Embrace the Power: A Paranormal Romance (The Blood Rose Series Book 9)

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Embrace the Power: A Paranormal Romance (The Blood Rose Series Book 9) Page 31

by Caris Roane

  I am.

  The ice cave filled suddenly with a violet glow and Margetta shrieked as she transformed into her wraith state. Rosamunde covered his body with hers. The cave was small so that the massive physical presence of Kaden, Ian and Zane took up a huge portion.

  Each was lit with battle power, their hands outstretched toward Margetta. She didn’t hesitate to rev her energy up and the next moment her black-and-gold power sang through the air. But it was met with Kaden’s, Ian’s and Zane’s in quick, hard response.

  The result in the small space was an explosion that blew apart the ice cave and sent everyone within tumbling through the air.

  The explosion freed Stone from his shackles. He righted himself quickly and caught one of the flailing trolls in his arms. He encompassed the group in telepathy. Save the slaves.

  He watched Ian dive for another and Zane for the last one. They’d been held against their will for a long time, but Stone knew they could be rehabilitated.

  Margetta, however, was gone.

  Rosamunde levitated close to him and settled her hand on his shoulder. He spoke quietly to the troll, reassuring the slave that she was safe. He’d half-expected a battle, instead the woman wept against his shoulder. “Mastyr, I was taken from Tannisford three decades ago. Thank you for saving me.”

  “You’re safe now.”

  He glanced at Rosamunde, who shivered in the cold air. He began descending swiftly to a lower altitude and Rosamunde tracked with him.

  Both Ian and Zane, with their troll-slaves well in hand, flew close to Rosamunde as well.

  As the group continued descending, Kaden drew up on his other side. Glad you made it son.

  Me, too. And thank you.

  This was Rosamunde’s doing, Kaden pathed.

  I want you to know that you were right, father. I’d used her supposed sins to keep my distance from Rosamunde.

  Kaden nodded slowly. And now you’ve bonded with her.

  I have.

  He pinched his lips together and clapped Stone on the shoulder. I’m glad for you. Rosamunde’s a good woman and you’ll be very happy. Now let’s get these trolls to safety.

  Kaden then shouted at Zane and Ian. “Come over here and I’ll get us back to Ferrenden Peace.”

  They flew toward him and once within a few feet, Kaden raised his arm and moved the entire group to the front walk of Aralynn’s cottage. Stone set his shaking troll on her feet. “Stay here. We’ll take care of you.”

  “Thank you, mastyr.” But the slave dropped to her knees and embraced Stone’s ankles then started sobbing.

  Rosamunde drew close and dipped down to place her hand on the slave’s head. Stone could feel her fae healing, something that touched the troll’s mind and eased her. A moment later, the troll stood up and wiped her cheeks.

  Kaden drew close. “Let me take care of the mastyrs and these trolls. I sense you need time with Rosamunde.”

  He held his hand out to his woman and she took it, drawing close. “I do.” He smiled at her, his heart full of love, then turned to Kaden. “If you can take everyone to the Com Center and turn the trolls over to Harris, he’ll know what to do.”

  He felt the elf-lord power begin to rumble, which meant a vision was coming. Both Ian and Zane, still cradling their trolls, glanced at Stone.

  Ian shook his head. “What’s going on? Why is the earth shaking?”

  He explained in brief terms all that had happened with the power that originated in Ferrenden Peace. He also had Kaden explain who he was. Each of the ruling mastyrs appeared dumbfounded, as they should be.

  When the vision drew close, Rosamunde squeezed his fingers. Shall we let it roll?

  He nodded and the moment she began channeling the elf-lord power, he let it flow through him. It was a milder version of the onslaught Margetta had delivered, almost tempered as though Rosamunde was a necessary filter. Maybe she was. Maybe her blood rose gift was the means by which he’d never fall victim to the seductive side of the elf-lord power.

  Whatever the case, the vision began to move through his mind. He spelled it out for Ian and Zane. “In an hour’s time, Margetta will bring her full army to the Plains of Tannisford, at the southern end near the Sea of Vermed.”

