Moon Cursed (Wolf Hollow Shifters Book 4)

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Moon Cursed (Wolf Hollow Shifters Book 4) Page 27

by Nikki Jefford

  Two more wolves ran in and began their shift. One of the wolves was massive and looked vaguely familiar as he got to his feet and towered above everyone. The second wolf was a male who looked about twenty years older than the mysterious female. Her father?

  The gorgeous blonde nodded briefly at the older male before turning her attention to the shifters who had gathered closer.

  “I am Hailey of Glenn Meadows,” she announced. “I was told there was a pureblooded male interested in meeting me.”

  All eyes now turned to Diego who stood beside Lacy. It was almost worth it to see the meddlesome female’s deep frown when she took in Hailey.

  No comparison. Both females were slender, but whereas Lacy looked docile and delicate, Hailey appeared limber and athletic. The newcomer had legs for days, ones Rafael could imagine running for miles in both human and wolf form—legs he’d gladly wrap around his torso while he took her standing up.

  He’d totally hit that . . . except that she was a pureblood, so he wouldn’t. Number one Raphy rule. Except that he already had. His wolf had mounted and pounded her and she’d let him do her without a single snarl of discontent.

  What the fuck?

  He covered his cock with his hands before shifters noticed him sprouting wood. Right now the attention was on his dumb-ass brother.

  Diego forced a smile.

  “I am Diego, a pureblood from the south. I am very sorry you traveled all this way, but my interests have landed elsewhere.” Diego placed his arm around Lacy.

  Murmurs arose from the pack at Diego’s declaration.

  Hailey looked from Diego to Lacy. She kept her focus on them, saying nothing, as though holding her silence long enough would make Diego alter his answer.

  The male who had come in after her grumbled something Rafael couldn’t make out. Ignoring the older wolf, Hailey slowly turned her attention to the rest of the shifters present. She passed over the females quickly, while studying the males.

  Rafael’s heart rate kicked up, thumping heavily against his chest.

  “Thank you for coming,” Sasha said, pushing her way through the crowd. She walked up to Hailey and smiled warmly. “I am Sasha.”

  The male who had grumbled before looked Sasha up and down with a scowl. Both pureblooded females ignored him.

  “You are very welcome to stay as long as you like,” Sasha continued in a friendly tone. “Diego is not the only pureblooded male visiting our pack. His brother, Rafael, is here as well.” Sasha didn’t need to point. Her direct gaze provided Hailey with a clear view.

  Keen olive-brown eyes fastened on his. He was the only naked male standing around, not counting the travelers who had just arrived. She had to know he’d been the wolf on her back. If she did, she gave nothing away. She just kept looking at him like he was a wild boar she intended to hunt down and devour. The slightest smile appeared on her lips only to vanish a second later.

  He had to fight the urge to turn away so she wouldn’t see his arousal. This bitch wasn’t about to dominate him. Rafael stood his ground, cupping his balls and wooden dick, cursing his brother and Sasha.

  Fucking Diego. Fucking pureblooded females.

  If he didn’t get out of there soon, this dangerous beauty was going to fuck him up good.

  His greatest fear was he’d enjoy letting her take him down.

  Rejoin the Wolf Hollow shifters in Animal Attraction.

  Turn the page for behind the scenes commentary and what’s coming next.

  Author’s Note

  Elsie and Zackary’s love story is one I waited with anticipation to tell for several years. Roadblocks in my own life meant getting to their tale took longer than I would have liked, but we got there! I loved being a part of this couple’s star-crossed journey filled with self-discovery, sacrifice, and second chances. It was wonderful catching up with their packmates along the way.

  Halfway through writing Moon Cursed, my father died of a heart attack. It was devastating. I couldn’t function. Going up to Alaska (where my dad had been visiting my sister, Sara) to attend his Celebration of Life helped me to process and heal. When I returned, I tried to jump back into Moon Cursed only to find I was emotionally drained. Zack and Elsie had some heavy issues of their own to go through. I felt like I should be able to describe their anguish in detail, going through such raw feelings myself. But I couldn’t. I had nothing to give these characters. Rather than fall into a state of panic, I allowed myself time to grieve and find my way back to life. I did a lot of meditating, took long walks, danced in the kitchen to music, and reconnected with family. When I felt ready, I burrowed back into the hollow. It felt cathartic to get back to that place beyond here. The place where stories take us.

