The Legacy: The Influencers Book 2 (The Society)

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The Legacy: The Influencers Book 2 (The Society) Page 15

by Kassandra Garrison

  How do you like it?

  Darcy! Stop!

  Ben’s voice sounded far away as I felt his hands trying to pull me from Warden.

  This is for Sam! And Noah! And Kate!

  Spilling from my mouth were the names of those hurt by Warden. Richard, Ben, Charles, Olivia, my father, me. Suddenly, I stopped swinging my arms and grabbed the firearm next to my leg. I no longer felt Ben’s hands on my arms.

  Placing the gun against his chin, my finger was on the trigger as I dug the barrel deeper and deeper into Warden’s throat. Tears continued to stream down my face as I looked down at him, finally and completely at my mercy.

  Warden’s black eyes glared up at me as he met my eye contact, my body shaking in anger. Blood covered his teeth as he murmured viciously.

  Do it.

  Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Ben slowly step into my vision. He had his hands up and his eyes were cautious yet soft. In my rage, I could not understand his calmness.

  Darcy, put the gun down. I was wrong. This is not the solution.

  Ben, you don’t understand. He’s never going to stop. He’s insane and he’s going to kill more people. A lot more.

  I know, baby, but you don’t have to do this.

  He told me his plan, Ben. He’ll never stop chasing us. He’s a monster and he deserves to die. The only way we can have a life is if he’s dead.

  Warden wheezed from my weight on his chest and the pressure of the gun on his throat. He remained silent, shocked by Ben’s attempt to save his life. His eyes darted between me and Ben, his body very still.

  I looked up at Ben and found him checking a watch on his arm. He looked up quickly, desperation in his eyes. My brow furrowed in confusion. Why was he checking the time? Why did it matter what time it was?

  Darcy, trust me. Give me the gun.

  As I looked into his green eyes, my desperate mind flashed back to Cornwall.


  After our walk through the market, we had gone to Stanage Edge. The line of rocks jutted above the rolling moors of greens and browns.

  Yet, the sunset had colored the landscape with pinks and oranges, reminding me of the view from Ben’s favorite spot at the cabin.

  As I stood on the cliffside looking down at the land below, the wind pushed my hair behind my ears. I looked beside me and found Ben. But he wasn’t looking at the view, he was looking directly at me once again.

  Turning to him, I tilted my head in question. He smiled down at me with his hands in the pockets of his jacket.

  What? Why do you keep looking at me?

  You’re much more beautiful than any sights on earth.

  You have lost your mind.

  Not as long as I have you.

  You underestimate yourself.

  No, you underestimate my love for you. Darcy, I have no idea what is going to happen tomorrow or the next day or even today, but I do know that I don’t want to live without you.

  As his hands started to come from his pockets, the sound of other tourists interrupted his movement. His eyes displayed disappointment as he shoved his hands back in his pockets and looked out at the view.

  I stood next to him, confused by his behavior. He looked back over at me and chuckled. As he pulled his empty hands from his pockets, he stepped behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist.

  We were close to the edge of the cliffs, a long distance from the ground below. But in that moment and so many others before that, I knew I trusted Ben with my life. No matter what happened, no matter the situation, I would trust him.


  Returning to the present, I looked back at the same green eyes I had fallen in love with a lifetime ago at the facility. Glancing back down at Warden who was awaiting my reaction, I slowly stood up from his chest.

  Stepping forward, I handed Ben the gun and turned to look back at Warden. He was sitting up, aware Ben was pointing the gun at him now.

  Stay there, Warden.

  Kill me, Ben. We all know deep down you are a murderer. Kill me and embrace your true self.

  You’re wrong.

  Ben’s voice wasn’t shaky as I had expected it to be, but confident. He stood upright, looking down at Warden with pity.

  Darcy is right. If you don’t kill me, I’ll just keep coming for you.

  You see, that’s where you’re wrong.