  Zane whistled.

  Ian nodded solemnly. “What are your orders, Commander?”

  Stone felt humbled by the appellation, a very different experience in contrast to the out-of-control ambitions that Margetta had delivered through the elf-lord power.

  First, he shifted slightly to address Kaden. “Will you serve with us this time? We’ll need help moving the full complement of the Combined Forces to the plains.”

  Kaden nodded. “I will.”

  He turned to Ian and Zane. “Go with Kaden to my Com Center and prepare each of the mastyrs, along with their Vampire Guards and Shifter and Troll Brigades for a final battle here in Tannisford. Kaden will help teleport the various units onto the field of battle.”

  He turned to Rosamunde. “Does this agree with what you’re getting?”

  She smiled. “One hundred percent.”

  Stone had one more act to perform before he dismissed the mastyrs. “And you, Kaden.”

  “Yes, son?”

  Stone released Rosamunde’s hand and embraced the tall elf. He hugged his father hard. “Thank you.”

  After a long moment, and a serious tightening of his throat, he drew back. Kaden smiled at him, his eyes brimming with tears. “Proud of you.”

  “And I’m proud that you’re my father.” He nodded briskly, then shifted his attention to the mastyrs. “This is it, men. Margetta will come at us full-bore. Let’s get ready to take the bitch down.”

  Ian and Zane gave a shout. Even the trolls each added their whoops and raised fists. Kaden picked up the female troll that Stone had carried to the cottage.

  Then just like that, Kaden spirited them back to Tannisford and he was alone once more with Rosamunde.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Rosamunde turned to face Stone. He extended his other hand to her and she took it so that now he held both. The elf-lord power still flowed, but it seemed to be a steadier, softer version than before. The bond of their mating frequencies was in place and more powerful than she could have believed possible. But more needed to be accomplished to cement the full Blood Rose bond.

  Her fae instincts told her they would need to join physically and he would need to drink her blood. She knew it wasn’t the same for every couple, but these elements had to be in place for the rest to happen for her and Stone. The forged bond would make it impossible for Margetta to ever get that close to Stone again.

  “I’m glad we’re here, in Aralynn’s cottage. For me, my path to you began in this place.”

  “I’m sorry Margetta destroyed your castle.”

  She shook her head slowly “It was never mine. Not truly. I was a place holder as you know. From this night forward, you’re my future. I served Ferrenden Peace to the best of my ability and now all I want is to be your woman, your blood rose, and to work alongside you to make the Nine Realms safe.”

  He nodded, releasing her hands but only so he could pull her into his arms. “I’m so sorry, Rosamunde. I used you badly because I was caught up in my grief. I know you’ve said you forgive me, but I want to be clear on this. I was at fault.”

  She put her hand on his lips. “All is forgiven, now and forever. You’re the man who saved that busload of troll kids, remember? Everything else pales, including how you viewed me.”

  “It doesn’t seem like enough.”

  She saw the deep remorse in his mossy-green eyes and sought for the right words to convey what she meant. “I was hurt that you thought so little of me. But I understood because you’d never walked in my shoes. You’re a man of action in the truest sense. You chart a course; you go for it. How could you understand my horribly passive role in Ferrenden Peace? Or believe how much it hurt each time Margetta brought a vision to me?

  “I’m trying to
say that I understand who you are and now that I was finally given a more active role in the war as Aralynn I’ve come to understand who I am.”

  Stone stroked her cheek. “But a thousand years of living this life. How did you bear it?”

  “The same way you bore the deaths of your parents: One tough day at a time.”

  He frowned and shook his head. “Sometimes I got so drunk I had to be carried home unconscious.”

  She thought her own confession wouldn’t hurt. “And at times, I drank too much wine. But we’re here now.”

  “Yes. We most definitely are.”

  ~ ~ ~

  Stone slid his hand behind Rosamunde’s neck and kissed her. She moaned softly, leaning into him and when she parted her lips, he slid his tongue inside. A soft vibration enveloped him, one that felt all Rosamunde.

