The Frenchman's Bride

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The Frenchman's Bride Page 11

by Imani King

  I went up to Tiffany, squeezed her round face in my hands and gave her a big thank you kiss on the cheek.

  “I’m glad you realize that! That must have been some date, that’s all I gotta say!”

  “Really? That’s all you’ve gotta say? I find that impossible to believe.”

  “Well, all right. You got me there. I’ve got plenty more to say! What all went on? Or is it all x-rated?” Tiffany let loose her most mischievous laugh.

  “I have to admit, it’s pretty x-rated alright. I lost track of how many times we had sex last night. It was like, maybe 6 or 7 times! Have you ever been tied up to a headboard?”

  Tiffany gave me her famous wide-eyed, open mouthed, just-seen-a-ghost look.

  “Chelsea! 6 or 7 times?! Holy shit, girlfriend! Do not let this man get away! Do you hear me? I repeat! Do not let this man get away!”

  “It was incredible, Tiff. That’s why I didn’t get home sooner.”

  “Why? Because you couldn’t walk?!! Oh my god! Or was it because he refused to unchain you from the bed?” More of her devilish laugher followed.

  “Okay, okay. Very funny. Let me get out of this dress and into my baking clothes and I’ll join you in about 10 minutes.”

  “Actually, I baked a ton of stuff made this morning. Instead, I was hoping we could take a couple of hours to look at some business buildings that I saw for sale.”

  “Business buildings for sale? Why?”

  “Well……….you are going be getting enough money from your wedding contract to buy a building. Rolande said it would be better to buy our own rather than lease and be at the mercy of a greedy landlord.”

  “Oh yeah. The wedding contract. I feel weird about that; being paid for helping Blaize. It’s so unromantic.”

  “That’s because it’s a business deal. Business deals are not typically known for their romance. You need to draw a very distinct line between business and pleasure with that man.”

  “Hold that thought. I gotta get out of this outfit if you expect me to forget about all the pleasure he gave me in the last 18 hours. It’s got a few weird stains…….”

  “You’re killing me! Go change already! Actually, we both need to change clothes. We need to put on some casual business clothes. The kind women wear when they’re shopping for a casual business building.”

  Fifteen minutes later, we were in Tiffany’s minivan, heading up Pacific Avenue. Her van was old and ugly but it was the perfect size for economically transporting our goodies. We talked about buying something new eventually; something we could proudly put our name and logo on. Tiff reminded me that the marriage contract money would allow us to do that even sooner.

  “Oh wow! I just thought of something. Am I being presumptuous Chelsea? I mean, we never really talked about that million dollars. I just assumed you’d invest it in the business…….”

  “No! Tiffany, you’re not being presumptuous at all. You’re absolutely correct. You know me too well. French Chocolate has always been OUR dream. And it still is.”

  “Well, I didn’t want to assume anything, you know. I mean, I also assumed you would never be a willing sexual bondage participant too, but I was sure wrong about that! Now wasn’t I?! HA!!”

  We spent a couple of hours driving around Santa Monica and Venice, looking at the buildings on Tiffany’s list. We wanted to open our pastry store in an upscale area, where we were already successfully making a name for ourselves. Obviously, we needed to be someplace where people could afford to pay a premium price for fine desserts.

  “So when do you anticipate getting the money, Chelsea? Have you guys set a date for your fraudulent nuptials yet?”

  “Blaize is wanting to do it pretty soon. This morning he was kind of pressuring me to move in with him over on that boat while he’s renting it. He thinks we should be living together as a couple, for appearances sake.”

  “Are you going to?”

  “No. I don’t really want to. I’m not even his fake wife yet. I’m wondering if it’s really necessary even after I marry him. It’s really just a pretense. Who’s gonna know one way or another? I’m not changing my last name to his, so why can’t I keep my address as well?”

  “Chelsea, I hate to say this, but after you marry Blaize you really do need to live with him. I think he’s right, and I’ll bet it’s in the contract too. Have you even read the contract?”

  “Well, no. Not the whole thing anyway. I started to read it but…..uh…..he distracted me. He’s very orally persuasive.”

