Awakening Lucy

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Awakening Lucy Page 8

by Susan Bella Ikin

  Well, that was a challenge. Nick was going to leave everything up to me – obviously not wanting to push me out of my comfort zone, but what I had just learned was that there was a lot for me to learn, and unless I took some chances, I would never find out what that was. I stood up, and began to take off my clothes.


  I had never performed a striptease before, and really didn’t know how to do it effectively. However, as soon as I put my hands behind my back to unzip my dress, Nick started smiling and leaned back on his elbows. This caused the bulge in his trousers to be displayed prominently, so I thought that I could probably make a few mistakes and Nick wouldn’t mind. I slowly unzipped my dress and then shrugged one shoulder free, then the other one. The whole time I did this, I watched Nick’s eyes. He kept eye contact with me until the dress shimmied down to my waist, then his eyes drifted lower to look at my breasts, still encased in the bra. I wiggled my hips and the dress fell to the floor.

  I tried to remember a few things from various movies I had seen over the years, but all I could think of was that Nick seemed to like my breasts, so I gave him a really good view of them as I bent to take off my shoes, throwing my chest forward, but keeping my head high so I didn’t obscure his view of my chest. Nick’s eyes were now fixed on my breasts. I stood up straight and put my hands behind my back to unclasp my bra. Now was the moment of truth, I thought, as I slowly brought the bra forward and then quickly flung it aside, standing in front of Nick wearing nothing but my panties and an uncertain smile. I noticed Nick’s hands flexing and thought that was a good sign – he clearly wanted to touch, but was holding back. I hooked my hands into the sides of my panties, and saw Nick visibly swallow. I leaned forward as I removed my panties, allowing my breasts to dangle and sway as I wiggled out of the last remaining scrap of clothing that I wore. I straightened and looked at Nick again. His eyes flicked up to mine and he smiled. He stood up then, moving with difficulty, I noted, and flicked aside the covers of his bed.

  I moved to the bed and climbed in, pulling the sheet up as I watched Nick‘s hands shakily move to the buttons of his shirt. Suddenly I wanted to undress Nick, so I threw back the sheet again and moved to stand in front of him.

  “Let me, remember you said I could set the pace?” I said smilingly.

  Nick exhaled and grimaced, but didn’t try to stop my hands. I moved around to the back of him to help him off with his jacket, allowing my breasts to brush against him as I walked around him. I dropped his jacket onto the chair that I had vacated a little while ago, then moved around to the front. I went back to undoing the buttons on his shirt and once it was open I ran my hands over his chest. I had wondered what it would feel like when we were swimming, but now I had the opportunity to find out for myself, and I liked the feel of muscle under skin. I ran my hands over his chest and back, and then dipped my head and kissed where my hands had been. Nick shrugged his shoulders out of his shirt and let it fall to the floor. I then began to worry about the next step.

  My hands went to the button of his trousers, but Nick stayed my hands with his, and shook his head gently at me. I understood that maybe he was worried about the zipper, and due to my inexperience that was a legitimate worry. I went back to the bed and laid on my side, my head propped up on one hand, and watched as Nick undid his trousers and pushed them downwards. His male erection sprang forward as soon as it was released and my eyes widened. I really had not seen one of those before, and now I understood why my first and only experience had been so painful. I don’t think I had been fully aroused that time, and accommodating something like that without an understanding partner would explain a lot. However, I was sure that not only would Nick be aware of that, but it wouldn’t be a problem anyway, as although I had already had one orgasm I was still aroused and I was quite sure that this time would not be anything like that other time.

  I raised my eyes to Nicks, and he cocked one eyebrow at me. Ok, I will allow you to be a little proud of that, I thought. Somehow, I had been so busy looking at Nick, and thinking about what I expected us to do, that I hadn’t realized he had not only gotten rid of his trousers and underwear, but his shoes and socks too, and was joining me on the bed, laying on his side to face me. He raised one hand and traced my torso, from the side of my breast to the side of my hip.