  Once again, Ben looked down at his watch. Only this time, he smiled and put the gun on the ground. Both Warden and I looked at Ben in utter confusion, totally oblivious to the plan he had implemented.

  Suddenly, every entrance to the cabin burst open and countless dark figures filled the room: a SWAT team with rifles pointed straight at Warden.

  My heart threatened to nearly beat out of my chest as I watched them take Warden from the cabin, his dark eyes glaring at Ben and me as he was handcuffed and dragged away.

  I looked around at the SWAT team clearing the cabin of the guards and weapons. My eyes found Ben as he watched his home being discovered and overran with police. What was once a secret hideout with his parents was now swarming with strangers.

  But when those emerald eyes looked down at me, they were not filled with loss and pain. They were happy, victorious. As I realized it was over, my adrenaline dropped, depleting my energy dramatically.

  His happy expression was the last image in my mind as my eyes rolled back in my head and I fell to the ground. I felt Ben’s arms around me as I laid on the cold, hard floor.

  Medic! I need a medic!

  Ben’s hands were overwhelmingly warm on my cold body as he tried to keep me awake. He clutched me to his chest as the chills began to cause tremors. My body was in shock, losing its ability to function at an exponential rate.

  Darcy, wake up. Don’t leave me. I need you. Darcy, baby, come back to me. It’s over now. It’s over.



  I couldn’t move, couldn’t see, couldn’t speak. The pain which had covered the surface of my body was now numbed. Surely, I had passed away, trapped in a limbo of nothingness.

  No, I hadn’t died. Slowly, I was able to hear my surroundings. Breaking the silence of my unconsciousness, I could hear an unfamiliar woman’s voice.

  She shouldn’t be in pain. The IV machine is timed with pain medicine. She’s been through a lot so she might remain asleep for an extended period of time. Call me if you have any questions.

  Thank you, ma’am. I’ll walk you out.

  In the cloudiness of my mind, I immediately recognized the deep, gentle voice of Ben. I could feel my heart skip a beat in my chest. The sound of footsteps retreated from my hearing as Ben walked away with the woman.

  In the absence of their voices, my ears listened to the silence. But it wasn’t as silent as I had previously imagined. There was the soft patter of rain against the roof and the sound of the birds chirping nearby.

  My vision remained void of images as my body began to gradually recover from the torment it had endured. I began to sense my surroundings and regain possession of my body. A twitch of the finger, a deep breath filling my lungs to capacity.

  The soft touch of sheets surrounded me from my toes to my neck, providing a comforting warmth. As I became more and more aware of my reality, I could hear approaching footsteps. Then, gentle movement and the creak of the mattress next to me. Ben.

  His scent filled my nostrils as his warmth became palpable close to my side. A soft caress sent electricity through my body as he ran his fingers along my cheek.

  Darcy, baby, I’m here and I’m not going anywhere. And neither are you.

  The sheets rustled next to me as he pressed his lips against mine. My desire to kiss him back was strong but my body still refused to move, to allow me to control my actions. I lay trapped in my own body as he put his arm carefully around my waist. His breath was warm against my cheek as he continued to talk.

  It’s just you and me here now. The FBI, the nurse, Warden- they’re all gone. You probably can’t hear me, but I can
’t hold it in any longer. Baby, I’m so sorry. I should have never let you out of my sight at the airport. If I would have been more careful, you wouldn’t have been taken and none of this would have happened to you.

  His voice cracked as he mentioned what Warden had done to me. Even as I lay impaired, I could sense the emotion in his tone, the unevenness of his voice as he thought about how I received the cuts, burns, and bruises all over my body.

  That look you gave me at the airport. You were so sure of the sacrifice you were willing to make. It took every ounce of my strength to not go after you. My chest felt like it had been torn open and emptied.

  I wanted so much to wake up and hug him, to reassure him that it wasn’t his fault. Yet, my arms remained heavy on the bed.

