Blurred Lines

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Blurred Lines Page 54

by Naughty Aphrodite

  “Just relax, ok? It’s all going to be ok.” He spoke soft, soothing words, trying to keep her calm. “Didn’t I promise you that already?” He felt Amy’s head move under his, indicating yes.

  “Good. Listen… The thunder is getting quieter and it’s further apart from the lightning. It’s moving away from us. It will all be over soon and we can get out of here.” He brought his hand up to her head and stroked her hair. Needing to reassure her. “Tabatha will be fine; she’s no doubt curled up on a bed back at the house. You know what she’s like, clever cat. No way she’d let herself get caught in this. Not like us stupid humans.”

  Holding her close he listened to the sound of Amy’s breathing getting deeper. With her head resting against his bare chest his initial need to protect her was now fighting the urge to kiss her. Almost as a test, he lightly placed a kiss on top of her wet hair. She let out a sigh and snuggled closer to him.

  Unable to resist any longer, Norman placed his hand on her chin and softly lifted her head up. His eyes met hers and it was his turn to sigh now. She was so gorgeous. A single tear was running down her cheek and he wiped it with this thumb, caressing her cheek as he did so. Amy turned her head and kissed it, taking the tip into her mouth for a split second. Then they stood, looking into each other’s eyes, both knowing what they wanted but both a little scared to make the first move.

  Still with his hand on her face, Norman leaned forward and kissed her softly. He felt Amy instantly melt against him and start kissing him back. She tasted as good as he’d imagined, like strawberries, needing no further encouragement he deepened the kiss.

  Feeling the kiss deepen Amy wrapped her arms around Norman’s neck and rubbed her body against his, needing to feel him closer. A small part of her was wondering if they should really be doing this as she was technically his employer but then his hand lightly brushed her nipple and she no longer cared. Pulling away from him for a moment, she took his hand and led him to the makeshift hay bed.


  Amy awoke the next morning to the heat and the return of the sun, shining where it could through the gaps in the shack. Arching her back and stretching slightly she took a moment to revel in the ache that ran through her body and the sight of Norman’s muscular chest. He lay on his back, with one arm above his shoulder resting over his eyes. The other was curled around Amy, his fingertips just brushing her hip.

  Amy smiled secretly to herself. Despite her initial misgivings, last night had been totally worth it. Making love with Norman had been amazing. The first time had been explosive and passionate, a release of all the feelings that had built up over the past few weeks. The second and third were tender and they’d taken the time to explore each other’s bodies, reveling in the intimacy. The fourth had been at some point in the middle of the night, both still half asleep and yet neither had wanted the night to end. They’d finally thoroughly exhausted each other and Amy had collapsed into Norman’s embrace and into a deep sleep.

  Now with sleep leaving her, Amy grew nervous. What happens next? Norman was due to finish his work here at the end of the week and move on. Would that still happen? Amy shivered slightly and settled back down into Norman’s arms for a while longer. She didn’t like the thought of him leaving at all.


  Stirring as he felt Amy nestle in beside him, Norman was struck by how happy he felt and it wasn’t just how happy he felt after last night, which had been amazing, but also how he’d felt over these last few weeks. He’d never known before how much was missing in his life. The cars, the houses, the women -- all seemed to have covered an aching hole inside of him that he only now realized needed filling.

  Stroking Amy’s soft skin, the smell of her scent filling his senses, he came to the realization that he loved her. He’d thought that he’d been in love before but it was nothing like this. Amy was amazing. Of course, she was kind and thoughtful but she was also smart and extremely resilient, she’d had to be given all she’d been through, but it hadn’t made her overly bitter. A little guarded perhaps, but that wasn’t necessarily a bad thing.

  Taking the time to enjoy the deep feeling of love that seemed to flow throughout his whole body, Norman lay still for a little while longer. He didn’t want to ruin the moment by overthinking things. He knew that he needed to come clean about who he was and he wasn’t sure how Amy was going to take it. He just needed a few more minutes to enjoy this new found and yet fragile happiness.

  Chapter 6

  Amy set two places at the kitchen table for dinner. It was the same routine she’d done every day for the past six weeks but this time, it felt different. She’d decided it was time to tell Norman how she felt about him. She wasn’t sure it was the right thing to do but she needed to say it before he decided to leave. If he felt the same way he could stay longer and they could see how things went. If not… well, then at least she’d know and they could both move on.

  Hearing movement on the stairs, Amy nervously ran her hands down her apron, smoothing out the now non-existent creases. Then, realizing what she was doing and that she was still wearing her apron, she hurriedly whipped it over her head and crumpled it up in her hands. Why now was she concerned about how she looked? He’d seen her first thing in a morning, before coffee. He’d even seen her covered in who knows what, from cleaning out the old cow shed, and yet now she wanted to look nice for him. She’d even gone as far as applying some mascara and a light pink lipstick, which she only really wore when she was leaving the farm or needed to look smart when the bank manager was visiting.

