Galactic Satori Chronicles: Kron

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Galactic Satori Chronicles: Kron Page 31

by Nick Braker

  “I do not take pleasure in my challenge but our queen has lost her way. She is ill and can no longer rule us.”

  So, that was her story, Forasia avoided mentioning the real reason why she had challenged Katerra. Why? Was she hoping to protect her queen’s legacy and fight her honorably within their customs? It made sense to Magnus but it didn’t add up. Perhaps Forasia’s challenge wasn’t motivated by a desire for power or her xenophobic hatred of other species. Her concern that the people of Kron not know the real reason would only protect Katerra’s legacy. Did Forasia have something to gain by not mentioning it? If she did, Magnus couldn’t discern it.

  “Her pregnancy to the male Jirnil has caused her irrevocable harm. Her health has failed and she lingers close to death. If my words are in malice and filled with lies, our queen could come forward to correct me. People of Kron, she cannot come forward and she cannot lead us as a result.” Forasia’s speech was a good one and it played out masterfully. “We are at war. We cannot be without a leader and yet we must endure. I do not strive for power but only to help you, your families and Kron survive against the vermin that seek to commit genocide against us. I will work tirelessly to fight for you.” Forasia raised her fist and stared at Magnus. “Death to the Aliri and those that oppose us.”

  Forasia had planned this and her execution was flawless. Katerra could not speak to the people of Kron even if she tried. The children’s telepathic thoughts clouded Katerra’s and the emotions they poured into her through the link could not be contained. Any attempt to speak with her so far had failed. Katerra didn’t care for anything but the wellness of her children. It had reached the level of psychotic as she remained on the dais of the nurturing pools alongside her children. She left them only during short, random windows when they all slept at the same time. Katerra had no choice but to have someone fight for her. She had chosen Magnus and now he would have to speak for her. Forasia continued.

  “Our queen is ill and cannot fight for herself. She—”

  Manushri placed a hand on the back of Forasia, low enough that the crowd below could not see it.

  “Enough,” Manushri whispered.

  Magnus felt certain Forasia had planned to say something else but she recovered quickly and continued.

  “She has been good to all of us. It is with a heavy heart that I must do this.”

  The crowd roared in approval. Forasia stepped back. The camera was now on him and she gave Magnus an unseen snarl. Manushri nodded to Magnus, giving him the stage. The crowd stirred in response as he stepped forward. They jeered and raised their fists in the air against him.

  “People of Kron, clearly I am not of your world. I am a human from Earth. I ask that you accept me as an ambassador to your world. It is true that your queen is ill but she will recover. Katerra is the strongest queen that Kron has ever known. Her reign will not end here and she has asked me to convey her best to you. Do not forget what she alone has accomplished during her service to you.” Magnus paused to take a breath and choose his words carefully. “Yes, I will fight for her as I’m sure many of you would if asked by your queen. She has chosen me as her champion and I will honor her to my death. I have come to respect and admire your queen. She has nothing but your wellbeing within her heart. Wasn’t it Katerra that brought you the very weapon the vermin used against you?” Magnus’ reference to the Aliri would help shift their hatred against him to the Aliri but nothing could overcome it. “Wasn’t it Katerra who devised a plan to destroy the multi-phased probes that spied upon your planet? Probes that watched and recorded your every move?” Manushri placed her hand on Magnus’ back. He would have to cut his speech short. Manushri made sure that neither side would use the podium as a weapon. “She will not stop in her efforts to protect all of you.” Magnus raised his fist. “Long live Katerra and long live Kron.”

  How the hell did this happen? I’m fighting for Kron.

  Magnus stepped back as the crowd roared equally loud as it had for Forasia. Their roar was mixed now. Some of them cheered while others stood fast against him. Manushri took a step forward to address the people of Kron again.

  “The challenger, Forasia, has chosen the number of champions for the first battle. She has chosen only one. I repeat. Only one champion will fight for Forasia in the first battle. This will leave her five champions for the final two fights.”

  Manushri turned to confirm the choice with Forasia. Forasia nodded in confirmation.

