Ecstasy Unbound (The Guardians of the Realms Series)

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Ecstasy Unbound (The Guardians of the Realms Series) Page 15

by Jay, Setta

  Uri couldn’t believe all the centuries he’d wasted, not knowing she was his. He finally understood why he’d been so drawn to her. He’d figured she was using him for her own kinks, which met well with his own. That she’d been taking her pleasure at her own hand, wanting him, not the game, or the kink, made him hot. He groaned as his dick begged him to find her and fuck that tight little pussy all over again. He had never felt such a heavenly, constricting fit in his entire life.

  How was she was so damned innocent? His primal side loved it. Loved that she had been without other lovers. His little voyeur.

  Her insecurities, they would have to deal with. Shit, Uri didn’t have a clue how to be a mate. He’d figure it the hell out. The completion of the mating bond would most likely help her. It seemed her lack of control over her powers was at the center of her lack of confidence in general. Their powers would meld in the way of mates. In the end, she would gain a hell of a lot more in control of her own abilities and get a boost of his. Not sure how it would work with the Guardian powers, but Sirena was thrilled with the possibilities. His chest filled with pride at how fucking perfect she was.

  Uri thought about their first joining, in a fucking holding cell. She had been so hot and wet for him, it’d been like nothing he’d ever experienced. She’d taken him inside her blistering heat, just as much in the frenzy as he, tried to forgo her pleasure in fear of hurting him, then knocked the shit out of him with that shield blast. He understood her never taking a lover. A human couldn’t have taken that impact. It took a second for his cracked ribs to mend.

  He grinned, thinking of the tiny ball of sheer perfection she was. All that power packed into such a small frame. She was tiny, especially for a Goddess. She was almost a foot shorter than him, even in those sexy ass boots. Alexandra had looked like pure hellfire. Beautiful and deadly, in patent heels and a sexy little black dress. She’d taken a warrior twice her size to the ground. She’d been so damned protective of her pain in the ass brother. Then, seconds later, she’d regally taken a seat at the table to negotiate with Drake. She was exactly what a Goddess should be. He was sure he’d never encountered a more exceptional female in his long lifetime, and she was his.

  Theirs would be the first such mating of its kind, an Immortal Guardian with a Demi-Goddess. Who knew what power they would hold? The Guardians were constantly battling one enemy after another, in all the Realms. The added power would be a big fucking help. Especially, if what he feared was true, that the Tria were getting smarter.

  He was selfish enough that he just didn’t give a shit what it added to the cause. He wanted her purely as a male wanted his mate.

  He was forced to push back the twinge of guilt he felt at being the first of his brethren to find a mate. That his mate held such immense power, loyalty, spirit and blinding ass beauty, made his chest expand. He hoped that it meant that the rest would soon find their other halves.

  Most of those Elemental Mageias who had the gene Sirena was sure marked them as a possible match for an Immortal, didn’t find their other half when arriving in Tetartos. Sirena had not found a foolproof way of locating them. And even when a Mageias came to Tetartos from Earth and didn’t pair with an Immortal, they were bound to stay out their mortal lives, never returning to the human Realm.

  The curse was a spell meant to help. Uri still saw Charybdis as they had found her, beautiful, angelic, crystal blue eyes, looking out, sightless, through blood encrusted fair hair. He’d never forget the state she’d been in when he and Gregoire had released her from the bonds. She’d been barely breathing, and would have died at Apollo’s hand, if they hadn’t freed her. Uri had tried to take some of her memories. He shook off the memory. He wouldn’t go there. Those times were best left forgotten. Only he, Gregoire, Sacha and Drake had known what they had done. Soon, Alex would also know. Once they completed their bond, they would have shared memories.

  Charybdis should have been revered for her sacrifice, and was, when they were still in the labs. It wasn’t until after they were freed, and the Gods were contained, that things changed. Long decades passed with few young, and the spell slowly became known as a curse.

  Would he have young? He scrubbed a hand through the back of his hair. Something deep inside him pulsed with the thought of having one of his own. But with it, came the thoughts of what they’d all lost in those labs. Things he refused to think on now.