  His mating vibration was now uniformly linked with hers. It was almost impossible to tell where one began and the other ended.

  After a moment, he drew back. “Will you complete the bond with me, Rosamunde, as mastyr to your blood rose, as my vampire mate, as my woman, now and forever?”

  Her lovely violet eyes were misty, full of love and something else. It took him a moment to recognize the emotion, but he felt it, too. It was joy, pure and without restraint.

  “I will.” She smiled suddenly. “Now take me to bed.”

  He chuckled, loving that the Aralynn part of her got straight to the point.

  He lifted her into his arms, cradling her as he moved to the cottage door. The smallish dwelling, however, made it impossible for him to carry her over the threshold. He snorted as he set her on her feet, which made her chuckle.

  “The cottage belonged to a troll.”

  “Thought as much.”

  She took his hand and he followed her inside, loving the feel of her palm against his as well as the sight of her mass of red hair flowing behind her.

  Once within, he shut the door. When she started to strip, he saw no point in pretending there was anything else they needed to do right now. Of course his task was much simpler since he only wore his leathers.

  By the time she was free of her clothes, he picked her up and tossed her on the bed. She laughed as she landed on her back.

  As Rosamunde, she had a beautiful shape with an abundance of curves. His mating vibration, joined to hers as it was, sent thrills through his body, tightening his thigh and arm muscles.

  He was already aroused as he stretched out on top of her. “You are so beautiful, my love.”

  She gasped softly. “Oh, you said that the same way Davido speaks to Vojalie. I love it.”

  He smiled. “I guess I did, didn’t I? But I love you, Rosamunde, with all my heart.”

  She slid her hand into his hair, something he knew she loved to do. She leaned up and he met her with his lips, guiding her back down with the kiss.

  This would be different, that’s what he knew. He loved her and he was secure in her love for him. Rosamunde was all in. And he was too. There would be no holding back or recriminations because he feared losing her. He was fully present. Committed.

  And hungry.

  Facing death and hours of torture would do that to a man.

  He drew back, sniffing her neck then licking. She writhed beneath him then grabbed at his shoulders, pulling him closer.

  Do you want me, Rosamunde? He kept licking her neck.

  As though I haven’t been with you in decades. And my heart is heavy. I have what you need, Stone. Take it!

  Stone reached low, took his rigid cock in hand and found her opening. Seating himself, he pushed inside her beautiful warm wetness. He was already on the verge and had to take a couple of quick breaths to keep from coming.

  “I love you so much.”

  “I love you, too.” She petted his hair, his shoulders, his arms. She rocked her hips slowly, pulling him deeper inside.

  He was one with all his movements, the way his mating vibration pulsed through hers, the way he began to drive into her steadily, and the descending of his fangs, two sharp points, ready to pierce her.

  Do it. She was panting, her body very still. I want to feel you breach the vein and take what belongs only to you.

  Stone drew his head back slightly and opened his mouth wide. He struck to the right depth and felt the first pulse of blood flow into his mouth, warm and tasting woodsy and full of an herbal undertone. He groaned as he formed a seal around the small wounds. He began to suck, timing each thrust of his cock with the pull of his lips. He added the vibration she loved.

  She cooed and moaned, then cooed some more. A warmth enveloped him. He opened his eyes to discover that her violet mist had wrapped them both up in a cocoon of privacy and pleasure. Everywhere the mist touched his naked body, shivers chased over his skin, adding sensation on sensation.

  All the pieces of their bonding puzzle were now in place: Sex, the taking of her incredible blood, and the joining of their mating frequencies. They’d each acknowledged a desire to bond, and even the elf-lord power was still humming through them both.

  He wasn’t sure what was supposed to happen, but he almost didn’t care, only that the bond formed as it should. Being this close to Rosamunde, and giving her pleasure, was enough for him.

  When his thirst was slaked, he drew back slowly and licked the wounds. She was in a euphoric state, her brows high on her forehead, her violet eyes glowing softly.

  She stroked his cheek with the palm of her hand. “Are you satisfied?”