  Norman entered the kitchen and Amy smiled. She was amazed by how he seemed to immediately settle here, it was as if he’d always been here. Tonight, though, the normally relaxed atmosphere between them was tense. Neither sure what last night had meant to the other. Amy decided she’d be the one to break the ice.

  “I hope you don’t mind a bit of a hotchpotch dinner. There wasn’t much in so I had to raid the freezer for some leftover soup and I didn’t get a chance to make any bread so I made a cheese omelet to go with it.”

  “Sounds great. Is it that tomato soup you made the other week?”

  Amy was pleased he’d remembered. She’d noticed how much he’d enjoyed it and chose that one especially. “Yes, that’s the one.”


  They both fell silent and Amy busied herself with dishing up the soup while Norman poured them both a glass of wine. As he passed the glass over to Amy, his hand brushed against hers and she couldn’t resist it any longer. She needed to touch him.

  “Norman, we need to talk.”

  Norman stiffened slightly. “Yes, I guess we do.”

  Not sure whether she wanted to sit or keep standing, Amy took up her default position of nervous pacing.

  “I wanted to say that… well about last night… it was wonderful, really wonderful and I’d really like to do it again.” Norman took a step towards her but she wasn’t quite finished. “No, let me get this out first. It’s important. I need to know what happens next.” This was frustrating -- why couldn’t she get her words out properly?

  “I guess what I’m trying to ask is… Will you stay? I know that you’re on your travels, to find yourself. I get that. I really do, but we love having you here.” She indicated to Rollo and Tabatha who were both sat watching intently. “I love having you here.”

  “Amy… I...”

  Amy looked earnestly into his eyes and took a breath.

  “The past few weeks with you here has made this place finally feel like home. I honestly can’t remember the last time I felt this happy. Working here with you has made it feel like my dream is a possibility.”

  Looking at him standing in her kitchen, his hair still slightly wet from the shower she couldn’t imagine her life without him and the strength of her feelings for him threatened to overwhelm her.

  “I love you. I needed you to know that before you decided what to do next. Just in case…” She stumbled over her
words, growing fearful of his response. “Well, just in case you feel the same way.”

  Norman pulled her into his arms, his mind racing. How had this happened? How had this strong, clever and beautiful woman fallen in love with him? He tipped her chin so he could look into her eyes without letting her go. He never wanted to let her go.

  “I love you too. I hadn’t realized before you just how empty my life was. I thought I was happy with where I was in life with what I had achieved, but all that means nothing. This place, with you, is where I want to be.” He smiled, kissing Amy softly. “The way you laugh when I do stupid things like hammer my thumb, sitting on the porch of an evening discussing the day.”

  Feeling a nudge by his feet Norman laughed and stroked Rollo’s head, not even needing to bend down a little. “Looking round and knowing this guy isn’t far from my side, all this makes me happy to get up in the morning. Thank you, Amy. Thank you for letting me in, for giving me a reason to smile.”

  Norman didn’t even realize he was crying until Amy reached up and lightly brushed a tear away. The tenderness broke him and he kissed her hard. Pulling her closer to him, the taste of their tears intermingling on their lips. The feeling of release Norman felt from having shared his feelings was overwhelming. He had to have her, had to be inside her. He lifted her legs around him, Amy fumbled with his t-shirt at the same time, eager to feel his skin.

  Setting her down on the table top Norman continued to kiss Amy as he unbuttoned her blouse, moaning as he realized she wasn’t wearing a bra. This wasn’t right, though, last night had been wonderful but they’d still made love in a barn, it was hardly the most romantic start to a relationship. They couldn’t now do it on a kitchen table, not after declaring their love for each other.

  “No, wait. We can’t do this here.” Panting, it took all of Norman’s resolve to pull away from Amy, who looked up at him confused.

  “What? Why?”

  “I love you, Amy. I don’t want our first time together after saying those words to be on the kitchen table. I want to make love to you. Slowly. I want to show your whole body how much I love you. With my fingers, with my tongue… I want every inch of me to be in line with every inch of you. Come.” He lifted her off the table into his arms. “Let me show you just how much I love you.

  Chapter 7

  Amy sat in Norman’s McLaren and fiddled with the edge of her summer dress. It had been a while since she’d worn a dress but when Norman had announced over breakfast that he wanted to take her somewhere special it had seemed like the perfect opportunity to make an effort.

  It had certainly had the right effect in Norman. When Amy had walked out onto the porch, the cotton yellow dress enhancing her tan and her brown hair down and curling softly around her face, he’d whistled softly in appreciation.

  “If I didn’t already know I love you, that dress would certainly tip me over the edge.”

  Seeing the love and desire in his eyes, part of her hadn’t wanted to leave. She’d wanted to nestle in his lap and nibble lightly on his neck before making love to him again.

  Turning now to look at him she was struck by how handsome he was. The last few weeks at the farm had led to him developing a golden tan. His dark hair had grown just a little too long and it curled slightly over the edges of his white shirt. Now he looked slightly more like a swashbuckling pirate than a regency gentleman. It really suited him more she thought.

