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Page 7

by Pelaam

  He kissed and nibbled gently at Einian’s bare shoulder, smiling as his lover’s hands covered his where they rested on Einian’s chest. Lethargy and satiation crept over him as his erection slowly shrank. A wordless sound of loss escaped his lips as his cock slowly slid from Einian’s body.

  As it did, Einian squirmed in his arms and turned so they faced one another. Einian’s visage seemed to glow, and Nakai smiled to see the look of love in the beautiful green eyes.

  “I’ve never felt anything like that. Ever,” Einian said, wonderment in his voice.

  “You’re my mate,” Nakai said. “I’m happy I pleasured you.”

  Einian leaned down, and they kissed tenderly as Nakai stroked the damp skin of his lover’s back. Einian nestled comfortably against Nakai’s body.

  “Rest in my arms,” Nakai whispered. “I’ll hold you while you sleep.”

  “I love you, Nakai,” Einian murmured drowsily.

  “I love you, my beautiful love.” Nakai massaged Einian’s skull until soft, snuffling sounds were all he heard. He kissed the top of Einian’s head.

  Chapter Ten

  Nakai headed towards his orchard. He’d left the rest of his family in town. The shops and sights weren’t really for him. He preferred the tranquility of his home to the hustle and bustle of the town. He was also hoping to spend time alone with Einian.

  At the shout of his name, Nakai turned to see Lansa running towards him, and the yona, on a leash, ran at his friend’s heels. “What is it?” The sight of the yona without Einian had a cold knot of fear form in Nakai’s stomach. Einian only left the beast to visit Sukh.

  “Have you seen the boy?”

  “No. Not since this morning. I went to town with the rest of the family. What’s happened?”

  “Einian visited the Xyran. He didn’t think to tell me, just slipped away while I was working in the winery. When I realized he’d been gone a while I went looking for him. I don’t know what that thick-skulled Xyran said, but Einian left in tears. I’m taking the yona and going after him. Speak to the fool in the tower and come after me. I’ve a mind to crack the Xyran’s skull myself for upsetting the boy.”

  Fear and anger warred for dominance, and Nakai balled his hands into fists. “I will not tolerate this. Sukh will not destroy Einian’s happiness. Go. If you find him, talk to him. Find out what happened.”

  “I shall. Find Einian, Mo’ohta. Where’s Einian?”

  The yona lifted his head and gave a howl that shook the very air before loping away, Lansa running beside it. Fury fueled Nakai as he ran into the house and up into the tower. His men flattened themselves against the wall to get out of his way, recognizing, and fearing, his anger. He didn’t wait for his men to ready themselves. He unlocked the door, shoved it open, and stormed in.

  Sukh didn’t attempt to protect himself as Nakai grabbed his shoulders and shook him hard. “What did you say to him?”

  “What you wanted. I expected you to be pleased. He’s yours.”

  Some of Nakai’s anger evaporated. This wasn’t what he’d expected. He’d thought the Xyran would fight for Einian. In truth, he’d come to expect sharing Einian’s affections with Sukh. He shook his head. No, it was more than that. He’d grown to want a relationship with both men. He realized the Xyran’s skin was almost devoid of color. “That’s not what I wanted. He loves you, too.”

  Sukh’s eyes narrowed. “He loves only you.”

  Nakai’s hands dropped from Sukh’s arms. This was too surreal for him to deal with. “I knew I would only have but a part of his heart. You are too deeply imbedded here.” He thumped his chest. Then he spun round, pacing back and forth. “I fell in love with him the day I saw him. I knew he was the mate I’d always dreamed of. I’d never felt anything so profound in my life. But your name was the first word I heard him speak. Always you. I never intended to replace you, Sukh. I just wanted to have him love me, even just a little. But I never tried to stop him loving you. I wanted … I wanted more than that.”

  “I … don’t understand.” The confusion was clear in Sukh’s voice. “I was told how much he loved you. How you were preparing to send me back to Xyran.” He went to his bed and produced a sharpened sliver of wood. “When you came to tell me, I intended to kill myself. I couldn’t go back to Xyran now. With this limp I’d be the least in my tribe. Worthless.” He dropped his head, then lifted it again and met Nakai’s gaze. “More importantly, I wouldn’t want to live without Einian in my life.”

