Falling for Dr. Kelly: A Falling novel

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Falling for Dr. Kelly: A Falling novel Page 12

by Gallie, DL

  Sliding out of bed, I slip on his shirt from last night and head to the kitchen to make some coffee and get some water, my mouth feels like a dirty ashtray. The only downside to a big night out is the morning after. I’ve just turned the coffee machine on when my phone rings. Looking down I see that it's Bay.

  “Hey, Bay.”

  “Where are you?” she snarls.

  “Good morning to you too.”

  “Whatevs, where are you?”

  “Not home.” I don’t tell her where I am because I don’t want any grief from her concerning Flynn.

  “Well, I need a ride. I drank too much last night and I need you to come and get me.”

  “No, Bay, I’m sorry, I can’t.”

  Flynn comes up behind me and wraps his arms around me. Cupping my boobs, he squeezes them and a moan breaks free.

  “Ugh, seriously, Ave? You can’t wait until I’m off the phone?”

  Even though I’m holding my phone to my ear, I totally forgot she was there. “Sorry, I’m busy, Bay. You’ll have to Uber it.”

  “Some sister you are. I’d be there for you if you called me in need.”

  “Yeah, right,” I scoff. “Grab an Uber and I’ll see you when I get home.” Another moan slips out when Flynn pinches my nipple.

  “Is that sexy as sin doctor with you?”

  “No,” I snap, but it's not convincing at all.

  “He’ll be mine soon,” she softly says, and before I can tell her off, she hangs up on me.

  “Gah!” I shout, as I throw my phone on the counter. “I hate her stinkin’ guts.” I pause, and then playfully tack on, “You make me vomit. You’re scum between my toes. Love Alfalfa.” I laugh as I recite this verse and when I spin around to look at Flynn, he’s looking at me like I have two heads. “It’s from Little Rascals.” He’s still looking at me with a blank stare on his face, and I realize he has never seen the movie. “You’ve never seen it, have you?”

  “Seen what?” he asks, shrugging his shoulders, utterly confused right now.

  “Little Rascals, the movie.”

  He shakes his head side to side. “Nope. Never seen or heard of it.”

  I scoff in fake shock, “Well, then we need to rectify this. Later today, me. You. Little Rascals. A bottle of red and popcorn.”

  “Can we be naked?”

  I laugh at his request. “Sure, why not.”

  “Perfect,” he reiterates, “later we will watch Little Rascals, naked, while drinking red wine and eating popcorn. But first, coffee.”

  “I like that plan.”

  We sit at the island, drinking our coffee, and we chat about the movie. I pretty much tell him everything that happens since I know the movie from start to finish. Baylor and I loved the movie growing up, we must have watched it a million times over the years.

  Finishing our coffee, we head back to bed and sleep for a few more hours. Seriously, I am never drinking again. I’m too old to party ‘til the wee hours and then fuck ‘til the sun comes up. Not that I’ve ever done that before, but I can unequivocally say, I’ll do it again because last night was amazing and anyone who says they are never drinking again is a big fat liar, because they totally will drink excessively again.

  After our nap, we order Chinese and eat our weight in Mongolian beef and watch Little Rascals. Like I agreed, we watch it naked while drinking red wine—see, I drank again—and eating popcorn. I recite just about every line and then we make sweet, sweet love on the sofa. I completely forget about all my concerns with my sister because I’m with Flynn.

  He hops up to refill our wine and as I watch his naked ass, I realize that no longer am I falling for Dr. Kelly, I’ve fallen head over heels, ass over tits, in love with this sexy as sin Irish doctor, and I’ve never been happier.



  Grabbing a glass of water, I sigh when I realize it’s been three days since I saw Avery in person. Seems three days is my limit before I turn into a total girl and start whining like a little bitch. We had a quick FaceTime chat earlier but that’s not the same. She left my place Sunday at dinnertime after we spent the most of the weekend together. Apart from a few text messages and our FaceTime, I’ve missed seeing her…damn double shifts and life getting in the way.