  Drawing his thoughts onto a more pleasurable course, he looked to his internal clock. He would give her a few more minutes to refuel her energies.

  Uri took in his surroundings. He’d claimed the cave centuries ago, loving the dense jungle canopy outside and the waterfall, which, along with his wards, deflected or hid his space from humans and wildlife alike. He knew that some of his brothers had modernized their caves, but he’d kept his simple. His sight was better in candlelight, his eyes were too sensitive for direct sun, and even electric light was usually too much for him, forcing him to use sunglasses a lot of the time.

  He turned in the direction of his mate. He would make up for their first time being in a holding cell, on video, which had distressed her. He would get those tapes from Conn before Jax found a way to get his hands on them. Unless Conn deleted them, which he would most likely do. Uri didn’t think his little Goddess would like his brothers using the tape for their viewing pleasure.

  Shaking his head, Uri leaned against the wall, wondering what Alexandra’s cave looked like. He grinned, sure that her entire cave was filled with girly stuff, like shoes. He liked imagining that all she did in her cave was walk around naked in high heels. He stifled a groan.

  Time’s up, little Goddess…

  Chapter 18

  Alex was sitting there, psyching herself out. Not sure if she should go to Uri or wait where she was. She felt stupid, awkward after having gotten her strength back and her thoughts were once again her own.

  She was sitting on the far side of the room, with a view of the doorway that connected to the room Uri was in. She bumped her head back against the stone wall, willing the stupid male to come to her. She had been absently revisiting her conversation with Vane.

  Vane said the situation with Erik was covered, but it killed her not being with them, doing something useful. Vane just kept telling her the same things, refuel and not worry about them, fill herself full of energies. That she needed to get her head around the mating, find answers, so she was able to help Erik with Sam. There was nothing she could do there that wasn’t already being done. He and a couple of the Guardians were forcing energies to Erik. Which was apparently something they didn’t need her help for, blah, blah, blah. Then, he ended with small lecture on how important it was to have her at top strength when they went on the rescue mission.

  He was keeping her away. Probably worried she’d overtax herself again by trying to help feed energy to Erik. Blowing out a breath, she realized she had to have scared Vane with how depleted she’d been before leaving with Uri. She couldn’t help feeling crappy about coming across as weak. She hated the constant feeling of being a liability. She knew her brothers loved her no matter what, but it felt like she was letting them down, again. She sank lower in the cushion Uri had set her on. She would just have to suck it up. Forcing her back straight, she decided she would figure out the mating, as Vane requested. That would make her feel useful.

  Determined now, she looked again to the empty doorway. Why hadn’t Uri come to her yet? She had thought, maybe, he would have helped her re-energize, but instead, he’d left her in his waterfall room to refuel on her own. She had been a little thankful at first, then confused at his intentions in leaving her.

  She had been dangerously depleted when they arrived at the cave. Just one side of delirious with the need to refuel, and her exhaustion barely left her with enough energy to sit. She had meditated, refueled, and figured out the freaking shield for her thoughts, which had not really been all that complicated. Nothing like adding another layer of inadequacy to her already wonderful

  Biting her lip and closing her eyes at the rush of nerves she felt. Everything was happening so fast. She knew in her heart a mating was a blessing. And Gods, she loved that hers was with Uri. He had been her primary fantasy material for as long as she remembered. But he was a Guardian, all alpha, premium grade male. He was hers to have as she liked. As often as she liked. She wanted him with her now, inside her, chasing away all thoughts of inadequacy, while pounding into her body and making her cry out in pleasure. If the big dumb male would just get in there. She gritted her teeth in frustration.

  For centuries it had just been her and her brothers, and they loved her, flaws and all. And even though they were protective butts at times, they still understood her need for freedom. But would Uri? He was a force of nature, and dominant like no other male she’d seen. Well, other than maybe Gregoire, and it turned her on more than anything to witness it… even experience it. Gods, she was wet thinking of all the things he would do to her. But would he want to run her life, as well as command her body?

  He’d stopped pacing in the other room. She heard him even through the waterfall, her senses seeming to zero in on his location with avid interest.

