Assassin's Mask

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Assassin's Mask Page 8

by Everly Frost

  Cain’s mouth tugs up at the corner. “I have several. All you have to do is ask.”

  I sigh, unable to disguise the pain any longer.

  Cain’s smile slips as concern washes over his features. “Hunter?”

  I say, “I’m asking.”

  He nods and quickly pulls out a phone, speaking rapidly into it. Within moments, he tells me the car will be waiting outside the Realm as soon as I get there.

  When we reach the door, a male voice bellows in the distant corridor, “Where’s my daughter?”

  The door crashes open in front of me. Ridley stands there, mad as hell. He storms into the room. “Hunter!”

  Then he drags me into his arms.

  “You’re alive.” He exhales as he presses me to his chest, his bristles dragging my hair across the top of my head. It looks like he hasn’t shaved in days, but I guess you can’t trust an angry assassin with a razor blade.

  His voice hitches as he says, “I thought I lost you.”

  It’s the most emotional I’ve ever seen him. He’s actually… hugging me. Like a dad would hug his daughter.

  I melt into the feeling of having a father. Of having family that cares about me. “I should die more often.”

  He doesn’t pull back for a full minute. Then he takes a good look at me, frowning. “You’re pale. What’s wrong?”

  I lean into him and whisper, “Do me a favor, please, Dad? Help me to the car outside the Realm? Without it looking like I’m leaning on you.”

  I’m grateful when he doesn’t ask me why. Instead, he shifts, positions one big hand on my shoulder while his other relocates to support my back. He holds me up while making it look like he’s hugging me.

  He murmurs into my ear, “I’m not against carrying you.”

  I manage a smile. “I know, but if this is the last time I walk out of the Realm, I’d rather do it on my own two feet.”

  Ridley keeps his voice low, even though there’s no doubt Vlad and Cain can hear us if they want to use their power to do so. “What happened?”

  “I’ll be fine. I just need a good rest.”

  “Okay… but what do you mean ‘the last time you walk out of here?’”

  “I’m my own Master now, Dad.” I’m surprised at how easily calling him ‘dad’ keeps rolling off my tongue. “I’m Rogue like Mom.”

  A grin breaks across his face. He drops a kiss to my forehead. “Finally. You’re a Master Assassin like you should be.” He pulls back a little. “But I claim my right as your father to visit your territory whenever the hell I like. I’m not waiting for an invitation.”

  It has taken Ridley a very long time to acknowledge me as his daughter and there’s no way I’m going to push him away. The pain of leaving Slade a second time is beating me into a bad enough pulp. “Always.”

  Ridley supports me through the door, but I can’t help glancing back.

  Slade stands exactly where we left him, a powerful force watching us go.

  A lonely, powerful force.

  I told him he wouldn’t be alone when he was Master, but now he is.

  Chapter Nine

  With Ridley’s help, I make it to Cain’s car with my feet on the ground where I say goodbye to them both for now. I even manage to sit upright next to Vlad for the short ride back to Saber Lane. When the car drops us off at the entrance to the street, I walk on my own while Vlad makes noises about picking me up.

  I give him death stares every time he looks like he’s about to scoop me into his arms. “No.”

  I’m relieved to see that Saber Lane looks quiet. I’m worried about Fallon and Lady Tirelli but so far things appear calm here. Now that I’ve held up my part of the deal with Vlad, I’m anxious to get back to the bookshop and retrieve the Clave. I’ve waited long enough to find out the secret it’s hiding.

  The trouble is, it’s time for me to swallow my pride and admit that I won’t make it that far.

  I stumble to the Diner door, which is located closer than the bookshop. Luckily, William and Tansy are there with Dean, eating an early dinner at one of the tables, which gives me an excuse to make a detour.

  William waves to me from the table, appearing a lot more relaxed than earlier today. I hope that means my stroll through Boston has had the desired impact: letting the underground know I won’t tolerate their violence. Whatever game Lady Tirelli was playing by spreading the rumor that Slade killed me, it’s at an end.