  “We don’t have to do anything tonight if you don’t want to”, he said, “I’m happy that we got this far. If you want, we can just go to sleep tonight, skin to skin contact makes for a really good night’s sleep you know”.

  “Really?” I said, “You would be happy with that?”

  “Well, honestly? Not really, but it’s up to you remember?”

  I smiled at Nick, and then more broadly, thinking of him sleeping at my side tonight, holding me, all the while wanting more but being prepared to wait.

  “No, I think maybe not sleep just yet. I’m not sleepy, especially after what happened before, but you will have to be patient with me and show me what you like”.

  Nick surprised me then by laughing loudly. “What I like? If it’s you doing it, I can’t think of anything I wouldn’t like. I’m all yours tonight” – and he gestured along his body – “you start, I’ll let you know how you’re doing”.

  Emboldened by this I moved my hand forward to his chest and stroked downwards, towards his abdomen. Nick was no longer a young man, but he had a really good physique, and I wanted to feel his abs. Nick drew in his breath. My hand moved down lower, and I bit my lip between my teeth in nervousness as I finally touched his penis.

  What an amazing texture I thought. The organ itself was hard, but the skin was soft, and I couldn’t stop feeling the different textures under my hand. Lost in the sensations of touch I couldn’t help but notice that it was twitching under my hand as I lightly stroked up and down. Slowly a small bead of moisture welled out of the tip, and transfixed, I bent my head down, pushing Nick aside as he tried to hold me back. I licked the bead from the tip, and it was salty and not like anything I had ever tasted before. I moved around so that I was now crouched over Nick, and pushed him down so that he was now laying flat on his back. I took Nick into my mouth and slowly pulled my head back, licking along the length. I repeated this a few times, ignoring Nick’s indrawn breath.

  Somehow I had managed to move around so that I was kneeling next to Nick, and then he shocked me by placing his hand at the junction of my thighs and cupping me. Nick took advantage of my little start of surprise by inserting two fingers into me and rubbing his thumb over my clitoris. I stopped my explorations of his penis and partially turned towards him.

  “I thought I was setting the pace?” I asked.

  “Do you want me to stop?” He asked with a smirk on his face.

  “Not for anything”, and I gasped as he manipulated my clitoris with his thumb and then I continued shakily “you just keep doing that”.

  I tried to ignore the sensations from my lower body as I returned to my exploration of Nick with my mouth and tongue, but failed miserably. In the end I rolled over to my back and Nick moved over me, kissing me deeply while he continued thrusting with his fingers and rubbing with his thumb, and with his other hand he slowly rubbed my breasts. I was absolutely helpless under his ministrations as I could feel the tension building in me again, and with a cry, I experienced yet another orgasm, pushing upwards against Nick’s hand until the spasms finished.

  Afterwards, I felt guilty, I had had two orgasms, and Nick was still fully aroused and unfulfilled. I tried to explain myself to Nick, and he seemed to understand, and he pulled me to my feet and into the bathroom. This was going to be an interesting development, I thought, as he turned on the shower and adjusted the water until it was comfortably warm. Pulling me into the cubicle after him, he took the soap and lathered it up, placing it into my hands as he rubbed the lather all over my body. I took his cue, and worked up a lather in my hands as well, then used both hands on his lower body, one grasping his penis, the other his testicles, and started squee
zing and stroking, all the while watching his face as his eyes fluttered closed in pleasure. I began lapping at his chest with my tongue, and then sank to my knees so that I could pleasure him with my mouth. Nick sagged against the wall and placed his hands on my shoulders, not trying to force me to do anything, just resting them there, and idly rubbing the sides of my face from time to time. I increased the tempo of my suckling as I felt Nick’s breathing increase, and suddenly he was pushing my head away from his body, and as I looked down I saw fluid spurting from his penis all over my breasts.

  When Nick’s orgasm finally stopped, I stood again, and taking the soap, worked up a lather. Keeping eye contact with Nick, I then started washing my breasts until all the fluid was gone. Nick watched lazily, then shut off the water and grabbing some towels, put one in my hand, and with another, started drying off my body. I returned the favour for him, and then we walked back into the bedroom and laid on the bed, snuggled in each other’s arms.

