By Chance Box Set 1

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By Chance Box Set 1 Page 11

by S A Clayton

  I groan as he sinks to the floor once again, but this time, he takes the edges of my panties and slowly traces my skin with his fingers. I blow out a breath as he hooks the fabric and slowly pulls the lace off my body.

  Once I’m completely bared to him, he looks up, his hooded eyes meeting mine. “I’m waiting, baby.” For a split second, I’m confused at what he’s talking about because his fingers are skimming the sides of my pussy, making my mind go blank of anything but the need coursing through me.

  “Clara,” he commands, and I snap back to reality.

  “My name is Clara Simmons, I’m twenty-seven, I love Marvel movies, McDonald’s, and my favorite color is coral.” I get it all out in one breath. When I finish, I look down to see a full smile on his face.

  “It’s nice to meet you, Clara Simmons,” he says just before his mouth latches on to my pussy lips, making me moan. His tongue is fucking magic as he circles my clit, making me crazy but never giving me the release I need. Just as I’m about to scream at him, he backs away, getting up off the floor.

  “Wha—?” I stammer as he pulls me toward him, his lips landing on mine. I can taste my arousal, and it spurs me on. I push him back toward the bed, and the minute he sits on the edge of the mattress, my fingers move for his belt.

  “Sunshine…” he groans as my hands undo his pants. I’m surprised to find that he’s not wearing any underwear. I arch an eyebrow.

  “They get in the way,” he says matter-of-factly, and I smirk.

  “Lucky me,” I murmur as I take out his cock and groan at the sight. He’s smooth, hard, and bigger than I remember. God, I can’t wait to feel him inside me again.

  “You will, Sunshine,” he groans as I look at his eyes. Apparently, I said that last bit out loud. The laughter in his gaze makes me smile at him. I want nothing more than to taste him right now, but my need to feel him plunge inside me takes over.

  “Condom?” I ask as he pulls one out of his pants’ pocket. I try not to think about why that’s in there in the first place and instead concentrate on the show in front of me. He takes the condom out of its package and rolls it down his hardened cock. I’m mesmerized.

  “Come here, gorgeous,” he says, taking my hands and pulling me so my legs straddle his. His dark eyes bore into mine, and everything changes. We’re not rushed like we were in the supply closet. This time, we’re alone in a locked room. This time, we know who we’re fucking. And, boy, does it make a difference. I lift each leg so I’m astride him completely, then take his cock in my hand and lower myself until he’s at my entrance.

  “Last chance,” I tease just before he leans back and uses his free hand to pull me with him.

  “Fuck me, Sunshine. I’ve dreamed of this pussy, and I need to remember what it feels like. My fantasies aren’t enough anymore.” With that, I sink onto him in one stroke, making us both groan in pleasure.

  “Damon,” I moan as he pulls my forehead to his, our eyes locking.

  “I know, baby. Fuck, you feel amazing.”

  It’s true. It’s better than the first time. It’s better than anything I have ever felt, and I know I need more. My hips begin to move, and with each pass, Damon’s fingers dig harder into my neck. Before long, I set a rhythm, and everything shifts into overdrive.

  “Yes! Yes, right there,” I scream as his cock hits that spot inside that sets my skin on fire. My movements begin to falter the closer I get to my climax, and Damon notices.

  “I got you, Sunshine,” he says as he flips us like nothing, pounding into me as if I’m his last drink of water.

  “Fuck, Clara, I will never get enough of this. Fuck…”

  His cock feels incredible at this angle, I begin to see stars, and before long, I scream out as the climax shudders through me. I can’t control it as my whole body begins to shake, and I close my eyes at the intensity.

  “Fuck, yes, just like that. You’re squeezing me so tight, Sunshine. You’re gonna make me come.” He moans, and I open my eyes because I can’t miss this.

  “Come inside me, Damon. I need to feel you lose control.” With those words, he stiffens, eyes shut tightly as a ripple moves through his body, and he comes undone. He plunges in one time, two, three, groaning with each pass as he falls off me in a heap of sweat.