  I hesitate before inviting Vlad inside. Dean is an empath and, depending on Vlad’s past, Vlad’s emotions could cause Dean extreme pain. The first time I set foot on Saber Lane, Dean nearly collapsed. I still feel bad about it.

  Dean calls out to me before I hesitate further. “Come on in, baby.”

  Vlad raises a dark eyebrow at the endearment, but I grin back at him. “Dean calls every woman ‘baby.’ Just watch.”

  Vlad scowls. “Tansy too?”

  “Sure.” I eye him as his glower darkens. “Vlad?”

  “Nothing.” He shakes himself, refocuses on me, and a second later, his big hands dart toward me.

  I slip to the side. In a big way. The floor rears up toward me and I make a grab for the nearest table but my legs won’t hold me up.

  Oh… This isn’t good.

  Vlad catches me just as I’m about to hit the floor and running footsteps sound before Dean wraps his arms around me, pulling me safely inside the shop.

  Dean’s face appears above me but he speaks to Vlad, the urgency in his voice a sharp thrum in my ears. “Hunter’s hurt. Badly!”

  I mumble, confused about why they look so worried, “Vlad is hurt, too. He took multiple hits.”

  Dean shakes his head. “Your friend is fine. A cut to his forehead, some bruising. He has a head like stone. Trust me, I sense his wounds and he’s okay. But you, baby… you’re death warmed up. Boiling, in fact.”

  William and Tansy hover close behind him.

  Dean says, “Help me get her upstairs. She’s running hot. She needs an ice bath.”

  “I can carry her,” Vlad says.

  Dean shrugs him off. “You can bring the ice. See the ice chest outside? I’ll need two bags of it.”

  Vlad doesn’t argue, hurrying outside while Dean swings me into his arms, holding me close to his body.

  As soon as Dean’s chest contacts mine, it’s like I’m cushioned in a cloud. My head suddenly feels like it’s floating. Wow. I don’t feel pain any more. I peer up at Dean as he carries me upstairs. I’m not surprised to see that he lives above the shop like William does. But the effect that his empathic nearness has on my body is a little too intense, a little too much like…

  Oh. Wow.

  Something I would never do with Dean.

  A sigh escapes my throat. I clear it, pointedly. Ahem.

  I may be close to losing consciousness but I’m still in control, thank you very much. I growl at him, “Dean, what are you doing to me?”

  “Soothing your pain.”

  “Well, it’s making me feel... hmm…” I press my lips together. Not exactly what I should feel around him.

  “Your mind needed lifting from the dark place it was descending into. I promise I won’t take advantage.” He switches to a mischievous grin. “Unless you want me to.”

  I pat his arm as he angles me through the bathroom door. “My heart has been broken already, Dean. Besides, aren’t you and Tansy…?”

  Dean smiles. “I appreciate your thoughtfulness, but empaths can’t form romantic relationships, only friendship. A closer attachment is too painful when someone lies to you or is angry with you. We are better off alone.”

  “That’s not very fair.”

  “Life isn’t. But I’m okay with it.” He gives me an unexpectedly sly smile, his voice oozing honey at me, dragging my attention to his lips. “That doesn’t mean we don’t indulge when we want to.”

  He has nice lips, full and soft-looking…

  I shake myself with a laugh. “Well, don’t develop any hopes about indulgi
ng with me, baby.”

  He winks at me. “Shucks. And here I was hoping I could soothe your frazzled nerves.”

  He slides me into the bath fully clothed, my feet pointed toward the faucet end. When he turns on the cold water, the liquid sizzles, steaming off my skin.

  I give a start. “You weren’t joking when you said I was running hot.”

  He becomes grim. “You don’t have to tell me what happened, but I think you should tell William. He knows more about Valk—”

  I place my fingers against his lips, stopping him from speaking as I shake my head and point toward the sound of Vlad’s footsteps coming up the stairs.

  Dean gives me a nod of understanding.

  I say, “I will, thank you, Dean. And for helping me.”

  He shifts to the side when Vlad enters carrying two enormous bags of ice, opening them without any fuss and pouring them into the bath. The water was warming much too fast because of my body heat, but the second bag of ice does the trick and everything finally cools down.