  Even though I’m dog-tired, I want to see her. Picking up my phone, I go to call and see if she’s free for dinner, but I’m interrupted by a knock at the door. Walking over, I open the door and I’m pleasantly surprised to see Avery standing there. My mouth drops open at the sight before me. She’s wearing a figure-hugging, pink dress that leaves NOTHING to the imagination, I’ve never seen her dress like this before. “Fuck me, you are gorgeous.”

  “I know,” she replies.

  Shaking my head at her cheeky response, my eyes once again rake over her body—shoot me—I’m male and my sexy as hell woman is here, and suddenly, I’m not so tired anymore. I’ve never seen her like this before. There’s something different with her tonight but fuck me, I’ll take it. She steps around me and walks, no, saunters in and takes a seat at the breakfast bar. She crosses her legs, ala Sharon Stone in Basic Instinct and I’m pretty sure she isn’t wearing any panties. I’m totally digging this sexy vixen version of Avery.

  “What are you doing here?” I ask, as I walk over to the wine fridge and grab a bottle of white. It’s after five and we can order in I tell myself, as I uncork the bottle. Grabbing two glasses from the cupboard, I pour us each a glass and hand one to her. Her fingers brush mine and the zing I usually feel isn’t there tonight, maybe it’s because I’ve just finished a twenty-four hour shift and I’m shattered.

  “I missed you,” she says, “It’s been too long since I’ve seen you.”

  “You FaceTimed me at lunch today.”

  Her eyes bug open and then she sexily whines, “That was forever ago.”

  “You are too cute.”

  “I know,” she replies again. Something is definitely off with her tone tonight. I put it down to being super tired, I’m not even enjoying my wine and this is my favorite.

  “Look, Ave lass, I’m sorry to do this, but I’m shattered after my shift. Can we do this tomorrow? After I’ve gotten some sleep.”

  She looks at me, and her face it etched with rejection. I hate that I put that look on her face, but I know if I ask her to stay, I won’t be getting to sleep for a few more hours, and I just can’t, as much as it pains me. I need sleep.

  “Fine,” she snaps, “but can you drop me home first? I got an Uber here.”

  “Of course,” I say, confused as to why she’d Uber it here, she doesn’t usually Uber it unless she’s drinking. “Are you okay?” I question.

  “I’m fine,” she snaps again, clearly she’s tired too.

  We head down to the parking garage and when she climbs in, I once again get a view of her pantyless ass. I’m close to taking her back upstairs but something is stopping me from doing so.

  The car ride back to her place is quiet. It’s kind of awkward, but I put it down to me being a complete zombie right now, actually, I’m surprised I didn’t crash on the way over here. Pulling up outside her apartment building, I walk around the hood. After helping her out, she links her arm with mine and we walk inside. We climb into the elevator and ride up to her floor. Again it's silent and awkward. The doors open and we step out. She’s digging in her purse for her keys, banging on the door as she does so. Suddenly, as if she’s heard something, her head snaps up and she looks at me. Her eyes take on a glint I’ve never seen before. She steps toward me, drapes her arms over my shoulders and gazes into my eyes. She starts leaning in when the apartment door swings opens. A smirk appears on her face and we both turn our heads. The person standing in the doorway looks shocked. Her gaze darting back and forth between us, and then her eyes well with tears, and a sinking feeling develops in my guts.

  “Flynn. Bay.” She steps into the hall with us. “What’s going on?”




  “Avery?” I question, looking between the two of them.

  “Hey, Sis,” Baylor says from in front of me.

  Immediately, I step back and push Baylor away from me. My eyes dart between them and suddenly, everything makes sense now. The awkwardness. The unease. No spark, it's because I was with Baylor and not Avery. Had I not been dog-tired, I would have known immediately.

  Turning to Avery, my hearts breaks when I see the devastation on her face. “Avery,” I plead, “I’m—”

  She raises her hand. “No. Don’t.” On a sob, she blubbers, “Just go, Flynn.”

  She turns on her heel and walks into the apartment. My eyes follow her as she somberly races into her bedroom. My heart shattering with each step she takes away from me.