  Alex still felt the imprints of his hands on her body. Her skin was still sensitive from their coupling... She couldn’t wait to get all that delicious satisfaction again. If only her shield wasn’t such a problem. She remembered how he looked after taking the blast when she’d climaxed. The male exuded the erotic pheromones of an animal, his chest rose and fell, but his eyes held challenge. A challenge her mind couldn’t comprehend. The memory of his sheer intensity made her pussy weep in anticipation. His show of warrior strength made something inside her purr. That he was strong enough to take what her shield wrought, within the tight confines of that cell, made her ache for him more than she thought possible.

  She was hot and wet at the thought of him dominating her sexually. But, she knew she would never deal well if he tried to dominate her life. She needed to know what he expected from their Mating. They would have to talk. Though, maybe she was thinking too much, what if he only wanted her sexually? She hated her insecurities, but she had several lifetimes of cultivating them. Getting past them now, wouldn’t be easy.

  She knocked her head back against the hard stone, hoping to clear her unruly brain.

  She focused on the serenity of her surroundings. She was giving him two minutes then she was going to him. It had been so calming to take her energies while in a place that held so much of Uri within its tranquil embrace. When they arrived, and she’d finally gotten some fuel into her depleted cells, she had been tempted to take off her clothes and take a dip in the bigger of the two pools. Hmm, maybe it would lure him to her. The thought made her grin.

  Cool water, from the river above, streamed down through a crevice in the ceiling, creating a thin veil of liquid. A beautiful, watery curtain that secluded the pool from the smaller alcove behind. The hidden spot sheltered a smaller pool, only big enough for several people to recline within its heated depth. A fine mist blanketed the surface like a lover’s caress.

  Alex had explored the room while she spoke to her brother, loving the soft noise, and the seductive warmth, from the grotto secreted behind the veil. To get there, she stepped over a small stream, no more than two feet wide, which disappeared into the stone wall on the other side. Shelves were carved just inside the doorway that separated her from Uri. They held fluffy white towels she wanted to bury her face in. Several more cut outs surrounded the room, housing simple yellow candles. Most of which he lit for her when they arrived, creating a soft glimmer that mixed with the turquoise sheen in the water. She saw glowing rock inside. It held a beautiful shine, making the area majestic.

  Intricately carved stone seating, in many forms, encircled the room. Most seemed carved directly from the walls themselves. Did he create them? She wondered at that new element to the male she’d spent so many centuries enthralled with. She truly knew so little of him. She stared at the doorway, willing him to come through it. Wanting to watch the panther-like grace he exuded. She didn’t want to miss a second of seeing the male that was all hers.

  She could get used to his place. She liked it as much as she loved her own cave and hadn’t thought that possible. The cavern she’d claimed even before the Exile was located on a tiny island in the Pacific.

  She blew out a breath, deciding it was time to seek Uri out, but first, she wanted to check on her brothers again. Vane told her earlier that Sirena had been examining Erik at the time and Alex wanted to know what happened.

  “How is he? Any news from the exam? Uri and I should be back any moment.” Yeah, once she stopped stalling and went to him.

  “He was pretty drained, and Sirena confirmed he was in the Mating Frenzy. The Guardians and I have been forcing energies into him, at Sirena’s direction. Man is she a hard ass. You wouldn’t know it looking at her, but, shit…. She is taking care of him, though, and she said she has a lot of ideas she wants to get straight. It was a little like gibberish to me. And before you say it, no, we don’t need you here for anything yet. Drake said for you and Uri to “Get your shit figured out.” and be back at the compound in an hour. Conn, Jax, Gregoire and I have got Erik covered here, sis. Sirena said you and Uri need to spend time working on your bond. I definitely don’t want details, but she said it’ll be important. I’m refueling in the caves behind the compound while we take care of Erik.

  “Okay, but if anything changes, let me know and we’ll be there. She didn’t give you any other information on Mating? I hate being so uninformed.”

  “I know more than I ever wanted to know about what you’re going to do with your mate. I would clean my mind out with Drano if I could. You figure it out with that douchebag of yours. I’ll check in if we need you. See you in an hour.”

