HOT ICE: Complete Sporting Romance Series

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HOT ICE: Complete Sporting Romance Series Page 34

by Lily Harlem

  I sipped my drink and tried to play it cool. I’d been right to be cautious earlier, Rick was a dangerous guy for the new Dana. Old Dana would have dragged him into the nearest closet and banged him senseless—he was definitely old Dana’s type, tall, dark and devastatingly handsome, with chiseled cheekbones and a soft, sensuous mouth.

  Not to mention the sin smoldering in his brown eyes—bad, greedy, but oh, such delicious sin. Yes, he was definitely someone to avoid if I was going to stick to my life plan.

  “If you don’t believe I’m an honest guy then get to know me,” he said with a shrug. “Dinner tomorrow?”

  “Sorry, no can do.” I resisted adding because there was no way I would give old Dana a chance at him. It would get messy, dirty, sweaty and naked real quick.

  “Then lunch, or a coffee? A movie, I bet you like the movies.”

  “I’m sorry,” I said. “It’s not you. I’m just not dating at the moment.”

  “Why, you had a bad breakup?”

  “That’s none of your business.”

  He shrugged and raised his beer to his lips. “Guy is either a complete jerk or drowning his sorrows somewhere because he knows he’ll never have a stunner like you again.” He shook his head. “Poor sucker, if he wasn’t competition I’d almost feel sorry for him.”

  “No breakup,” I said, draining my glass. “I’m just busy with my work. It takes up all my time.”

  “So I shouldn’t be offended at the rejection?”

  “No, definitely not, and I’m sure there are plenty of women who would bite your hand off for a date.”

  He shrugged. “Yeah, trouble is the only woman I want to bite me is you.”

  I swept my tongue over my bottom lip. The thought of tasting him, biting him, was just too damn powerful to ignore. I dragged in a breath and braced my shoulders. Set my face to business mode. “It was nice chatting but please excuse me, I have final details of the evening to organize.” I reached over the bar and grabbed my clipboard, all the time aware of his gaze drinking up my every move. It was as though he was a starving man feasting on my curves. In normal circumstances it would have been irritating but there was something about him, despite his terrible pick-up lines, that appealed to a very base, very carnal level of my soul.

  “Don’t forget the Cristal, Jay,” I reminded the barman as he glanced my way. “In ten minutes, to go with the fireworks out front.”

  “Already on the case, boss,” he said with a grin and a wink. He flipped the lid off a bottle of beer and handed it to a hulking blond guy who nodded in Rick’s direction.

  “I’ll see you later then, for that dance,” Rick said, turning back to me after acknowledging the nod.

  I stood and my eye line came level with the cream flower in his lapel. “I’m afraid I don’t mix business with pleasure.”

  “Ah.” His face lit. “So you do admit it would be pleasurable to dance with me?”

  I looked up. His eyes glinted like great vats of thick chocolate. He was too tempting and too damn sharp by far and that damn Fuzzy Navel had messed with my cool, calm, collected thought processes.

  I had to get out of there.

  “Dancing is pleasurable, yes,” I said, moving away. “Though whether or not it would be pleasurable with you I will never know. Good night, Mr. Lewis.” I stepped from the bar, needing space and air. I wound through guests watching the newlyweds dance and made it out into the starkly lit, cool corridors of the hotel.

  Ducking into the kitchen, I confirmed that the late evening buffet was set to go after the fireworks then headed to the small office the hotel had loaned me for the weekend. I clicked on a table lamp and the windowless room filled with a soft glow. I tapped my long red fingernails on my laptop and hit start. As it whirred to life I spoke to the fireworks guy who assured me they were minutes away from go, then I confirmed with the head stablehand that all the horses had been safely put away for the night.

  A knock on the door snapped my attention from my clipboard. “Come in,” I called, wondering who it could be. Everyone who knew I had this tiny office was busy carrying out my instructions.

  The door swung open.

  My heart stuttered.

  Filling the frame was an enormous silhouette that could only belong to one guy at the wedding.

  “What are you doing here?” I asked, setting aside my cell and straightening.

