Finding Karma

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Finding Karma Page 9

by Stacy M Wray

  I smile and nod. “Very much so.”

  We’re seated by a window overlooking the Pacific Coast – the view simply breathtaking. The hostess hands us some menus and we begin to scour them. When I look up, I notice Lee has been watching me.

  “You have no idea how beautiful you are,” he says. He’s not asking, merely making a statement, and I don’t know how to respond. Unfortunately, my cheeks do it for me. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable.”

  I shake my head. “No…you didn’t. Just caught me off guard, that’s all.”

  He studies me for a minute before saying, “A lady as lovely as you shouldn’t be caught off guard by those words. You should be used to them.”

  Still speechless, I shake my head. “I’m afraid I don’t date much. I’ve been focusing on my career instead. So…no…I’m not used to such flattery.”

  He grins a wicked smile. “How did I get so lucky?” Flicking his napkin open, he places it in his lap, still smiling. I decide to mimic him, giving my hands something to do.

  Jesus, Karma. Learn how to take a compliment. Quit being ridiculous.

  We place our orders and sip on the wine that Lee picked out. “I wanted to share with you that my client was extremely pleased with your still shots. They were indeed magnificent.”

  My work is a natural confidence booster, and I suddenly feel more in my element. “I’m so glad to hear that. He’s made a fan out of me – I adore the scent.”

  “Yes, I know you’re wearing it right now. It’s extremely sensuous on you.” His eyes soften and this time, I take the compliment like a champ – no blushing or fidgeting.

  “Thank you.”

  He nods. We continue to discuss our work a little, talk about hobbies, our families. At no given time is there ever a lull in the conversation, and by the time our meals are placed in front of us, I’m completely taken with him. He’s a superb conversationalist. Smart. Handsome. Witty. Charming. Not to mention he reeks of self-confidence, which is extremely sexy.

  By the time we leave dinner, I’m a little tipsy from the wine, allowing him to hold my hand on the way back to the car. Before he opens the door, he pauses, standing so close that it causes me to lean back against the passenger-side door. His hand reaches up and he slides the back of his fingers down the length of my cheek, stopping on my jaw. Cupping it, he murmurs, “I’ve been wondering all night what those lips taste like. I bet they’re sweet as hell.”

  I don’t know if it’s the wine or his words, but my thighs clench as soon as they tumble from his lips. Heat soars over me, leaving me flushed, and I can’t help but notice the way his eyes dart from my mouth to my eyes, as if he’s deciding to taste for himself.

  Just when I’m about to lean forward to initiate the kiss, his lips cover mine in a bold possession. A whimper escapes me as I feel his tongue enter my mouth, stirring buried desires from within. His free arm wraps around my waist, pulling me to him tightly, closing any distance between us. A rumble from his chest travels from his mouth into mine, making me delirious with want.

  I completely forgot how powerful a kiss could be. Braden kissed like…Stop it.

  And as if he can read my mind, he ends the kiss, perhaps picking up on the exact moment when Braden invaded my thoughts. He’s very intuitive. I’ll have to remember that.

  Brushing my hair from my face, he cradles my head in his hands. “Sweeter than I ever imagined.” He peppers the corner of my mouth with light kisses, traveling along my jaw to behind my ear. Jesus, he knows exactly what he’s doing. If he doesn’t stop, I’ll be putty in his hands. Do I want him to stop?

  Whether I want him to or not, he finally looks at me before he pulls away, that wicked smile making a comeback. “You have any idea what you do to me?”

  Pretty sure the answer to that is a resounding yes after we were pressed so tightly together. However, this does make me blush, and I’m glad we’re encased in darkness now, our dinner lasting at least a couple of hours. I’m thankful he can’t see it.

  Blame it on the wine, but I surprise myself by answering, “Perhaps I do,” in a hushed whisper.

  He practically growls, shaking his head. “Oh, Karma…” He reaches for the handle of the door, opening it as he waits for me to slide in. “You have no idea…”

  The drive home is filled with tension – the good kind. Sexual. But I already know nothing will be happening. I don’t care how long it’s been, I’m not about to jump into bed with a man I hardly know. I don’t care how turned on I am.

