My Father's Universe

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My Father's Universe Page 23

by Mitch

  Instead of submerging, he had all of the amphibian ships to be prepared to turn their atomic magnetos on, full power. An electroconvulsive therapy of 250,000 volts would be waiting for the intruders. Gradually it fell quiet in the ships, waiting for the unexpected to happen. Out of the blue, a fellow crewmember who loves to joke and kid his fellow mates, said loud enough for them to hear, “I am immortal; with me onboard, this ship is immune against all attacks.” He raised giggles among the crew and bolstered their spirits.

  The radio echo specialist watching his computer monitors, advanced sonar, radar control, calmly related, “Two miles out…one and a half miles out…one mile out…one half mile and closing fast, Commander.”

  The Commander ordered all ships, “As soon as the jingoist ants land on deck, let them have a taste of electrodynamics.” Several tons of the critters hit the decks like a gigantic fist coming down, jolting the ships. The heavy jolt caused the crew to land against one another and some slammed against the bulkhead. Mer`ee’s long black hair swung freely, covering Kenz’s face as she slammed into his arms. He looked into her beautiful face; her bright blue eyes were tearing him to shards. His body ached; it was the best ache he ever had.

  The thrust was felt through the ships, making them bobble like corks in rushing water. The impact was loud enough to send visions of horror darting through everyone’s minds. “Damage Control report.”

  “No damage, sir,” came the reply.

  “Hit the magneto switch,” came the order! Nothing happened. The Commander’s face contorted as though he had mistakenly swallowed a mouth full of spoiled wine. “What happened, Sparky?”

  “It should have worked, sir, nothing is out of order.”

  The heavy jolt snapped the circuit breakers and refused to turn back on.

  “Now hear this, Commander Glenz speaking to all captains. Reset your breakers.”

  Every man tried to picture what was going on topside? The radio echo specialist on each ship working with precession computer instruments barked, “More buzzing sounds and images bearing 180 degrees, getting stronger. Brace yourself for the next attack.”

  There was no need to tell Kenz and Mar`ee to brace themselves, they were in a fierce embrace. The attack came with a loud crash, followed by a tremendous shock as though the sea itself was angry at the amphibians. The order came loud and clear, “Now hear this: turn the magneto current on full!”

  “Aye aye, Commander,” responded Sparky.

  The waiting and excitement had everyone holding their breath, expecting the ants to get a shock of their life. Sparky yelled, “It’s not responding, Commander! Not one of the ship’s systems are working, sir.”

  Commander Glenz gave the order, “Dive! Dive! All ships dive!”

  “They are following us on the surface, sir,” reported Sparky.

  “Very good, let them follow us out to the middle of the lake,” chuckled the Commander. He purposely decoyed the enemy to the lake center. Thousands streaked toward Sarg and other sharks. As the enemy hit the water, Sarg and the other sharks began eating them with a frenzy. “To all ships, release three-fourths of your oil supply and add all of your syrup supplies to sweeten it. Now hear this, set all timers on the fire rockets for four seconds and send them out the escape hatches. We’ll have a real surprise for them,” piped the Commander.

  The Captain of the Aquarius responded, “Belay that order, Commander. Sarg and the other sharks are out there gorging themselves. The Aquatic men volunteered to go out and get the sharks to leave the area.”

  Several minutes later, Sparky reported, “Okay, they are gone and the Aquatic men are heading this way.”

  Hearing taps on the Aqua’s escape hatch, they were opened and the Aquatic men entered. “Release the oil and fire rockets,” came the order. The sea of flames spread out over the lake faster than the enemy’s air force could fly. They tried flying at higher altitudes, the heavy, thick choking smoke drove them down to the surface. The Aquila spotted the huge fire and headed back to the convoy with decks covered with fried ants. By then, the amphibious ships had everything under control. “Now hear this, all ships, back on duty, and well done, my fellow mates,” complemented the Commander. “Kenz! Get your eyes and mind off the lady! She is not part of the ship’s structure. I’m sure she will be okay until we get back to port. I don’t know about you though,” giggled the Commander. Grinning, Mar`ee’s face flushed crimson.