  “Well, that was perfect,” Baylor smugly says from beside me. “Call me,” she sweetly says as she steps toward me. She rests her palms on my chest and places a kiss on my cheek. Turning on her heel, she walks toward the elevators and steps into the car we just exited.

  Shaking my head, I watch as the doors close and then I hear it, a gut-wrenching sound emits from inside the apartment. Racing in, I slam the door behind me and make my way to Avery’s room, her sobs getting louder and louder.

  Standing at the doorway, my heart breaks at the scene before me. Avery is lying on her bed in the fetal position, tears cascading down her cheeks. She’s completely shattered and it’s all because of me, and her sister. I can’t take it. I step into her bedroom and plead, “Ave lass, please.”



  “Don’t, Ave lass, me!” I scream, my heart is shattering in half right now. Wiping at my eyes, I refuse to cry. He doesn’t deserve my tears, I sit up and cross my legs. Taking a deep breath, I lift my gaze and glare at him. “You were...” I can’t finish my sentence, the tears start again and they pour like an avalanche down my cheeks. “You were about to kiss my sister,” I sniffle. Voicing that out loud shatters my heart into a million tiny fragments. “How could you?”

  “I thought she was you!” he shouts in defense. Does he really think so little of me that he would try that lame excuse?

  “Please,” I scoff. “Don’t insult me, Flynn. If you want her, go for it. I know she’s vivacious and out there, and I’m—”

  “Perfect,” he says, as he strides over to me, eating up the distance in a few steps. Dropping to his knees in front of me, he takes my hands in his and grips them tightly, squeezing in an oddly reassuring way. “Avery Evans, you are perfect, absolutely-fucking-perfect and...and…I love you. I fucking love you.”

  My mouth drops open at his declaration. I’ve gone from hurt and anger to shock and awe.

  “Avery, I love you.” He climbs up onto the bed, shuffling to his knees and with my hands still in his; he stares intently into my eyes. “From the moment I laid eyes on you, I was smitten. I had to have you. I had you and then you left, but then fate bought us back together and I was once again bewildered by you. You are the air in my lungs. The beat of my heart. You are my everything, Avery Evans.” He pauses. “Ave lass, I love you.”

  Blinking rapidly, I process the words he just said to me. Words that resonate deep in my soul, I believe and I feel every one of those words. “I love you too, Flynn Kelly.”

  Wrapping my arms around his neck, I slam my lips against his and pull him toward me. Our bodies collide. We become one. This kiss is electric, it's different from the many before. The love between us radiates around my room. It envelops us and swallows us whole. Nothing else matters except for Flynn and me and our love for one for another.

  Falling to the mattress with our lips fused, we let our love flow between us. I’m blissfully in love with this man and he loves me back. I love him with every fiber in my being. Nothing and no one can tear us apart.

  After our declaration of love, Flynn and I lie on my bed in each other’s arms. The sound of the front door opening, startles us. Baylor giggles when some guy says something and thankfully, they head to her bedroom, slamming her bedroom door with enough force to shake my room. Letting out a sigh, I look to Flynn. He knows from the look on my face that I need to get out of the apartment. Without saying a word, he lifts me out of bed. My legs wrap around him and I hang on like a monkey. He exits my apartment and carries me down to his car and away from Baylor.

  The beating of his heart calms me, I’m reluctant to let him go. I want to stay in his arms forever, and as if he can read my mind, he says. “As much as I love having you in my arms, I need to let you go so I can drive us back to my place.”

  Nodding my head, I unwrap my legs from his waist and lower my feet to the ground. He opens the car door for me and before I hop in, I look to him. “I love you, Flynn.”

  “And I love you, Avery. Now get in.”

  Climbing in, I strap myself in and we head to Flynn’s and away from my deceitful sister. My thoughts are a jumbled mess but they keep coming back to those three words, I love you. Who knew three little words, eight letters could hold so much power?

  Arriving at his place, Flynn parks in his spot and we lace our fingers together and head up to his apartment. We don’t say anything, the silence is peaceful. We step into his penthouse and a calmness washes over me, that is until I see the open bottle of wine and two glasses sitting on the island counter. I stop midstep and my eyes snap to his, my blood simmering and hurt courses through my veins; she was here. Any calmness I had evaporates and rage takes its place.

