Ecstasy Unbound (The Guardians of the Realms Series)

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Ecstasy Unbound (The Guardians of the Realms Series) Page 21

by Jay, Setta

  Her hips had a mind of their own, grinding into him. The movement earned her a tight growl, that served only to make her body tighten and her pussy quiver. Why did his more primal responses drive her so insane?

  “Fuck, female, you will be the death of me. I want you to show me all of these fantasies. I will see to those needs. But right now, I have every intention of spanking that ass to nice bright red.” He growled out while leaning in to nuzzle her neck. Reflexively, she tilted her head to give him better access.

  Wait, spanking? What? “Why am I getting a spanking?”

  “You were reckless as shit today. You got yourself hurt in the process.” She was flipped over a thick, firm thigh before she was able to protest that it had only been freaking flesh wound.

  One loud smack issued loudly in the quiet of the room. It stung like crap, then delicious warmth hit. She was so focused on that warmth leading to her womb that she was surprised at the next hard strike to the other cheek. He smattered sharp whacks to her bottom and thighs, the stinging warmth making her wiggle and moan. “Let me in your mind.” His voice was so sexy and low it made gooseflesh rise as she opened to him. “Mmm, liked your punishment?” His warm breath against the sensitive skin of her neck was almost too much. Her nerves were on end. That wicked tongue laved a loving trail as she let him see some of her fantasies. Each time he entered her mind it felt more and more right. Her body felt the same, like all her cells were somehow realigning into something better.

  Strong hands flipped her up to straddle his thighs. She moaned again, her bottom was so hot and sensitive against his bare skin. Uri lifted her up high to feast on her breasts. He suckled at her swollen mounds ruthlessly. His mouth felt so hot, his tongue so wicked.

  He kept her off kilter. She ended up on her back with him above her. She was dizzy with sensation. He held her tight to the bed as he rubbed his shaft against her wet heat. The blatant show of strength made her heart flutter, along with a much more primitive response lower in her body. Before she knew his intent, she was moved again, that time with her back to his front, standing in front of a floor length mirror. She felt him inside her mind, sifting deliciously through her fantasies. Would he give her one now? He had pushed her hair to the side and was devouring her ear and neck. Her eyes fell closed on a groan as he nipped her sensitive lobe.

  “Open your eyes and watch what I do to you.” The raspy growl took her to another level.

  Eyes open, she took in his massive body behind her, all strong lines, dips she wanted to lick. It was erotic, seeing her much smaller frame in front of him as he stroked up her body with one hand to plump a breast and pluck at her nipple. His hair was wet and falling in clumps against his forehead as he scraped a distended fang along her collar bone. Those sexy fangs made her crave naughty things. He groaned in response to the visual of him doing just that. “Yes, in the ceremony.” He whispered against her skin. “Now, watch.”

  She almost always pleasured herself in front of a mirror. She had loved to watch as the toys pushed in and out of her body. Now, she would get to watch as her first lover took her.

  “Spread your legs and bend forward.” She hadn’t even realized he’d moved another mirror and a large arm chair, until he sat behind her. Her body grew flushed and her pussy ached. Taking in a deep breath, she did what he said and was rewarded with a wet tongue against her lower lips. Alex arched her back to give him better access as she watched in the mirror. Her breasts shook with the movements of her hips.

  “Look through my eyes.” She groaned deep as he pushed the visual of what he was doing inside her head. He had her pink cheeks spread wide, showing her back entrance as he licked her slit. Moving up, he stuck two big fingers in her pussy. The digits came out shiny with her desire. Then he licked at her back hole, making her writhe with the eroticism of it.

  He growled, “I’m going to take you here soon.” Just as he finished the words he sent more visuals of what he was doing. It was like watching a video inside her mind, as he used both hands now. One fucked her pussy. The other, used a single digit, slicked with her desire, to pump inside her back entrance.

  “Push out.” He growled out.