  Well, we had both experienced orgasm, twice for me, and we still had not had sex.


  I must have said it aloud without realizing it, as Nick replied.

  “I know, that’s pretty intense. Just give me a few minutes, I’m not a teenager any more you know and I need a bit of recovery time”.

  I propped myself up on one elbow and looked down at him.

  “I’m not complaining you know, it’s just, well, I didn’t realize it could be like this, that it was this much fun.”

  Nick eyed me for a minute and said, “This is just foreplay Lucy. And there’s more. Are you happy for me to try something I don’t think you’ve tried before?”

  I nodded warily. Nick then sat up and pushed me gently so that I was laying on my back. He leaned over me and started kissing my face, my eyes, my cheeks, then lingered for a while on my mouth, as our tongues danced together he kneaded my breasts gently. Nick’s head then followed his hand and he started suckling on my breasts. My breasts seemed to be connected to my core, as I felt a tug deep inside when he sucked on each breast. My eyes rolled closed as I enjoyed the sensations I was feeling, and I sensed Nick moving lower. I began to tense up as I thought – this is it – he is going to put that huge penis into me and I know it’s going to hurt – but then I gasped in surprise as I felt his mouth between my legs. Nick started doing with his tongue what he had been doing with his hand before, and he was right, I had never tried this before, and I liked it! I squirmed under his tongue as I tried to assimilate the sensations I was feeling and then I had to give up, there was no point in thinking, I was just enjoying feeling. Nick’s tongue was darting in and out of me, and he was exerting pressure with his hand on my clitoris, and I just knew that another orgasm was not far away. Right when I thought I could hold off no longer, I felt Nick’s mouth withdraw and moaned because of the sensation of loss, then I felt Nick probing at my entrance again, although this time it felt different.

  I opened my eyes and saw Nick leaning over me, he was trying to enter me with his penis, and I started to tense up. Seeing my reaction he stopped, and started to nuzzle at my neck again.

  “Relax Lucy, I won’t hurt you. We can just stay here like this for a while”.

  At Nick’s gentle words, I did start to relax, he had been so considerate of my pleasure and I needed to feel him inside me. Nick must have felt me relaxing, as he very gently thrust forward a little, then withdrew, and repeated this, each time going in a bit further until finally I felt his pelvis against mine and knew he was fully inside me. At this thought I suddenly needed more, and started to thrust against him. With an indrawn breath, Nick set up a rhythm that I tried to match, and I knew that this was a sensation like no other that I had ever experienced, and the more he gave me, the more I wanted. Before I knew it, we were both moaning and panting in pleasure and then I began my orgasm, and as I did I felt Nick give a deep thrust and then he was still, and we collapsed together breathing heavily.

  After a while, Nick’s hand went between us, and he withdrew, and went to the bathroom. When did he put on that condom? I asked him that when he came back to the bed, and he said sheepishly:

  “It was when I was tasting you, I grabbed one from the drawer, you were too out of it to notice. I thought you were nervous about actually having sex, so if I could relax you enough I might surprise you, and I did”.

  I slapped him gently at that. It was a sneaky tactic, but it had worked. I had myself so convinced that Nick was either going to hurt me, or I would disappoint him, that I had been thinking about the sexual act too much and it would have felt contrived and awkward if we had talked about it too much. I had already told and shown Nick how much I trusted him, so his idea was a good one. Now that we had made love once, I could relax about it. Then I started to worry that Nick might find an excuse for me to go back to my room and it would be just like last time, but took a deep breath and deliberately closed the door on that worry. Nick was not that boy, he was a man who was caring enough to want me to enjoy the act as much as he did, and I did him a disservice by thinking anything less.

  During the night, Nick reached for me a couple of times, and to my surprise, I reached out to him as well. Subsequently, we both overslept and were woken by a knocking at the door, as the housekeeper tried to announce herself. Nick jumped out of bed and strode to the door, opening it a little crack to speak to the housekeeper. He passed out the 'do not disturb' sign for her to hang on the door, and suggested that if she liked to work in the adjoining room, she could skip the room we were in for the day.

