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Hooker Page 8

by J. L. Perry

  After M inspects what we’re wearing, we’re instructed to strip down to our lingerie. I hate this part the most. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been tempted to wear a huge pair of granny undies just to see the look on her face. Even thinking about it makes me smile.

  ‘Very nice, Jade,’ M says as she takes in my new lingerie. It’s a set I bought from José while I was in New York. I knew she’d approve. I hear Rachel mumble some smart remark from beside me. Bitch. I get the impression the other escorts dislike me. I’ve heard the whispers and snickers when M leaves the room. They think I get special treatment from her, but I don’t—she’s just as horrible to me as she is to them.

  We all pass M’s inspection, and are allowed to get dressed and leave without suffering one of her rants, thankfully—it would spoil my mood. I’m actually looking forward to my weekend, which doesn’t happen often. Theo James, my favourite client, is having a pool party at his mansion today. I’m his date. I love my time with him. Not just because he’s gay: he’s always kind to me, and fun to be around. He’s like a big teddy bear.



  Sliding into my gold Lamborghini Murcielago, I punch Theo’s address into my GPS. He texted me the information a few days ago, also telling me to bring a date. But I’m flying solo. I’ve just lost interest. Damn Snickers. She’s ruined me.

  To be honest, I’m not even in the mood to go to this party, but I said I’d be there, and I’m a man of my word.

  When I reverse out of the garage, I dial Josh’s number and put him on speaker. I have no idea what I’m getting into today, so I want to touch base.

  ‘Hey pussy,’ he says when he answers.

  ‘Hey cocksucker,’ I retort. I hear him gasp on the other end of the line, and it takes a few seconds for what I said to register. When it does, I burst out laughing.

  ‘Very funny, arsehole,’ he snaps. I clear my throat. Even though I have no problems with my little brother being gay, I definitely don’t want images of him sucking some guy’s cock in my head.

  ‘Please tell me you’re going to be at Theo’s party today.’

  ‘Sorry, bro. It’s a business get-together. It’s only for his straight friends.’


  ‘He’s still in the closet. He keeps his business and personal life separate.’

  ‘Oh,’ I reply. ‘Well, at least I don’t have to worry about punching some fucker out for groping my arse, I guess.’ This time Josh laughs. I’m glad he finds it funny. I don’t think he’ll ever let me live that night down.

  ‘Your arse is safe today, big brother,’ he says with amusement in his tone.

  ‘Good to hear.’

  ‘So, I’ve been meaning to call you, but time got away from me. Mum called me this morning.’

  ‘She did?’ That surprises me. I wonder if it had something to do with what I’d said to her?

  ‘She did. She just wanted to see how I was going. It was weird. She hasn’t spoken to me in years and then calls like nothing’s happened.’

  ‘How do you feel about that?’ I know how much our parents have hurt Josh, but I also know this would’ve meant a lot to him.

  ‘Honestly, it was nice. Weird but nice. She’s not dying is she?’

  ‘What? Fuck, no.’

  ‘Okay. That’s good,’ he says. ‘Her call had me worried. She wants to meet for lunch next week, Brock. She actually said she misses me.’ I hear his voice crack and it tugs at my heart. I hate the way he’s been treated. She better not hurt him again. For his sake, I hope my father doesn’t get wind of this, because he’ll put a stop to it, I’m sure. I’m proud of my mother for finally taking a stand and doing the right thing.

  I end the call just as I arrive at Theo’s mansion. There’s an array of expensive cars parked in a neat row along the eastern wall of the property. Navigating the long driveway, I come to a stop outside the entrance to the house, where a valet is waiting.

  One of the staff members at the front door takes my name before escorting me through the house and out onto the back patio. I find the other guests milling around the large in-ground pool. There must be close to a hundred people here. My gaze takes in all the bikini-clad babes. I’m suddenly feeling a little overdressed in my jeans and shirt. Only a few short weeks ago, this would’ve been my type of party. Losing myself in some random pussy tonight might be exactly what I need to help me forget Jade. A sinking feeling in my gut tells me it’s going to take a lot more than that.

  Scanning the partygoers, I search for Theo in the crowd. I can’t see him anywhere.