  As we both come down from our highs, I take in our appearance and laugh. My dress is up around my hips, his shirt is untucked from his pants, his cock out. What a pair we make.

  I can hear the party still going on outside the room, and reality starts to sink back into my conscience.

  What happens now?



  I can see reality crashing over her beautiful face, and I know I need to act quickly before she runs…again.

  “Clara?” I ask softly, my voice echoing in the empty room.

  “Hmm?” she murmurs, her eyes slowly meeting mine. We’re both still lying on the bed, our clothes wrinkled, and body parts exposed. I lean up on my arm to look at her, wondering what the hell we’re going to do.

  “What are you thinking?”

  “That this isn’t real,” she whispers with a hint of a smile as she pulls down her dress. I grunt as the fabric covers the place that looks, tastes, and feels like heaven.

  “This can’t be real. I mean, I’ve met you a grand total of two times, and we’ve had sex both times!” I can see the panic start to set in, and I know I need to say something to calm her, but instead, I just smile. She’s so damn cute when she’s freaking out.

  “Why are you looking at me like that?” she accuses as she searches all over the room for something.

  “Like what?” I ask, smiling, knowing exactly what she’s looking for, also knowing she won’t find them.

  “Like you can’t wait to see me naked.” A burst of laughter leaves me as she bends over and looks under the bed.

  “Sunshine, I do want to see you naked. Badly.” She lifts her head to give me a hard look over the top of the mattress, which makes me laugh even more. “And, Sunshine?” I ask as she rests on her knees and folds her arms over the top of the bed as her head tilts sideways. “You won’t find them under there.” Her eyes widen.

  “Won’t find what?” She acts coy as I slowly take my hand and slip it into my pants’ pocket, then pull it back out. Her eyes bulge when she sees her panties hanging from around my fingers.

  “Why do you have them? How do you have them?” she questions. I sit up, bringing them to my nose as I take a deep breath. My eyes close at her scent, and I groan as my tongue dips into the fabric to get another taste.

  “Because, Clara, I took them off. That means I get to keep them.” I know, it’s a stupid reason, but I don’t care.

  “No, you don’t. I need to put them back on.” She holds out her hand, but I ignore it. I stand on the other side of the bed and straighten my shirt, making sure to tuck it back into my pants before I fasten my belt.

  “You should have thought about that before you wore a dress that short.” I wink, putting the lace fabric back into my pocket. I make my way over to where she’s standing. Her eyes flash furiously.

  “Damon,” she commands like that’ll make me change my mind. I just shake my head. “Please?” she begs, and I can see the fear in her eyes. It’s like the idea of being that exposed scares her. The humor in me falls away, and I grasp the sides of her face with my hands.

  “I’ll make you a deal. You get your panties back if I can drive you home tonight.” Her head tilts right before a smile appears.

  “Deal.” I smile in return, knowing the situation is really a win-win for me.

  “Good,” I say, placing the small piece of fabric into her hands. I watch her pull them up her creamy thighs. I groan at the sight, and her eyes shoot to mine. She must see my arousal because that coy smile is back, and I love it.

  “Now, let’s head back to the party before they wonder where we went and what we’ve been doing.” Clara laughs and motions to the clock on the wall. Shit, we’ve been in
here for forty-five minutes.

  “I think they’ll know what we did once we leave this room.” Her expression never changes, and I don’t see the regret I saw a glimpse of earlier.

  High-five for Damon.

  We head back to the party, getting some looks from my co-workers as Clara and I make our way over to Liam and JJ in the living room that has one of the best views of downtown. I remember when Liam bought this place. I knew that view was the reason, and I can’t say I blame him.

  “Glad you’re back…have fun?” Liam asks, winking at me. JJ and Clara seem to be having a silent conversation between themselves as I shake my head.

  “None of your fucking business,” I mutter, pulling Clara close. All of a sudden, the countdown begins, and everyone around us starts counting backwards from ten. I look down at Clara and see a questioning look in her eyes. Does she not think I will kiss her at midnight? Hell, I’d kiss her any time of any day as long as I got to see those eyes focused on me.