  “Nothing happened!” he yells. “She turned up here just as I got home from the hospital. My mind isn’t functioning properly. I’ve been awake for over twenty-six hours now. I honestly thought she was you. You two are strikingly similar but also different, and I sensed something was off but I just put it down to being overtired.” He pauses. “I’m so sorry, Ave.” Turning to face me, he goes to take my hand in his, but I step back. He looks to me and pleads, “I promise you, Avery, nothing happened between us. Please believe me!”

  As I stare at him, I see the remorse and guilt he feels in his eyes. Stepping over to him, I cup his cheek in my palm. “I believe you.” Relief floods his face at my words. “Flynn, you are mine,” I emphasize the word mine, “even when you’re dead tired and your mind is playing tricks on you. Your heart sensed something was up because it beats for me and only me. Just like mine beats only for you.” Wrapping my arms around his shoulders, I rest my head on his chest. “You are mine, Flynn Kelly, forever and eternity,” I whisper, as I close my eyes and snuggle into him.

  He wraps his around me in return and kisses my head. He whispers, “I’m yours, Avery, forever and eternity.” We silently hug one another. It’s nice. It’s perfect, and it’s exactly what we need right now. I know without a doubt that he’s telling the truth, but I’m so confused as to why Baylor would do this to me. To him. Something is amiss with her but that’s something for another day. Lifting my head, I look up at him. “Flynn, take me to bed,” I huskily whisper as I nuzzle his chin.

  “With pleasure,” he growls, tightening his embrace around me.

  Scooping his arms under my legs, he lifts me up and carries me bridal style into his bedroom. He places me on my feet at the end of the bed. He lowers his lips to mine and gently kisses me. Pulling back, I whisper, “Be right back.”

  Walking over to the en suite bathroom, I close the door behind me and stare at my reflection and grin. Flynn loves me and I love him. Cue freak-out, but no freak-out occurs because this is meant to be. I’m happy and content with this declaration. Taking a deep breath, I pull my shirt over my head and slide my jeans down my legs; ever so thankful I wore a sexy matching set today.

  Opening the door, I sexily step through and when I look to the bed, I smile. Flynn is sound asleep, snoring loudly, like he does when he’s super exhausted. Walking over to the bed, I drop to my knees and remove his shoes and socks. Then I manage to get his jeans down and I begin to unbutton his shirt. He stirs. “Ave lass, I’m sorry,” he sleepily says.

��Shhhh,” I whisper. “Go back to sleep, baby.”

  He sits up and his eyes pop open when he sees what I’m wearing. “Ave, you are so fucking gorgeous,” he hungrily says, his eyes immediately drooping closed before his head falls to my stomach, once again asleep.

  “Sleep, baby,” I say, running my fingers through his hair. Kissing his head, I whisper, “I’ll be here in the morning.”

  Sliding his shirt down his arms, I gently push him backward and he drops back to the mattress, managing to pull me down with him. He rolls to his side and I snuggle into him, spooning. He’s out cold, snoring like a freight train. Me? I’m wide awake and my mind is firing on all cylinders. Why did Bay do this? What is wrong with her? And what I can do to get my sister back?

  Eventually my eyes become heavy and my last thought before I drift off to sleep is that the man I’m currently snuggling with loves me, just as much as I love him. Bay and her pettiness be damned.



  Waking up with Avery in my bed is fast becoming my favorite way to start my day. Rolling to my side, my eyes roam over her body. Her sexy as sin body is currently encased in a black satin bra and panties combo. The sun is just rising and in the morning light, Avery looks radiant. Tracing my finger down her breastbone, ever so gently, her skin prickles under my touch and her hazel eyes flutter open, the green vibrant in the early morning light.

  “Morning, beautiful.”

  “Morning,” she huskily says, smiling at me. Even sleepy, she’s gorgeous.

  Leaning toward her, I place my lips against hers. Rolling her to her back, I roll on top of her, cocooning her body with mine and deepening our kiss. Sliding my hand down her side, the moment is interrupted by Avery’s phone’s alarm.


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