  He hesitated as if he was about to say more, but Nakai was too agitated to give him time. “Sukh. I don’t pretend to understand this. I risked being ostracized by my family and friends for having a Xyran in my household. I hoped you would, in time, see me as a friend at the very least. I never intended to send you away. It would have broken Einian’s heart. And I would rather cut out my own. He was seen running from here in tears. I want to know how to comfort him by finding out what you said.”

  “You and he … have lain together?” Sukh asked.

  “Yes. We have. I will not lie to you. I love him; he’s my mate. But you are part of his life, too.”

  Sukh shook his head. “I believed you’d usurped me. That he’d been swayed by your wealth and power. No longer caring for me—”

  “No, no, no,” Nakai said. “He doesn’t care about wealth. He loves working in my winery. Who made you think these things?”

  “I never knew his name. He came and went as freely as you and the physician, so I knew he was of high regard in your tribe.”

  There was only one man that Nakai could think of who would have such freedom other than Lansa. Chua.

  “We have to find Einian. A good friend has gone after him and taken his yona to track him.” Nakai held out his hand. “I offer you my friendship, Sukh, and a place in my household. Einian is free to love whom he wants.”

  Sukh took his hand and yanked him forward. Their lips crushed together, and Nakai shuddered, a soft moan escaping his chest, as the Xyran’s tongue flickered in and around his mouth. The reality was more incredible than the fantasy.

  Sukh eased back. “You’re a man of honor. I respect that. You’ve treated me with more consideration than my own tribe would. And you’ve cared for Einian. I would like to know you better, Nakai of Planet Alpha.”

  “And I you, Sukh of Xyran.”

  “I give you my word as a warrior, I will not attempt to escape or bring shame to you or your tribe. Please, let me come with you to find Einian. I would like us to speak to him. Together.”

  Nakai knew that he was taking an immense risk. But if he was to have a future, in a way beyond even his dreams, he had no choice. He nodded. “We will find him. Together. As friends.”

  “Friends, it is a good beginning,” Sukh said. He smiled, and color suffused his skin, to take on a lilac hue, with splashes of crimson.

  It was the first smile Nakai had seen in the weeks the Xyran had been there. His stomach flipped. “Let us go.”

  Nakai faced his men, who stood wide-eyed and slack-jawed. “Someone has been driving a deliberate wedge between Sukh and me. As a consequence, Einian has run away. Lansa and Einian’s yona have already started to search for him. Sukh will accompany me. Give us a few minutes, and gather more of my men from the estate then fan out and follow slowly. Einian will be distraught and afraid. If you should find him, send immediately for Sukh and me. Is that understood?”

  “Yes, Master Nakai.”

  Nakai nodded curtly and headed downstairs, Sukh a few steps behind him. “My land borders the great Forest. Einian won’t have gone townwards. He’ll be looking to hide away.”

  “Promise me one thing,” Sukh said, his voice little more than a sibilant hiss. “That whoever did this pays for the hurt they’ve caused Einian. He’s suffered much in his short, hard life.”

  “I promise.” Nakai fully intended to deal with Chua personally. The man, for whatever misguided reason, had overstepped the mark. He had no place trying to drive Sukh away from Einian.
Or him.

  They headed out of the orchards and headed towards the forest. It was ancient woodland, and the trees crowded close together and rose to majestic heights. Nakai noticed Sukh staring. “You like it?” he asked. “Perhaps we can come here. The three of us. I used to enjoy family picnics.”

  A smile lit up Sukh’s naturally saturnine features. “It’s very different from my world. Yes. I would like that.”

  Once in the forest, both men shouted for Einian, and Nakai also called for Lansa. He frowned when he got no answering call. His friend shouldn’t have got that far ahead, even with Nakai’s detour to get Sukh. Then he stopped, craning his hearing. “Did you hear that?”

  His tone instantly alerted Sukh, who grasped his arm. “What is it? What’s wrong?”

  “I can hear Einian’s yona. He’s howling, but it sounds wrong. Something’s not right.”

  They ran together, leaping fallen tree trunks, or pushing through thick shrubs. Nakai ignored the sting and scratches of twigs that across his face. They burst into a clearing, and Nakai thought his heart was going to stop. Lansa lay next to the yona. Both had been shot. Lansa’s wound was high in his chest, and the yona’s hind leg was bleeding, although Lansa tried to staunch the flow of both his and the beast’s wounds.

