Galactic Satori Chronicles: Kron

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Galactic Satori Chronicles: Kron Page 21

by Nick Braker

  “Mag-” Katerra tried to say.

  The enemy’s face was pale but it now turned a nice pinkish-red. He grinned, enjoying the moment. His enemy was female but that didn’t matter. He had to kill her before she killed him. That was the way of things. Kill or be killed.

  His enemy’s hands instantly lengthened and its fingertips extended into claws. Female or not, she had to die. Her eyes widened in surprise as her features morphed. Her face narrowed and her body stretched slightly, putting her at eye level with him again. It didn’t matter, only killing her did.

  I kill you.

  Her claws slipped between his fingers and her neck. She wrenched his hands free. The female kicked out at him with her right leg. The force of it knocked the wind from him and pushed him back. He reacted, pushing his claws into the floor as he slid. He hit the wall near the steps, back first, but his efforts had slowed him. He leaped off the wall at her, snarling, his strength sending him through the air of Kron’s lower gravity.

  “Die,” he growled.

  That me? What happening?

  “Magnus, how-” the female said.

  She ducked, grabbing his neck and crotch. She shifted her weight and slammed him down to the floor behind her. He wanted to scream out but the force of the impact stunned him. He glared up at her from the floor. He wanted to kill her. It was her or him.

  Kron - Capital City of Citron - Queen’s Stargazing Chamber

  Wednesday, October 28, 1987 - 02:00am


  “You’re not coherent,” Katerra said, stepping around him.

  How can he change to Ryikoda? Did the Aliri do this to him? No, humans are genetically compatible with Kron which means the retrovirus did it... ponder that later, I’ve got to get him under control or he’ll eventually kill me in his current state.

  Magnus rolled to the side, springing to his feet. He leapt at her again. Katerra dove toward the crystal-clear glass wall, letting her shoes fall off. She pushed off to the right, darting in midair toward the stairs, grabbing the edge of the glass wall and letting it carry her around to the other side. Magnus had lunged at her but sailed by swinging wildly. His claws raked through the air, missing her. She barely managed to avoid getting sliced.

  He’s strong but he’s not as quick or fast as I am. Still... I cannot underestimate him. He is Earth’s best. My plan must not fail. I need him alive and now that he has transformed... I have no choice... I kill him or I mate with him.

  “Magnus, stop,” she ordered.

  First, reach out mentally...

  He landed near her private study door. She watched as his claws dug into the floor again, trying to slow his momentum. He slid to a stop pressing his hand against the side of his head.

  There, found him. Next, focus... penetrate his mind... and control him.

  Katerra watched him breathe in deeply, staring at her. Magnus wrenched his eyes away, forcing his gaze downward. He rubbed his head, trying to shake off her control. He was resisting her. She concentrated and her control over him returned. He staggered toward Katerra but then stopped, swinging at an unseen enemy in the air around him. He continued to fight her mental influence. Magnus fell to his knee, striking out once more, his claws slicing through the air.

  He is strong of mind, too. Focus, control him. Push inward.

  Magnus’ lungs filled with air in deep, rhythmic fashion and his shoulders relaxed.

  Success. I’ll have to move my plan up several days but at least he’ll live.

  His eyes looked up from the floor, locking them with hers. He stood, ripping the clothes from his body. Katerra removed her garments, too.

  “I will mate with you, Magnus of Earth.”

  Chapter 16


  Kron - Capital City of Citron

  Wednesday, October 28, 1987 - 03:00am


  Katerra rolled away from Magnus, lying on her back. Her arms flopped to her sides, exhausted. Her chest heaved in and out as her own perspiration dripped from her unclothed body. It hurt to breathe deeply and she strained to get her breath back. The blackness of unconsciousness beckoned her as stars floated at the edges of her vision. Their union had drained her. His uncontrolled strength and animal passion had nearly killed her on several occasions. Her back bled with several cuts lining it from top to bottom. She had lost control of him more than once as he fought to resist her mental influence. No male on Kron could resist the Ryikoda control but Magnus was no ordinary male. He had tried to kill her, clawing her repeatedly before she managed to regain control of him.

