on the bottom of the stairs
not being heard and seen
for who I am,
a beacon of light,
reflecting rays of love and hope
that scare many and attract few.
And that’s okay,
because this light is the spark
that creates the potential
of my deeper dreams coming true.
Turning 50,
my life has finally begun.
Playing It Safe
I thought I was playing it safe
blending in instead of standing out,
going with what was known and within reach
instead of risking it all on a belief of something better,
being self-deprecating instead of stating the obvious,
shooting for acceptance instead of sharing my greatness,
concealing my flaws instead of asking for help,
being practical instead of idealistic,
feeling alone in a crowd instead of being intimate with one,
being right instead of forgiving,
blaming others instead of fixing it,
appearing perfect instead of vulnerable,
hiding behind an illusion instead of living in clarity,
denying instead of giving,
giving without fully receiving,
staying instead of leaving,
leaving instead of staying,
buying it for immediate gratification instead of saving to fund my dreams,
seeking other’s approval instead of my own,
waiting for permission instead of going for it,
allowing other’s opinions to dictate what I do instead of trusting my inner voice,
pleasing others instead of pleasing myself, when it mattered most,
keeping quiet to avoid conflict instead of speaking my Truth.
after doing all this
it didn’t keep me safe anyway
because people still judged,
and things didn’t go as planned.
There is no safe place to run to in this world,
which is scary
and liberating,
because it finally allows me the freedom
to just be myself,
which, as it turns out,
is the safest place to be.
Rooting for Her
A few years ago,
I discovered the person
who occupies the life
I’m supposed to be living.
She has been out of my mind completely
until this week,
when I came across a picture of her online
and something stirred within.
She continues to do
what I’ve only dreamt about.
She has my career and accomplishments.
She’s hanging out with my friends and colleagues.
She lives in the community I am drawn to.
She even looks similar to me,
a prettier version.
I acknowledge the opportunity
to feel remorse
because she has what I want,
at least from the outside looking in,
because who knows, really.
But instead, my mind is empty and spacious,
and an irrepressible giggle surfaces
that works itself into a full-on belly laugh,
a natural eruption
springing from the surge
of emotions ignited within.
She did it.
It’s possible.
The Universe always supports and provides.
My version of living my truth
will continue
in its own way,
in its own time.
The way I see it,
all she did
was to get into her flow
before me,
and unknowingly
touched and inspired a stranger
to keep doing the same.
How to Be
Be passionate, but not emotional.
Be visionary, but not unrealistic.
Be direct, but not confrontational.
Be attractive, but not too pretty.
Be accountable, but not demanding.
Be inspiring, but not impractical.
Be inclusive, but not accepting of that one.
Be original, but not stand out.
Be assertive, but not intimidating.
Be confident, but not pushy.
Be great, but not threatening.
And now…
no but’s,
just be,
for all.
Words come,
with no censor,
the inner critic hushed.
I like to write
when I’m not there.
Juices flowing,
creativity unleashed,
no rules to follow,
the perfect word found.
More than words
come into existence,
the exquisiteness of truth
coming off the pages.
Fragments of verse
becoming whole stories,
with different details,
yet similar plots,
relatable to others.
Grace in the ordinary.
Surrender finally,
to share my authentic voice
like my life depends on it,
which I’m discovering,
it does.
Writing didn’t cure my cancer,
but it saved my life
with the silencing
of my contagious mind.
Self expression heals.
Simply begin
creating something
from the nothing.
Not Business as Usual
The kindest thing
isn’t to give them
what they think
they want,
but to give them
what they really need.
I’m not going
to keep hiding
in the shadows,
cast from the shame
of remaining silent,
now knowing,
that with every word
I choose to speak,
I am the silence,
not the silenced.
Part 6
Realizing and…
the love affair of the heart and mind
I live in a world
Awake today
for a tomorrow
I’ll never see.
You don’t get what you ask for.
You get what you act for.
The personal sacrifices of now
take me away
from the ones
I love the most
to do the work
for the nameless, faceless future.
Aren’t we all just a bit ahead of our time?
I have this overwhelming urge to run,
not from,
but to.
Raw and wild emotions,
anticipation and excitement
of coming home
after a long time away
to the people I love
that I can barely contain.
But to who
And where?
I keep straining my neck
around this invisible corner to see,
but my eyes are blind,
since the reveal of True Nature
can only be realized through the heart.
I want to cry,
long and hard,
for the innocence lost and now found again,
but I hold myself back
because if I start
I feel like I will never stop.
Be bolder.
Look at things from a different perspective,
to go to another plane of existence,
two reach Love Land,
and see Omega,
a place with no beginning or end.
A place beyond belief.
How about Now?
Hey you,
the one with his head lost in the clouds,
hiding behind his purpose.
It’s me.
Over here.
You probably don’t recognize me
all covered in mud,
trying to figure everything out
and thinking I know what’s best.
It’s time to stop resisting the unknown
and surrender to what is.
No more wishing for something different.
No more hating and breaking up with parts of yourself.
No more wanting to be somewhere else.
Controlling the what, when, where, and how
to feel safe isn’t the way.
Who we really are
only needs now
to access the universal why,
love, peace, and happiness.
It’s right here.
We are all created from the One.
The One manifests into All.
Since we’re All connected to the One,
all that exists is Divine,
which is and.
It’s easy to see that with the good stuff,
but even things we don’t like are and.
Yes, even that.
The not-nice things we experience
come when we are perceiving Either/Or,
but even Either/Or is and,
because it’s all IT.
and is a bridge
that connects
to create endless possibilities.
