Ecstasy Unbound (The Guardians of the Realms Series)

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Ecstasy Unbound (The Guardians of the Realms Series) Page 26

by Jay, Setta

“Shit, it fucking snug.” Gregoire said, muscles twitching as he stood and waited, for what she didn’t know, she felt so full. So alive. She saw how it might have been painful without the venom but she only felt incredible. Stretched and dripping with desire. Uri’s forehead was on her shoulder as he and Gregoire both gasped for breath. Chests heaved until she was begging.

  “Please move. I need it.” The words were barely out as they groaned. She felt the tandem thrusting inside her walls. It was unlike anything she’d yet experienced. They were so large; she was so perfectly bursting with them. Her body possessed by two lovers, no part of her left untouched. Gregoire nodded, looking pained as his cock filled her fully. It was deliciously wicked. So much pleasure filled her, she couldn’t think.

  Uri’s breath was at her ear. Nipping and sucking as he possessed her from behind. The thrusting became more powerful, more urgent as she moaned. She was so close. Rubbing her breasts against Gregoire’s chest. She growled into his neck. She felt Uri inside her mind, felt his pleasure along with her own. Felt his essence twining with hers. A sense of love and euphoria wracked her entire being. His life force pulsed and flooded hers, just like his come coated inside her body. She screamed into Gregoire’s throat, convulsed in their arms, as intense blinding pleasure swept her into oblivion.

  Chapter 33

  Alex was pacing the confines of the war room in Drake’s Manor. Had been for a good hour. No doubt there would be a nice circle in the tile where she made her laps. Havoc had followed her for probably the first ten minutes before realizing they weren’t actually going anywhere. He soon crashed out on the couch against the wall. All she heard were his snuffle snores mixed with Vane’s irritating finger tapping. She blew out a breath, she really wasn’t angry with Vane. She knew he was just as frustrated at being left behind.

  Her brother sat at the big conference table going over what seemed like painfully boring DVD surveillance of the hallways and corridors in Cyril’s demolished compound. His brows furrowed as his eyes continually scanned the screen. She wished she had something useful to do.

  Alex had gone and checked on Sam and Erik right after the Guardians left, only to find Sam curled up against her brother as they slept. Sam was on top of the black comforter dressed in the yoga pants and a sweatshirt they had sent to Eric’s room. Erik had apparently moved in his sleep so that his big body faced Sam’s slender frame, wrapping her up. Sam’s blonde head had been tucked under Erik’s scruffy chin and Alex’s vision had blurred at seeing how tightly her brother held on to his mate. She had barely made it out of the room before her shoulders shook and tears tracked down her cheeks. Things would be so difficult for them. Her heart had ached for them as she walked back to the war room. She and Uri hadn’t had time before the raids to try their newly merged powers on Erik, and she didn’t dare try it alone.

  Last night she had awoken to the flow of power surging in her veins and a deep feeling of peace and rightness. Uri had held her in his strong arms as the lay on the Temple bed and adjusted to the newness together. Gregoire had been absent, leaving just the two of them together in the aftermath of such a powerful experience. They had stayed there, adjusting and feeling around their power bases, until shortly before coming in. She knew it would take time to fully use all that was there. Her biggest experiment had been to attempt teleporting to Earth. Hitting the Realm’s confinement spell had been a blow. It had been a crap shoot that she’d hoped would hit pay dirt. She frowned in irritation.

  She touched the link she shared with Uri. She didn’t want to interrupt, so she didn’t speak. He had said he would let her know when the first batch of raids were complete. They had surveillance that showed that Cynthia, beautiful, blonde, and cold blooded, was at one of her homes. They chose to go in light, at night, with teams of two each to incapacitate six of her facilities at once. Then, they would go in with more people to hit the last two.

  Crap, when would he contact her? She hated that he was out of her reach. Hated how trapped she felt.

  She was sick of pacing. Walking over to the couch where Havoc lay sprawled, taking up all but a small corner, she thought about the things they had done to her. How they had controlled her body and pleasure but, in the end, were just as wild as she had been. Her muscles still held the memory of them spreading her, possessing her. Her core heated and dampened. Good lords, what was she doing? She looked over and saw Vane’s uncomfortable look before he cleared his throat and stared at the screen again.