  ‘Would you like a drink, sir?’ A waiter stops in front of me with a silver tray crowded with champagne flutes and bottles of imported beer.

  ‘Thank you,’ I say as I reach for one of the bottles. Wrapping my lips around the top, I take a pull. That’s when I notice a leggy blonde eyeing me from beside the pool. I give her a wink as I set off in search of Theo. The blonde can wait. Business first.

  The arse of a woman who’s standing on the far side of the pool draws my attention. She’s wearing a skimpy red bikini. Fuck me, what an arse. Of course I can’t see her face, but from behind she’s sexy as hell. Her legs go on for days. This one seems to have an instant effect on me. There’s hope for me yet.

  My gaze travels up her lean back to her long brown hair and thoughts of Jade flicker through my mind. Christ. Thanks but no thanks. I’ll be steering clear of that one. I’ve had my fill of brunettes to last me a life time.

  I only make it a few metres more before someone’s hand lands on my shoulder. ‘Brock,’ Theo says. ‘You made it.’

  He’s dressed in a pair of fluorescent pink swimming shorts and no shirt. He has matching pink zinc cream on his nose and aviator glasses place strategically on top of his head. I have to try to contain my amusement. It’s wise to be sun smart, but he looks ridiculous. If he’s trying to act straight, he’s failing miserably. Pink zinc is for little girls.

  ‘Hey,’ I say, extending my hand to him. ‘You forgot to mention it was a pool party.’

  ‘I can see that. Sorry, mate. I can lend you something if you like.’

  ‘All good,’ I say, holding my beer up. ‘Fluoro’s not my thing.’ My gaze moves back down to his coloured shorts. ‘You know how it is, that colour clashes with my eyes.’

  He slaps me on the back and laughs. ‘I like you. Your brother said you were a cool guy.’

  Theo leads me to a group of board members and introduces me. A few mention their concerns about the recent thefts, and that’s my cue to explain what my company has planned to combat them. They’re a tough crowd, and I can see why Theo thought it important for me to come here today. These men don’t realise who they’re dealing with, though. I’m Brock Weston. I’m a natural charmer. My mum always said I had the gift of the gab when I was a child, and she was right. It doesn’t take me long to have them eating out of the palm of my hand.

  I occasionally make eye contact with Theo as I give his men my spiel. I can tell by the smile on his face he’s impressed. Then my words seem to fail me as I watch in disbelief. I swear I sensed her before I even saw her. Am I hallucinating, or is the world just fucking with me?

  Like a goddamn apparition, the woman who’s been haunting my dreams and taunting my every waking hour appears out of nowhere, Snickers. The kicker is, she doesn’t even notice me standing here. Her eyes are firmly trained on Theo as her hands wrap around his waist and she looks up at him with admiration.

  What the ever-loving fuck?

  ‘Hey baby,’ Theo says draping his arm over her shoulder and leaning down to plant a loving kiss on her forehead.

  ‘Get your hands and lips off my girl,’ is what I feel like screaming, but of course I don’t. She’s not my girl.

  This can’t be happening. Seeing them together is like a sucker punch to the chest. Now I know why she fled New York. She has a fucking boyfriend, and going on what I’ve heard from Josh, Theo more than likely has a boyfriend as well. Could
this get anymore fucked up?



  ‘I’m sure you gentlemen remember my girlfriend, Jade. She’s pretty unforgettable,’ Theo says, winking at me. I smile up at him. He’s such a sweetheart. Even if it’s just an act, I can hear the sincerity in his voice. He has terrible luck with boyfriends, but he’ll find Mr Right one day, I’m sure.

  I look at the men in front of me and I greet them one by one, until I meet a pair of familiar steely brown eyes. My heart instantly drops, and I swear to God I feel all the colour drain from my face. What is Brock Weston doing here?

  ‘I don’t believe I’ve had the pleasure,’ he says, never once taking his gaze off me. I don’t think the others would’ve picked up on it, but I can clearly hear the sarcasm in his voice. The hurt and confusion I see in his beautiful eyes tug at my heart. It brings back all those horrible feelings from the day I ran from him.