Me and You,
alone and tangled in All,
We are and.
Loving All of Me
You love me best when I’m a 6,
my true self,
soft, smooth, and rounded,
balanced in the middle
between 1 and 10,
but there are many figures of me
that take various geometric shapes
that are also who I am,
in the here and now.
Like when I’m an upside down, over the top 9,
and a 7,
sharp, pointed, and edgy.
I know I muddy things up
when I act like I’m #1,
and forget 5,
with all its complexities,
going from straight and narrow
to curvy and bold,
without warning.
Yet, even with all these factors,
I’m not an equation to be figured out,
a word problem to be solved,
data to be manipulated,
fractions to be made whole.
To make us 2,
to form a unit of 3,
I need you to love the sum of me,
with each as 4,
equal halves of 8,
standing upright,
spirit in form,
to create a love worthy of multiplying.
A Love Worth Waiting For
Truth is love.
Love is truth.
To find truth,
be love
with all
in every.
That is and.
Love isn’t linear.
Neither is time.
Love transcends time.
Time transcends love.
Time travel is possible,
through the currents of love.
Love of self.
Love of others.
Love of this world.
A love worth waiting for
that’s here now.
Shall We Dance?
On the dance floor of life
I sense you in the crowd,
yet out of reach.
I know I can’t just waltz in
and change the tempo
from quick and hurried
to slow and soft
because I’m not the DJ
in control of the play list
that’s already been set.
And now,
even with years of practice
of my dance moves,
I find myself a wallflower
unsteady with my footing
unlearning all my familiar sequences,
unsure of the coming choreography.
I guess we’d figure that out together,
moving freestyle,
to where the music takes us.
I’m finally ready to dance.
Shall we?
can navigate the skies
by reading the stars.
can get you through rush hour traffic
like it’s no one’s business.
Regardless on how we get there,
we’re both on the same journey
to and,
riding shotgun.
She finally remembered
who she truly is
and did from there.
Knowing who you really are,
no one
no thing
can hurt you.
Knowing that
you’re free.
To Mitch Rosacker, a veteran of self-discovery, thank you for taking the journey to and with me.
To my message strategist and writing/publishing consultant, Kathy Sparrow, your knowledge, experience, and intuitiveness took a file on my personal computer with an audience of one and made it take flight into a published book into the hands of many.
To Deb Sandella, the shape of who you are and how you contribute in the form of RIM continues to be a game changer in my life, and for the RIM community, for making me feel like I belong.
To Dax and Neal Strohmeyer, thank you for allowing me the opportunity to bring my true self to work every day by accepting me for who I really am and how I show up so I can serve and contribute to something greater than myself.
To Dr. Ken Adler and Lauren Myler, for your care and support through this continuous cancer journey.
To Jean Marie Rosone, who met me at the lowest point in my life and loved me anyway. Thank you for introducing me to a whole new way of being.
To Michelle Zanoni, whose energy work and friendship heals me inside and out.
To Rosemarie Morisco, for our lunches at Greek City and what came from them.
To Michelle Begina, a fellow dreamer who inspires me to make my imagination come to life.
To Aimee Basa, who always dresses my best self.
To the memory of Gary Zambardino, who encouraged me to bring my passion, energy and enthusiasm to work every day.
To Lisa Hall and Joanne Nardell
a, my soul sisters, even though the demands of life keep us apart longer than we’d like, you are always in my heart, laughing all the way.
To Cindy Whitmer, Cindy Tomcak, Tresa Leftenant, and Kim French, thank you for being my cheerleaders in life, encouraging me every step of the way.
To Patti Noto, Linda Suplicki, Maria Sieber, Cathie Ressland, John Bator, Cheryl Lee, and Jennifer Pellegrino, it really does take a village. Thanks for being my tribe.
To the unkind and not lovely experiences, people, and events I’ve encountered in my life, thank you for becoming my greatest teachers in realizing my truth and loving myself.
To Julia, Aidan, Sarah, Michael, Steven, Matthew, Daniel, and Gregory and my extended family, my sweetest memories are with you.
To my sister, Lisa Mayer, and my brother, Martin Kaplan, who knew me when and still want to hang out with me! Lisa, with your big, open heart, and Martin, with your calm and steady way, you’ve made an impact on me from the beginning. Thank you for your love and friendship.
To my parents, Lois and Stan Kaplan, you are a living example of putting family first. Through your actions, you show what it means to be caring, humble, and supportive. I love you and promise to pay it forward.
Finally, to my daughter Mia Kaplan, the one I wished for, for many years, you are my proof that dreams really do come true. My travel companion on this crazy joyride of life, your presence brings me such completeness.
Photography by Michelle Arpin Begina
About the Author
Michelle Kaplan has worked in corporate America for thirty years as a human resources professional with a focus on Organizational Effectiveness and Leadership Development. Her vision is to transform teams and corporate cultures by allowing individuals to collectively bring their true selves to work every day in the form of their unique talents and strengths. Whether strategizing and implementing organizational initiatives, coaching or training, Michelle is passionate about motivating and empowering people into right action. Her mission is to help those she works with reconnect with their personal power to create the outward changes they seek from within.
Since her breast cancer diagnosis in 2004, Michelle has been “walking the talk” by consciously aligning who she is with what she does. With her alarm set for 4:10 a.m. most days, Michelle practices her unorthodox method of meditation, disguised in her early morning workouts, and poetry writing, with the intention of self-discovery, for a least an hour a day.
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