  “I thought I’d give you my number, in case you change your mind about the dating thing,” Rick said, his deep, gritty voice echoing around the quiet office.

  “You followed me?”

  “I went to the restroom and saw you heading this way on those sinfully sexy shoes you’re wearing.” He paused. “I was hypnotized, it was like a scene from the Pied Piper. I had to follow you.”

  “I’m sorry but you wasted your energy because I won’t change my mind about dating, not for a long time.” I shifted on my heels.

  He stepped into the room and shut the door with a quiet click.

  “You’ll miss the fireworks,” I said, wondering why it felt as though the temperature had suddenly rocketed up several degrees. “If you don’t get back to the reception.”

  “I can take or leave lights in the sky.” He shrugged out of his suit jacket and dropped it over the back of a chair. My gaze was drawn to the white shirt he wore that stretched tight over his hard, well-defined muscles. The top button was undone and his tie was gone.

  “No, seriously you have to leave, I’m very busy. I have things to do.” I tapped my pen against the clipboard.

  “And when you’re done, then what?”

  “Then I’ll go home, rest, and get up early to work again tomorrow. My business doesn’t run itself.”

  “All work and no play will make you very dull, Dana.”

  “Maybe I like being dull.” I dropped my pen and folded my arms over my chest, tried to press in my nipples, which were hardening and twisting with each softly spoken word he uttered.

  “You don’t like being dull, not really.” He picked up the pen and wrote a string of numbers on the top left-hand corner of my clipboard. “Call me, we’d have fun. I can tell.”

  “How can you possibly tell?”

  A sexy twinkle in his eyes told me he was enjoying our banter. “Oh, I have a way of knowing these things,” he said, stepping around the desk and moving up close, real close.

  My feet stayed rooted to the floor as his body heat and his smell completely overwhelmed my senses. His voice and the undisguised desire in his eyes captured a need in me that demanded attention. I tried to beat down a wave of pure, shocking lust that flowed through my body like red-hot lava. Lust was not something I’d entertained for a long time, but right now it was besieging me. Right now sex was the only thing this perfect specimen of a man had me thinking about.

  Rick was larger than life, his presence all-consuming in my office. It was as though he took up every square inch of physical space simply with his existence. I tried to remember my reasons for not agreeing to a date, for ever having started this damn celibacy thing, but the memories and the knowledge escaped me and in their place a carnal need grew—hungry and desperate, greedy and demanding.

  “Dana,” he whispered, his voice like silk over sandpaper. “Just one date, how hard can it be?” His voice dropped lower. “I promise I’ll be a good boy and I won’t sully your pristine reputation.”

  I shook my head, confusion running through my brain. Pristine reputation? Old Dana’s reputation was far from pristine, but she hadn’t been around for years.

  He reached out and looped a thick finger into a dark curl hanging over my collarbone. When he gently tugged the roots, my scalp screamed for more sensation. It had been so long, too long since a man had touched me in even this small way.

  Suddenly something deep inside me snapped. Blood rushed to my face and seared through my body. I reached for biceps nearly as wide as my waist and pushed myself up to meet his dipped head. “Rick,” I murmured, my lips a hairsbreadth from his.
“Stop talking about damn dates and pristine reputations and kiss me.”

  He didn’t need asking twice.

  I gasped as he crushed his lips to mine and slipped his tongue between my teeth with a challenging, ravenous urgency. I gripped the material of his shirt, parting my lips, my tongue chasing for his, tasting him, drawing in the sweet, malty, masculine flavor of his mouth.

  He groaned and the sound vibrated from his chest into mine. We were pressed against each other, our bodies touching from our lips to our toes. The taste and feel of him was exquisite, like drowning in dark, forbidden sin. I realized that this was exactly what I wanted. Why the hell had I been resisting all this time? Or maybe I hadn’t, maybe I had just been waiting for him.

  God, I wanted this man. I barely knew him but the need was like an all-powerful magnet, a gravitational force. Straining to get closer, to deepen the kiss, I reached high and locked my hands at his nape, pulled him nearer.

