. “Can I come in?” he asks sweetly, making my heart ache for him. I should never have agreed to come here. I knew the other shoe would drop, I just never expected it to be this horrible.

  “I’ll be out in a minute, just give me a second, okay?” I hope he can hear the hope in my voice. Hope that we’ll be okay after this, even if his family hates me, and even if Derek will be tied to me forever. I shudder at the thought.

  “Okay,” he says quietly. “I’ll meet you back at the table.” I listen to his footsteps receding away from the door and release a breath. As I inhale, I look at my reflection one more time. It has taken a long time to see the beauty in the woman staring back at me. She was never one to back down, even when pushed to the edge, and this time is no different. I stand tall and steel myself for the onslaught that will most likely meet me outside this room.

  As I open the bathroom door and make my way back to the dining room, I hear Liam’s voice. I stop, standing there, listening anxiously.

  “What the hell is your problem?” he yells as I wince at the ferocity of his tone.

  “What are you talking about?” Taylor sneers, and I can’t help but roll my eyes at the girl who thinks she’s won some kind of life prize. “All I did was remind her of what she doesn’t have and what she deserves.” I hear Liam’s fist hit the table once more, as his mother gasps.

  “She deserves so much more than this. You are treating her as if she’s the scum underneath your shoes. She doesn’t deserve that.” I smile as heat blooms in my chest.

  “Sweetie,” his mother says calmly. “Is this really the girl you think should be associated with our family? She not like us.” Liam laughs.

  “That’s exactly why I’m with her, Mother. She is nothing like you. She doesn’t care about my money.” His mother scoffs as if it’s a given that I’m a gold digger, that there’s no other reason to be with her son. “You can think whatever you like, but that girl you just insulted is worth more than all of this. I would give up everything I have for her…I love her. I will not stand by while you treat her like shit.” I hear gasps and I can’t hide anymore. He just said he loved me. I heard that right, right?

  “You love me?” I ask as I enter the room, not seeing anyone else but Liam as his dark eyes meet mine, smiling.

  “With everything in me,” he says, coming up and taking my face in his hands. “I would give up all of this for you, you know that, right?” The tears start to fall from my eyes, but this time they’re happy ones.

  “You know I love you too, right? Not just your money,” I joke, sending him a wink that he just laughs off right before his lips touch mine. I forget everything the minute our lips touch, and all too quickly, he pulls away, looking down at me with heat in his eyes.

  “You wanna get out of here?”

  There’s nothing I want more than to get out of this house.

  “You have no idea,” I mutter and he smirks, se
nding shivers through me as his fingers grip my hips.

  “Let me get you out of here so I can show you just how much I love you.” I nod into his chest as he chuckles. He turns to his family and says, “We’re leaving.” He gently takes my hand in his, entwining our fingers. He brings his lips down softly on the back of my hand and I smile, knowing I’ve made one of the best decisions of my life.

  “But, honey…” his mother starts, but his father holds up his hand.

  “Sweetheart, let the man leave. He clearly doesn’t want to be here.” There’s no malice in his tone, more understanding. I look over Liam’s shoulder and catch his eye as he gives me a wink. I guess he understands more than we both thought.

  Without a backwards glance, Liam leads me to the front door. He picks up my coat from the hook he placed it on when we arrived and holds it out for me. I smile at him, pushing my arms through the sleeves. He leans in and his breath cascades over my neck, “You have no idea how hard it’s been to watch you in that dress and not bend you over that table and fuck you the way you deserve.” I shudder at the words and feel the heat head south. God, this man’s words send me over the edge.

  “Then let’s get out of here, shall we?” I say, spinning and taking his lips in a punishing kiss that I know he won’t forget anytime soon. A groan rumbles though his chest as he pulls away and opens the front door. The minute we’re outside and away from his family we’re on each other like teenagers.

  “I can’t wait, baby. I need you so bad right now,” he mutters, not caring that it’s negative a million outside right now. Nothing but heat lingers as his fingers trail up my exposed skin.

  “Take me,” I beg, pulling away so our eyes lock. There’s understanding in his eyes as he takes my hand and leads me to the side of the house, away from prying eyes. Once we’re out of view he attacks my mouth, sending my body over the edge.


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