  Oh gods, it was so hot to be so fully possessed by him. He pulled the fingers out of her pussy and back hole and stood. She felt empty, needed him inside her swollen flesh, she ached for it. When she felt the head of his big cock pushing into her from behind, she almost lost her mind. She got up on her toes to get higher, closer.

  “Arch your back and watch through my eyes as I take that sweet, tight pussy nice and hard.” She did and almost came at the sight of how he filled her. Gods, it was so much better than anything she’d ever experienced.

  “Push back, and work yourself slowly onto my cock before I pound into you.” So much. So good. She was panting as she pushed.

  “Take my finger in your little ass while you’re taking my cock into your scorching heat. Fuck, you’re so tight; you suck me in so good…” The both groaned as she writhed into him.

  More visuals of her taking him in both hot, aching openings swam in her mind. It was utter torture that he entered her so slowly. She pushed back as forcefully as she was able in that position, earning a smack to her already heated bottom. It only fed her desire. She gasped and tried again to get him to take her like he’d promised. The sharp sting of another smack made her moan deep. All the sensation was too much for her. She needed him deep. He massaged the cheek he’d spanked and finally gave her what she wanted. Thrusting so hard, she barely kept her balance. Even with him holding one hip. He slammed all the way in, Gods he was so big, she was near bursting with him inside her and it made her wild. She was panting as he stroked out, then all the way to her womb.

  He circled his hips and pounded deep, taking her with a fierceness that had her pussy pulsing in waves as she climaxed hard. She felt again as her shield pulsed, but didn’t release. Her body felt lax, while her inner walls constricted again, and again.

  He brought both hands to her hips, taking her relentlessly over and over, entering her body, feeding her everything he saw, until she came again on a loud scream of surprise before he shouted his completion. She felt his semen bath her womb in warm jets and nothing in her life felt so right. Her body and mind felt stronger somehow.

  He held her as he collapsed them into the chair, her legs spread around his. Him still inside her body. Her soul. She looked into the mirror, mesmerized by the sight as his big hands made circles on her hips.

  “Shower?” He asked as he nuzzled her throat.

  “Definitely. Smelling like sex in front of my brother would be awkward.” She paused for a second. “What does the ceremony entail?” She was worried about what she’d have to do.

  “After seeing your fantasies, I don’t think we will have any trouble.” He grinned in pure carnality. “There are several portions. I will be marked as a mated male. Then we blood bond, and after that, we consummate. That part is different than that of a human wedding. It’s all about worshiping the female in any way she desires. Having others participate is common and considered a great honor among those asked. It is a way of worshipping and cherishing, not like what you’d witnessed in the clubs.” Her breath caught at the insinuation of what would be happening.

  Chapter 27

  Someone had left the robe Sam was currently wearing, along with a covered tray containing what she found to be soup, water, juice and tea, but she was too leery to touch it. She had been so disoriented when she awoke. The room was unfamiliar, but it wasn’t a cold metal cell. She had just put on the robe and socks when the two from her rescue knocked at the door, Alex and Uri. Her head started spinning with the realization that it all hadn’t been a dream. Her mind went immediately to Erik, heart clenching in her chest. Their presence meant he was also real. Not a product of her imagination.

  The first thing she said when opening her door to her visitors was, “It was real.” Followed quickly by, “Erik?” Erik’s sister tried for a smile but the effo
rt… Her heart plummeted. They had been wrong. His wounds were too bad. She had felt herself pale and almost fell into the nearest wingback chair.

  Alex immediately sank down in the chair next to her, taking one of her cold hands in her warm ones. Alex’s bright blue eyes had gone wide, “No, no. He’s alive. I didn’t think about what my face was indicating. I just don’t like to see him hurt. He’s going to be fine. He’s recovering from his injuries, Sam. I promise you, he’s okay.”

  The two sat for a while, explaining a world of Immortal beings, telling her she was a Mageias. To her it sounded like the same as a Witch. It was all too much to process, but that didn’t stop the questions firing from her lips. They explained that she was in protective custody there while they searched for Cyril, the one she knew as the Nazi Fuck. Her heart had stuttered when they informed her that he’d escaped. She knew it wouldn’t be the end of him. He would come for her. She felt bile burning the back of her throat.