  “Orally persuasive?! I’ll bet he is! I’m starting to see a pattern of behavior here. You are allowing him to fuck with your business head. Literally. You can’t see past his dick and his tongue! You need to keep a clear business head!”

  “You think Blaize is purposely trying to cloud my judgement?”

  “I have no idea if he’s trying to purposely do anything other than his usual rich playboy stuff. I’m just sayin’ you need to be smart and don’t be blinded by your big heart and his big dick.”

  “How do you know it’s big? Did you see it?”

  “Yeah, I peeked under the covers when he was sleeping.”

  “You did? When he was sleeping in my bed?”

  “Of course not! What do I look like a perv? Don’t you remember, you told me about it.”

  We pulled up in front of our house. I didn’t want to live on a yacht. I wanted to stay right here with my best friend.

  “Well forget I said anything! So, you didn’t finish telling me why you think I should move in with Blaize. I love our little house and I love living here with you.”

  “Awwww shucks, Chels. I feel the same way, but that’s beside the point. He’s a very famous man with a lot of American business dollars at stake. His life is public knowledge and soon the public is going to recognize you as his wife. How would that look? Blaize Simon’s new bride doesn’t live with him? He can’t take the chance of anyone learning his marriage is a ruse. Believe me, for that sum of money he’s paying you, he expects a live-in wife!”

  “Oh my god, you’re right. What was I thinking? I’ll have to live with him, won’t I? I wonder what else is in that contract?”

  “I don’t know what you were thinking, but I think we both know what part you were thinking with. He’s definitely got you all a flutter Chels! It’s kind of a nice change though. You’re always the logical, sound-minded, one. The one with all the commonsense. Not anymore! You’re a certifiable mess!”

  “My head is swirling. I think I need to call my dad. He has a way of cutting through the crap and helping me see things more clearly.”

  We went inside, and I grabbed a banana out of the fridge for a snack. For some reason, I just couldn’t seem to get my fill of bananas lately. I plopped down on the couch, put my feet up and swiped a finger across my pop’s number in my phone. He answered immediately.

  “Hey baby girl! How are you?”

  “I’m okay daddy. How are you doing?”

  “I’m fine, except for the fact that my roommate Earl keeps cheating at checkers. He won’t admit it, but I caught him. He had 3 extra checkers on his side! Ridiculous! He thinks I don’t know the difference between 12 and 15?!”

  “You guys are too funny! Earl should know he can’t trick you by now.”

  “So what’s the problem, sugar? Your ‘I’m okay daddy’ didn’t sound quite okay to me.”

  “I guess I can’t fool you either, pop. I’m just confused about this phony marriage business. I want to help Blaize and I could sure use that money but I just feel unsettled about it.”

  “Chelsea, that’s just your conscience talking to you. Deep down you know it’s not right. Plain and simple. Did you sign that contract yet?”

  “Yes, but he wouldn’t hold me to it if I wanted to back out.”

  “I wouldn’t be so sure about that if I were you. What all does it say?”

  “I’m embarrassed to admit………. I didn’t read the whole thing.”

  “Chelsea Rose Dix
on! I can’t believe what I’m hearing! Where is my smart daughter? Only one thing could be clouding your mind like this. Are you in love with this man?”

  “I don’t know daddy. I feel confused because I do have real feelings for him.”

  “Well only your heart can tell you what those feelings are. Do you want him to pay you for those feelings?”

  “It’s not exactly like that. Tiffany and I drove around today looking at buildings for our company. We’d like to have our own store and we’d like to have a new van.”

  “Chelsea, the two of you gals are smart enough and talented enough to get those things for yourselves and you know it. You’ve already proven you don’t need a man for that.”

  “I know daddy, but it will take much much longer. Plus I don’t want Blaize to have immigration problems. I want him here in the U.S.”

  “Honey, I’m not sure what you want from me. If you want my blessing on this fake marriage for money contract, I’m afraid I can’t give you that. To tell you the truth, I’m having a bit of a hard time mustering up much respect for this guy. What kind of man proposes something like this anyway? And how are you going to feel after your real divorce from your phony husband?”