  When he’s done, Vlad hunches down beside the bath, gripping the edge with his big hands. “You took a death blow for me today, Hunter. I’m not sure how you did that and survived.”

  He levels his gaze at me. “But what is clear to me is that Slade Baines was in more pain than you were.”

  I stare at him, wide eyed, before I run my hand across my face, icy water dripping down my cheeks. I wasn’t expecting this conversation so soon. I should have remembered that Vlad always gets right to the point.

  My voice turns to a strangled whisper, “I know.”

  As blunt as always, Vlad asks, “Why?”

  Dean scowls from the side. “Hunter doesn’t have to explain anything to you.”

  Vlad nods. “Okay. You’re right. She doesn’t. But when she’s ready to explain, I’ll be ready to listen. In the meantime, there’s something you need to know, Hunter.”

  I draw my hand away from my eyes, allowing the water to drip rivers down my cheeks. “Yes?”

  “If our roles were reversed and Slade infiltrated the Dominion, I would kill him. Just like he tried to kill me.”

  I inhale sharply. “Without listening to him?”

  “Absolutely. He gave me a lot more air than I would have given him.”

  I splutter. “But… then… why did you take that chance today?”

  He grins but it carries no humor. “Because I was sure I could beat Slade in a fight.”

  I groan. “There’s no beating Slade.”

  He nods, a grim smile remaining on his lips as he taps the edge of the bath with a thick finger. “I heard rumors that Slade had assimilated with assassin’s magic in a way that nobody has ever seen before. I thought it was only stories. I couldn’t have been more wrong. What he did today was beyond my worst nightmare.”

  He holds up his fist, showing me his assassin’s ring. “Do you know what these are made of Hunter?”

  I whisper. “Do you?”

  He nods. “It’s a secret passed from one Master to the next. Since you’re now a Master and I supported you, I’m allowed to tell you.”

  I glance at Dean, but Vlad doesn’t seem to mind that he’s still watching over me—and listening to us.

  I hold up my hand to stop Vlad from saying the words, my fingers splashing water across the space between us. “I already know. They’re made from stolen feathers.”

  “Ah, so Gareth told you.” Vlad turns his ring, the chunky rubies catching the light. “This ring is made from a Valkyrie feather. So is Slade’s. So was my Master’s. There are a few rare rings that are made from Keres feathers, but sadly, it was the Valkyrie who were imprisoned and ripped apart to make most of the rings.”

  My eyes widen at the way he describes the way my ancestors were treated. From everything William told me about Mom, she didn’t know about this either. She kept a lot from me, but William told me she was genuinely confused about why she couldn’t wear an assassin’s ring without feeling ill. That’s why she had her glass ring made in secret and tricked the former Guardian into giving it to her.

  Vlad shakes his head with disgust. “Those peaceful women were treated like animals and we wonder why they became our worst enemies?”

  I still remember the pain I felt when I ripped out my feather, how it feels like a part of me is missing, and the only time I feel whole again is…

  When I’m near Slade.

  Vlad continues, “Slade’s ring is made from the feather that was stolen from the Valkyrie Queen herself. He has harnessed the true killing power of the Valkyrie. No Master has ever done that before. They’ve tried. But never succeeded.”

  I look away. I can’t tell Vlad it’s because I gave Slade the key to unlocking that power, that it’s not only coming from the ring, but from inside his heart and soul.

  Vlad gives a resolute sigh. “I will never beat Slade in a fight. Nobody will. He’s too powerful now. Which is why I am eternally grateful, but also astonished, that you took a death blow and survived today.”

  I’m not about to tell him why. It’s a dangerous question to ask him, but I need to know what he’s thinking. “Your theory is?”

  “That he loves the hell out of you.”

  I suck in a breath.

  Vlad plows on, “He didn’t want to hurt you. He put a stranglehold on his own power. He probably would have cut off his own arm if he thought it would make your pain stop. Any idiot can see what he feels for you.” Vlad points at himself. “Even a concussed one.”

  I run my hand over my eyes again. Hot tears leak from beneath my eyelids but thankfully the ice water disguises them. Vlad has seen enough tear tracks from me. “I don’t know what to do, Vlad. I’m stuck in a place with no exits.”