  “I am. More than I can say.” He was stroking her low, sustaining the level of pleasure pervading the moment. The pinnacle hadn’t yet been reached, but there was something very magical between them.

  “I’ve never felt like this as though I’m floating in water and you’re rocking me.”

  “I am rocking you.” He smiled down at her as he pushed into her more firmly.

  She smiled up at him. He saw love in her eyes.

  “I want to go to the grotto.”

  “What? You mean, now?”

  “I want to be in the central pool as we make love. I’ve seen something there for us. Are you willing, because I can take us with a thought, but we’ll be in the water. And my mist will still cover us and warm us, in case you’re concerned.”

  He didn’t know why, but he knew it was the right thing to do. Rosamunde was fae and much more connected to the hidden magical elements of the Nine Realms than he was. “What if there’s someone there?”

  Her lips curved. “There won’t be. And remember, this time is for us. We’ve been granted this hour.”

  He inclined his head. “Take us there.”

  He felt himself move, yet not move and in the blink of an eye, she was floating on her back, holding herself in the water through levitation and he was still connected to her. The violet haze of her mist covered and warmed them but he could still smell the sea and feel the push-pull of the waves. But even the sea was calm for them.

  The grotto had been the last place they’d worked a mission together.

  “The elf-lord power is rich here. Can you feel it, Stone?” She extended her arms in the water. He lifted her up so that she stayed connected to his cock. She wrapped her legs around his waist, holding him securely then balanced her arms on his shoulders. Her hair streamed water.

  Because he was essentially standing, with Rosamunde riding him, he very slowly turned in a circle. “I can sense the elf-lord power all around us.”

  He could feel the layers of rock below the water start to rumble and the elf-lord power begin to flow. Only this time, it entered him as well as Rosamunde at the same time.

  Her eyes went wide. “This is different. I always received it first. Now, it’s together. Have we bonded?”

  He nodded. “We’re in the process of the bond, but I can feel something coming.”

  “Stone?” Her voice, very soft and sensual, drew his attention back to her. Her eyes were at half-mast. “I think you should kiss me.”

  Everything he felt
for her coalesced in that moment. He desired her, he needed her, he wanted her.

  His hips began moving on their own, driving into her well, making her his woman.

  But the elf-lord power seemed to have a mind of its own because suddenly, they were caught up in a cyclone of fast moving water, spinning yet safe in the vortex. The green stone of the grotto blended with her violet mist, coloring the cyclone.

  He held her close, his heart swelling with ecstasy. He spoke aloud and pathed at the same time. “Rosamunde, my love.”

  “Stone, you’re everything to me. I’m yours now and forever.”

  He kissed her and moved his hips swiftly, driving in and out. Their mating vibrations tightened. Ecstasy became a swift, mad rush.

  “I’m coming, Stone.”

  “I’m with you, my darling.” His hips slammed into her now and she held him tight around his waist with her legs.

  She arched her head and began to cry out in long streams of pleasure. He could feel her pulsing around his cock.

  He drove faster and suddenly his own release came. Intense pleasure shot through him, in heavy powerful waves. He shouted, then roared. The cyclone kept him moving fast as he gave Rosamunde everything he had.

  Just as he began to come down from the high, he felt the bond lock into place like a latch turning.

  She’d been fully arched away from him, her eyes closed, caught in ecstasy. But at the sensation, she lifted up to meet his gaze. “Did you feel that?”

  “I did. Something like a dead bolt.”

  She began to laugh. “I expected the heavens to part, the angels to sing. Not the sound of a lock clicking in place.”

  She was so beautiful to him in that moment, precious in his eyes, the woman he loved. But how to tell her what he was truly feeling. “Well, I’ve had a different experience because I’m hearing the angels sing right now. I hear them in your voice. And the heavens have parted that they allowed me to know you and to love you as I do. Heaven is here, in your love for me and with the privilege of loving you.”

  “Oh, Stone, you are such a beautiful man in every possible way.”

  She threw her arms around his neck and kissed him. Nothing had felt more wonderful in his life.


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