  “Magnus of Earth. Have you chosen the locale?” Manushri asked.

  “We will fight here in this arena,” he said.

  Manushri nodded, repeating his words to the crowd and those watching across the planet.

  “Forasia,” Manushri said, “your opponent has chosen this very arena for the first battle. Who will represent you?”

  Forasia leaned forward and whispered into Manushri’s ear.

  “Forasia has picked Gannadi of the house of Merak,” Manushri said, addressing the people of Kron. “The battle will commence immediately. Gannadi, Magnus, make your way to the arena.”

  Manushri turned away from the crowd. “Magnus, the guards at the end of the hall will escort you to the arena.” Magnus stopped to watch Forasia walk away but returned his attention to Manushri, who had paused. She locked eyes with Magnus. “I wish you well, human. If you must, you may say goodbye to your people. I have arranged for it. They are below near the arena entrance.”

  Manushri offered Magnus all the deference she dared. Her kindness was offered in private and she certainly wanted no one else to be the wiser.

  “I see,” he said, nodding understanding to her.

  The guards motioned him to follow.

  “Thank you,” Magnus said, bowing to her.

  I think.

  Kron - Citron

  Monday, November 30, 1987 - 05:20pm


  A large arched corridor of solid metal led to the arena ahead. The metal was smooth and free of rivets and solder. The area smelled different, like damp dirt and dust. The crowd roared outside generating a cacophony of sound tunneling through the corridor. Magnus opponent had entered the arena from the other building.

  Several doors lined the corridor but all of them were closed. The two female guards motioned him to wait and they moved to the arena’s entrance ahead of him. He stood in the middle of the corridor alone. A door to Magnus’ right opened and Varuuk motioned him inside. Magnus entered and Varuuk shut the door. The small room contained a table, chairs and an array of food and drink, none of which had been touched.

  “Are you really going through with this?” Ruth asked.

  Magnus jerked his head to the right, seeing Giselle and Joannah. They rushed Magnus, hugging him. Ruth remained standing behind the two women. Ruth was on the other side of the room, her arms folded across her chest, glaring at him.

  “Are you really doing this?” Giselle asked.

  “Yeah, Magnus. Seriously?” Joannah said.

  Magnus sighed, shaking his head.

  “Do any of you have a better plan?” he asked. “Look, we’ve already discussed this. I have no choice and if I win, Katerra retains control.”

  “You don’t know if you can trust her, damn it,” Ruth said. “Do you really want to put Earth’s fate in the hands of that crazy bitch?”

  Ruth’s comment bothered Magnus. How much did she know about Katerra’s state? Was it just an insult or did she know more? He wanted to tell her how much he trusted her and why, but he knew where that would lead. He took a deep breath, holding back what he wanted to say.

  “Well?” Ruth demanded. “Tell me how this ends well for Earth.”

  “I don’t have much time,” he said, ignoring her. “I might not get through this and if I don’t... Giselle, Joannah,” he said, hugging both of them. “Look after each other and tell Li that I will miss her, too.”

  They both nodded, crying. As Giselle hugged him, she whispered in his ear. “She’s really pissed. Be careful. I’ve never seen her
like this.”

  “Let’s leave these two lovebirds alone, shall we?” Joannah said, trying to lift all their spirits.

  “Fuck you, Joannah,” Ruth said. “Do any of you really think we’re going to get back home? We’re dead no matter who wins.”

  Joannah raised her eyebrows and whistled softly. Varuuk escorted them outside. Ruth didn’t move, continuing to glare at him. Tears poured down her face.

  “You are the dumbest, most arrogant son of a—”

  “Ruth,” he yelled, cutting her off. “I have no choice. I’m playing the odds. If I win, Katerra wins and maybe Earth wins but if Forasia wins, I assure you she—”

  “You—” Ruth said, stopping herself. “You—”

  What was she holding back? This wasn’t like her. Did she know something? Magnus stepped toward her but she put a hand up, pushing him back.

