Love Scars

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Love Scars Page 4

by Nicole Snow

  “Don't play smart ass with me, Anna. Only thing that's changed tonight is we're finally on the same page. You figured out your old man's a bloodthirsty asshole, same fucking thing every Strelkov has known since we had to deal with your fucking family. Don't cry over it. I'm not gonna let you do anything that keeps your legs closed a single fucking second longer than necessary. I'm taking that cherry, Anna, tonight...and nothing's gonna stand in my way.”

  His words broke in a hiss. His hips rocked against mine, making me shake with his rhythmic pumps. I gasped when I felt the hard ridge reaching almost up to his stomach, a swollen erection as angry as the rest of him, primed and ready to fulfill his nasty promises.

  God! There's really no going back, is there? Why don't I feel more terrified?

  Without another word, he spun me around and pressed his hand gently on the back of my head, lowering me down as he yanked the passenger door open.

  “Get in. We're going. My boys'll have backup out here in a little bit to bring them home. Only ass I'm waiting for tonight is yours, and not much longer.”

  He climbed into the driver's seat a second later. One hand started the ignition and went on the wheel. The other, he laid on my plump thigh, giving it a good squeeze when he pressed the accelerator.

  The tension on the short drive back was thick, suffocating, all sex and hate and horror.

  I was about to be ravished by an absolute demon and there was no stopping it. Deep down inside, fire pulsed each time I imagined him throwing me down on that huge bed and ripping into me.

  Sweat. Pain. Desire.

  I saw myself clenching the sheets and trying to fight. But the battle was lost the night before, and the rest of the war today. Against all sanity, I wanted him.

  And it made me sick. I'd never admit it to his face – never as a Rossini girl, whatever the hell that was supposed to mean anymore – but that twisted part I refused to acknowledge didn't lie. The very same part of me that had nearly given him everything the night before burned a hundred times stronger barely twenty-four hours later.

  I seriously wondered if I was losing my mind. If it was coming apart, then he was there to pick up the pieces, to shape and mold and fuck me together again.

  Back at home, he pulled up to the huge entryway beneath the canopy and headed for my door. My fingers trembled as I snapped off my seat belt. One jerk up and I was in his arms again, higher than before. David refused to let my feet touch the ground until we were upstairs, tossed over his shoulder like a naughty kitten.

  Pet, he always called me. Wasn't that all I was to him? To everyone?

  Whether it was serving this beast or my asshole father, I was always taken for granted, always forced to do what someone else told me.

  I didn't want to be his damned pet. If he was going to take me, I wanted to be his lover. The surprises kept coming, but no one could take away how I handled them.

  The door to the master suite slammed shut. My signal to start beating his shoulders. And I mean really beating them, trying to make it hurt, even a little bit.

  Confusion moved my fists more than anything else. I was pissed because it was happening so fucking fast, and I wasn't even sure if I wanted it. Then his leg brushed between mine, and a hotter, hornier call than ever screamed in my head.

  Stop fighting it. Face the storm for once.

  David seemed more annoyed than anything else. He tackled me to my back on the bed when we got into the room. His hands hooked around my wrists, flattening them into the mattress, shaking my arms.

  I stopped struggling. I just breathed, flushed red, hating the fresh tears pricking my eyes.

  “What the fuck's wrong with you? You still upset about your old man?”

  “I'm upset because you're doing this! You're taking what you want, and I have nothing to say about it. Story of my fucking life.”

  His grip loosened, if only a little. David looked me up and down, no doubt trying to control the hard on below his belt, shaking his head.

  “You're right, babe. There's no stopping this, same as I told you before,” he growled, pushing hot breathe against my lips, dangerously close and so damned hot. His words reassured my body, but not my head.

  “What you don't get is how you're torturing my ass too. You think this is all roses for me, losing my fucking mind every hour since I picked you up from that drop site in the ghetto?” He picked my hands up and pressed them down again, hard.

  “I don't care. Just do what you're going to do. Nothing else matters...” My head thrashed from side to side, wishing so bad I could sink into the ground, oblivious to whatever else my hellish life had in store for me.