  Tayln was standing with his buddies, sneaking peaks in the direction of Bo`J, pretending to be watching something else. She was standing away from the jeep and favored him with a mischievous broad smile. Tayln looked at her with suspicion, knowing he failed to pretend to ignore her. His eyes traveled a reckless path from her head down to her feet. She turned to her vigilant stance, chuckling, “I’ve got him!” It was impossible to ignore the angel standing in front of him. Her slim form and brown skin was smooth and flawless as a perfect cut diamond. She had on an eye-catching sweater matching her bright red-riding clothes. He saw her no longer looking frail or studious, but a gorgeous creature that he had no trouble ignoring before. At one time, he though she was a pest, wild, and always toying with him.

  “I’m supposed to be here fighting those beastly things, but my mind is on her. I have seen her every day, but today it’s different. Her slim figure is something, something very special. Funny, I never noticed her movements before.” She moved around obstacles as she would sidestep the horns of a wild bull, her hips swaying one side to the other. She handled herself like a professional skier, moving through narrow passages, never bumping into anything, even a jagged rock’s sharp edge. Her laughs were heartwarming, eyes sparkling like sapphire as she tossed her black hair that shines in the fire light. Seeing her beautiful face, somewhat red from being close to too many fires, he wondered why he hadn’t noticed her beauty before.

  “I’ve known her all my life and now I’m scared to death to even look directly into her face.” He sees her glance his way with a beckoning smile that was tying his body into knots. His mind was traveling the helter-skelter path of confusion. She felt sure of luring him to her and walked behind a large tree that was close by. He ambled over, pretending to be looking for something. Both looked at each other and knew the information coming from their eyes was correct. They quickly embraced, two lips came together and kissed for the first time. It was something both had never experienced before. The sensation in his heart wanted to leap out of its rib cage. She felt as though she was going to melt right into his body. Her hair grazed his face and her perfume assaulted his nostrils, embedded in his flesh, and everything about her was playing havoc with his hormones.

  He squirmed, shaking all over! He didn’t know what it was, but it was crawling up and down him like flies on rank meat, missing nothing. She giggled, “Am I bothering you, I hope?” and giggled some more. A radiant smile graced her smooth lips, at the same time trying to ignore the flutter in her stomach. She angled her head with a deep laugh, “I’m not going to let you go until I get another kiss!” Their friends watched them as they came from behind the tree, walking side by side, holding hands as stars floated from their eyes. It was like they were the last survivors of the human race heading toward Noah’s Ark. The next move surprised even himself. He could wait no longer, and his strong hand cupped her chin, a lump formed in his throat as he kissed her softly before they parted. Her beautiful eyes, glowing, were dancing in the firelight.

  Ke`no smiling asked, “What’s with you two? Did the love bug bite you too?”

  Tayln gave him a bashful grin and permitted his droll humor to surface briefly. “It’s the best bite I ever had in my life.”

  In the pale glow of the distant fire light, JoJo saw something grinning like a Cheshire cat. She giggled, “I never saw one grin before.” The grinner stood up with a guffaw and came at her. Its huge jaws slammed shut grinding its iron-like teeth. The grin was gone. With her speed, it could not catch her. She decoyed it in the direction of Jaydor. As it came by,
he tackled it, slamming it against a yellow brick building, pulled his knife, and jabbed where the knife did the most good. Without hesitating JoJo jumped in to help. No one heard or saw the building rise off of the ground before it exploded, sending humans and the half-grinning ant flying.

  JoJo gingerly opened her eyes without moving and stared at her surroundings. She cried out, “Where am I?”

  A strange voice answered, “You’re in crazy land.”