  Eight, seven, six...

  “Damon…” she whispers, her eyes pleading.

  Five, four, three, two.

  Fuck it. I bend to kiss her, just as everyone screams “one.” The kiss is tender, soft, and everything we didn’t do in the room or at the club. The change of pace is erotic as hell. My hands find their way into Clara’s hair, loving the way the soft strands feel as they glide through my fingers. She moans into my mouth, and I know I need to leave soon before we have a repeat of the bedroom out here in front of everyone.

  I break the kiss and whisper, “We need to go before I fuck you again right here.” All Clara does is nod. I eye Liam, tilting my head as he does the same.

  JJ smiles at Clara, giving her the thumbs-up sign. I don’t wait for either of them before I pull Clara through the crowd of people and out the door, making sure to grab our coats on the way.

  We make it down to the parking garage and into my car without saying a word. I try and think of something to say throughout the short drive to her place, but I have nothing. Everything I think either sounds completely lame or is so out of left field that she would probably think I’m insane.

  I know where to go since I’ve dropped off and picked up Liam from JJ’s apartment enough times. Now that I know that Clara is her roommate…well, that makes this a lot easier.

  “So…” she says, looking over at me. “That was an interesting night.”

  “You could say that.” I chuckle. I love the sound of her laughter beside me.

  There’s a pregnant pause before Clara clears her throat. “So, you’ve been looking for me, huh?” she teases, and I roll my eyes sarcastically.

  “I’m the best sex you’ve ever had, huh?” I push back, leaving her speechless. When I notice her opening and closing her mouth, I smile. I love that I’ve made her speechless.

  “Yes, I was looking for you,” I admit as I pull up to her building and park the car. I make no move to get out, just twist to face her.

  “So that was true?” she asks as if it’s unheard of. “You actually looked for me for a month? What did you do?”

  I sigh. “I went back to the club every night, trying to catch a glimpse of you. I asked around the bar to see if anyone knew who you were…” She laughs lightly.

  “Yeah, I stopped going out after our night…”

  Wait, what? How does that make sense?

  “Because…” Her eyes leave mine as she looks out the front window. “Because if you don’t want to see me again, we can stop this right here, right now. I’ll even stop the private investigator I have following you.” She smirks and smacks my arm.

  “Ha. Ha. I didn’t go back to the club because I was afraid I would run into you, and then you would tell me it was a one-night thing, and I would have to do that rejection walk all the way home.”

  I can’t help it, I start laughing.

  “What’s so funny about that?” She looks annoyed.

  “The fact that you think I could ever reject you after that night. Clara, you rocked my world. I couldn’t forget you if I tried.” I take the back of her neck in my hand and pull her toward me.

  “You have ruined me,” I whisper as our lips touch softly. It’s a light kiss, one that you give after a first date, not one after you’ve fucked a person in your best friend’s guest room.

  “You wanna come up?” she asks sweetly as we pull away from each other. I want to so badly, but I know if I do, I will never leave, and we need to take this slow—at least slower than we have been.

  I shake my head. “As much as I would love to come up—and believe me, I would—I can’t. I need to slow this down a bit.” I can see her disappointment, but she agrees.

  “Until next time, Sunshine.” I kiss her one more time, then watch her leave the car and walk into her building.

  I am in so much trouble.



  Loved this video, that look makes you so damn beautiful. I bet you fuck like a whore when you look like that, and I can’t wait to find out for myself. Xoxo B.

  It takes me all of one minute to go from disgusted to frightened. I’ve gotten used to snide comments, but this one rubs me the wrong way, on so many levels. I read it one more time and decide to click on the user name. Damn, no picture. I look through the person’s profile and see that my videos are the only ones they watch. The creepy feeling comes crawling back over my skin. I go back to my homepage, find the comment, and report it, hoping the profile’s disabled in a few days.

  I scroll through and find another.

  That lipstick looks so much better in person. You should wear it more often. Xoxox B.