  “I can’t tell you, Hunter. But you need to sort it out because a love like that either becomes something amazing or it turns into something really bad. You need to decide which you want.”

  He draws to his feet, eases out his shoulders from hunching beside the bath for so long and swings to Dean. “If you disclose any of our conversation to anyone, I will rip your arms off.”

  Dean observes Vlad with a curious expression. I remember now that I was worried about Dean reacting badly to Vlad’s presence. It wasn’t threats I was worried about so much as Vlad’s emotions. But Dean tilts his head to the side, studying Vlad with a curious expression.

  Dean says, “You have no emotions.”

  Vlad gives him a grin like a wolf about to eat dinner. “I see the world with clarity, not clouded with feeling.”

  Hmm. I take note of that. It’s certainly something I’ve already observed about Vlad, the way he reacts with logic rather than sentiment, almost to the point of being un-feeling. Brandon once described me as a stone cold assassin but Vlad is like an ice serpent—emotionless but capable of sudden movement. I’m not totally sure that it’s possible to clamp down on all emotions to the point of not feeling anything though.

  After Vlad leaves the room, Dean leans across to me. “Do you want me to stay?”

  I shake my head. “I’m fine, Dean. I’m cooling off now, thank you.”

  “Okay. Call me if you need anything.”

  As soon as the door clicks closed, my mask falls away.

  This is the second time Slade’s actions have put me in an ice bath. Neither time was because he wanted to. In fact, Vlad is right. Slade has tried at every opportunity not to hurt me. Vlad’s assessment of Slade’s reaction today is painfully accurate. I just don’t want to acknowledge it. I can’t. Slade pushed me away. He wanted me gone. It’s too much of a risk for me to hope there’s any future for us.

  Half an hour later, I’m about to get out of the bath when there’s a tentative knock on the door. Tansy pushes it open a crack. “May I come in?”

  “Uh, sure.” I lean back against the bath, not sure what to expect as she twists her hands in front of herself, taking only a few small steps inside the room.

  She says, “Vlad told us what you did for him. I just wanted t
o thank you.”

  My eyes shoot wide with surprise. I never expected Tansy to thank me for anything. She continues in a rush before I can think too much about what she said, “Can I get you some dry clothes?”

  “Yes, please.”

  She disappears and I take a moment to drag myself, dripping like a wet cat, out of the bath. I feel much stronger. Not entirely healed, that will take longer, but my body has dealt with the worst of the death it absorbed.

  When Tansy returns, she offers me one of Dean’s long shirts. From the look of it, it will cover my backside and extend halfway down my thighs. It’s decent enough.

  She says, “Sorry, I don’t think any of his jeans will fit you.”

  I swallow a laugh. “I’ll pretend I’ve taken a swim then. Wet underwear and a shirt-dress. In the middle of winter. Lucky the cold is what I need right now.”

  “There’s food downstairs if you want it. I’ll wait outside.”

  She disappears again and I take off my wet outerwear and dry myself off as much as I can before I slip on the shirt and roll my wet clothing into a ball.

  Downstairs, William rises to give me another warm, welcoming hug. I have definitely had more hugs today than I ever expected.

  I try not to make the seat wet while I shovel down warm vegetable stew. I need to get back to the bookshop and the Clave. I’m grateful to discover that Vlad has filled the others in on all the important information while I was in the bath—that I’m my own Master now, Saber Lane is my territory, that Vlad himself is the Dominion Master, and Gareth is being held for a year before being released. I wasn’t sure how Tansy would take the news that I claimed Saber Lane as my own but she’s remarkably calm about it.

  When I finish my meal, Vlad swings his backpack over his shoulder. He must have retrieved it from the bookshop while I was in the bath.

  Tansy’s answering smile to Vlad’s polite bow lights up the room. She doesn’t seem to notice that her response has triggered her instinctive magic. The space around us brightens as she asks, “How long will you stay in Boston?”

  Vlad replies, “For the next three weeks before I return to the Dominion’s Realm in Portland.”


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