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Hooker Page 12

by J. L. Perry

  We only get a third of the way into the song before we’re interrupted.

  ‘Do you mind if I cut in?’

  My heart flutters when I turn my head and see Brock standing beside us. He’s dressed in a tuxedo, and like I imagined, he looks absolutely breathtaking.

  ‘Be my guest,’ Theo says, stepping aside.

  Brock gives me a pantie melting smile as his arms slide around my waist, drawing my body flush with his. ‘You look beautiful in that dress, sweetheart. Absolutely exquisite.’

  ‘What are you doing here?’ As thrilled as I am, he’s the last person I expected to see tonight.

  ‘When you said you were going to a function with Theo, I called him. I couldn’t wait until tomorrow night to see you again.’

  ‘You came here tonight just to see me?’

  ‘Yes. Does that surprise you?’ He glides me effortlessly around the dance floor. Wow, can he dance.

  ‘A little,’ I admit.

  ‘You obviously have no idea how much you mean to me then. I’d travel to the ends of the earth if it meant I’d get to see you, Jade. And I couldn’t wait until tomorrow night. You mean too much to me.’

  ‘M agreed?’

  He nods.

  ‘Why didn’t you tell me?’ I want to hit him for keeping this secret from me.

  ‘I needed to see your face when I told you.’



  Theo made sure Brock had a seat at our table, and although I was there as his date, my eyes spent most of the night fastened on my man. We even played footsie under the table a few times, and at one stage he held my hand. It’s like we crave some kind of physical contact when we’re in each other’s presence. That’s how I feel—I crave him. I’ve never felt so drawn to someone as I am to him. It’s both scary and wonderful.

  Theo was kind enough to let me travel back to his house in Brock’s car. I even got to kiss him goodnight before Rupert arrived to collect me. I floated all the way home.

  All day Tuesday I’m on a high, anticipating our impending date. By the time I arrive at M’s for inspection, you couldn’t have wiped the smile off my face if you’d tried. Which in hindsight, was a huge mistake on my part. I’m so caught up in my own little world that I’d forgotten to hide my new found happiness from M.

  ‘What are you looking so pleased about?’ she asks suspiciously the minute I enter her parlour.

  Shit. ‘Nothing,’ I reply, trying to keep my cool but failing miserably.

  ‘Don’t lie to me, Jade,’ she says as she comes to a stop in front of me. She latches onto my hair, yanking it hard as she pulls me to her. ‘Do you think I’m a fool? Does this sudden mood change have anything to do with Mr Weston? He was very persistent about seeing you tonight.’

  Double shit. If she even suspects that there’s something going on between us, I know she’ll forbid us from seeing each other again.

  ‘No … no,’ I stammer. ‘I’m just feeling happy today. It has nothing to do with Mr Weston. Why would you ask that? He’s just another client.’ I know I’m babbling, but I can’t seem to control it.

  Her evil eyes narrow, but I get the impression she may just believe me. She releases my hair from her death grip, and my scalp stings. ‘I’ll be keeping a close eye on you two,’ she warns. ‘If I suspect for a second there’s more to this, I’ll put a stop to it immediately. Do you hear me?’

  ‘There’s nothing going on between us,’ I say, determination setting in. I’m not going to say anything that could blow my chances of seeing Brock. ‘As I said, he’s a client, nothing more.’

  ‘Make sure it stays that way.’ The look she gives me has my stomach in knots. I know she means every word, and now that her suspicions are raised, we’ll have to be extra careful.


  ‘Are you okay?’ Brock asks as we travel back to his house after dinner. He took me to a lovely restaurant overlooking the harbour. I enjoy every second of my time with him, but M’s words were still playing on my mind. Maybe the wise thing to do would be to keep our distance for a while until things cool down, but the thought of not seeing him makes me sick to the stomach.

  ‘I’m fine,’ I say, forcing out a smile.

  ‘Are you sure? You don’t seem yourself. Has something happened?’

  I shrug my shoulders as my gaze moves down to my lap.