  “You arrogant bastard,” Ruth said. “They’re all playing you. If you win, six people die along with their families... not that I’m terribly concerned about that and, on the flip side, we die because Katerra won’t need us anymore... and if Forasia wins, she’ll have us all executed. Let’s see, that means we’re damned if we do and damned if we don’t.”

  “You have an option?” he asked.

  Ruth looked down, crying even more. She finally tried to wipe the tears from her face.

  “No,” she said, “there is no option where we all live. I have no choice.”


  “Get the fuck out,” Ruth said. “I’ll save my team and Earth without you.”

  “What the hell are you talking about? Don’t go off half—”

  “Fine, if you won’t leave, I will,” Ruth said.

  Ruth pushed past him and walked through the door. He knew better than to try and stop her when she got like that. Magnus followed her out to see her motion the other two that they were leaving. Six Kron guards surrounded them, escorting the trio away.

  Varuuk remained motionless standing next to Magnus.

  “What have I done, Varuuk?” he asked, staring at his retreating team.

  Varuuk moved closer to Magnus.

  “Gannadi has a weak left side defense,” Varuuk whispered.

  Varuuk bowed to Magnus and walked away. Magnus’ mouth would have dropped open but he recovered quickly enough to stop himself. Varuuk had never spoken a word in his presence before that moment and his first words were advice on killing his opponent.

  What the hell is going on?

  Chapter 27


  Kron - Citron

  Monday, November 30, 1987 - 05:25pm


  Magnus approached the arena entrance. The spectators, seated around the arena floor, jeered at him as he stepped out. A layer of loose dirt covered the hard ground. It reminded him of the surface outside the prison facility, well, if it were solid black and lethal. The light brown layer reacted like powder as he stepped on it. From the platform above where Manushri had made the announcement, the arena had looked huge but from where he stood now, it was immense. The place was too large for a battle between two humanoids. Had it once been used for mammoth sized creatures?

  The dome above him was hundreds of feet high and completely encased the area. Both buildings rose from the ground and pierced the large dome on both sides. Magnus noticed someone approaching from the other building. It had to be his opponent. He walked toward her as Manushri’s face appeared high above him, projecting once again into the center of the dome.

  “The Baal-Shir ceremony has long been used to settle any disputes of leadership. Today, our hearts and minds will be focused on the future of the people of Kron. Gannadi of the house Merak and Magnus of Earth will fight for the honor of serving us and protecting our futures. May the best champion win.”

  Only a hundred feet separated him from Gannadi. He watched her transform, grinning. Magnus had spoken with Katerra during one of her lucid moments and they had both agreed that he should not reveal his ability to transform into Ryikoda. The outcry and confusion could throw Kron’s culture into turmoil. How could a male from Earth possess the ability and yet not one single Kron male for several centuries change to Ryikoda? It would be too much. Magnus would have to fight her in his normal form and restrain his emotions to prevent it from happening by accident.

  Gannadi didn’t waste any time. She circled to the right. Magnus followed suit. They both vied for an opening, gaging each other. Gannadi kept her arms slightly spread and her fingers wide a part. Her claws extended from her finger tips about three inches. Magnus would have to avoid those claws. They would shred him. Magnus noticed her stance as she kept her weight on the balls of her feet, balanced to move in any direction. She knew how to fight.

  Katerra and Magnus had discussed strategies and had concluded Forasia would send her weakest champion to fight Magnus alone for the first round. It appeared their prediction was accurate. Forasia wanted to assess her enemy and Gannadi was just a tool. Gannadi lunged for him, feinting an attack. He took a quick step back preparing to defend himself. She laughed.

  “Nervous, human?” Gannadi asked.

  “Cautious,” Magnus said.

  Her circle grew tighter. Gannadi wanted to get closer. She wanted to use her claws and Magnus knew he couldn’t allow that.

  “Get it over with,” Magnus said.

