February 7
To President of France: The world will put black suns on your clothes, to you all French, like they put a yellow star to any Jew. I mean it. Starting in London. Imagine how pissed they are at you. If you do not want to get nuked, you better let me move around when I will have money. At least to go to the restaurant.
The French play with the words at any time, calling themselves God, even in front cops, who play to do it too, and who are nothing, less than shit.
I just updated my Pastebin page, about BTC:
[Bitcoin is now the last coin (cursed).
Christians are forbidden to really use some.
They use Om instead. I gave order to use Bitcoin for oil trading, bad drugs,
and all destroying things. It is the coin of the Muslims (a.k.a. the atheists).
Bitcoins do not belong to you tell yourselves, give them back to Muslims, do not keep them.
Never hold more than 1 full bitcoin, it must always be in the 0. somethings, to fuck them.
You are just allowed to use some to trade, till it is completely replaced, and for those markets.]
Found this guy SockPuppetAccount today also [https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=1448143.msg17766105#msg17766105] :
[Is it just me or does anyone else hate the name of this coin? PlatinumBAR just sounds clumsy. There were coins named "Gold Bars" and "Silver Bars" in the past and they were both total shitcoins, so maybe that's partially why I dislike the name.
If it were up to me, I'd rebrand to Platinum and change the ticker to XPT. Drop the "BAR", drop the last "X". Feels cleaner and sounds like a more serious coin. Just a thought.
[Quote from: blackchopper on January 30, 2017, 04:19:48 AM
Also, submitted to Poloniex. There's 1 in a trillion chance they'll add it, but it doesn't hurt to submit the form. The exchange doesn't really have any rare coins listed.]
As the coin stands now, one in a trillion is a vast overestimation of the chances XPTX has of being added to Poloniex. To get listed on Poloniex these days, you need to offer something innovative or novel. If this super-secret project ends up being worth the wait, maybe it will have a shot then.
Anyway, nice to see you are still here and the coin is still alive. I'm eagerly awaiting the day you FINALLY reveal your master plan.]
It is like I hear me talking. I became you. All in All.
I ask to the FBI to check the French police intervenes, at least ask to those 2 priests nearby my apartment, what they believe in exactly, of even if they believe I am God. It is a pedophile alert, seriously. I am sick to see them nearby kids, and the parents almost letting them be raped, like they like it.
The whole neighborhood dissed me so hard, they are like demons on two legs, even the old ladies. They mass destroyed themselves, and no way we forgive. They insulted everybody in the Sky, and no way they ever listen to reason, I must be the one who did wrong things, and who has to pay, for their sins again. But no, you all, go hell, and stay there forever.
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