  “Why am I so stiff and sore?” Shifting positions didn’t help and only made her groan more. She wasn’t about to let stiff limbs stop her from getting up. A new power surged through her. Drawing several deep breaths, the crazy world righted itself again. Her focus cleared. She tried to get up and stifled another cry. Anxiety opened a strange fear inside of her. It was an unknown kind of fear that made her feel…but what? Jaydor picked her up, both covered with yellow dust and blood. He looked at her, then at his friends, his hands shaking slightly. Without a word, he turned and lifted her face to his, swept hair from her eyes, and with the tender gesture, brought her mouth toward his; lips touched.

  She protested a little, her breathing became rapid and she began shaking like a scared puppy. Her blue eyes sparkled, and dimples deepened as she returned the intoxicating kiss, sending him staggering and head spinning. Adult emotions surged into his body for the first time. Feeling herself responding to the pull of raw magnetism, her heart raced. Strange emotions wanted to scatter, but her heart checked her. This new life went surging through her, like coming out of a cocoon you become a new person. Something extraordinary had happened. For the first time in her life, she heard her heart pounding. Without a doubt, the whirling in her head should not have been there. She looked around thinking, “At least something good has happened in this terrible war.”

  There was an abrupt silence. It got quiet…too quiet. A cricket chirped…a smile crossed her face. Jaydor suddenly realized that girls are more than girls to be teased. They smell differently, particular who they sit with, and their manners change, and talk sense. He heard a boy’s life change when this happens, and they don’t even know why. He knew why.

  Te`ro whispered to Ke`no, “I think those two are in love!”

  JoJo giggled and turned toward them, “I heard that!”

  “You what?” both shouted in amazement.

  Jaydor looked at JoJo, joy was flowing through his whole body, “You can really hear, wow, I mean, WOW!” He whispered to her and only for her ears, “You don’t know how intoxicating and alluring you really are?”

  Her eyes twinkled as she answered, “Yes I do, most girls know if they are or not.”

  He grinned, “I watched you as you got older`. You have a very strong loving nature. I’m happy as a person has the right to be. You can call it teenage passion if you want, but I have loved you long before you even noticed me. I watched you use hand signals when communicating with others. Many times, I wanted to use the signs, I love you, but chickened out. When we became friends, I already was crazy in love with you. Your hand signals were more than words. I hope we never quit using them. The way I feel, if I had a place to stand, I could move the Earth.”

  She smiled and asked, “Why would you love a person like me? Most would not look at a girl with disabilities.”

  Looking directly into her eyes, he assured her, “Clear your mind of that thought. I didn’t know it before, but I come alive when I’m close to you.”

  She responded, “There is no doubt, since we became friends, I always had you as a silent partner. I, too, loved you.” They spoke in sacred whispers of love and dreams of the future. Her friends came and hugged her, expressing their delight, how glad they were she could hear.

  Commander Glenz blew his stack while blowing the Aqua’s foghorn, “What the devil is going on out there? Neck later, true love will not die. Some think they will, then there’s those who wish they could. The present is more important than the future. I do not want anything to happen to you before this war is over. But before that happens, a mass of hopper ants resembling grasshoppers are swarming the slopes of the city. Now get the lead out and move it before I blow my top!”

  “Sounds like he might be angry,” said Shyla.

  “Nah! Dad likes to blow off steam once in a while,” explained JoJo.

  “He probably saw me kissing Jaydor. He’ll get over it. Mom knows how I felt about Jaydor, she’ll trim his sails.” She took the phone, “Dad, quit your screaming, I can hear you without you using the phone.”

  “Really,” he yelled.

  “Yes!” she answered, waving.

  With tears of joy running down his cheeks, “It must have been the last explosion that did something to restore your hearing to normal. I’m putting a call through to your mother and giving her the good news.”