  When I realized how the Influencers were tracking us, I left the airport. I was stupid not to realize it sooner. If I had, we could have finished the plan together instead of…

  Ben paused to set aside his anger and return to his story, his voice steadier when he continued.

  After venturing through the roughest part of town, I obtained a new ID and went back to the airport. I boarded a plane to Australia, but I must have grabbed my bag to leave half a dozen times. All I wanted to do was stop everything and find you. The man in the next seat looked at me like I was pulling a bomb from my bag.

  Ben’s deep chuckle felt like a gentle, warm wave washing over my heart. Though the corners of my mouth refused to twitch in the slightest, I couldn’t help but smile internally as I pictured the man’s wide, suspicious eyes.

  So, I went to Australia and got the last piece to the system. They were ready for me. I had to fight my way in, but it didn’t matter. It didn’t matter how many men came after me because all I saw was your face. After I got the piece, I knew I needed to send you a message. That’s when I put the notebook in David Master’s office where I knew they would find it. I needed you to know I was coming.

  Ben cleared his throat and moved his arm from my waist. Instead, I felt his hand brush my hair back from my face.

  As I sat on the plane back to the States, I wish I had let you know my plan… so you would know why it took me the time it did. When we were on the plane leaving South Sudan, you were the one who inspired the plan. You quoted Margot saying the Society wouldn’t succeed unless it was free from established government. That was when it hit me: exposure was the answer, the end of the Influencers.

  As his story continued, I fought with my entire being to wake up. My eyelids seemed far too heavy. My heartbeat quickened as I managed to raise a finger from the sheets. Under the cover of the blankets, Ben hadn’t noticed my movement and proceeded with his explanation.

  I remembered you saying Hannah was interning with the government in Washington D.C., so I contacted Brendan to get her phone number. Once I told her you had been taken and what I was doing, she used her connections to set up a meeting between me and the FBI. I told them everything: my parents, Warden, the shutdown, the system, you.

  Ben’s deep voice quickened but remained soft as his story intensified.

  Warden made it near the top of their most wanted list, making your rescue and his capture a high priority. Of course, with government, they had to follow procedure… but I just wanted to find you. They made it seem like I was calling from Tokyo while they were in the process of approving a plan. Then, I received that call with you screaming. By the time we got here, I thought we were too late. You were strapped to that chair covered in blood, your head drooping lifelessly.

  His voice was uneven as he continued.

  When you woke up, I was so relieved. I could see how much you had been through and knew you didn’t have much longer before you went into shock. The FBI had given me five minutes to go in, retrieve you and get out… but then Warden came out. And you attacked him. I’d never seen that fire in you before, that absolute hatred in your eyes as you held that gun to his neck. You didn’t understand we were surrounded by a SWAT team; you thought you could end it. End the torture he put you through, the chasing, end it all.

  As Ben narrated my loss of control, the emotion welled in my throat. I could still feel the pain and hatred from when I looked into Warden’s eyes. If I could just kill him, it would all be over and he wouldn’t hurt Ben. My Ben.

  I could feel the warm trail of a tear escaping the corner of my eye opposite of Ben. It was all too much. The impact of past events and my current reality began to reawaken my immobile body. My toes and fingers began to tingle as I wiggled them under the blanket.

  Darcy, I was so relieved when the SWAT team came in and took him away. I couldn’t believe we had done it. We had won. But then, you collapsed and none of that mattered. Baby, I thought I had lost you.

  His voice shook and a sniffle sounded as he released his emotions. As he spoke, I was getting closer and closer to regaining control of my body. It felt as if I was climbing from a dark abyss, gradually reaching the light.

  It’s the worst feeling in the world, losing the love of your life.

  My eyelids fluttered as I escaped from my entrapment. The room was dim as the gloomy rain outside concealed the light of the sun. The wooden beams above the bed let me know I was in our room at the cabin.

  The bed beside me trembled as Ben realized my eyes were open and searching my surroundings for him. As his intense green eyes came into view, I couldn’t help but think it was the most beautiful sight in the world. London, New York, Africa. They had no comparison to those eyes.