  ‘How rude of me,’ Theo cuts in. I don’t move because I’m frozen. ‘Brock, Jade. Jade, Brock. Brock’s going to be heading up the security at my development sites.’

  Theo’s words don’t really register. I’m thrilled to see Brock again, but petrified too. He can’t find out what I’m doing here. He just can’t.

  My gaze finally leaves his and lands on his outstretched hand. I pull myself together enough to wrap my fingers around his palm. I get that same electrified feeling I got when he touched me in New York. I need to keep my cool here. I can’t afford to blow this. For Theo’s sake, and for mine.

  On the outside, Brock appears to be dealing with this situation a lot better than I am, but when his hand spitefully squeezes mine, I know, like me, it’s all an act for our audience. He’s angry. I guess he has every right to be.

  ‘It’s nice to meet you,’ he says before dropping my hand. ‘If you gentlemen will excuse me, I need a drink.’ My eyes follow him as he walks away. Everything in me wants to chase after him and explain, but I can’t do that. What am I supposed to say? It’s not like I can tell him the truth.

  Trying hard to pull myself together, I turn my attention back to Theo, forcing out a smile.

  ‘Are you okay?’ he asks, grabbing hold of my arm. ‘You look like you’ve seen a ghost.’ He’s got that one right. Mr Delicious. A handsome, oh-so-fine ghost that I’ve been trying ever so hard to forget.

  ‘I’m fine. I think I’ve just had a little too much sun. I might go and sit under the cabana, if that’s okay with you?’

  ‘Of course. Do you want to go inside and lie down?’ I love that he appears to be genuinely concerned, and I feel awful for lying to him.

  ‘Thank you,’ I say, kissing his cheek. ‘The shade will be enough.’

  I don’t even make it to the cabana before Brock grabs hold of my wrist, pulling me around the side of the house and out of sight of the others.

  ‘So we meet again,’ he says, pushing me up against the wall and caging me in with his arms. Unlike the first time he said that to me in the bar at our hotel, there’s venom in his voice. My eyes lock with his, but words fail me. Having him so close brings all those feelings from New York back. He cocks an eyebrow when I don’t reply. ‘You have nothing to say, Miss Davis? Would you prefer to write it down on a piece of paper before running away? That seems to be more your style.’

  His words sting. He’s right. I’m a coward. He deserved so much more than what he got from me. He gave me the best moments of my life, and look how I repaid him. I bow my head in shame.

  ‘I’m sorry,’ I whisper.

  ‘Sorry for what? For running? For lying to me? For having a fucking boyfriend?’

  I flinch at the harshness in his voice. ‘For everything.’ I still can’t bring myself to look at him.

  He falls silent briefly before exhaling a deflated breath. ‘I’ve missed you, Jade,’ he says as his voice softens. He gently places his finger under my chin, bringing my gaze up to meet his.

  ‘I’ve missed you too.’ The words are out of my mouth before I even realise what I’m saying. Of course I’ve missed him. He’s consumed my thoughts ever since I walked away from him, but I never meant to tell him that. This thing between us, whatever it is, can never happen again.

  Without a second thought, he pulls me into his arms and crushes me against his chest. I feel every nerve in my body awaken. I love the feelings he ignites within me. How can something that feels so right be so wrong?

  ‘You do know he’s gay right?’ he whispers.

  I feel my lips slightly curve up at his words. Of course I know. I think everyone knows Theo’s gay. Why he thinks he can fool people by parading around with me on his arm all the time, I don’t know.


  ‘Enlighten me then. Why are you here with him? Is it the money? I have plenty of that, you know.’

  His comment not only offends me, it pisses me off. I’m not a gold digger. I’d never be with a man just for his money. Well, I sleep with men for money, but that’s not by choice. I’d give back every cent if I could be free of this miserable life.

  ‘It has nothing to do with money,’ I retort, backing away from him and folding my arms over my chest in annoyance. ‘He …’

  ‘He fucking what?’

  I can tell by the tone of his voice that my vagueness is making him angry. It’s none of his damn business why I’m here. I turn abruptly and walk away. I can’t have this conversation with him. What can I say? I’m Theo’s escort. He hires me to pretend I’m his girlfriend. Brock is the last person I’d want to know about my circumstances.