  “This was supposed to be about fucking over old man Rossini,” he growled. “I was supposed to take your virgin cunt like the animal I am and enjoy the blood on my cock. I was supposed to drink your fucking tears and love it like a White Russian with the smoothest shit a man can toss down his throat. Revenge was supposed to be fucking easy, and it's not!”

  He took one hand off mine and pounded his fist into the bed next to me. The force made me jump.

  “How can you think you're so goddamned helpless, powerless, babe? You poisoned my sex drunk ass the first time I laid a finger on you. Yeah, of course I wanna split you open and let my dick frolic in that hot, wet slit you got between your legs, showing you all the ways that tight body's meant to fuck me when I claim it...”

  Christ. He can't be serious?

  No man had ever called me beautiful. Well, of course, he hadn't called me that – it was too civilized for him – but he'd really said it in his own dark way. Same damned way he dripped lust, wanting me like nobody ever had.

  The insane expression twisting his face said otherwise. His grip loosened on my other hand. His hands were off me. He ran one over his face, up through his short spiky hair, eyes glowing bright as stars after his palm passed over them.

  “Trouble is, I give a shit about those tears running down your cheeks. I can fuck you and satisfy this dick while you're bawling your eyes out, yeah, but I won't fucking enjoy it. I want you to want this. I need you to fuck me like my wife instead of a goddamned whore bound by some contract.” David released a long growl through his teeth as he hooked his hips to mine and started to rock.

  At first, anger surged. What were these shitty mind games? Was I supposed to feel sorry for him?

  “You're crazy!” I grunted, flattening my palms against his chest. He moved faster, harder, leveling his hard ridge perfectly between my legs.

  “No, love, and that's enough bullshit outta you,” he growled, reaching for my hair and fisting it, jerking my head. “Only fucking thing that's insane is my dick if I'm not balls deep inside you in the next hour.”

  His eyes narrowed. I wanted to twist away, embrace the horror I should've been feeling, but instead my eyes were fixed to his, shining straight through me.

  “Dunno if I believe in love at first sight,” he whispered. “Maybe first fuck.”

  What little resistance I still had in me faded the instant his cock hit my clit through our fabric. My body responded with fire, all I had to worry about now. Every part tingled, electric and wild. The bastard made me feel more alive when he ground his dick against me than I'd felt in years of my old life.

  How the hell did he do it? What was he doing to me?

  I hated him. I needed to. But I hated Dad more, the real bastard who'd betrayed me in a way I could never forgive.

  The tears stopped. The bed creaked beneath us as he rocked and rocked, eyes closed, slamming his hips harder toward mine, making me feel every vibration. Lewd, provocative sex hit my brain and took over every thought.

  I imagined him driving into me with nothing left between us.

  All the filthy possibilities hit me in one go. David top, behind me, my legs spread and hooked around his ass, pulling him deeper and deeper as he held me down, growling and coming inside me.

  “Shit!” I choked and grabbed the sheets. God help me, my hips bucked him back. My
legs wrapped around his, hooking tight, all the better to grind.

  It went on for another minute before he shifted, pushing his arms around my head, rising up to level more force against me. His hands slipped down my back, lifting me, pulling my face up in one hand for a kiss.

  His mouth sent pure fire into mine. I sucked hungrily at his tongue, moaning with need.

  Right now, one emotion was bound to get the upper hand, and there were certainly worse ones than desire. I just wanted some control, even a little, just a tiny, tiny scrap. Beneath it all, the rage burned, inseparable from lust.

  I needed to make someone pay for all this, making me face Hurricane David, rending me apart with every thrust, every kiss, every whirlwind finger...

  There was only one way to accept.

  By fucking David, I was fucking over my asshole father. Or else I was already so far gone, swept away in his lust, that I couldn't think of anything except fucking him.

  His breath came quicker in my mouth, his kisses harder. I leaned up, climbing his body, throwing my hands around his head and scratching at his neck. David sucked my bottom lip and jammed his tongue against mine, in and out, a preview of everything to come.

  The last virgin remnants inside me heated cherry red with shame. I grabbed him, deepening my kiss, shaking off the unease the best way I knew how.