  Katerra rolled to her left side using her legs for leverage. She managed to push herself up. Her arms shook from the effort, the stars in her vision returned. A wave of dizziness coursed through her. Katerra’s vision blurred but she succeeded in sitting up, facing toward Magnus. He lay on the floor, unconscious. He had finished mating with her again and the effort had nearly killed both of them. She couldn’t turn her back on him, even for a moment. The Ryikoda form magnified the desire to mate but it also magnified his anger toward her, an anger generated from all of those she had killed and those she had tried to kill. Magnus wanted her dead and reasoning with him now would not work. He couldn’t understand her anyway, not in this form. He had to be trained and that meant finding his triggers. One that activated his Ryikoda form, one that allowed himself to remain coherent and finally, one that would return him to human form. She could help him to discover them but it would be dangerous. For Kron women, training started early, before puberty and before the onset of their ability to change.

  She would have to train him alone. His ability to assume Ryikoda had disrupted her plans. This should be genetically impossible as no male Kron possessed the ability either. Magnus’ transformation had forced her to adjust her schedule. Only Kada knew of her plans. Kada, the commander of her armada, could be trusted but Katerra had assigned Kada the task of leading Kron’s guards to track down, capture and imprison the other humans. As far as Katerra’s people knew, Kada was leading her forces to go after all four humans and Carena. It was a diversion, of sorts, while Katerra led Magnus to her chambers for an unofficial and private talk. She had planned to reason with Magnus. It had failed. He had changed to Ryikoda. How? Genetic manipulation of their species long ago had attempted to give all of Kron a greater chance of survival. Desperation had overshadowed caution and the result was both success and dismal failure. Kron’s geneticists manufactured a virus designed to give their people an increased chance at survival. It worked, partially. The virus strengthened females but it weakened the males. In just two generations, the virus twisted the men of Kron into weaklings and ultimately their culture had turned them into slaves. Centuries of research could not counteract the damage.

  Katerra jerked, tensing as Magnus stirred. When he woke, she would have to try again. He needed to learn the trigger that would allow him to be coherent or the one that returned him to his human state. Either would give her a chance to save his life and possibly her own. If she couldn’t help him soon, she’d have to kill him. She couldn’t keep up this pace. Magnus would best her, eventually. He was healing at an accelerated rate, something his people had done to him. Their technology allowed them to augment their defenders, their warriors, the ones that worked for their World Security Organization.

  Katerra stood, still in her Ryikoda form. She winced, stifling a whimper as the cuts on her back shifted, sending tiny jolts of pain through her. She took a silent breath in, recovering. Katerra ambled toward her computer station table. She kept her eye on Magnus as she grabbed some more food from the tray. She stuffed the food in as fast as she could swallow. This would not end soon even though they were both burning calories at a rate they could not sustain. Her instincts told her she’d be the first to pass out and if that happened, he’d kill her.

  Katerra selected several options on the table’s flattop monitor. One option was to order the computer to lock the room’s doors, quarantining them both insi
de. Only she would be able to unlock them again. If Magnus killed her, he would die shortly after her as his body ate itself trying to sustain the virus’ affect. If she couldn’t break through Magnus’ Ryikoda compulsion, she would have to kill him. If her plan were to succeed, she needed him alive.

  Magnus’ eyes fluttered open and darted around the room. He was trying to make sense of his surroundings. He snarled as he flipped over and sprang to his feet. He sniffed the air, turning to find Katerra moving away from the table.

  “I got you some food,” Katerra said, holding it out to him.

  He sniffed again.

  “Mine,” he said, growling.

  She threw it to him and as it sailed through the air, she held out another piece of food. Magnus caught the first one, pushing it into his mouth and swallowing.

  Control him... find his trigger.

  “Don’t be angry with me, Magnus,” Katerra said. “I want to help you.”