  Nakai ran to his friend’s side and dropped to one knee. “What happened?” he asked, his voice hoarse.

  Lansa shook his head. “Didn’t see. Hood was up. Get the bastard. He had Einian.”

  “Men are following. They’ll be here soon. Make sure you keep shouting.” Nakai was loath to leave his friend, but Einian was in danger. Lansa gave him a lopsided smile, recognizing Nakai’s dilemma.

  “Go. The yona and I will be waiting to welcome all of you back at the house. We’re both too tough for things to end here. Besides,” he dropped his voice. “I want to see you, the human, and the Xyran exchange vows.” He grimaced and waved his hand. “Go. Hurry. Find the boy and bring him home. Then when we’re both fit enough, I’ll take the birch to his rump for not coming to me, and as for you, Sukh, I fully intend to bang that thick Xyran head against a wall.”

  Sukh dropped to one knee beside Nakai and laid a hand on Lansa’s uninjured shoulder. “I deserve it. Save your strength.”

  The weak attempt at humor was enough to convince Nakai that Lansa was indeed tough enough to be waiting for him when they returned. But how to find Einian without the yona? He stood and turned to speak to Sukh, but the words died on his lips.

  The Xyran was already on his feet and turning in a slow circle. His skin was now fully crimson, and his tongue flicked back and forth. Sukh hesitated, moved a little, and then back. He met Nakai’s fascinated gaze. “On my home world, too much would be familiar to easily detect Einian. But here, his scent is the only familiar thing I have to find. This way.”

  Sukh took off at a run, and Nakai followed at his heels. They ran until Nakai was panting, but the Xyran seemed as fresh as when they first started, despite the brace that made him run with an awkward, lopsided gait. Nakai focused on keeping up with him. He wouldn’t let Einian down.

  Stopping suddenly, Sukh held up a hand. Then he dropped to his knees and indicated for Nakai to do the same. He crawled towards a low incline, and Nakai trailed behind him. They peered over and looked down into a clearing.

  Einian was there, sitting on the ground staring fearfully up at a robed figure.


  Chua paced back and forth, his hands clenching and unclenching at his sides. Fear turned Nakai’s veins to ice at the sight of a noose that hung from a tree. They weren’t speaking. Einian’s gaze followed Chua’s movements, but he appeared too scared to do anything.

  Sukh came so close to Nakai that the Xyran’s body was partly on him. Sukh’s lips brushed his ear. “Wear this.”

  Nakai recognized the necklace with the fangs of Sukh’s first kill and understood its significance. Sukh would never willingly part with it.

  “I will go around to the far side and distract the man. While he focuses on me, you can attack from here. If I die, Einian will know you have my blessing by the gift of the necklace. The tattoo he has on his left breast was the safest way to show he was bound to me. No one could remove it without scarring his beautiful skin. We make a good team, you and I. Look after him.”

  Nakai pressed his lips to Sukh’s ear. “I will look after you both. Do not throw away your life too easily. Live both for Einian and for me.”

  Sukh smiled, and the sight of his dropped canines sent a thrill of heat to Nakai’s cock, and his own fangs extended.

  Nakai clutched at the necklace. He’d wondered about Einian’s tattoo. Now he understood, and a sense of longing permeated him. If, no when, they were all together again he, too, would have such a tattoo. And they would all wear his familial ring.

  Movement caught his eye. Sukh’s chameleon-like skin was amazing. The colors weren’t perfect match, but good enough if you weren’t looking for him or expecting him. He’d even removed the splint he was meant to keep wearing until his leg was fully healed.

  Nakai tensed. He silently prayed Chua didn’t just shoot Sukh on sight. He wished Chua and Einian weren’t in a clearing. Sukh would only remain camouflaged up to the edge of the trees. Then, even camouflaged, he’d be visible.

  As if hearing Nakai’s thoughts, Chua spun around. “Who’s there?”

  A tone of hysteria in Chua’s voice made Nakai’s heart hammer loudly in his chest. Fighting the urge to just run down the hill, Nakai eased over the brow, crawling on his stomach. He prayed the brown and cream pattern to his robe would help conceal him as he crept forward.