  “Will you let us see inside your memories? I understand it will be difficult but there could be clues we can use to find him.” Alex asked softly. Hatred and fear had filled her with the thought of that bastard abducting more innocent women and using them as lab rats. Doing things… She hesitated, one heart pounding moment, before nodding, agreeing to one more violation. The idea of allowing them inside her head, seeing what she went through, nauseated her, but she had to do it. She could never live with herself if someone else suffered because she didn’t have the courage to do one simple thing.

  She swore she detected something like pride in Uri’s metallic eyes. “Would you like me to take the memories of what happened?” She cringed at the thought of him taking them away, even though she hated them. “Brave girl.” He said low and with feeling. She did not feel brave. She felt terrified.

  It was an odd feeling of someone instead her mind, making it full. Then she opened her eyes and felt like somehow she had been through therapy. The thick blanket of shame and panic was more like a thin sheet being lifted. She felt better, in control, at having done something to help. Alex and Uri left shortly after, saying they had much to do to find the bastard. Alex hugged her tight, the strength and warmth relaxed Sam’s tight muscles as she let the other woman hold her. She held back the tears that threatened. “We will have food sent up and come check on you later.”

  She was basking in her newfound courage up until the blonde doctor came in to do the exam.

  “I’m Sirena and I just need to exam you to see how you’re doing.” She lay down on the bed, tense, as the doctor asked her about medications and history. The woman herself seemed fine, nice, but it was the memories… “I’m going to touch your skin. It will feel warm, but there won’t be any pain.” She thought she’d been prepared, but when she felt the warmth, it was all too similar to what the Nazi Bastard did in his examinations. She freaked.

  Jumping off the bed, she stammered, “I’m fine, I don’t think tests are a good idea. I’ll be fine once I’ve rested.” Her heart rate was escalating through the roof, she was having difficulty breathing, sweat had beaded on her lip and forehead. Taking in panting breaths she smelled wood cleaner and fresh linen, not sterilizing fluid. The scent calmed her enough to finally pry her hand from the door handle at her back.

  She heard the Doctor’s melodic voice, “Sam, you are doing great. It’ll be just a few more minutes. I want to make sure I understand what was done, so that I can help you.”

  Something about the tone of her voice soothed Sam immediately. She was finally able to breathe freely as she settled back onto the bed. Sam calmed to the point that she was able to stand the exam, as long as the doctor just kept talking in that voice.

  She took in her surroundings, under different circumstances she would have reveled in the luxury of the room. The bed was high and full of fluffy white comforters and pillows. A small seating area sat next to the door with a couple of big wingback chairs. A large fireplace with more wood and beautiful wainscoting, sat at the end of the bed. A door led to the bathroom. She was sure it would be amazing and decadent under different circumstances.

  “I know this is all a big shock for you, and I promise we will do anything in our power to help you through everything. I got all I needed from my scan but I will need blood samples, I know this is hard after what they did, but I need to fully see what was done to know how to help.” Sam nodded her understanding.

  “I don’t want to scare you, but I’ll tell you straight that something was done. There are going to be big decisions to be made going forward.”

  “Oh god, I’m pregnant?” She barely choked out the words, she wasn’t sure if they were able to tell so soon. She felt her world falling around her.

  “No.” Sirena shook her head, but seemed to hesitate in continuing, which couldn’t be good.

  “You’re sure? Would it be too soon tell?” Sam croaked the words she feared most as she searched the other woman’s eyes. Sam liked her. Felt comfortable in the woman’s competence.

  “I’m positive.” Sam blew out the breath she hadn’t known she was holding when Dr. Sirena continued in a low serious voice, “Do you know how we found you? Are you aware who was responsible for your rescue?” Ice blue eyes filled her vision. She knew somehow that Erik was her savior, but she wasn’t sure how or why, and Alex hadn’t explained that part.