  “The whole thing is just awkward. I’m truly happy for you. But, shit, you’re still my sister. I can’t imagine how Erik’s going to deal when he wakes up.” Vane shook his head. Sadness there, they both knew how pained Erik would be when he awoke, and not because of her.

  “I know, but even without your extra special enhanced animal senses, I have still smelled females on the two of you for centuries.” She grinned at his uncomfortable expression. She swore his cheeks even got a little red.

  She laughed as she sat in the small available corner of the couch. She rubbed Havoc’s sleek, barreled chest. His eyes slit open before the snores started again. He was so warm.

  “I’m worried about Erik and Sam. What if Uri and I can’t do anything to dull his memories like we did with the females?” She said it quietly, but knew her brother would hear.

  “Eric is strong. He’s stubborn as hell, but strong. He will do what’s best for Sam.”

  “That’s what I’m worried about. What if he fights the frenzy? Doesn’t complete the bond to try and protect her? He’d end up hurting them both more by waiting. I can’t see either of them allowing the process to restart it they screw up this chance. She’s still mortal, and will be vulnerable until he changes that.”

  Vane looked off, sprawled back in the office chair, but he nodded tightly after a while. “I know, but we can’t make his choices for him.”

  “Sirena explained some of it to Sam. She is willing to complete the bond, in theory. They looked so peaceful when I looked in on them. I just want him happy, Vane. He’s been so serious and controlled, nothing like the boy he had been. I hate that my mistake cost so much.” She felt tears threatened. Fought them back as she rubbed Havocs ears, his warm body was comforting.

  “Shit, you can’t think like that, Sis. He will be fine. We may still have a week to figure it out.”

  Are you okay? She grinned, expelling a relieved breath at hearing Uri’s voice in her head. He had to have felt her sadness.

  Everything’s fine, just talking to Vane about Erik and Sam. Is everything okay there?

  That seemed to sooth him. Okay. We’ve just finished clearing the first batch of locations but the bitch had a series of tunnels she escaped through. Drake and Jax are tracking her now. Conn and Dorian are working to collect the last data. I’m heading out to the other location with the others. Will be back soon… His last words were sent with a rush of arousal. Her breath whooshed out.

  “Guess Uri’s fine.” Could Vane’s voice get any drier?

  She couldn’t help chuckling at his scowl. “Yep.” She said with a big smile which fled when she relayed the rest of what Uri told her. Vane frowned and leaned forward, thinking, obviously not liking the situation any more than she did.

  That’s when it hit. She jolted into movement. Alex’s body moved on its own to the weapons cabinets. Never had she felt a knowing that strong. So powerful that a relaxed sensation moved through veins and her limbs moved almost on their own. Her hands moved in calculated motions through the cabinets. She threw door after door open, both Havoc and Vane jumped up and were at her side in the span of a second.

  “What is it?” Vane asked his muscles tense and ready to for action. He accepted the weapon harnesses and spelled vest she thrust in his hands. She pulled item after item, Sigs with multiple clips, sniper rifle, knifes, more clips and heat sensitive goggles. “Holy shit.” Vane said, as he quickly donned the gear and started adding what she gave him to them. She turned her attention
back to the cabinets and started outfitting herself in much the same fashion.

  “Out on the balcony.” She said, and Vane and Havoc quickly exited the French doors, “Now get on the ground and hold as tight to Havoc as you can.” Even the hound, though completely alert, didn’t move as Alex went through the motions. Vane crouched down and Havoc licked his face as he held to the beast’s neck, firm, but not hurting the animal, but looking like he’d like to. Vane looked thoroughly disgusted.

  That’s when the pain hit. Nearly exploded into her body and would have taken her to her knees it as she flew apart. She knew instantly why it was happening. Uri was hurt. Her Mating bond pulsed as she Teleported, when she hit the barrier that time her body pushed painfully through. It was like every cell was being constricted in a vise.

  She reformed, gasping for breath, on the ground next to Uri.