  Magnus couldn’t understand her but her tone would help. She spoke in a soft and soothing fashion. Magnus paused. Indecision lined his face. The fog of her control and the compulsion the Ryikoda form created in him, warred against his fury toward her. Without control, his or hers, he had to mate or he had to kill. The virus’ changes had made him an animal. He operated at an instinctual level and he faced his greatest enemy... the one he wanted most to kill. If her control slipped at the wrong time, he would succeed.

  “I will mate with you, Magnus,” she said again.

  Her words meant nothing to him, it was the mental message of lust and the instinct to mate that he received. She controlled him mentally but only two outcomes were possible. She failed and he killed her or she succeeded and he mated.

  “No,” he screamed, “Kill. For Beth.”

  Beth? Yes, his trigger... perhaps I can use it.

  Magnus lunged for Katerra.

  “Beth.” Katerra said.

  He faltered and stopped in place, shaking his head.

  “Was Beth a good woman?” Katerra asked, emphasizing Beth’s name and backing up.

  Magnus slowed and then hesitated, nodding.

  His love for Beth is one of his triggers. He’s slightly coherent now.

  “Did you love her?”

  He staggered, tears forming at the edges of his eyes. He nodded again.

  “Do you remember the first time you met her?” Katerra asked, preparing to move if his animal side regained control.

  Magnus smiled, nodding again. Katerra knew now that Beth was the key. Her death drove Magnus’ revenge but maybe his love for her could be the key to bringing him back.

  “What about your first kiss? Do you remember that?” she asked.

  His legs shook and he dropped to his knees.

  “Beth,” Magnus said.

  “What did you say to her after your first kiss?”

  “I told her she meant more to me than anything in the world.”

  He’s coherent again.

  “What did she say to that?” Katerra asked.

  Magnus pulled his shoulders back, forcing himself to breathe deeply. He relaxed and a serene look fell over his face. Beth was his trigger. She had to keep him focused on Beth. Magnus needed to shift back to human form before this could end. She needed to find that trigger, too.

  “She told me I was just a big lug and asked if I said that to all the girls.” He chuckled. “Why are you asking me these things?”

  “You aren’t feeling well,” Katerra said. “Stay focused on all the good memories that Beth gave you.”

  “What?” Magnus said, looking around confused. He noticed his hands. He brought them up to examine them. “What the fuck? What is wrong with my hands?”

  “Magnus, focus on the first time you met Beth,” Katerra said. “I promise you, both of our lives depend on it... don’t make me kill you.”

  Katerra regretted her last words as soon as they left her mouth. Her control had slipped and her animal side had surged out. She wanted to kill him, too. Neither of their deaths were part of saving Kron.

  Magnus cocked his head to the side. “You think that I would come this far...” He stood. “Lose so many people close to me...” He stepped toward her. Katerra stepped back a third time, crouching. “Have my world threatened by a murderer...” He increased his pace as Katerra backed up into the wall behind her. “All of it... and you think you can kill me? Bitch, I...” Magnus shook his head, confused again. His animal side was regaining control. “Me kill.”

  He crouched, snarling at her. His stance indicated he planned to lunge at her. Katerra anticipated his move. She looked left, feinting her action in the same direction. He fell for it. She pushed off the wall to her right, jumping up and away from Magnus. His momentum carried him to her left and into the wall.

  Katerra’s lungs heaved, every action compounding her fatigue. She landed, rolling farther away. She came up standing and spun to face him. Blood covered her naked body. Her injuries added to her exhaustion and the loss of blood would take its toll. This had to end. She staggered and the room spun. It lasted only a moment but it was enough for Magnus to reach her. He wrapped his clawed hands around her neck again. His brows furrowed and he started to squeeze.

  “Magnus,” she screamed. “Beth loved you.”

  Katerra put her claws deep into his wrists, cutting them open. His grip loosened but didn’t break. She struggled to breathe but at least she could. He nodded again, automatically answering her statement.

  “Would Beth approve?” Katerra managed to say. His grip increased. “Would she still love you? We were all played.”