  “Ah fuck, you taste awesome. I knew you would,” he murmured, his lips leaving mine to explore my neck. “And you feel it, too.” He slid his big hands down the silken material of my blouse, following the shape of my spine before cupping my rear. He tightened his hold, squeezing me up against the hard wedge of his erection—hot and thick, a solid weight of arousal beneath his suit pants.

  I gasped. His cock was so damn huge, so damn solid.

  He tore his mouth from my neck. “Tell me to fucking leave,” he said in a heavy, warning voice, “if you still don’t wanna mix business with pleasure, tell me to get the hell out of here…now.”

  “Don’t you dare leave.” I grabbed for the side of his face, kissed him, bit at his bottom lip and tugged. It stretched toward me then I sank in my teeth, just a little.

  The sharp nip seemed to send him beyond a point of control. He made a harsh growling sound and plunged his tongue back into my mouth as his fingers worked at my skirt, rucking the tight material upward until it was a band around my waist.

  I began tearing at his shirt, fumbling fingers dragging the studs through the holes. My hunger, my impatience was wild and desperate and I didn’t know if it would ever be sated. But I was going to have a damn good try.

  He shoved his thigh between my legs and the damp gusset of my panties made contact with his solid leg muscle. My hips began to grind, my desperate clit crying out for stimulation.

  “Jeez, you’re a wild thing,” he said, finally ridding himself of his shirt.

  I planted my hands on his hot chest. Coarse, dark hairs filled the gaps between my fingers. His lips slanted over mine again and there was a clatter as my clipboard, a pile of pencils and my cell fell to the floor.

  “Wait,” I said, fearing for my laptop.

  For the briefest of moments his body left mine to move my laptop to the safety of the floor. I whimpered at the loss of our connection. I’d long since forgotten why I was supposed to be resisting, I was just going to take what I damn well could.

  Between one breath and the next he had me up on the table, my back flat on the cool surface and my legs wrapped around his waist.

  “How much do you want me to fuck you?” he growled, the hardness of his cock pressing through the thin, moisture-laden barrier of my panties and his eyes ablaze with need.

  “Oh God, lots, fuck, yes, I want it lots, please.” Old Dana was well and truly back. “Just get a damn condom on and fuck me already.” I needed him so badly it was a force that was threatening to drive me insane.

  I tangled my hands in his hair and gasped as his fingers slipped beneath the elastic of my panties.

  “You’re dripping for me,” he murmured approvingly, parting the softly swollen folds of my sex.

  I could feel myself dampening further at his touch. “Please, please.”

  “As you asked nicely.”

  I gasped as he rode one thick finger into my entrance, stretching tissue unused to a male touch.

  But instantly it wasn’t enough. I wanted more. Squirming, I thrust my pelvis down onto his finger and was rewarded with a thicker filling sensation as he added another. The heel of his palm caught on my clit, a wonderful pressure that radiated to every pore. The man’s enormous hands were a precious gift and thankfully he knew exactly how to use them.

  Groaning, I reveled in the pleasure surging though me. But only for a few seconds, because then once again I wanted more. I wanted every touch he could give me, but I wanted to touch him, too. Drive him crazy the way he was me.

  I slipped my arms between our bodies, my thighs falling outward wantonly, my red heels balanced on the very edge of the table. It briefly went through my mind that my reputation would be more than sullied if someone walked into my office right now, but recklessly the thought flitted away as my palm came into contact with one damn fine erection.

  “Rick.” His name tore from my throat. Desire was a devil burning beneath my skin. “Rick, condom, now. Get inside me, properly.”

  He moaned and stood straight, his fingers slipping from between my legs.

  Hastily, I looped my panties off then watched, wide-eyed as he tugged down the zipper on his fly and released his cock.

  Fuck. It isn’t just his hands that are enormous.

  From a tangle of black curls rose the longest, thickest, most heavily veined cock I’d ever laid eyes on.

  “Dana,” he said, his voice strangled. “Put it on for me.” He handed me an open condom wrapper.

  Quickly I slipped the thin latex out and curved one hand around his hot shaft.

  His breath hitched. He stilled.