  “Need backup.” Alex thought the quiet request came from Sacha but she’d barely heard it.

  She nearly passed out with panic as she looked over the damage to her mate. Still panting to get air into lungs that felt battered like the rest of her body, she put the pain aside and took what breath she could. She moved her hands over Uri’s body, checking inside she found a mess. He would live but it would be painful. Thankfully, he was unconscious. That he was covered in blood freaked her out. Metal shards were imbedded in his shoulders, legs, and neck. Bones were broken, organs collapsed. She heard Havoc growl, guarding the area at Uri’s feet. Vane was also watching for a threat. There was an alarm blaring on speakers all over what seemed like a secluded estate. Heavy stands of large trees were everywhere around the lawn she was sitting on. A tree above them still smoked and there were branches scattered on the ground. She encircled the four of them with her shield, not willing to act as a target while she funneled healing power into Uri. She spared only enough that his internal injuries were no longer so horrible and his own body’s abilities would start working on the rest.

  She reached for the bond she shared to with the Guardians from nearly the moment she and Uri’s Mating began. Drake! Havoc, Vane and I are with Uri, he’s down, unconscious but stable. He was hit hard with shrapnel or something. She stroked Uri’s bloody forehead as her heart’s frantic beating started to even out. The constant noise of the alarm was driving her mad.

  Shit, okay. I can’t contact any of the others there. Can you see or get to anyone else? I’m trying to get out of these fucking tunnels to get there. She heard his worry and frustration in her mind.

  Who was with Uri? She asked. She and Vane would need to get the others out.

  Sirena, Gregoire and Bastian. I’ll be there as soon as I can. Do what you can. Sacha sent out an alert before she passed out. Conn and Dorian are there now. I informed them you were at the other location. Watch your backs.

  We will.

  Havoc started growling, hackles up as puffs of smoke came drifting up. He was facing the stucco and ivy exterior of the old mansion but she didn’t see anything. Unless… An explosion hit her shield almost taking them down, but the metal pieces did not make it through.

  “What the fuck was that.” Vane said, “That came from the fucking house. I didn’t even hear it over the blasting alarms.”

  “Vane, I need you to teleport Uri farther away. Set Havoc to guard him. I can’t do it myself and hold the shield over all of us. Sirena, Bastian and Gregoire are here somewhere. Drake lost contact with them.” They heard shouts and footsteps coming from the direction of the house.

  “Shit, got it. I’ll get Uri back, but then I’m fucking going hunting.” Vane’s expression was fierce. Jaw tense, shoulders rigid. He was itching for a fight. She knew he wanted to transform, but right then they needed their weapons. The Guardians couldn’t get into the hands of the Mageias when they were vulnerable. Alex’s stomach clenched in near agony at having to leave him wounded. She didn’t dare have them teleport far. Seconds counted. She looked inside herself, found Uri’s bond with Havoc and gave the pictures of what he was to do. Protect. Guard.

  “Vane, please don’t give me your alpha crap right now. We don’t want the Mageias to get their hands on the others. You go clockwise and I’ll go counter.” Her head was pounding. Uri’s pain? Or maybe the blast to her shield? She willed it away as she watched her brother’s features. He didn’t want her in the mix, but she didn’t give him a choice. They needed to end it now.

  “Fuck” She knew exactly how he felt, but footfalls were getting closer, so he teleported Uri and Havoc away as she asked.

  Alex pulled the rifle off her back and teleported high into the trees lining the secluded mansion. She counted; one, two, three Mageias in black with ear protection, how nice for them. They had come from the house, moving stealthily her previous location. They were being cautious with their movements, but not enough. She hit the first two in the head before the third took cover behind a tree. She teleported again, third down.

  The wind rustled through the leaves. The thick branches swayed. She heard retorts on the other side of the house. Hopefully Vane.

  See any of the others yet? She asked her brother.

  Not yet, but five down on this side of the house.

  Three here, but no sign of the Guardians. She moved steadily through the trees, no more than a whisper of movement. She paused, attempting to hear through the mind numbing alarms. She saw movement further to her right, away from the house. There were half a dozen Mageias in all, dressed in black like the others. The ones in the middle were carrying something. Crap, she saw blonde hair, she was sure of it.