  His chin was covered in scruff and his eyes were surrounded by dark rings. He ran his hands through his hair to push it from his eyes as he looked down at me, searching for any sign of pain. My voice was hoarse as I replied to his last statement.

  Now you know how I felt when you were blown up.

  A tear escaped his eye as a smile spread across his face. His chest shook with a relieved chuckle before he bent down and kissed my lips.

  I am so sorry, baby. This is my fault.

  My energy was drained as I pushed the words from my throat.

  No. I knew what I was doing.

  My hands found the top of the sheet and slowly pulled it down to my waist. His eyes skimmed over my bare arms, anger and sadness welling up in their green depths.


  I looked down at my body covered in cuts, burns, and bruises. Forever carved with memories. Yet, instead of horrific recollections, they were symbols of victory and survival. Glancing up at Ben, I looked into his eyes reassuringly.

  Battle scars.

  He took my hand in his and pressed his lips on my palm, placing it on his cheek and nodding.

  You have never been more beautiful to me.

  I rolled my eyes as I glanced back down to my marked body.

  Yeah, right.

  You are the strongest person I have ever met. To sacrifice yourself like you did, the pain you endured… you are amazing.

  Without your plan, nothing I did would have mattered. I knew you could do it.

  His smile widened, revealing his straight, white teeth as he shook his head in disbelief.

  I still can’t believe it’s over. You know, I still check behind me wherever I go? Earlier, I pulled a knife on a robe behind the door in the bathroom.

  As I laughed, my aching body sent shooting pains down my legs and arms. Ben stood up as I winced, rounding the bed to the IV stand.

  Are you hurting? The nurse told me before she left that I could give you more pain medicine when you woke up.

  I’m fine. Just stiff.

  Your fluids are nearly done. How do you feel?



  He looked down at me as I slowly pushed the blankets from my feet. Quickly, he burst into action as I attempted to sit up.

  Darcy, you need to rest.

  You know what I really want?

  His face was close to mine as his hands supported my back, his eyes searching my face for the answer.


/>   A shower.

  He chuckled as I wrinkled my nose in disgust and clung to his broad shoulders for support. Nodding in assent, he gently pulled the needle from the back of my hand and turned the machine off, leaving the empty IV bag hanging.

  His hands were gentle as he bent to pick me up from the bed. Cradled in his arms, my bare legs hung over his forearm. The shorts they had placed on me to clean my wounds revealed the abrasions on my legs.

  Ben’s eyes scanned over my injuries as he carried me to the bathroom attached to the bedroom. Carefully, he put me down on the floor, still supporting most of my weight. Together, we peeled the tank top and shorts from my aching body.

  He checked the temperature of the water falling from the showerhead before guiding me through the glass doors. To my surprise, he stepped into the shower with me, fully clothed.

  What are you doing? You’re going to get soaking wet.

  Do you really think I will let you out of my sight anytime soon? Plus, you’re far too weak to stand by yourself.

  Though I hated to admit my inability to shower by myself, I did appreciate his help. And honestly, I didn’t want him out of my sight either. His hands stayed around my waist as I shakily stepped under the warm water.

  I closed my eyes as heat from the water cascaded down my skin, the warmth relaxing my stiff muscles. Together, Ben and I managed to wash away the dried blood without opening any of the wounds again. As I rinsed the soap from my skin, I realized some of the larger cuts had been stitched by the nurse.

  Okay, I think I’m done.

  Ben’s Henley and jeans clung to his body as he stepped out of the shower and offered his hand to help me out. In his other hand was a large, soft towel.

  Once I was dried, bandaged, and clothed, Ben helped me back into bed before changing out of his wet clothes. I watched from my pillow as he stepped into flannel pajama pants and a thermal. He crawled into bed and laid on his side facing me.

  I feel much better. Thank you.

  No problem.


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