  I swept my fingers down to the root then up again, relishing the marble-hard surface and the satiny-soft skin. I slid my hand over his engorged, darkened head and skimmed the tip of my finger through his slit.

  He hissed and every muscle in his body appeared to tense.

  My God, could I really take this beast inside me?

  He reached for my hand, which was still holding the wrapper. “Put it on,” he instructed through ragged breaths. “Hurry.”

  “But? Will we…?”

  “We’ll fit just fine,” he growled. “Never had any damn complaints in the past.”

  Suddenly my fears thinned and my patience dissolved. Of course it would be fine. Like riding a bike. I could still do this. With dexterous moves I rolled the condom down his shaft. Glanced up and caught his gaze. It was stormy and glazed, possessed by the same basic desires that had harnessed me.

  “You’re so damn small and sweet,” he whispered hoarsely as he spread over me again, pressing my back into the table and parting my legs farther with his thighs. “Which means you’re going to have to really relax, okay?”

  “Yes, yes, please, now.”

  As the engorged crest of his cock pushed up against my sopping entrance, his mouth took possession of mine. I gave as good as I got, kissing him with such urgency it was as though my life depended upon our joining. He entered me an inch and pain-pleasure tore through me as tender tissue parted for his wide head.

  His groan was loud and guttural in my mouth. He curled his coccyx and claimed more of me. The pinch of pain burned this time and I cried out.

  “Relax, honey,” he gasped. The desire in his voice washed over me—dark, soothing and sensuous. “Hold onto me if you need to. I’ve got you. It’s going to blow your mind, you just need to relax.”

  He forged forward and wild, exquisite sensations filled my nerve endings. I moaned and it mixed with his deep, male groan. His entry was an uncomfortable but erotic experience that had my spine arching and my long nails clawing at his back. I wanted more in equal measure to wanting him to stop.

  There was no way on this earth he was stopping.

  He shoved his hips right up against me and his balls crashed against my butt and the head of his cock, I swear, nudged at my diaphragm, blasting the air from my lungs.

  “Ah jeez, I’ve died and gone to heaven,” he groaned, palming my breast through my blouse. “You’re so damn tight.”

  “Only ’cause you
’re so damn big,” I panted. The feel of his cock stretching me and thrusting deeper had turned into a brutal form of ecstasy.

  “You’ll grow to love that about me,” he said, his teeth raking over my cheek and his soul patch scratching at my flesh.

  “You think?” I gasped, sucking in his scent, now combined with the heady smell of my own arousal.

  “Yeah, in about two seconds.”

  He withdrew, almost all the way, then glided back in through my thick moisture, his pubic bone connecting wonderfully with my clit.

  “Oh God, yes, yes, I love it, don’t stop,” I called out shamelessly.

  Why the hell had I denied myself all this time? “Rick, Rick.”

  His throaty chuckle combined with a tortured groan filled my ears as he picked up the pace. His face rasped against mine and our bodies slammed together as he thrust his cock harder and faster, faster and harder. Spearing me and grinding up against my clit, sending vibrant, chaotic sensations ricocheting around my body.

  The orgasm that claimed me was swift and furious. One second I was building up to it, the next I was over the edge. Adrenaline flooded my system, blood pounded through my ears. I locked my heels in the small of his back, rocking my clit against his concrete body mass even more firmly. Without warning, another orgasm crashed through me, surging upward and tearing me in a million different directions. I dragged my long nails down his shoulders, vaguely aware of the harsh intake of breath it generated as he plunged, wilder and more animalistic than ever.

  He stiffened in my arms, buried deep, catching me just as my pussy milked through a third mind-altering orgasm.

  “I’m coming,” he growled, his weight crushing down on me. “I’m fucking coming, I’m coming really fucking high up inside you.” He buried his cock deeper and I was aware of his rigid shaft throbbing and pulsing within me, filling the condom.

  Feeling his pleasure catapulted me onto an extreme high and euphoria flooded my being. He jerked against me, drawing out the ecstasy. The small amount of breath I had was shunted from my lungs in several sharp gasps.

  “Oh yes, fuck, yes,” he groaned, his palms catching my cheeks. “That was fucking awesome. You’re fucking awesome.”


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