  My body locks. It’s the same guy. I click on the profile again and realize it’s a different username. What the—? I hit report and scroll through all the comments but don’t notice any more.

  A knock sounds at my door, and JJ pokes her head in. “I’m headed into town to meet Liam for a late breakfast. Wanna come?” I look at the clock beside my bed and realize that it’s almost eleven. I’ve been up for four hours and have yet to eat.

  “Nah, I’m just gonna stay in today,” I lie, not wanting to encroach on the couple’s time together. I know it’s only a matter of time before JJ decides to move in with Liam or Liam tells her it’s happening, but a pit forms in my stomach at the thought. I’m not close with my family, never have been, and I’ve grown accustomed to that. Yet knowing that I’ll soon be fending for myself for the first time since the start of college sends me into a mini panic attack.

  “Are you sure? By the sound of your stomach, you could use some sustenance.” She smirks and raises a brow when my traitorous belly growls loudly.

  “I’m sure. I’ll just have some toast or cereal. I have another video to film anyway.” I avert my eyes and hear her chuckle under her breath.

  “Okay. Your loss.” She closes the door behind her, and I listen to the front door close after. Once I hear the click of the lock, I start to get dressed. As much as I would love to sit around the house all day and film—because God knows I need to do that—I also need to get out of this room. The lingering effects of that comment are like cement on my skin, and I need to shake it off as best as I can before I film another video. As much as I try to keep my personal life away from my channel, my viewers tend to notice when I’m feeling down or when something’s bothering me, and I’m not ready for those questions. Not yet.

  Once I’m dressed in a flowy yellow top, jeans, and ankle boots, I grab my jacket and head out the door, almost forgetting my purse that’s lying on the couch. As I get into the elevator, I think back to last night, and a blush creeps up my cheeks. Damon was not what I expected when I agreed to the party. And as much as I hate that JJ is all over this, I’m glad I went. After our night at the club, I told myself I would get over it, that it was an experience I needed, and that was it. Yet, deep down, I wanted more. I wanted him to come and find me.

  And boy did he ever.

  “Clara?” The sultry voice washes over my skin
, and I’m instantly aware of his presence. I look up to see his smiling face from across the lobby, and my legs refuse to work. I stand in place and wonder how he knew I lived here. Then I remember that he dropped me off, and he knows JJ through Liam. And, knowing my best friend, even if he didn’t know where I lived, she would likely give him my social security number if it meant us going out.

  “Damon?” My voice cracks, my mouth going dry as his gorgeous, toned body glides toward me. Dark-wash jeans hang low on his hips, and a white t-shirt that leaves nothing to the imagination covers his torso. I’ve never seen him look so casual, and my God, he looks mouth-watering.

  “What are you doing here?” I ask, once I get over the fact that I can see his abs through his freaking shirt.

  “I wanted to take you out, but I see you’re already going out.” He sounds almost unsure of himself, and that’s something I never thought someone like Damon could display. I cock my head to the side and study him. I notice the way he shifts from foot to foot and how his hands dig into both front pockets as if he has no idea what to do with them. I smile because this side of him is endearing. I’m so used to the dominant presence he’s shown to me in the past, at least the last two times we’ve been together.

  “I was just headed out to my favorite coffee shop. Wanna come with?” The smile that lights up his face makes me mirror it. It’s contagious.

  “Can I take that as a yes?” I ask when he says nothing.

  “Yeah, that’s a yes,” he says, chuckling and leading me to his car. I didn’t plan on driving since the shop’s only a few city blocks away, but when it’s January and negative a hundred, this girl will always take a ride when offered. The wind is brisk as we walk to his SUV, and I pull my coat tighter against me, wanting the warmth.

  “You okay?” he asks, reaching for the door handle. His breath cascades over the exposed skin of my neck, and he presses his warm body against mine. I sigh, involuntarily. All I can do is nod my head, but our eyes meet in the reflection of the SUV’s window. His hands find their way to my hips, gripping me and then spinning me so we face each other, my back flush against the door.


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