  She placed her hand lightly on his knee and, after changing gear, Norman placed his own over it and turned towards her. Amy was surprised by the touch of nervousness in his eyes.

  “I really hope you like where I’m taking you.”

  “So do I. I hope it serves food, I’m famished.”


  Amy was shocked when they pulled up outside a huge castle. Wow, she hadn’t been expecting that. She’d thought he’d be taking her to lunch in a nice restaurant, not a castle.

  Getting out of the car, she stretched her legs and looked around.

  “This place is amazing. How did you know about it? I can’t begin to imagine the kind of food they do here.” She looked down at her dress, worried now that it wasn’t suitable. “Do I look ok? Will they let me in?”

  Norman laughed, he was a little more relaxed than earlier but Amy couldn’t help but think that there was still something bothering him.

  “You look perfect, you always look perfect so don’t worry about that. I’m sure as well that they’ll be happy to let you have whatever food you like.”

  “Really? Are you sure? I thought these kinds of places were quite fussing about that kind of thing.”

  She stopped talking, Norman was looking at her intently and she could just make out a slight pulse jumping at the edge of his jaw.

  “What is it? Did I say something wrong?” She touched his shoulder lightly, wanting to apologize although she wasn’t sure why.

  “No, No. I’m sorry, gorgeous. You haven’t done anything. The thing is this place is mine.”

  Amy was confused. “Yours? For the whole day?” Norman was silent. “The weekend? How is that possible? How could you afford it?” His silence was starting to scare her a little now, what was going on? “Norman?”

  Norman draped his arm over her shoulder and turned to the castle. “What I’m trying to explain, rather badly it would appear, is that I own it.”

  Amy laughed “Oh Norman,” She stepped closer and hugged him. “You are funny. Now enough with the jokes, let’s go in.”

  Norman didn’t move though and his face was serious. “You are joking, aren’t you?”

  He shook his head. “No, this is my home.”

  “Your home? No, it isn’t, you don’t have a home. You told me that you sold everything you had to buy that car.” She pulled herself out of his embrace and looked at the car. Observing it now away from the farm and here in this environment, it looked like it was in its rightful place. The kind of car that a guy who owned a castle would drive. Her heart sank.

  Norman took a step towards her but Amy took a step back and held out her hand. She didn’t want him touching her.

  “What does this all mean? Who are you?”

  “I’m still me. I’m still the same guy who loves you. Still the guy I’ve been the last few weeks at your farm.” Amy tried to understand, tried to listen to his words over the manic pumping of blood in her ears.

  “When I first met you I was angry and confused. I just wanted to get away for a bit. Get away from everybody who knew me and just be me rather than the Billionaire Bore people saw me as.”

  “Billionaire what? Billionaire?” Amy felt like she was going to be sick. She had to get away from here, she had to get home, to her farm. It was like in a very bad dream. Who was this guy in front of her? She felt confused, angry, disappointed. Why was the destiny playing with her heart again? She started to feel dizzy, she needed to retreat. Stumbling slightly in her heels she turned and started to walk towards the gate.

  “Amy, wait!” Norman took her arm but she shook him off angrily.

  “No! You don’t get to touch me! I don’t even know who you are!”

  “What? That’s not true.” Norman looked at her with his eyes full of sorrow and panic. “Amy, please don’t do this. You’re the only one who truly does know me. I can explain you everything. I love you. All this…” He swept his arm over the castle, car and grounds. Amy was sure she could see a helicopter. “None of this matters. I meant what I said, I’ve found happiness with you. I know it sounds corny but you, the farm, everything we’ve built together so far fulfills me in a way none of this ever has.”

  Amy could see in his face that he was sincere, but it was too late now. If he’d just been honest before. She’d opened herself completely to him. Shared with him things she’d never told anybody else. He’d had plenty of opportunities to tell her. Before she’d said she loved him. Before he’d started a relationship with her based on a lie. Amy sobbed.

sorry, Norman, I can’t do this.”

  She turned and began to run away, leaving Norman stood forlornly in the middle of his driveway.


  Billionaire In Disguise (Part 2)

  Chapter 1

  “It’s not good enough Roland. This was supposed to have been finished yesterday and now you’re telling me it’s going to be at least another day? I don’t care what it takes, just get the deal completed.”

  Slamming down the phone with a huff of annoyance, Norman pinched the bridge of his nose between his ring finger and thumb, trying to ease a headache that had been his constant companion for the last two weeks.

  Two weeks, that was how long it had been since Amy had left him, but it felt like so much longer. Every hour seemed to drag, especially at night when there was nothing to occupy him but his own morose thoughts. He’d been such a fool, why hadn’t he just been honest with her sooner? He’d known she wasn’t like the other women, only after him because he was a billionaire. She’d hadn’t even known about that and she’d fallen in love with him.


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