  I think I’ve found Sirena. She sent to her brother and Drake.

  I may have Bastian. Listen, the alarms have to be so fucking loud to hide the sound of the missiles. That’s the only reason I can think of. I think they might be heat seeking. Don’t stay in one place too… Crap, she moved right before a blast hit the tree she was standing in. Moving fast she holstered the rifle and grabbed both Sigs. She shot the two holding Sirena. Teleporting in and out of view, she came in behind another two. Back and forth she moved, and shot the other two while they tried to figure out where the threat was coming from. She was spattered in blood, but had Sirena.

  She teleported Sirena to the furthest point she saw on the property, wanting to be far away from the house. Pulling her shield tight around them she contacted Vane. I have Sirena. Thanks for the heads up on the heat seeking thing. Can you send me a visual of Uri? An image came in to her mind of Uri under a copse of trees and Havoc standing guard.

  Drake, the weapons are heat seeking. Tell the others not to stay in one place too long. Alex sent to the Guardian Leader.

  Got it. He growled back. She felt his fury radiating through the bond. It would not be pretty when he got there.

  Alex reached inside herself for the link to Havoc. Finding it, she sent pictures of her and Vane coming to him. Surprising a fire breathing animal was never a good idea. She felt her energy stores depleting, even though she had more power flowing in her veins than she had ever imagined possible. She felt like a superhero.

  Vane teleported next to Alex as she settled Sirena’s still form beside Uri’s. A bloody, but semi-conscious Bastian was laid out next to Sirena. She saw sweat beading on the Guardian’s exotically beautiful olive skin. His teeth were clenched against the pain.

  “Where was Gregoire?” She asked Bastian, as Vane used his minimal healing abilities on the Guardian. Acid eroded the inside of her stomach. They still hadn’t found Gregoire. She needed to find him and get him out before the Mageias did something to him.

  “Bastian’s got a punctured lung.” Vane said.

  Do you know where Gregoire was? She repeated, that time to Bastian through the link she’d found.

  He responded in kind, Front of the house.

  Drake, how are the others? We are going for Gregoire now.

  Slow. Let me know when you have him. His anger practically burned through the bond.

  Alex and Vane moved as quickly as possible around the house. She saw
armed guards at the windows and doors, but no Gregoire. Her heart rate sped. They had to have him. She heard glass break and more gun retorts, Vane was picking them off. Whipping on the thermal goggles, she used the strongest rounds she had and found her targets through the walls.

  She cleared an opening in what looked like a downstairs bedroom. I’m in downstairs bedroom west of the front entrance.

  Shit, don’t get shot. I’m in a library on the east side. No Gregoire.

  She moved quietly through the house, someone finally killed the alarm. Probably Vane. The lack of noise had her ears buzzing as she teleported around another guard and cut his throat. She didn’t want to alert anyone she was inside. She picked off a couple more, since it was so easy to hear their heavy breathing.

  My side is clear. Did you find him? Scent him anywhere?

  No, but it reeks of death and Mageia. Fuck, I’ll check the upstairs. Vane said.

  Crap, something wasn’t right. Her head was pounding and sweat was beading on her forehead. Where did they take him? It was quiet, the place was empty. She checked the garage and there didn’t seem to be any missing vehicles. She worked her way back through the downstairs rooms that she had already checked. Nothing. There was an office with video surveillance set up.

  Vane, get down here. Help me with their video equipment. She felt his warmth right next to her a moment later. He moved around the room, quickly accessing the computer systems with the speed of a true hacker. Her heart was pounding as she listened to the rapid tapping of the keys.

  Before she knew what was happening, her brother was gone. She rushed behind the desk to see that the monitor was showing four men holding a much larger one. Had to be Gregoire. They were getting inside a hatch hidden in the ground outside of the house. Shit, she’d never even seen that spot.

  Vane, where are you?

  Don’t worry, I’ve almost got him. I’ll meet you at Uri.

  She blew out a half relieved, half irritated breath. Her hands were shaking when she warned Havoc of she and Vane’s arrival.


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