  He came back to bed with a rueful smile on his face.

  "Well, that was awkward, I was trying to hide behind the door and not make it obvious that I was naked, but I don't think I was fooling anybody. When she's finished in your room, you can go in there to get your clothes, but if you want to shower here...." and he didn't finish the sentence, instead trailing his hand down my side. Although I initially responded, the sound of the vacuum cleaner in the room next door put a dampener on anything we might have chosen to do, and I pulled away, grimacing.

  "Sorry", I apologised, "I just can't imagine us together, with someone in the room next door. You're a bit noisy you know". At this, I rolled over to get out of bed to go to the bathroom, only to be surprised by a gentle slap on my behind.

  "You're not exactly quiet yourself!" exclaimed Nick, as he looked up at me from the bed.

  I "humphed" and headed to the bathroom. After using the loo, I looked at myself in the mirror as I washed my hands at the sink. I was amazed at the change in myself. Although the dark shadows under my eyes hinted at a broken night's sleep, I looked flushed and alive. My hair was irreparably tousled and needed a wash and a good brush, but I looked happy, instead of worn down. Being with Nick was very good for me, and I was planning to make the most of our stay in New York, not just for more of that amazing sex that occurred when we got together, but also to spend time with Nick and get to know him more as a person. Opportunities for private conversation had been limited on the ship, so I was not going to waste the next few days.

  I turned on the shower, and waited. Sure enough, Nick appeared and looked into the shower cubicle. He saw me where I was standing to the side and laughed.

  "Minx" he said as he gathered me in for a kiss. We then stepped into the shower cubicle and discovered more of the pleasures we were able to give each other, hoping that the sound of the shower would prevent our moans and sighs from being audible next door.

  Afterwards, I listened at the door of my room and when I was confident that it was empty, opened the door quietly and peeked. Yes, empty. I walked to the wardrobe and selected some comfortable clothes for walking about town, and as I bent down to put on my shoes I heard Nick's voice behind me.

  "Now, there's a view I never get tired of".

  I looked around and saw his eyes trained on my bottom, so gave it a little wiggle then straightened up.

  “I don’t know about you, but I could do with some food, and maybe a couple of cups of st
rong coffee”.

  Nick nodded his agreement and we left to find some place close by to eat an early lunch. After that we took the subway downtown and walked around places that we had heard about, but had never seen until now – Wall Street, the 9/11 Memorial, and we found that we could go into the One World Centre, and go right up to the 102nd floor! We took lots of photos of each other with the city in the background, and pointed out the Statue of Liberty. I mentioned that I would like to go over to the island, although I had not got tickets for the climb as Mum would not have managed the trip when Nick turned to me, smiling broadly.

  “Actually, I organized tickets for tomorrow. I was going to go, Dad said he would attempt it but would only go as far as he could manage, I had forgotten about them when he cancelled. They will be in my luggage somewhere, are you game?”

  I nodded excitedly, “Oh yes, I would love to go. Did you really have to be so specific about the date? What about the time, do we have to go at a particular time?”

  Nick said that he thought we did, but couldn’t remember what time he had picked, so we agreed to have a look for the tickets first thing when we returned to our rooms. Nick leaned in to whisper softly in my ear:

  “No sex until we find the tickets”, and walked off, leaving me opening and shutting my mouth like a goldfish. Nick was obviously now comfortable enough with me to tease about our sexual activities, and although initially indignant, I was secretly pleased. Our level of intimacy was leaving me feeling warm inside, and it wasn’t just from the anticipation of being near Nick, and knowing what we would probably be doing back in our rooms tonight. For a while I fantasized about what I would like to do to Nick, and what I would like him to do to me, and then I realized that people were milling around me, I had been standing still for a while and was getting in the way. I snapped myself out of my reverie, and followed Nick. We made our way down to the giftshop on the 100th floor, and I did yet more shopping for souvenirs.


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