  Again, she waved and went with her friends toward the city of Hi-Why-Q, torching the city, trapping most ants before they had a chance to do harm. One came at Bo`J, she outfoxed it by pretending to torch it with her left hand while the knife in her right hand quickly got it where it did the best job, in its black heart. It rippled the air with a chilling callous laugh, then died on the spot.

  Te`ro had a caitiff ant cornered. Looking at her, it held up its claws as if imploring her for mercy. Falling on its knees, shivering, trying to form the words, “Please have mercy, don’t kill me.” She didn’t have to. The act drew snarled jeers of contempt from its kind and did the honor for her. Its last breath came in a deep shuddering groan.

  A yellow ant sneaking around a building confronted Ke`no and Tayln. Both tackled low, their knives working overtime as if there was no tomorrow, rendering it helpless. It thrust out its lower lip and sucked in its cheeks, then looked down at its legs that were not there. It pulled itself into the fire, muttering, “At least you can’t come where I’m going.”

  The fire had taken its toll on the enemy. By evening, the battle was over as the lights began to dim. Two days of fighting was finally over. There certainly was no compassion for the invading enemy, not even a little bit. “Kedar! Careah! It’s remarkable,” La`no exulted. “Simply remarkable what you’ve done!”

  “No! What everyone did,” expressed Careah.

  Kedar remarked, "Of course, if you had not raised cat-tails, this war may have been lost. La`no assured them they didn’t plant or raise cat-tails. For some unknown reason, cat-tails started to grow in a large marshy area two years ago. The only thing we found them good for was making baskets. We didn’t know what to do with the brown, fuzzy, cylindrical spikes. Some ladies used them in flower arrangements.

  Careah spoke up, “Now who do you suppose knew we would be needing them but the Lord?” Everyone agreed. There wasn’t much time for hate, nor time for personal grief. The cries of joy echoed from building to building. People all over the country laid aside their hand-made weapons and vowed this would never happen again. Many threw arms around each other and hugged. Some skipped and others cried joyous tears, dancing in the streets, singing gay songs. Nothing dimmed the exultation of triumph. Careah asked very somberly, “Did you lose friends in the battle?”

  “Oh, yes! Many friends, a shepherd, and his entire family. They were the best friends; kind, good-hearted, love for others, and had more hospitality than others. They and others are gone, but their memories remain to guide us wherever we go!”


  It was still warmer than usual even though all fires had died out. Emotions were high, a calm blocked the horror that struck their paradise. Everyone’s mind was flooded with questions. La`no vowed nothing like this would never happen again, “You have my word on it.” He called the radio and TV station and spoke to the tired and weary Ant War veterans, “Let’s all go home. Tomorrow we will do a thorough search to see if there’re any ants left alive. For now, have those who are homeless, go to relatives, friends, and those who care to take them in until their homes are rebuilt. Those who lost their place of employment, salary continues until new business and plants are rebuilt, and
with everyone’s help, we shall overcome.”

  Everyone went to bed and slept deeply with dreams of their victory. A sigh of strong contentment stirred through their country now that it was over. The two little babies rescued went to couples who could not have children. The beastly ants came waging a brutal war. Their brutal acts and all violent destruction will go down in history; this is one history lesson that will linger many years. Not one inhuman, ruthless ant was judged innocent for their treacherous acts. The savage’s verdict was guilty.

  Careah remarked, "I know our Lord will not let those who act inhumanly get away with their barbarous deeds. A righteous sentence was handed out by Careah, Kedar, Aquatic, and Belcanto people. The strong became weak and the weak became strong.

  After surveying all the cities and villages of Hi-Why-O, 10 were completely destroyed, several had serious damage while others were slightly damaged. The other half of Hi-Why-E survived. La`no vowed there will be an army formed and the Sea Service (now their Navy) will be modernized with aircraft. We will use every means to defend ourselves, including nuclear power. Flash spoke up, “We Aquatic’s will form a new fighting force. Since we are mariners, we will be called the Marines. We may need these fighting forces in the new world.”


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