  Tonight, her time was over. Old Annaliza was a fraud, a puppet, a ghost. She had to go, and so did all her hangups, buried in the blinding storm of my first night with a man.

  Growling for breath, David twisted away, breaking the kiss for precious air. I hadn't realized how badly I needed it until I was sucking in my own sharp breaths.

  “Fuck, baby girl. Fuck!” He shook his head, turning the fire in his eyes on me once more. “Get those fucking clothes off. We don't need to worry about what's behind us or what's coming after tonight. You've had a fucked up few days, I get it. Let me make it all better with the only therapy you'll ever need...”

  He didn't ask again. He didn't need to. He just took what he wanted, hooking his fingers on my jeans and pulling hard. They came off, sliding down my legs, belt flapping with them.

  When he saw my panties, he cursed again. “Fuck me! Wet as a fucking river. Good girl.”

  Good girl. His words echoed in my head and I shook a little as he cupped my mound, giving it the same dominant squeeze as the night before.

  Except this grip was heavier, harder, all sharp pleasure rocketing my brain. Whatever similarities there'd been to last night stopped with having his fingers on my pussy. We were going much further tonight, as far as a man and a woman could. If I survived, then I was going to step out of the maelstrom a new woman.

  Anna, not Annaliza the weakling. I'd rather be a slut to this lunatic than a bumbling virgin who let the rest of the world toss her around.

  David turned pure predator and twisted his body. He shifted against me, ripping off my shirt, then unhooking my bra. His face dove straight for my bare breasts, their hard pink nipples glowing, raw targets for the insatiable energy rising up inside him.

  Fingers, lips, and teeth surrounded my tips. The blood surging through my head each time he flicked and teased and rolled my nipples almost made me pass out. Fire burst to my extremities, plucking at my nerves. My legs responded by wrapping tighter around his, urging him on, flying the white flag with my steaming, hungry skin.

  Take it, David. Bastard, brute, savior...whatever you are, take what you've claimed. Make me forget all the tears tonight.

  Make me forget myself. Make me forget everything.

  I shouldn't have tempted fate with such horny thoughts. This man wasn't the kind who accepted any let downs, and he reminded me each time his hands and mouth worked my eager flesh. Despite the air conditioning, the humidity crept high, or maybe it was just the savage lust.

  The sheets were soaked with our sweat before he started to kiss down my belly, eyeing me like a wolf as his face sank between my thighs. He reached for my ass, pulling me to his lips. They sucked and tongued my slick wet velvet as furiously as he'd kissed me, starved for my taste.

  His smooth tongue found my clit, raked it in quick, strong waves. Precision fire made to split my world in two came in every lick, and it didn't take many to send me over the edge.

  “David! Fuck!” I stole his filthy words as my body convulsed.

  I was done talking like a virgin girl. Speaking like a woman was better, a woman who wasn't afraid to spit and scratch and swear at the ecstasy shaking her apart.

  Hearing me yell his name drove him wilder. Two stiff fingers spread me open, wide as my virgin slit would go. His tongue licked high, low, deep, anywhere and everywhere I had a nerve ending attached to my clit.

  I screamed in short staccato bursts. Then the hot white ecstasy became so strong I couldn't bellow anything at all. Laying back, I let the waves crash over me, pinching my legs tight around his shoulders as he devoured me.

  I was still coming, still gasping for air when he growled and lifted away. Desperate legs shook beneath his hands, my skin prickling as he rode my curves, tracing me.

  “You got a dirty fucking mouth on that sweet face. Wouldn't have believed you were a virgin if I didn't have assurances.” He rolled his shirt off as my eyes fought to steady themselves. “You ready to kill that fucked up good girl your old man always wanted you to be? Kill her with this?”

  God, he read my mind. And he completely ruled it too, overwhelming me with desire and musk and heat.

  His thick erection rubbed my bare slit, concealed only by his trousers. David's hands moved to his belt and he started taking down his pants before I answered.

  Yes, yes! Put her out of her misery, David. A bad, screwed up husband needs an equally wicked wife.