  She grinned and told him she’d see him soon. It sounded as if he was bonding with the others, which made Alex happy. And it alleviated some of the stress, knowing that Sirena was taking Erik’s care so seriously. Vane’s mental tone indicated that Sirena had eased some of his worries as well.

  Alex felt the air thicken as Uri entered the room. The dominance he exuded filled the space, causing goose bumps to rise along her skin, and ending all other thought. She took a deep breath. Gods, he was gorgeous. Chest still bare, the muscles from his stomach to his wide, taut shoulders flexed as he moved.

  They had an hour, but she needed answers, before he got so close her mind short circuited again. All the moisture in her mouth fled to her lower extremities at the sight of him. She was unable to utter a word. Her heartbeat sped, watching his long strides eating the distance from the entrance to the seat she’d taken at the other side of the pool.

  Uri stared intently into her eyes before taking a slow trip down her body, lingering on her lips, breasts, legs, all the way to the tips of her shiny black boots. Slowly, he lifted his head, scenting the air like a predator and closing his eyes on an erotic groan.

  “You have twenty seconds to undress and get into the grotto. If I do it for you, the dress will be shredded, your choice.” His voice was strained as he opened his eyes again, his jaw tense like the muscles of his bulging biceps. He was so large, especially from the seated position she was vacating. A little thrill ran through her as she moved to heed his command, and there was no doubt in her mind that it was just that. She grew slick with the thought of what he’d do to her.

  “As much as I’m on board with being naked with you, we need to talk. I need information on the mating. We only have an hour before a meeting with Drake and my brother.”

  “Ten seconds… This will provide your answers.”

  Her stomach clenched. She didn’t know how what he had in mind would provide her with any answers, but her body was all over the idea. She cocked a brow, “Mmm hmm, and how, exactly, will that work?” She asked. Getting up, she walked with what she hoped were slow seductive strides, even though her legs felt a little wobbly. The clicking of he
r boots sounded loud against the stone and echoed along the walls as she strode toward the grotto. She slowly pulled down the zipper at the back of the dress. Each click of the metal teeth ramped up her excitement. She craved his dominance, it made her ache. But, she wanted to be seductive instead of inexperienced and inept, she wanted to make him burn, just a little.

  She looked over her shoulder as she let the dress drop. Leaving her only in the sky high boots that flowed over her calves like a second skin. Alex saw him standing in the same position, his body tight like a bow string ready to spring. His eyes were focused on her bottom, so intense she felt it as a touch. His mercury gaze lowered to her boot covered feet, and a low growl issued from his throat. The sound brought more goose bumps to her overheated flesh. She felt the mist from the waterfall as she drew closer. Not wanting to ruin the boots, she lifted one to the nearest stone seat, and slowly unzipped it. Bending at the waist, making sure to arch her back and give him the view she hoped would stretch his restraint.

  Glancing back, she saw his jaw clench tighter. The hint of fangs peeking erotically over his bottom lip made her lower body pulse. The fact that she’d never seen a hint of fang when he’d been with those human females, gave her a dose of pride. Granted, it was probably prudent not to show humans fang. She chose for that moment to believe she was the only one to illicit such a response. “Two seconds, and you go in with the boots on.” He growled out. She felt a surge of feminine power at his slowly shredding control.

  She suppressed a grin and moved faster, extricating herself from her favorite footwear, not wanting to see them ruined. Before she was even upright, he was behind her. He sifted his fingers through the strands of her hair, pulling lightly, then moving the mass over one shoulder, caused a shiver to wrack her body. Heated puffs of breath touched against the sensitive skin at her neck, and her nipples tightened harder than she thought possible. She moaned and tried to arch back, wanting full skin to skin contact. Instead he kept his body away. He was bending from his greater height to rub beard stubble lightly against her throat, marking the skin with delicious friction. All the while, his big hands sat low against her hips as thick thumbs moved in circles in the indents below her waist. The dual stimulation of his gentle hands, and the rough abrasion at her neck, blurred her vision.


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