  ‘Don’t walk away from me,’ he commands, reaching for my arm. ‘Please, Jade … please. I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you. About that night.’

  His confession not only shocks me, it pleases me. ‘That makes two of us,’ I want to say, but I don’t.

  I turn to face him. The pleading look in his beautiful brown eyes makes my heart hurt. I can’t tell him the truth, but I can’t lie to him either. I need to do what’s best for both of us.

  ‘I’m sorry Brock. I need to get back to the party … to Theo.’

  Tears sting my eyes as I walk away. I hate that I’m doing this for a second time. I honestly thought I’d never see him again. I tried to convince myself that I was over that night—over him, but I know now I’m not. Not by a long shot. Why couldn’t I have run into him after my contract had expired? Why? This is so unfair.

  I plaster on a fake smile when I join Theo again.

  ‘Are you all right?’ he asks, leaning down to kiss the top of my head. ‘You’re still awfully pale.’

  ‘I’m fine. Honestly. I just have a bit of headache.’

  ‘Go inside and lie down,’ he urges as his kind eyes meet mine. Reaching up, he tucks a piece of hair behind my ear. ‘You don’t need to stay by my side if you’re unwell, Jade.’ I smile at his words. This is why I care for him so much. Underneath all those muscles and good looks, he has a heart of gold.

  ‘Do you want to join me in the pool?’

  I screw up my nose and shake my head.

  ‘Come sit under the cabana then, out of the sun. I’ll get one of the servants to bring you something for the headache.’

  Hooking my arm through his, I get up on my tiptoes to kiss his cheek. ‘Thank you.’

  ‘No need to thank me,’ he replies as he guides me to the line of sunchairs that are sitting under the shaded part. ‘Just looking after my favourite girl.’

  I can’t help but smile as I watch Theo clowning around in the pool. I hate that he has to hide behind this charade. He has a beautiful soul. He’d give you the shirt off his back without hesitation. This world is full of narrow-minded people. It saddens me that he can’t be the man he was born to be because he’s afraid of ridicule from his peers. It shouldn’t matter what his sexual preferences are. What’s important is the person he is on the inside.

  My gaze moves to the people milling around the pool. I haven’t seen Brock since I rejoined the party. I’m not even sure if he’s still
here. It’s probably best if he’s left, even though that thought upsets me. I’m still reeling from seeing him again. I only wish things could be different.

  My heart aches as the realisation we can never be sinks in.



  When Jade walks away from me for a second time, I’m consumed with hurt and anger. I’m not used to being told no. I hate that I’m hung up on someone who clearly isn’t interested in me. Maybe she’s my karma for all the hearts I’ve broken over the years. I sigh, tilt my head towards the sky and send the karma gods a huge ‘Fuck you.’ I walk down the side of the house and out the side gate. I can’t go back to that party. I’ll just text Theo later and tell him an emergency came up and I had to leave suddenly.

  Once I’m in my Lamborghini, I rest my head on the steering wheel, trying to rein my emotions in. There’s a part of me that doesn’t want to leave because Jade’s still here. Fuck, I’m pathetic.

  When I feel calm enough to drive, I start the ignition. Something doesn’t add up here. If she knows Theo is gay, why is she with him? Maybe he’s bisexual. Pulling my phone out of my pocket, I dial Josh’s number.

  I’m driving through the gates and turning onto the street by the time he picks up.

  ‘Bro,’ he says when he answers.

  ‘What’s the go with the Theo?’ I ask.

  ‘What? Why?’

  ‘I thought he was gay?’

  ‘He is.’

  ‘Then explain to me why I just met his girlfriend?’

  Josh chuckles. ‘She’s his fake girlfriend. I told you he was still in the closet.’

  ‘What do you mean “fake girlfriend”?’

  ‘He hires her. She’s an escort.’

  I screech to a stop. Not Jade. It can’t be true, even if it explains her reluctance to talk to me—and everything else, come to think of it.

  ‘Brock? Are you still there?’

  ‘I’ve gotta go. I’ll call you later.’

  Jesus. It can’t be fucking true. I need to get to the bottom of this once and for all. Maybe then at the very least, I can move on. Turning the car around, I head back to the party to look for her.


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