  When he walks me to the door, it’s as if he already knows. Again – highly intuitive. And I decide I like that he is. Saves me from an uncomfortable exchange.

  “I want to see you again,” he murmurs. “And I don’t want to wait long.”

  I smile at him, simply saying, “I had a wonderful time.”

  He cocks an eyebrow. “Wonderful enough to do it again?”

  Still smiling, I say, “Absolutely.”

  He leans in and presses his firm, masterful lips to mine in a chaste kiss, perhaps thinking that’s the safer bet. “I’ll call you. And soon.”

  He unlocks my door for me, allowing me entrance before he turns and leaves.

  Closing the door, I lean back on it, replaying the scene in the restaurant parking lot. I find him completely intoxicating.

  Is it just him?

  Or the fact that no one has paid that kind of attention to me in so long?

  I decide I’ve got plenty of time to figure it out.

  chapter twelve

  July 2007

  A few weeks of summer have already gone by and Braden only has one more week before his vigorous soccer routine begins. Not a day goes by that we don’t see each other, and I’m afraid that’s about to change.

  I’m having breakfast with my mom at one of our favorite places. “Your dad and I are leaving Friday for that convention he’s speaking at in Portland.”

  My ears perk up immediately. “Did I know about this?”

  She laughs. “Well, I told you about it when he was asked but I kind of forgot about it myself. They want him to address the current situation on climate assessment.”

  Trying to play it cool, while my brain tells me that the house is all mine this weekend, is overwhelming. “How long will you be gone?” I’m trying to sound disinterested as I squirt ketchup across my hash browns.

  “We’ll be back late Sunday night.” She’s in the middle of buttering her toast when she pauses. “Will you be able to help out at the store on Saturday? I’ve got Friday covered already.”

  I nod. “Absolutely.”

  She smiles, her eyes telling me how much she appreciates my help. “Great. I’ll let Tammy know to put you on the schedule.” She assesses me before asking, “Will you be okay by yourself for a few days?”

  I roll my eyes. “Mom…I’m eighteen. I think I can handle it.”

  Shaking her head, she says, “I know – we’ve just never been gone before at the same time. You could come with us if you want – Tammy could maybe find someone else for Saturday.”

  I give her a look that says really?

  “As tempting as that may sound…” I say sarcastically, “I think I’ll pass.”

  “I figured you would. I’m actually looking forward to a weekend away with your dad – I can’t remember the last time we went away together.” She smiles at the thought, and we continue eating our breakfast while the wheels turn over in my head.

  I can’t believe the gift I’ve just been handed.

  On the way home, I’m lost in my head, trying to figure out how our weekend could all work out. Braden isn’t much for breaking the rules but surely he might bend them to be with me. Even if I can’t get him to spend the whole night, we still at least have the house to ourselves and I’m overcome with excitement. My cheeks flush just imagining that we could finally be together.

  When we arrive home, I head to my room and call Braden from my closet just to be sure no one can hear me. He picks
up on the second ring, “Hey, you.”

  My stomach flutters…I love the sound of his husky voice, like he’s just woken up. “Hey, yourself. You been awake long?”

  “Not really…just kind of laying here.” I pause for so long, not sure how to approach any of what I’m about to share with him. The silence stretches on, forcing Braden to say, “Is everything alright, Karma?”

  My cheeks heat and I’m glad he can’t see me turn all shades of red. “Um…yeah. I just wanted to let you know that my parents will be out of town this weekend…Friday to Sunday.” I hold my breath, waiting to see what kind of response this elicits.

  I hear him suck in his breath for a moment and slowly release the air through his mouth. “Well, that sounds…interesting.” A weighted silence fills the distance between our phones. “I’m suddenly looking forward to the weekend, Karma…a lot.” His sentence is laced with so much innuendo and promise my insides are flipping like a fish out of water.

  My mouth feels dry, but I manage to say, “Me, too.” I hear his sheets rustle and I try to imagine what he’s doing right now.