  “I haven’t really given that part much thought, either. But I know that if you met him, you’d like him daddy. He already likes you.”

  “He does, does he? Well, all I can say is, if that man ever hurts you, I don’t care if I only have one good leg……… I’ll kick his ass with it! But, I love you Chelsea no matter what you choose to do. You’re my sweet baby girl and you always will be.”

  “I love you too daddy. Thanks for listening. I’ll think about what you said. I really will. Take care. I’ll try to get up there soon, to see you. Bye daddy!”

  “Bye honey. You take care too!”

  I hung up and went to the kitchen to throw my banana peel away. Tiffany was putting icing on some chocolate spice cakes.

  “So what did Papa Willie have to say? I love that man! He’s so wise.”

  “He says he’s gonna kick Blaize’s ass with his good leg!”

  “That sounds like good ol’ Papa Willie alright! He’s a crack-up!”

  “He has a real problem with the whole marriage contract idea. He definitely doesn’t like the idea of you and I taking money from Blaize.”

  “Huh? What’s Papa Willie doing giving you advice like that for?! He’s just being old-fashioned. He doesn’t understand the new world that we live in and how hard young people have to struggle to get ahead these days. Especially women. And especially minority women.”

  “Tiffany, c’mon. Listen to yourself! Are you for real? You think my dad doesn’t know about struggling and adversity? A 60 year-old, black, one-legged, disabled veteran?



  “Thanks for handling all the details for tonight’s little soirée, Rolande. And, of course, for your brilliant idea.”

  “No problem at all, Blaize. However, I have to say I never thought my job would entail making engagement party arrangements for YOU!”

  “Chelsea has really been acting apprehensive about this marriage contract lately. I think her father keeps trying to talk her out of going through with it.”

  “She signed it, didn’t she? You could legally enforce it.”

  “Rolande, you dipshit! I would never do that. If she doesn’t want to honor it, I would simply rip it up, and I’d have to find someone else.”

  “You’re starting to run out of time……”

  “I don’t think it would be that hard to find an eager gold-digging beaver around L.A. who’s willing to do it. The money isn’t even motivating Chelsea the way it does most people”

  “She’s a classy, independent woman with high standards and a rare work ethic. She’s undeniably in a different league than the type you usually date, Blaize.”

  “She doesn’t even want to live with me. Can you imagine? But your idea of having a swanky formal engagement dinner just might turn things around and put her back in my corner again. And if that doesn’t do it, maybe this engagement ring will.”

  Rolande gave a loud sustained whistle.

  “That is a beauty! Definitely a deal sweetener!”

  “And there are no strings attached. She can keep it no matter what she ultimately decides to do.”

  “That’s very generous. You know, maybe if she doesn’t want to marry you…….how would she feel about just having your baby? That’s equally good for immigration purposes.”

  “Rolande, I think that involves an even bigger commitment, don’t you?”

  “Not necessarily Blaize. A lot of women prefer it that way, these days.”

  “Well, I don’t think Chelsea would. Besides, she can’t have kids. She told me as much…”

  “Really? I didn’t know that. She looks so……….fertile.”

  “She looks so fertile? What the fuck kind of thing is that to say?”

  “You know what I mean……..she’s very curvy and womanly. Her hips and breasts look perfectly suited for having babies.”

  “Let’s change the subject, shall we? What kind of car did you rent, since the Jag coupe won’t fit the 4 of us?”

  “A vintage 1960 Bentley. Silver and black. It’s gorgeous.”

  “Beautiful and classic, just like my betrothed. Make sure you take some photos tonight and leak them to the press for tomorrow’s news.”

  “Will do. Ready to go pick up the girls?”

  “I’m ready. By the way, I forgot to ask you, how was your dinner with Tiffany the other night?”

  “Great! She’s a lot of fun. I really enjoy hanging out with her.”

  The drive up the coast to Santa Barbara was glorious! Chelsea and I sat in the backseat with Rolande as our chauffeur, and Tiffany riding shotgun. Rolande had reserved a private dining room at the historic Seacliff Hotel. It was famous for its world-class, fresh seafood and the 180-degree view of the sapphire blue Pacific below.