  He doesn’t pry any further, but reaches across the centre console to grasp my hand in his before giving it a comforting squeeze, there’s worry etched on his handsome face. I love that he cares. I’m pretty sure this won’t be the end of this conversation.

  It’s a warm night, so when we arrive back at his house, he suggests that we sit on the back patio. After retrieving glasses and a bottle of white wine, he comes to sit beside me. It’s so beautiful out here. The patio overlooks a magnificent in-ground pool that has lights around the perimeter, illuminating it in the night. I can see the steam rising off the water from here, so I’m guessing it’s heated. The surrounding gardens, with their perfectly manicured hedges, are immaculate. I presume Brock has a gardener by the amount of work that’s gone into the landscaping. Running such a large corporation wouldn’t leave him much time to do it himself. The lounges and dining chairs have plush white cushioning, softening the space. There are a number of large black ceramic pots placed strategically around us. The beautiful greenery of the palms stand out against the dark furniture and tiles.

  ‘Here,’ he says passing me a glass of wine.

  ‘Thank you.’ Lifting the glass to my lips, I take a sip. ‘It’s lovely out here.’

  ‘Thank you.’ I feel his eyes on me as he sits back further into the chair. ‘Jade,’ he says suddenly, as he exhales deeply. ‘I don’t want to put any pressure on you—I get the feeling you have enough of that going on in your life already—but I wish you’d open up to me. I’m worried about you.’

  ‘I’m okay, honestly,’ I tell him, placing my hand on his leg. I’m touched by his concern. Maybe if I tell him what’s on my mind, he’ll relax. It’s probably wise that he knows she suspects something. ‘M is a little suspicious of us, that’s all. She warned me before coming here. If she finds out that there’s something going on between us, Brock, she won’t let me see you anymore.’ My gaze moves down to my glass. ‘I’d hate that,’ I whisper, because I would. Since I’ve met him, my life is so much richer.

  He takes the glass out of my hand and places it on the table in front of us. ‘I’d never let that happen,’ he says, pulling me into his arms.

  ‘You don’t know her like I do,’ I whisper into his chest.

  ‘She doesn’t scare me, Jade. I’ve been around people like her all my life.’ There’s such conviction in his voice, but he doesn’t know M like I do. If only he knew the things she’s already done.

  ‘She scares me.’

  He cups my face in his hands. ‘I’d never let her hurt you.’ His thumbs tenderly stroke my cheeks. ‘Never.’ The sincerity in his voice makes my smile. ‘How did you ever get mixed up with someone like her anyway?’

  ‘She adopted me when I was eleven.’ The words are out of my mouth before I even realise what I said. His hands instantly drop away from my face.

  ‘She what?’ There’s shock in his voice. He holds his palm up in front of me for a moment as he processes what I just said. ‘That woman is your mother?’

  I shrug my shoulders. ‘I guess … well, kind of? My adoptive mother. My real mother died giving birth to me.’

  ‘Jesus.’ He abruptly stands and starts pacing. ‘Fucking hell.’

  My stomach churns as I wait for him to calm down. Have I just ruined things between us by telling him the truth? Does he think I’m disgusting? Weak?

  A few minutes pass before he stops. I’m sure my apprehension is showing as I gaze up at him. In one swift motion, he pulls me off the lounge and into his arms.

  ‘I’m so sorry, sweetheart.’ When he holds me close I can feel his body trembling against mine. I have no idea why he’s sorr
y. He’s done nothing wrong.

  He clings to me for the longest time. Neither of us speak. I know I’ve already said too much, but I suppose my confession may help him better understand my situation, if nothing else.

  ‘How long?’

  ‘How long what?’ I ask, pulling back from him so I can see his face.

  ‘How long have you been subjected to this?’

  ‘I signed a contract with her when I was eighteen. I’ve been working for her for five years now.’

  ‘How long did you sign for?’ Even though there’s anger in his voice, the softness in his features tells me it’s not directed at me.

  ‘Seven years. One year for every year she cared for me.’

  ‘Christ,’ he murmurs, letting go of me so his hands can fist in his hair. The anger is just rolling off him. ‘How could she do this to you?’

  ‘She told me I owe her for everything she did for me when I came to live with her.’