  No matter how I tried, I couldn't work up the courage to say it to his face. Shy old Annaliza wasn't dead until he fucked her out of me. I just shuddered and nodded, insane thoughts taking hold.

  It was strange to be here right now, prisoner beneath his tattooed muscles so soon after I'd almost died a virgin in the woods. And what a prison!

  His ink twisted on his skin in all its crazy, frightening, freakish glory.

  Dark stripes like flames circled his chest, up and down his sculpted breasts. A double headed eagle with its beaks twisted sharply was in the very center, holding what looked like a family crest crossed with swords. The canvass he called his skin didn't lie, and neither did the faint scar along his cheek: he'd branded the underworlds' pain into his flesh, a living testament to the terrible things he'd suffered and the blood he'd drawn.

  I was about to fuck a killer, a monster, a man just like my Dad. Except this man had lived up to his promises, however monstrous. He kept his word, honest as all the blood that surely covered his hands.

  “What're you staring at, love? Haven't you ever seen a dude covered in tats before?” He smiled, knowing the answer to his question. He relished my wonder.

  “I like them,” I whispered. “They fit you.”

  He laughed, finally kicking off his pants and reaching for his boxers' waistband. “I'll take that as a compliment. Whatever, pet. All I care about is fitting inside that sweet virgin cunt. You can gawk all you want when my balls are banging against your little ass. Now spread those fine fucking legs and get ready for this. Take a deep breath. 'cause once it starts, it doesn't fucking stop.”

  His boxers snapped down and tore down his legs in a jerk. Another kick and they were gone. He straightened, slowly running a fist down a cock so big it barely seemed human. What he had pulsing in his hand was nothing like the hard stubby thing I'd imagined.

  David's tip glistened, angry and purple and huge, drooling something slick and pearly over his fingers. He rubbed it, giving a low grunt, shifting his legs to expose the huge set of balls that powered his mammoth dick.

  “Don't you worry, girl. Most men aren't hung like this. Not that you'll ever get another chance to find out. This cock's the only cock that'll ever be in you, understand? And that
shit you've heard about good things in small packages? Forget it. This fucker's the best there is because it's so damned huge.”

  He rolled forward, wedging it near my opening, running through my folds. I bristled at the wicked arrogance, shuddering again when his cock rolled so close to pushing inside me, collecting the fresh cream leaking out of me.

  It was so hot, ten thick inches of volcanic magma sealed in a rigid sheath, all except one little part near the head. What the hell?

  I reached down and got the biggest surprise yet. David's fist closed over mine on his dick, and he made me squeeze.

  “Go ahead and cop a feel. Those fucking beads going up it aren't natural. Got those installed special by a freak I know. Lotta girls lose their fucking minds when they feel 'em the first time. Let's see how it works on you.”

  The tiny globes were underneath his skin, body modifications I hadn't known existed. They proved their worth when he shifted down and started a long, slow thrust, tearing his way into me. My back arched in a mix of pleasure, pain, and heat.

  It was like a machine steamrolling into me, stretching my virgin skin, ravaging its way up to my womb. If I wasn't programmed to like it, it would've hurt too much, but the rewarding itch pulsing in my belly told me to grin and bear it.

  My fingernails clutched the sheets beneath me. David's head snapped back, lips slightly open, lost in total bliss.

  “Fuck, baby girl. Tighter and wetter than I even fucking thought.” He wiped the joy off his face and looked down at me, the seriousness coming back. His dick throbbed deep inside me. “Hold onto that mattress and throw your legs around me tight. This is where you get broken in and used to this dick. And you'd better, babe. It's gonna be in you every goddamned minute I can spare after tonight...”

  He started to thrust. His huge cock raked my walls as he pumped in and out, quickening his strokes when he saw I could take it. The little beads implanted in his skin scratched inside me, teasing and hotter than anything I imagined.

  Instinct kicked in. My hips bucked up to take him deeper, and my knees bent, hooking tight around his ass. The sudden feel must've driven him on because he picked up steam, throttling my body, shaking me from head to toe as he rammed his erection in and out.


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