  Gannadi raised an eyebrow, nodding. She lunged for him. Her right arm raised high, slashing downward at Magnus. He recognized the move. It was another feint. Her real attack would come from her left claws. She wanted to gut him. Magnus blocked Gannadi’s feint. He stepped left and twisted his body right. Gannadi’s left claws missed, throwing her off balance. She had tried to thrust them into his abdomen. Magnus brought his left elbow across his body and jerked it back into her face. The bone and cartilage in her nose shattered. Gannadi’s head snapped back. Her eyes rolled. He had stunned her. Magnus followed with a simple punch to Gannadi’s throat, shifting all his weight into it. His knuckles smashed her larynx and her throat caved inward.

  Gannadi stepped back, still standing. She clutched her throat. Her eyes were wide open in surprise. She couldn’t force air in or out of her lungs. She knew she had lost. Death would not be quick. She would suffocate. Gannadi stood upright and lowered her arms to her side. She stared at Magnus. Gannadi nodded at him. She wanted him to kill her quickly. She turned away from him as he stepped close and put his arm around her neck. He grabbed her chin and jerked her head around. Her neck snapped and she dropped.

  Magnus stared at the alien woman at his feet. Death followed him everywhere. Alien or human, it didn’t matter. He brought it with him. He screamed inside. His logic told him it was his death or hers but his heart twisted in his chest. He had killed again.

  He looked up finally noticing the quiet in the arena. The people of Kron stared at him, horror on their faces. He had murdered one of their own and ritual or not, he could see their hatred and shock.

  “Magnus of Earth wins,” Manushri said. Her voice constricted but it did not falter. “He will choose the time of the next battle. Both battles must occur within five days. That will be all.”

  The people in the stands rose and proceeded to leave. Two women guards approached him and stood on each side of Magnus.

  “We will escort you,” one of them said.

  He took one last look at Gannadi, turned and followed the two Kron guards.

  Kron - Citron

  Saturday, December 5, 1987 - 11:00am


  Manushri’s face was seen on every monitor in every city all over Kron. Her imaged projected in the arena and into their homes. The fate of the people of Kron rested in the ritual and all were presented the opportunity to watch. It had been almost five days and Magnus had intentionally chosen this moment for the second battle. His strategy depended on it and now they all waited on Forasia’s response. She had that luxury and chose to wait until the last minute to announce the number of champions. Forasia took full advantage
of it.

  “I choose one champion for the next fight,” Forasia said.

  Magnus cursed inwardly. Choosing one champion meant there would be four in the last fight. Forasia was stacking the odds heavily in her favor. She was allowed six champions to the queen’s one. Magnus’ first fight was a test and the second one could be considered a throwaway fight for Forasia. She probably hoped her champion would win it but if not, Magnus would face four Ryikoda females at one time in the final contest. Katerra had anticipated this but neither of them had come up with a strategy that would stack the odds in Magnus’ favor. Four Ryikoda, attacking him at the same time meant certain death. Was this how the previous Baal-Shir rituals had been fought? He shrugged inwardly. For now, he only had to worry about one opponent and because Forasia had chosen only one, he decided to go ahead with his plan.

  “Magnus of Earth. Where will the battle take place?” Manushri asked.

  The choice was an easy one. Magnus needed an edge to fight four opponents in the last battle. He had proposed to Katerra the tactic of fighting on Kron’s only moon. The gravity was lighter and without a breathable atmosphere, the two champions would have to fight in environmental suits that would prevent his opponent from using her claws.

  Magnus planned to learn as much as he could while fighting his next opponent. Several martial art techniques that were deeply ingrained in muscle memory during his life’s training would not help him on Kron or Kron’s moon. He hoped this applied to the Ryikoda females, too. Magnus would have to learn on the go and that was his plan. If he could adapt fast enough, he’d have an edge over the four he planned to fight immediately after this one. It was a desperation move on his part but it was all he had. Magnus hoped that none of the four he faced in the third contest would be familiar with their moon’s lighter gravity.

  Magnus would draw out his current fight and focus as much as possible on how high to jump or what angle he’d need to lean into in order to punch or kick his opponent. He planned to find out how far he could throw Forasia’s champion from a grapple move and how quickly he could get to his feet afterward. He had to win this fight and prepare for the final one that would pit him against four of them. He needed this edge, as small as it was. It was all he had.


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