  ‘Bullshit, Jade. You owe her nothing. Not a damn thing. She was supposed to care for you. It was her fucking job to care for you.’

  I flinch at the harshness of his words. ‘She saved me, Brock. I had the most horrific childhood before coming to live with her.’ I don’t know why I’m defending M, because everything he says is true. But I’d hate to think where I would’ve ended up if it wasn’t for her. As much as I dislike her, and the situation she’s forced me into, I think there will always be a tiny part of me that will be grateful she rescued me from the horrors I faced in foster care.

  She saved and ruined me, I guess.



  I’m trying hard not to lose my cool here. The last thing I want to do is frighten Jade. This situation is so much grimmer than I originally thought. By the sounds of it, she’s already been through way too much in her short life. My heart is bleeding for her right now. Everything in me wants to march straight over to that bitch’s house and wring her neck for what she’s put Jade through. Never in my life have I had the slightest inclination to hurt a woman, but if M was in front of me now, I’m afraid that’s exactly what I’d do. This shit ends today.

  ‘I’m going to help you,’ I say.

  A brief smile forms on her lips. ‘Thank you, but I can’t let you do that, Brock. She’s dangerous and I’d never ask, or expect you to put yourself in harm’s way to protect me.’

  I kiss her. For now, this conversation is over. Doesn’t she realise the lengths I’d go to for her? I’m not afraid of M. I’m prepared for anything that monster throws at me. I grew up with a ruthless bastard, so I’ve learnt from the best. I’m Maxwell Weston’s son. What type of man would I be, if I stood by and watched this injustice continue?

  I won’t give Jade up without a fight. I won’t give Jade up, period. There’s nothing I wouldn’t do for the people I care about, and fuck me if I don’t care about her.

  ‘Please don’t do anything that will jeopardise what we already have,’ she begs.

  I have no intention of doing that. What I have planned will guarantee that we can be together, and whenever we please. That sick and twisted bitch will not dictate our relationship any further.

  The pleading look on Jade’s face tugs at my heart. It’s time for a distraction. I don’t want her worrying about this. From this day forward, her worries will be firmly placed on my shoulders. She is mine, and I’ll protect her with everything I have.

  My right hand moves from her waist to under her arm as my fingers slowly slide down the zipper of the black dress she’s wearing. I use both hands to push the straps off her shoulders until the garment pools at her feet. Then I take a step back to admire what was hidden beneath. A primal growl permeates from deep in my chest. ‘You take my breath away, sweetheart,’ I whisper.

  She’s standing before me in black stockings that stop mid-thigh. They’re connected to a black lace suspender belt, with tiny black satin panties and bra completing the ensemble. Every drop of blood racing through my veins flows straight to my cock. Her body is pure sin, yet she has the face and demure of an angel. This woman is no angel, she’s sex on legs. A walking fucking wet dream.

  My heart is thumping furiously against my ribcage as I lean forward and place my lips on the swell of her breast. I inhale the intoxicating scent of the perfume on her skin. She smells just as good as she looks. My dick strains painfully against my pants.

  ‘There’s so much I want to do to you,’ I breathe.

  ‘Then take me, I’m yours,’ she says, reaching behind herself to unclasp her bra. The moment it drops to the floor, my fingers glide over her toned stomach until I’m palming her spectacular tits. ‘Brock,’ she moans, letting her head fall back when my lips close around a hardened nipple. I’ll never tire of hearing her say my name like that.

  I fall to my knees and she rests her hand on my shoulder as I help her step out of the dress. Her black heels are almost as sexy as her red ones. My fingers slowly move up the inside of her leg until they’re rubbing over her satin panties. I can already feel her arousal through the fabric. I need to taste her. These may be a little harder to tear because they’re not lace, but nothing gets in the way of a man on a mission.

  ‘I’m going to run out of panties,’ she giggles when I tear them from her body.

  ‘I’ll buy you more,’ I say as I shove them in my pocket before my fingers glide through her folds. I love how wet she gets for me.

  ‘Yes,’ she whimpers as she spreads her legs wider, allowing me better access.