  Her stomach clenched, remembering his strength and the heat that pulsed from him in waves, finally warming her after so much time being cold. She hadn’t even had time to thank him before he’d passed out.

  She whispered, “Erik.” Then she asked what she was dying to know. Since the moment she realized he was real, he hadn’t been far from her thoughts. He made her burn, but it was more than that… “Is he okay?” She hoped his sister hadn’t lied to her. She wanted to see for herself that he was okay. She ached to know why she had felt safe in the middle of hell with him. It made absolutely no sense.

  “Yes, well, there is much more to it. Erik sacrificed a lot to get to you. To get you, specifically, out of there.” Sirena’s words held a depth of meaning Sam didn’t understand.

  “Why? I’d never met him. Why would he come for me?”

  “The answers are complicated. Did Alex explain that one of her powers is being drawn into other’s minds?”

  “She had been in my mind after I was taken. She said as much. The impossible is possible. Creatures of myth exist, but are not the same. I don’t know if I can fathom half of what I feel like was the kindergarten version she explained to me.” Sam rubbed the bridge of her nose. Her head was spinning with everything she learned. Had she not seen fangs and lion men and fire balls, she wouldn’t have believed any of it.

  “Well, that’s how they found out about you.” Sirena said.

  “Can I see him?” She needed to see the man that held her thoughts. The man that, if the Doctor was to be believed, rescued her from a nightmare.

  “I’ve had to put him to sleep for a few days. I’ve never seen anything like what he did to locate you and get you safe.” Sam’s eyesight blurred. How was it that someone she didn’t even know had searched for her, risked his life for her? There was more to what the doctor was saying.

  “What aren’t you telling me?” She asked as she wiped at the tears.

  Sirena grinned, the reaction lighting her already beautiful features, making her appear almost angelic. “You know we aren’t human and that you are an Elemental Mageia?” The doctor searched Sam’s face, looking for something.

  Clearing her throat, and taking another deep breath, she said, “Alex said that as well, but I don’t really know what that means. My family never sacrificed animals or chanted spells. I only have a small affinity to metal that my parents were sure would get me locked up and experimented on, so no one knew about it.”

  “That’s actually a rare offshoot of the Earth Elemental Ability.” Okay. Sam wasn’t sure how her abilities had anything to do with Erik.

  “You were taken because you are a Mageia that has a rare
compatibility with Immortals. You are safe here. We are looking for Cyril and Elizabeth.” Sirena leaned forward, her eyes serious. Sam wished it were true. But she wondered if that Nazi Fuck, Cyril would try to find her. Wouldn’t he want his experiments back or would he just take others?

  “Is there anything I can learn or do to protect myself? My powers are nothing like what I’ve seen.” Then she had a worse thought. “Are my parents safe? They have abilities, mostly with growing things. Would that bastard take them, maybe try and use them to find me?” Her mind reeled with all the questions she didn’t know if she wanted answered.

  “Your parents should be safe, he seemed to be targeting a certain age range, but we will send someone to check on them and let them know you are okay.” After a brief pause while Sam took in a deep breath, Sirena continued, “And, yes, there is one way for you to get the power to protect yourself and by doing so, you’d also be saving Erik from a life of agony and madness. Maybe yourself as well. He’s a good man, and doesn’t deserve what he would go through if you don’t help him.” Sam’s stomach clenched. He wasn’t okay after all. He needed her.

  Sirena pinned her with a stare, “What are you willing to do for your safety and that of the man that risked everything to rescue you from Cyril?”

  Chapter 28

  “Uri, Alex, report what you’ve got.” Alex sat next to Sirena with Uri in the open seat at her left. They were in a war room that looked almost identical to the one on Earth. They had changed, checked on Erik, and sifted through the minds of the lab tech and victims. Just making it from Sam’s room in time to haul butt to the meeting. They’d arrived last.

  She sat, pondering how much she had misjudged Tetartos. She’d expected something primitive. She hadn’t expected the opulence of the Manor, as they called the huge place with its massive courtyard and several wings.


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