  I hear him sit up and lean against his headboard, detecting the sound of the wood hitting the wall. “I’m going to have to think of a way to get out of the house for at least one night, don’t you think?” His voice switches from sleepy to sexy, and I can hardly stand it.

  I smile, even though I know he can’t see it. “I was hoping you would say that…” A bumping noise at my closet door startles me. I peek through the crack and my cat, Doobie, nudges his way in. Yeah, guess who named him? The spelling is their saving grace.

  “Let me think about this and figure out a way to make it work, okay?”

  Adrenaline courses through my body from the meaning behind his words. “Yeah, okay. I’d better get going. I’m filling in at the bookstore today.” Doobie purrs so loud now, wrapping himself around my ankles.

  I hear Braden chuckle.


  “Your cat is close by, right? I can hear him through the phone.”

  I laugh. “Dang, you’ve got good ears.”

  He’s quiet for a moment. “My ears aren’t my only good quality, Karma.”

  His words send a heat surge through my body. I have to admit to myself how much I like this side of him. He’s always usually the one to halt our make-out sessions from getting carried away, never wanting to take advantage. But I’ve noticed his struggle lately, relieved that we’re finally on the same page, wanting to take our relationship to the next level. “I know, Braden.” I swear I can hear him smile over the phone. “I’ll talk to you later, okay?”

  “Most definitely.”

  We hang up and I crawl out of my closet, Doobie following close behind. He’s the most beautiful gray and white cat I’ve ever seen, his markings perfectly placed. I collect myself for a minute, not wanting any signs of our conversation visible when I go back downstairs. “Come on, Doob, let’s go find Momma.”

  * * *

  The rest of the week goes by at a snail’s pace since Friday couldn’t get here soon enough. My parent’s flight departs at noon so they leave around ten o’clock for the airport.

  “Call us if you need anything, honey,” my dad says, hugging me goodbye. “Don’t forget to lock up at night. Oh – and don’t forget to make sure the side door of the garage is locked too…that’s easy to overlook.”

  “I got it, Dad.” He gets in the car as my mom pops out the front door.

  She gives me a hug and says, “There’s plenty of food in the freezer but I’ve also left you money on the kitchen counter for whatever.” She gets in and pauses. “Call us if you need anything, okay?”

  “Yep.” Already heard it, Mom. They wave as they pull out of the driveway. I’m stunned that they didn’t mention Braden and me one time. Are they that trusting or do they just not care what we do? Unbelievable. I’m half surprised they didn’t mention to “have fun and be safe.”

  Braden came through with a plan I think will work. He starts soccer training again on Monday so he told his parents that one of the players was having a team building retreat overnight on Saturday to start off the season. He’s still coming over sometime today, but he’s not staying overnight until tomorrow.

  Neither of us has come out and said what we think will happen this weekend but we’ve done plenty of implying. My nerves are getting the best of me, and I wonder if Braden is as anxious as I am. This is his first time, too.

  I spend the day cleaning the house, trying to use up my nervous energy before I see Braden – this house has never been cleaner. I keep trying to envision how our evening might play out, but the scenes rolling around in my head are making me crazy, realizing I have no idea what I’m supposed to do. What if I do it all wrong? What if I’m nothing like he imagined? What if I don’t satisfy him?

  I suddenly feel like I could vomit, although there’s nothing in my stomach because I’ve been too anxious to eat.

  I’ve got to stop over-analyzing this. I need for things to happen organically and go with the flow. Hopefully Braden will know what to do, my worrying being for nothing.

  Braden arrives right at seven, letting himself in, and he seems much more relaxed than I am when he finds me in the kitchen. I fixed us some dinner before, well…you know, and I’m flitting all over, trying to keep my mind on anything else.

  He flicks his eyes and that’s when I detect nervousness, but he quickly downplays it. “You’re cooking?”

  My smile slips. “You’ve eaten?” I can hear the nerves laced in my response, the pitch of my voice elevating.

  Chill out, Karma.