  ‘I think I’m in love with your pussy,’ I moan against her flesh the moment I taste her. I’ve never said that to anyone before, but it’s true. I am.

  ‘I know I’m in love with your mouth,’ she replies, making me chuckle.

  I slide a finger inside her as my tongue goes to work on her clit. When her legs start to quiver, I snake my arm around her waist to hold her up. Eating her pussy is my new favourite thing. I could do it all day. Before her, it was more about me. I always made sure I pleased the women I was with, but there were other ways to do that. Everything seems different with Jade.

  It only takes a few minutes before she’s calling out my name. ‘I love how you make my body feel,’ she says finally, looking down at me with a sated look on her pretty face.

  ‘I’m only just getting started,’ I tell her, placing a kiss on her pelvic bone next to the lace of her suspender belt. ‘How do you get these undone?’

  I watch her unclasp the front, so my hands move around the back to do the same. My lips trace a path down her legs as I roll the stockings off, one by one. I’d leave these on because they’re as sexy as fuck, but I want to take her in the pool. If I get my way, in time I’ll christen every inch of this place with her.

  Jade goes to work on the buttons of my shirt as I slide out of my shoes and undo the zipper and button on my trousers. I remove my boxers at the same time, pushing them down my legs. I help her undo the last few buttons before shrugging out of my shirt and scooping her into my arms.

  ‘Are you up for a swim?’ I ask, walking towards the pool.

  ‘I’m up for anything with you, Mr Weston.’

  ‘That’s my girl,’ I say as I walk down the steps and into the water. Thank fuck the water’s heated. I can’t have my dick shrivelling up in front of her. I have a reputation to keep.

  The moment we’re chest deep, I let her go. Her arms snake around my neck and her luscious long legs wrap tightly around my waist. Her tits are now firmly pressed into my chest, and as much as I’m enjoying the feel of her soft skin against mine, my need to be inside her is overpowering. She’s my addiction.

  My lips find hers as my hands move down her back before coming to a rest on her arse. Shifting her body slightly, I draw back before entering her in one swift movement, impaling her with my cock. We moan in unison as I bury myself balls deep inside her.

  I wrap her long hair around my wrist and tug on it gently making her head fall backwards. My tongue licks a trail up her neck.
br />   ‘Jesus, Jade,’ I groan as her hips grind against me in a circular motion.

  I could easily lose myself in this woman forever.


  I set my plan in motion while Jade’s in the bathroom drying her hair, getting ready to leave. I barely slept after our marathon sex session last night. I kept going over everything in my mind. She has no idea what’s about to happen. I thought it best to keep my ideas to myself for now, otherwise she’d worry unnecessarily, or worse, try to talk me out of it. But my mind is made up, there’s no going back.

  Thankfully, in my line of work I need to have a lot of cash on hand. You never know when a crisis will pop up in the middle of the night. This may not be work related, but it’s a crisis nevertheless—a huge motherfucking injustice to someone I care very deeply for.

  After gathering what I need from the safe, I write a quick note to enclose with the money. Fuck, I hope this goes the way I’ve planned. Otherwise, the only way Jade will be going back to work for that monster is over my dead body. For Jade’s sake, I hope it doesn’t come to that. She’s going to need me now, more than she realises.

  I’m standing in the foyer admiring her as she prances down the stairs carrying her suitcase. I take a moment to appreciate everything she is, to appreciate her. I’m not sure she’s even aware how extraordinary she is. Now that I’ve had time to absorb her revelation from last night, I’m filled with nothing but admiration for her and the predicament she’s been living with. She’s not only incredibly smart, but courageous, breathtakingly beautiful, and so damn sweet. Her most admirable quality, though, is her strength. The world is her oyster, or it could be. And if I get my way, it will be. It only makes me hate M even more for putting Jade in this situation.

  Jade has so much to offer, and if I’m lucky enough to be given the chance, I’m going to make it my mission in life to see she gets everything she deserves. A huge statement coming from someone like me, but that’s exactly how I feel. I want to fulfil all her desires, and I’m not just referring to the bedroom either.


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