  Sukh appeared before Chua, naked, his skin turning from the muted colors of the forest back to the crimson red that made Nakai think of blood.

  “How did you get here?” Chua screeched loudly and aimed his gun at Sukh.

  “No!” Einian cried out and ran into Sukh’s arms.

  “I escaped.” Sukh hissed the words and bared his teeth at Chua. “Why did you lie to me if you intended to kill Einian?”

  “For twenty years I’ve stood at Nakai’s side. I love him, but I can’t lie with him. I want a female bondmate and children to carry on my line. But it’s never mattered before. I knew he lay with others, but he always came back to me. Until Einian. Somehow the human runt wormed his way into Nakai’s affections. I have to get rid of him.”

  “I … I don’t understand.” Einian looked between Sukh and Chua, confusion replacing fear in his eyes.

  Chua laughed, but the sound was shrill, laced with an edge of hysteria. “I thought if you denied your love for the human, Nakai would send you away, Xyran. Then I only had to find a way to show the human for the leech he was. But when he ran, I saw a way to be rid of him forever. Spurned by you, he killed himself.”

  “Nakai will never believe it,” Sukh said.

  Chua’s voice dropped and turned sly. “But now you’re here I have a better solution. You shot Lansa and the yona, and in a jealous rage you also shot Einian. Then I killed you. I’ll be a hero in Nakai’s eyes. Then perhaps I can take him as my beta lover when I get a female bondmate.”

  “You are insane.” Sukh laughed. He pushed Einian aside and raised his arms, bunching his hands into fists displaying his powerfully muscled chest and arms. “Look at me. Who, for one minute, will think such a pathetic creature like you could best me? Even if both my legs were broken I could crush you. Break you like a twig with my bare hands. Nakai will see you for what you are. A selfish parasite that doesn’t deserve to lick his feet, much less take him as some secondary concubine.”

  “There will be no one to argue with me.” Chua smirked as he swung to aim his gun at Einian.

  “I give my blessing to Einian and Nakai.”

  Einian screamed as the Xyran lunged forward at Chua, but Einian’s reactions were far faster, and unexpected. In an acrobatic move of incredible agility, he back-flipped his body, dodging the deadly blast from Chua’s gun, and collided into Sukh, knocking them
both sideways. Chua’s second shot passed harmlessly over them both.

  A groan of pain came from Sukh as he landed awkwardly on his damaged leg. Einian rose to his feet, crouched as if ready to battle Chua himself.

  Chua grinned maliciously as he turned to fire again, but he never got a chance to shoot.

  Nakai dived forward. “You will hurt neither of my mates,” he bellowed.

  The look of shock on Chua’s face as their bodies slammed together was replaced by one of such hatred that Chua’s visage was completely transformed into something of pure savagery. He drew his lips back, and he snapped viciously at Nakai, landing several bites as they rolled on the ground.

  Nakai hadn’t given a thought to Chua besting him. He’d assumed his military training would give him the advantage in a hand to hand fight. However the maniacal hatred consuming Chua also lent him considerable strength. As Nakai and Chua rolled on the ground, Nakai found he was unable to break the other Alphan’s grip on his weapon.

  He bit back a yelp of pain as Chua’s teeth fastened in his shoulder, and Chua snarled and slavered like a mad animal. The viciousness of the action caused Nakai’s grip to falter, and Chua’s fist smashed into his face as he snatched his arm free of Nakai’s hold.

  The gun discharged, and Nakai cried out in pain as heat seared through his shoulder. Then a primeval roar of fury echoed in his ears, and Chua’s weight vanished. Looking up from a dizzying angle, Nakai was helpless to do anything other than watch as Sukh lifted Chua bodily into the air, and threw him away from them.

  Einian crawled to Nakai, tears sliding down his cheeks as he pillowed Nakai’s head in his lap, and pressed cloth, torn from his robe, against Nakai’s bleeding shoulder. Despite the angle and his increasing light-headedness, Nakai watched dispassionately as Sukh stalked Chua, who staggered slowly to his feet.

  Nakai felt no sympathy as Sukh attacked Chua as the man finally stood upright. Even with his weakened leg, Sukh’s strength outmatched Chua’s. Nakai ignored Chua’s screams and turned away, gently urging Einian to look at him.


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