  Braden’s eyes widen for a second, a thoughtful expression appearing immediately. “No, babe, I haven’t.” He closes the distance between us, his eyes never leaving mine, and takes the spatula out of my hand, placing it on the counter beside him. Lightly brushing his palms over my cheeks, placing them on the side of my face, he says, in a soothing tone, “Relax, Karma. It’s me. The same guy you’ve been spending months with. The same guy who would never let anything happen to you. The same guy who’s unbelievably in love with you.” His voice drops slightly with that last line, rich with emotion, causing my heart to flutter.

  A shy smile appears as his words cause my body to slowly unfurl, a lightness taking over; my love for him escalating to new bounds. How does he know exactly what I need? My head tilts, sinking into his left palm. “Hi.”

  He smiles at me – really smiles and it reaches his eyes. “Hi, yourself.”

  I close my eyes, silently regrouping. When I open them, I’ve still got his full attention. “You hungry?”

  A low chuckle rumbles from his chest. “Starving.” I think I detect innuendo, but I can’t be sure.

  Releasing a cleansing breath, I motion for him to have a seat at the breakfast bar. “Good. It’s almost ready.” As he takes a seat at the bar, I turn my attention to the boiling pot of water sitting on the stove, a signal it’s time to add the pasta – spaghetti’s about the only thing I can make well. Tossing a handful of the pasta into the raging water, I set the timer.

  I look over at Braden, his eyes pinned on me, dark and intense. That look, more acute than ever, is my undoing, heat climbing my body like flames licking gasoline. Brushing my sweaty palms against the bare legs beneath my shorts, I grab two plates from the cupboard, still feeling his piercing eyes on me.

  Finally, the timer buzzes and I dump the pasta into the waiting strainer, wishing I were the least bit hungry. The sexual tension floating between us is palpable as I quickly plate our meal, some pasta spilling on the counter in my haste.

  I turn to him, holding his plate in midair. “You ready?”

  Watching him swallow slowly, he says, “Been ready.” His voice is thick and sultry, and I about drop his plate. My cheeks heat with color as I set his spaghetti in front of him, his lips turning up in a smirk. Instead of being a nervous mess, now I’m just damn turned on and he knows it.

  Grabbing my plate, I take a sea
t beside him. Braden’s already dug in, twirling the noodles in his fork before placing it in his mouth. “Mmm. This is really good.”

  His praising words cause me to smile. “Thanks.”

  I can only eat about a third of mine, but Braden has no problem cleaning his plate. After shoving it back, he turns, his eyes dropping to my mouth. Slowly leaning in, I wait for the contact of his lips on mine, but instead I feel his tongue sweep across my chin. He looks at me in amusement. “You had a little sauce…”

  My hand immediately flies to my chin, rubbing my skin with my fingertips.

  He grabs them, pulling my hand back down to my lap. “Don’t worry…I got it.” His eyes grow dark again and he leans in, capturing my bottom lip in his teeth, pulling me to him as his tongue now seeks entrance. My hands are now in his thick hair, the rumble of his moan echoing off the kitchen walls.

  Without releasing our lips, Braden slips off the stool, pulling me from mine as he snakes his arms around me, pressing our bodies together. “You taste so good,” he says, against my mouth, wasting no time before claiming my mouth again, this time his intention made perfectly clear.

  All my nerves have left me, as well as the ability to stand on my own, as he continues to devour me. His mouth makes its way to my ear, leaving a trail of heat behind. “I want this, Karma…I want you.” His smoky eyes are molten and dark, conveying his words are true.

  Holy Mother of God! Those three words travel through me and settle right between my legs, and I’m aching for him in a way that almost hurts. Panting now as his mouth makes its way to my neck, my mind cannot form a coherent sentence – moaning being my only form of communication. I can feel Braden smile against my neck, knowing good and well the effect he has on me.

  Leaning back, he smiles at me and says, “Come on.” He turns and takes my hand, leading me to my bedroom, and I pray my feet can hold me upright.

  As we climb the stairs, Braden looks back at me with reassuring eyes, but not before catching my eyes on his backside. “Were you just checking me out?” A mischievous grin spreads across my face but I say nothing…I don’t have to…we both know I absolutely was.


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