  I know Zackary wasn’t popular in the beginning, or maybe ever, but reading back over the previous books, I was reminded of how hard he worked to redeem himself and how he and Elsie had their eyes on each other from the moment she appeared. Knowing Zackary’s history of mental and physical abuse pulled at my heartstrings. I love each of the Wolf Hollow males for different reasons. Zackary has an extra special place inside my heart.

  What’s next? At one point, I planned to wrap up the series with a fifth and final book: Aden in Forever Free. But then Rafael and Diego wandered in and captured my fancy. From the very beginning, when Hector first visited Wolf Hollow in book one, I wanted to introduce his sister Hailey to a future WHS novel. As soon as Rafael spouted off about never wanting to claim a mate, I couldn’t resist. Hailey is this badass, sensual yet pragmatic, pureblood I’m excited to show you more of in WHS #5: Animal Attraction.

  Being the bleeding heart I am, I also have plans for Brutus in WHS #6: Bear Claimed. Wizards stole his family’s mountain community then tricked him out of a mate. This bear shifter is holding onto a heavy grudge. Skulking on the edges of Wolf Hollow, he never expects a feisty female wolf shifter (holding a grudge of her own) to give him the night of his life. Can you tell which packmate I’m referring to?

  “Stop being a tease. When are these books releasing, already?”

  Currently, reader interest is with my fantasy romance series: Royal Conquest. Now that the main saga is complete, I am working on shorter follow-up books with second generation characters whose voices are shouting to be heard. I think one character may have even dreamscaped and threatened to blow lust dust over me if I didn’t get my mortal booty back to Faerie. That said, I am making a commitment to finish Wolf Hollow Shifters, even if it means squeezing in one book a year. The beauty of this series is that each book is complete on its own. Each new couple gets a chance to go through their story arc and claim a forever mate. I might tease you with hints of what’s to come, but I will never leave you hanging from a cliff.

  If you would like to see WHS books release sooner, your reviews are a huge help in encouraging new readers to give the hollow a visit. Thank you for supporting Wolf Hollow! I have links at the back of the book on where you can follow me to receive release alerts when new titles are available.

  Before I sign off, I want to thank the WHS Team. My editors; Jordan Rosenfeld, Hollie Westring, and Roxanne Willis; cover designer, Najla Qamber; and paperback interior designer, Nada Qamber. Thanks to my publishing coach, Kate Tilton, for keeping me on track; and my PA, Bam Shepherd, for helping me navigate social media and stay organized. And most importantly, thank you, my incredible readers. You motivate me to continue dreaming up new stories. You inspire me to make each one special. I’ve got a wonderful pack! I appreciate you all so much.

  If you would like to hang out with me outside the hollow, I invite you to join my reader group on Facebook: The Fantasy Fix with Nikki Jefford.

  Until next time, look for the beauty, take good care, and run forever free.

  Nikki Jefford

  October 2019

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  See you on the other side!








  Slaying, Magic Making, Running Wild, and Ruling The World!

  Discover your next fantasy fix with these riveting paranormal romance and fantasy titles by Nikki Jefford:


  Night Stalker

  Aurora Sky: Vampire Hunter

  Northern Bites


  Evil Red

  Bad Blood

  Hunting Season

  Night of the Living Dante


  True North





  Holiday Magic


  Wolf Hollow

  Mating Games

  Born Wild

  Moon Cursed


  Stolen Princess

  False Queen

  Three Kings

  about the author

  Nikki Jefford is a third-generation Alaskan now living in the Pacific Northwest with her French husband and their Westie, Cosmo. When she’s not reading or writing, she enjoys nature, hiking, and motorcycling. Nikki is the author of the Wolf Hollow Shifters series, the Royal Conquest saga, the Aurora Sky: Vampire Hunter series, and the Spellbound Trilogy.

  To find out more about her books and new releases, check out her website.




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