  Control... penetrate his mind...

  His brow furrowed and his eyes closed. Was it working? He seemed confused by her words.

  “Stop,” he growled.

  Control him...

  His clawed hands dropped to his sides and he licked his lips at her. She smiled at him, lowering her head.

  There we go...

  Katerra reached for him, extending her hands out. He stepped in, wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed her. She pulled him closer, returning the passion with her fervent kisses. She enjoyed it. Their bodies pressed together. She marveled again at his strength as he took the lead, pushing her to the floor. She wrapped her legs around him, losing herself in their sexual attraction. Nothing else mattered. Her mind wandered to the peace she felt only when she projected through space into the mind of another being. An epiphany occurred to her. She felt peace here with Magnus. How was that possible? Her people would not understand, so how did she find it so easy?

  “Magnus,” she moaned, “please, don’t stop.”

  Kron - Capital City of Citron - Queen’s Stargazing Chamber

  Wednesday, October 28, 1987 - 08:00am


  She woke, lying on her back. Had she passed out? Her eyes opened wide and her heart leapt to her throat. Magnus stood over her. She swallowed, staring up at him.

  “Die, bitch,” he said, glaring down at her.

  Magnus brought his heel down on her forehead, crushing it. Katerra screamed. She jerked awake, sitting up.

  A dream? I do not dream and I certainly do not fear dying.

  Blood and sweat covered her. She scanned the room. Her clothes lay on the floor near the glass wall partition. Magnus lay prone on the floor behind her, sleeping. She instinctively started to jerk away from him but she noticed he was human again. How? What had happened? She shifted to her knees, sitting on her heels. His breathing was slow and deep. Red marks streaked across his back and he bled in several places. She had done it to him but she had no memory of it. Did they both pass out?

  “Magnus,” she whispered.

  He didn’t move. She raised her voice, shaking his shoulder.

  “Magnus,” she repeated.

  “Huh?” he mumbled, rolling over toward her and onto his back.

  Magnus winced and then his eyes fluttered open. He paused and then rolled over the rest of the way, facing her. Katerra returned to sitting
on her heels. They stared at each other, not speaking for several moments.

  “Was it you in Amanda’s body?” he asked, breaking the silence.

  She straightened her back. “Yes, I wanted to-”

  “Kill me?” he asked.

  “At the time, I still believed you were a threat. I-”

  “Yeah, yeah, you changed your mind,” he said. “You mentioned that already.”

  Magnus propped his head up on his hand, laying on his side.

  “You’re still naked,” she reminded him.

  His clothes were scattered around the room.

  “And?” he said, smirking.

  “It’s distracting.”

  “I noticed,” he said, eying her body.

  “Okay,” Katerra said, “enough of that.”

  Her heart beat faster. What was wrong with her? She did what she did for the future of Kron, nothing more. So why did it take all her resolve to keep her eyes off him? Did humans possess similar abilities to force mating? Was he in her mind, manipulating her?

  “Fine,” Magnus said, standing.

  He retrieved what remained of his clothes. Katerra watched him as he gathered them. He dressed as he moved about the room. Magnus picked up her clothes and brought them to her. She stood, taking her clothes and slipping them on.

  “Earth beings say thank you when someone does something nice for them,” he said.

  “Interesting custom,” she said, pulling her top over her head. “We should eat instead.”

  Katerra walked past him, stopping short of the table. It was bare. They had eaten all the food and the tray was across the room near the door, bent in half.

  “Looks like you made a mess,” Magnus said. “What happened?”

  Katerra ignored him.

  “Computer,” she said.


  “Release the quarantine.”


  “Quarantine?” Magnus asked.

  She already knew humans did not think like the Kron. Would he understand her thoughts on the matter? How would he take it? She paused. Why did she even care what he thought regarding her actions? She needed rest. Under normal circumstances, Katerra never slept but sustaining her Ryikoda form and the battle with Magnus had left her mentally and physically drained. She didn’t care what he thought.


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