  Chelsea looked breathtaking in her shimmering gold strapless dress and black velvet wrap. The dress seductively clung to her killer curves, and all I could think about was sucking her juicy dark cherry nipples and fucking her sweet tight slit. Fuck! What that woman did to me!

  We ate and drank like Roman emperors: Wine and champagne flowed freely, while we feasted on a dizzying array of seafood delicacies and rich desserts. Midway through dinner, I pulled a small blue velvet box from my jacket pocket and set it on the white tablecloth. Tiffany was the first one to notice it.

  “Oh my god! A ring box! Is that Chelsea’s engagement ring?”

  Chelsea looked at me and blushed with embarrassment.

  “A ring? You didn’t have to do that, Blaize. It’s not really necessary. I was just teasing about wanting a ring.”

  “Of course it’s necessary, Chelsea. Blaize Simon’s fiancée should definitely be sporting a sizable diamond ring, wouldn’t you say?”

  When Chelsea opened the box, I thought Tiffany’s eyeballs were literally going to pop straight out of her head and roll onto the floor.

  The 5 carat, emerald-cut diamond sitting between 2 perfect sapphires was dazzling. It caught Chelsea’s breath and her words stuck in her throat.

  “Oh my god, Blaize. This is the most beautiful ring I’ve ever seen. I hope this is a loaner….”

  “Excuse me? A loaner? What the fuck’s a loaner?”

  Tiffany jumped in with an explanation.

  “You know like the actresses wear to the Academy Awards. Jewelry makers lend them outrageously expensive pieces, just for the evening. Right Chelsea?”

  I looked at Tiffany and Chelsea in disbelief.

  “Are you kidding me? You think I would lend a woman a piece of jewelry? And actually ask her to return it? I couldn’t be more insulted.”

  Rolande tried to help me maintain my composure.

  “Blaize, I’m sure they just thought that because they’re not used to seeing a hundred grand in the shape of a ring, that’s all.”

/>   Tiffany jumped out of her seat and looked at me like I was from Mars.

  “That ring cost one….. hundred….. thousand….. dollars?!”

  I folded my arms and answered her with indignation.

  “Somewhere in that neighborhood. Yes. And I don’t expect it back!”

  Chelsea chimed in, but in a whispered voice.

  “Even though our engagement isn’t real?”

  “Yes, that’s right. It’s in appreciation for the huge favor you’re doing for me Chelsea. I can’t thank you enough for helping me. I don’t know what I would do without you. You deserve it. Please accept it.”

  “Blaize, I’m happy to help you. But it’s not exactly a selfless act on my part, you know. I couldn’t bear to have over 5,000 miles separating us.”

  Tiffany nudged her friend. “I think you gotta accept it Chelsea. It’s a gift. You can’t go hurtin’ the man’s feelings.”

  Chelsea’s eyes filled with tears. I picked up the sparkling ring and slid it on her delicate finger.

  “Blaize, I don’t know what to say. Thank you. I absolutely love it.”

  Our kiss was deep and loving. It actually sent shivers down my spine.

  Rolande stood up, held his glass in the air and made a toast for the occasion:

  “To the happy couple! Chelsea and Blaize!”

  Our crazy party resumed with even more fervor, as we sang and danced the conga around the table. Throughout the evening, the 4 of us drunkenly toasted to everyone and everything imaginable, including vampires, fried calamari, and Arnold Schwarzenegger movies. Rolande took a number of photos that would undoubtedly make the news by tomorrow morning. There was a part of me that secretly wished the engagement was authentic.

  We held court in the restaurant for 3 hours before gathering in the opulent lobby of the hotel. I called a limo service to come and drive Rolande and Tiffany back home. They hugged and kissed us good-bye before pouring themselves into the backseat of the limo.

  “We’re not going back with them, Blaize?” Chelsea asked me.

  “No. Of course not. We’re spending the night here. We have the honeymoon suite. A bit premature maybe, but we can call it an engagement suite if you prefer.”


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